适用于MetaTrader 5的EA交易和指标 - 74

TrendFollowing is an multi-currency scanner that just indicates where to buy/sell: Abilities: Opens up the chart automatically with and arrow indicating where to take action. Send the signal to a telegram channel, see @fx_signal_com channel to get the idea. Configuration: No need to configure "Market Watch". Open a chart and attach the scanner to it. Trading Rules: Use only buystop/sellstop orders above/below arrow on the chart. Delete the pending order if price retraces below/above the moving

Critical Trading, Omni-Channel This indicator lets you create a unique channel from a base type and a range type. Channels are great for spotting over-extensions or the start of new trends. With an ever changing market it is important to create your own edge in the market that no one else has. Let Omni-Channel add to your unique trading strategy. Please contact criticaltrading@outlook.com for more info or advice on adding any other functionality.

This indicator idea comes from Tushar Chande called Qstick.
Technical indicators quantify trend direction and strength in different ways.
One way is to use the difference between close and open for each bar and to sum it up over a period of time.
The formual is:
Qstick (period ) = Average ((close-open ), period )
In this indicator, we can choose how to calculate body by two famous chart types. The first and default indicator settings are based on Heiken Ashi chart, and the second is based

This script exports the economic calendar from MT5 as a .csv-file into the common directory of the terminal (...\Terminal\Common\Files). The generated file news.csv is necessary for using the news filter in back testing the Range Breakout Day Trader EA.
Input parameters: Country 1-9: Country from which the news will be exported Date from: Start date from which the calendar data will be exported Date to: End date to which the calendar data will be exported
This script uses the built-in calendar

Down load all the historic ticks data from a pair. Just load the EA to a graph, give it time to download all the data ticks and wait for the messages to appear as downloaded in the terminal. Once its downloaded, the data will appear in MQL5/Files folder as "ticks_data_XXXX.csv". where XXXX is the symbol from whom you just downloaded the data. You can use this data as input for a python file for ONNX or what ever you want or need. For big pairs, the data is Gb big.

This utility identifies certain candle open times on chart, this can help you to see your favorite candle open and use it as it fits in your strategy. This tool is very useful for intraday charting and indicating your sessions. ___________________________________________________________________________________
Disclaimer: Do NOT trade or invest based upon the analysis presented on this channel. Always do your own research and due diligence before investing or trading. I’ll never tell you what

For those who use the Trading Arrows on the chart for later study, but use the Triple Screen approach and got all those arrows everywhere on all additional charts, here it is: Arrows Cleaner! Just drop it on the chart and leave it there. When needed, just with 1-click you get rid of all those annoying arrows...
SETTINGS You can position the little Button on any corner of the chart. Additionally you can displace it with the Offset settings. You can enlarge or shrink its size, as well as the text

TradeCopier is an application for automated copying of trades for different accounts in MetaTrader 5 terminal with flexible rules of filtering and modification. With TradeCopier, copying, filtering and transformation of trades are realized and processed via the server . It means that copying trades is possible within one or several computers. How can you boost your trading results with TradeCopier? Your convenience and speed Average speed of copying: 100 ms Working with MetaTrader 5 Working with

KF CROSS 3MA "Contact support for assistance and Download ALL PRODUCTS FREE TRAIL VERSION"
This indicator show the collision points of moving averages in a separate window. so we will have a solitude chart. Features indicator: Show alert in Meta Trade Send notification to mobile Adjustable 3 MA (Fast-Middle-Slow) Can be used on all symbols Can be used in all time frames
Attention, the application does not work in the strategy tester
You can download the Demo version on the comments page : h

Dynamic Indicator --> YKL_DinDX Dynamic Indicator that creates a Band based on the distance from moving average specified by the user. The indicator considers the period entered by the user in order to calculate the average distance from moving average, creating an upper band and a lower band. This indicator is utilized by EA YKL_Scalper, version 2.0 or superior.

Hi you, I need your help! Be my Patron, let's make it possible!
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Esse Expert Advisor copia os dados("symbol,last,bid,ask") dos ativos que foram colocados na lista e só funciona enquanto o mercado esta aberto.
Esse EA não é um link DDE ou RTD, as informações não são passadas em tempo real ao excel. O EA tem um delay de 30 segundos e o Excel tem um delay de 1 minuto.
A vantagem desse EA é que ele dispensa o

To calculate strength of currencies and to show in table There is 1 parameter: . Show recommended pairs: true/false -> To show top 1 of strong and weak currency Tips to trade: . To trade only with strongest vs weakest currency . When H1, M30, M15, M5 of specific currency is up or down -> consider to open BUY/SELL . It can combine: + strongest currency vs weakest currency + strongest currency vs 2nd weakest currency + 2nd strongest currency vs weakest currency

JCRC风险控制EA 1.显示账户信息 姓名、账号、净入金 余额、净值、持仓 日收益(收益率) 周、月、总收益(收益率) 2.风险控制模块,选择性 按净值风控、按百分比风控,默认全都关闭,自行调整。 ①选择性启动:日熔断,昨日结算余额计算当日比例,浮亏达到,则立即强制平仓,今日不得交易,第二交易日恢复交易。 ②启动风控直接开启本金强平机制:本金回撤直接强制平仓,作为风控第三方后台,通知该交易员,账号已经冻结,不得交易。 ③按净值强平,到达则强平。 可以定制风控,日熔断比例,本金回撤比例,可以作为第三方风控,监管旗下交易员。禁止权力绕过制度,给个人或团队公司造成重大的损失。 备注:如需帮助联系邮箱:1093573090@qq.com

The 4xtradingllc Panel allows you to enter sells and buys in a quick manner as well as close all trades at once. The panel also has a account protector that will close all trades once the protector has been hit.
You can attached this utility to most indicators and combine the two to have your indicator fully functioning as well as the panel to buy sell and close trades quickly and protect the account from losing X percentage.

Индикатор Color служит помощником для начинающего или опытного трейдера для выявления краткосрочного тренда или глобального в зависимости выбранного тайм фрейма, а так же для выявления флетовой зоны, которая очень хорошо видна в местах длинной проторговки в одной зоне индикатора Color. Индикатор не перерисовывается на завершённой свечи , но в моменте появления свечи и образования сигнала, может быть отклонён в прорисовке. Особенности работы индикатора Хорошо определяет тренд на волатильных инстр

Möchten Sie Ihre Gewinne maximieren, um Ihre Ziele schneller zu erreichen? Denn schauen Sie sich unser Volumenprofil genauer an. Denn die grafische Darstellung der Volumenverteilung macht es Ihnen leicht, die Verteilung und Verschiebung des Gesamtvolumens zu erkennen. Dies führt zweifellos zu besseren Trades und steigert Ihre Leistung erheblich. Mit unserem leistungsstarken Volumenprofil, das die Geschwindigkeit und Effizienz von Metatrader 5 in keiner Weise einschränkt, können Sie das tatsächl

Blind Broker System 的唯一目的是隐藏您的交易计划并让您的经纪人看不到它们。如果您真的想让他“盲目”并确保他对您的止损水平、交易量、获利水平一无所知提前,只需使用此交易机器人。
Blind Broker System 是另一种管理订单的系统。
不同之处在于,所有通过 Blind Broker System 提交的订单不是写入经纪人的服务器,而是写入程序的内存。
经纪人仅在市场订单发生时收到市场订单请求 - 仅此而已。
注意! 正确操作需要不间断电源,建议使用 VPS(虚拟专用服务器)。
DEMO VERSION就像一辆汽车,但里面没有引擎。你可以上车,触摸方向盘,测试内饰的舒适度——但你不能开车。

MovingInWL Expert Advisor 旨在在达到某个预定利润水平时将未平仓头寸的止损移至无亏损。 顾问设置说明: MagicNumber - 订单标识符 LevelProfit - 位置必须达到的利润水平,以点为单位,以便将其止损移动到没有损失的水平。 LevelWLoss - 不亏损的点数水平,当其盈利达到 LevelProfit 点数 水平后,止损头寸将转移到该水平。 MovingInWL Expert Advisor 旨在在达到某个预定利润水平时将未平仓头寸的止损移至无亏损。 顾问设置说明: MagicNumber - 订单标识符 LevelProfit - 位置必须达到的利润水平,以点为单位,以便将其止损移动到没有损失的水平。 LevelWLoss - 不亏损的点数水平,当其盈利达到 LevelProfit 点数 水平后,止损头寸将转移到该水平。

A utility for automatically detecting the GMT offset of your broker To use the utility, place it in the Scripts folder of the terminal data directory, enable WebRequest in the terminal settings and add the address https://www.worldtimeserver.com/ to the list of allowed ones. Run the Check GMT script on the chart with any currency pair There is only one setting in the script: site = https://www.worldtimeserver.com/ just for your convenience. Copy this address from the sc

Move TakeProfit - 使用说明 如何使用 拖放 点击并拖动脚本到您想要设置新的 TakeProfit 水平的图表上。 在您想要的价格水平释放脚本。 确认弹窗 释放脚本后,将弹出确认窗口。 它将显示被修改的仓位数量和确切的 TakeProfit 价格。 点击“是”确认,或点击“否”取消。 自动更新 TakeProfit 如果确认,脚本将为当前图表上的所有未平仓订单更新 TakeProfit。 如果某个订单没有 TakeProfit,脚本会自动添加一个到所选价格。 位置验证 脚本确保 买单 (BUY) 的 TakeProfit 高于 进场价格。 卖单 (SELL) 的 TakeProfit 低于 进场价格。 如果 TakeProfit 位置无效,脚本将显示错误并取消操作。 处理经纪商限制 某些经纪商要求 TakeProfit 与当前市场价格之间有最小距离。 如果 TakeProfit 设定过近,服务器可能会拒绝它。 发生这种情况时,脚本将显示错误信息,说明无法移动 TakeProfit 的原因。 完成消息 最终消息将确认成功更新的订单数量。

The TradeHistoryParsing is a utility for working with the trade history obtained from the MetaTrader 5 terminal. The product is based on the " RegularExpressions in MQL5 " library. It allows to quickly get the required data on your trading history. The filtering results are displayed as a table, a summary of mathematical statistics is provided below the table.
Working with the tool Export the trade report as an html file and place it into the "sandbox". After that, when launching the EA, specif

candlestick time it a useful indicator ,it help to keep you alert with the candlestick time ,how far to be completed at the chosen period , it help to keep you patience which is a biggest thing that holds trades down ,try it to improve you way of trading. it work on any broker any time frame and any symbol. you can customize the color on input. it can work on multiple timeframe. Thank you !

FractalEfficiencyIndicator A ratio between 0 and 1 with the higher values representing a more efficient or trending market, It is used in the calculation of Perry J. Kaufman Adaptive Moving Average (KAMA), dividing the price change over a period by the absolute sum of the price movements that occurred to achieve that change. The Fractal Efficiency or also known as Efficiency Ratio was first published by Perry J. Kaufman in his book ‘Smarter Trading‘. This is mostly considered a filter for v

Displays symbol tabs for easy access when trading, symbols that are coloured are symbols you have trades running on.
The indicator immediately shows the specified currency pair in the open window after clicking it. You no longer need to open a new window to view each chart thanks to the indicator. Additionally, it enables traders to concentrate on their trading approach by just keeping a small number of charts displayed.

当前符号清除所有止损和止盈 一个快速高效的工具,可移除当前符号所有头寸的止损和止盈水平。告别手动操作——该脚本只需几秒钟即可完成所有任务! 优点: 目标管理: 仅清除当前符号的止损和止盈,不影响其他资产。这对于拥有多头寸的交易者尤为有用。 快速且方便: 只需点击一次,即可清除所选符号的所有止损和止盈水平。 灵活应用: 无论是专注于单一工具的交易者,还是同时管理多个资产的用户都能轻松适应。 如何工作: 只需运行脚本,它会自动检查当前符号的所有头寸。如果发现设置了止损或止盈,它会立即将其移除。其他符号的头寸将保持不变。 适用人群: 需要快速调整单一工具的交易者。 管理多个资产但希望选择性控制头寸的用户。 所有重视自动化和高效交易管理的人。 立即免费下载 ,摆脱不必要的日常任务! 此外,还有一个脚本可以同时删除 所有活跃工具的止损和止盈 。目前可以免费从 此 链 接 下载。 别忘了为我的努力留下一个好评! 您的反馈是我创造更多有用工具的动力。谢谢!

当前符号关闭所有头寸 一个简单可靠的脚本,用于关闭当前符号上的所有头寸。它消除了繁琐的工作并节省宝贵的时间。 优势: 仅关注当前资产: 脚本仅关闭选定符号的交易,不影响其他头寸。 快速且方便: 一次运行即可在几秒钟内关闭所有头寸。 适用于任何策略: 适合处理多个头寸或专注于单一资产的用户。 安全性: 逐一处理头寸并记录错误,确保完全控制。 工作原理: 在您的MetaTrader 5终端中运行脚本。 脚本会自动找到当前符号的所有未结头寸。 一键关闭所有交易,其它资产保持不变。 适合谁使用此工具? 需要快速关闭单一符号头寸的交易者。 使用短期策略并注重效率的用户。 想节省时间并专注于重要决策的人。 我创建的其他工具: 清除 当前 符号 的 所有 止 损 和 止 盈
一个脚本,用于删除选定符号上的所有止损和止盈。 清除 所有 符号 的 所有 止 损 和 止 盈
用于同时删除所有符号上的SL和TP的工具。 StopAndTake
管理止损和止盈水平的基本工具。 当前 资产 平均 成本 (简化 版)
一个经济实惠的解决方案,用于计算当前符号头寸的平均成本。 当前 资产 平均 成本 (高级

When creating, modifying and moving a trend line, two anchor points will be selected: high / low, open / close, median or weighted from the candlestick prices.
For high / low, open / close, if the anchor point is above the candlestick, the upper price will be taken, below the candlestick - the lower one. If the point is inside the candlestick, then if the first point is higher than the second, then the first one goes up, the second goes down. Conversely, if the second is higher than the first.

The Reversal Area EA is designed to identify likely price ranges for price to turn from. This EA is used in conjunction with other EA's that I developed and serves as filtering tool to keep from entering too early. The overall idea is to be a seller above the green line. A buyer below the green line for the buy version. The second thing to keep in mind is time. When price fluctuate over the course of a few days and move further below this zone (long bias) it offers greater likelihood of setting

如果产品有任何问题或者您需要在此产品上添加功能,请联系我 Contact/message me if you encounter any issue using the product or need extra feature to add on the base version.
Session TakeProfit StopLoss is basically helping to set the take profit and stop loss in dollar for the total open orders (session). Once the total profit is greater than session_tp or less than session_sl, the EA will help to close all open orders acting similarly to a take profit/stop loss for a single order.
Inputs session_tp: session take profit ses

To download MT4 version please click here . This is the exact conversion from TradingView: "RSI versus SMA" By "JayRogers". This indicator lets you read the buffers for all Lines on chart. Note: This is an indicator, Not an expert. Meaning It does not take trades. If you want the EA please contact via message. You can easily use the indicator to understand the logic behind trades that the TradingView strategy takes. The strategy is profitable if this indicator is applied to the right symbol at

GOOD GOLD AI MT5 designed specifically for trading gold. GOOD GOLD AI MT5 EA IS THE BEST GOLD EXPERT ADVISER IN THE MARKET TODAY NO NEED TO DO ANY SETTINGS ON THE PARAMETERS JUST CHOOSE THE LOT SIZE Limited price $350 is only for 10 first sales. After 10 sales, the price will be raised +$100. Final price for Good Gold AI MT5 $1200 STARTING FROM 1 JANUARY 2025

"Statistics by magic pro" is a program that provides statistics after entering a magic number. You can simultaneously track up to 10 statistics for different magic numbers in one chart window. The program is very easy to use. The program should be run on any free chart. In the EDIT field on the chart, you should enter the magic number. Entering "0" will erase the statistics in that window. The operation of the program can be stopped by selecting the statistics off option. After selecting it, the

Introducing the VXN Indicator
Discount code for 25% off at Darwinex Zero: DWZ2328770MGM Your ultimate ally in navigating the volatile seas of the Nasdaq-100 Index. Designed for traders who demand precision and reliability, the VXN Indicator provides real-time insights into market sentiment and potential price swings. With the VXN Indicator, you can: Predict Volatility : Gain a competitive edge by anticipating market movements with accuracy. Optimize Strategies : Fine-tune your trading strategi

Track the historical outcome of your options operations on your favorite asset. It works for any asset in the spot market that has authorized option series on B3 (Brazilian stock exchange). Associate the robot with the asset you want to record and monitor its operation history and results. How to use the robot: 1. Enter historical data for your operations: Purchases and sales of the asset Purchases and sales of options on the asset Received dividends Cash inflows and outflows 2. Monitor the rea

指标为专业的数据统计,持仓订单,历史订单分析->>>>>> <本版本为中文本->英文版请移驾>
交易实用必备工具指标 波浪自动计算指标,通道趋势交易 完美的趋势-波浪自动计算通道计算 , MT4版本 完美的趋势-波浪自动计算通道计算 , MT5版本 本地跟单复制交易 Easy And Fast Copy , MT4版本 Easy And Fast Copy , MT5版本 本地跟单复制交易 模拟试用 Easy And Fast Copy , MT4 模拟账号运行 Easy And Fast Copy , MT5 模拟账号运行 强烈推荐趋势指标, 波浪的标准自动计算 和 波浪的标准自动计算MT5版本
合作QQ:556024" 合作wechat:556024" 合作email:556024@qq.com" 专业EA指标定制编写.

The MAtrio indicator displays three moving averages on any timeframe at once with a period of 50-day, 100-day, 200-day. After attaching to the chart, it immediately displays three moving averages with the parameters of simple (SMA) moving average MAmethod50 , simple (SMA) moving average MAmethod100 , simple (SMA) moving average MAmethod200 . Accordingly, with the price type MAPrice50 , MAPrice100 , MAPrice200 , by default, the price is Close price everywhere. All parameters (MA calc

The Time End bar by MMD is a simple indicator that shows the number of seconds remaining in the three selected intervals. According to the MMD methodology, the moment when a directional price movement occurs is important. This indicator allows you to use this relationship more effectively in Forex and Futures trading.
Functionality description:
Time Frame 1 Period - defining the first time interval Time Frame 1 Color - specifying the color for the first time interval Time Frame 1 Period - def

Linear Regression is a statistical method used to model the relationship between two or more variables. The primary goal of Linear Regression is to predict the value of one variable (called the dependent variable or outcome variable) based on the value of one or more other variables (called independent variables or explanatory variables) Linear Regression can be applied to technical analysis, and it is indeed one of the tools used by traders and analysts to make predictions and identify trends i

Utility for know all informations and settings of account where the platform is connected The informations that you can know are for example:
- The difference from server time and time of your PC
- The limit orders that you can place at market
- The credit that you have
- The stopout mode of your broker
- The exact name of company of your broker
and other informations

Script for quick updates (synchronization) up-to-date data in the SQLite database. Saves open positions and orders, current quotes.
Take advantage of SQLite's capabilities for intermediate data storage, analytics, and integrations of the MetaTrader platform. Keep all your data in one place.
Use the saved data in SQL analytical queries, from Python and other languages, to build dashboards
Parameters useDefaults true - use default parameters. Save data to the COMMON hierarchy, to the db/ram/{s

Wolf Countdown helps you not to waste the right amount of time, it gives you back the time remaining until the candle closes.
How to use: Download and install the Wolf Countdown Indicator on your MetaTrader 5. Apply the indicator to your favorite chart.
this works on any timeframe...
Thanks to this indicator you will never miss the right moment to enter your trades.

Стрелочный индикатор, выдающий сигнал при пересечении 2 SMA. Сигналы выдаются в виде стрелок и подходят для торговли бинарными опционами.
Это демо версия индикатора, в не нельзя изменять параметры. Полная версия .
Входные параметры First period- период 1 MA Second period - период 2 MA Invert signals - Возможность давать инвертированные сигналы (для работы по тренду) Candles to count - количество свечей для подсчета статистики Expiration - время экспирации сигнала Length - расстояние для

它是用于处理实时 Binance Futures Ticks Data 和 Real Time Binance Spot Ticks Data 的实用程序。 它旨在更快地提取数据并保持在 Binance Future 的范围内。
您应该允许来自工具菜单 >> 选项 >> 智能交易系统的 WebRequest 并添加 URL: https://api.binance.com 如果在安装过程中或售后出现任何问题,请随时与我们联系。 如果在安装过程中或售后出现任何问题,请随时与我们联系。 如果在安装过程中或售后出现任何问题,请随时与我们联系。

The most flexible TIME RANGE BREAK OUT SYSTEM Live Monitoring: https://www.mql5.com/en/signals/1885158
- SET your own time range to define when to calculate the range (from 00:00 to 23:59) - SET your STOP LOSS and TAKE PROFIT as a % of Range Size - SET your own Lot Size OR Put a % of Risk that you are willing to take on ONE TRADE.. The system will automatically calculate the STOPLOSS using the size of the range and the Capital of the Account.. This way you are sure that max you can lose on a

GT No Trading Zone – Smart Trade Restriction for Enhanced Risk Management Overview The GT No Trading Zone indicator is a powerful tool designed for traders who want to implement structured trade restrictions during specific time intervals. This is ideal for avoiding high-risk periods, such as news releases, market opens/closes, or any other predefined time frames where trading may be unfavorable. With GT No Trading Zone , you can:
Define up to 5 custom no-trade periods during the day.

The indicator highlights in color the places on the chart where the price moves in one direction continuously from the selected number of candles.
You can specify the number of points from the beginning of the movement to select only movements from this amount.
It can be useful for looking for reversals or sharp impulses.
I also recommend purchasing this utility to determine local weekly / monthly trends and support and resistance lines. https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/61401

Script to create arrows and lines on chart of history positions traded on account for the symbol where you launch the application. From inputs you can select: - Magic number (default is -1; -1 = all magics number) - "From" date and time (default is 1970.01.01 00:00; all positions) - "To" date and time (default is 1970.01.01 00:00; all positions) - Color for buy open positions (arrows and lines between open and close) - Color for buy closing positions (arrows) - Color for sell open positions

A free deals history results panel.
Its working principle is to calculate the income of each month by consulting the historical trading records, and show it in the form of a table. At the same time, it also statistics all the trading results of the current account, so that traders can adjust their trading strategies according to the historical records.
If you have more needs, please contact the author!

MACD ******************** MACD для платформы секундных графиков Micro . ********************* Секундный график на порядок увеличит точность ваших входов и выходов. Секундный период , в привычном формате, позволит увидеть то, что ранее было скрыто. Бесплатные индикаторы, дополнят визуальную картину, что, в совокупности выведет вашу торговлю на новый уровень. Идеально подходит как скальперам, так и трейдерам торгующим внутри дня. Индикатор MACD для платформы Micro. Входные параметры:

This indicator will mirror the assets in use in another metatrader, being able to choose the timeframe and a template. This is the Metatrader 5 Client, it needs the Metatrader 4 or 5 Server versions: Metatrader 4 Mirror Chart Server: https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/88644
Metatrader 5 Mirror Chart Server: https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/88652 Details of how it works in the video.

*Used by MeditionSeed EA. Meditation is a practice in which an individual uses a technique – such as mindfulness, or focusing the mind on a particular object, thought, or activity – to train attention and awareness, and achieve a mentally clear and emotionally calm and stable state.[1][2][3][4][web 1][web 2] Plant a Meditation Seed to have wonderful future.

O indicador é uma ferramenta desenvolvida para o MetaTrader, projetada para auxiliar na análise detalhada do comportamento do preço em relação a uma média móvel específica. Ao ser anexado ao timeframe diário, o ele realiza cálculos e monitora, em timeframes menores, quantas vezes o preço toca determinados níveis de afastamento durante o dias além de calcular a média dos toques.
MT4: https://www.mql5.com/pt/market/product/111706

Price live on the Chart Description: The Real-Time Price Display is a powerful tool for MetaTrader 5 users that provides continuous updates of the current bid (SELL) and ask (BUY) prices directly on your trading chart. This script is ideal for traders who need to stay updated on market prices at a glance. Key Features: Live Price Updates : Displays the latest bid and ask prices for your selected trading symbol in real-time. Customizable Display : Adjust the horizontal and vertical position of th

Corretora recomendada para usar esse indicador: https://tinyurl.com/5ftaha7c Indicador que pinta o candle de amarelo em pontos de muita agressão no mercado. Sempre que o mercado for se movimentar o candle irá ficar amarelo. Valido para todos ativos e todos timeframes. SEE OUR RESULTS ON INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/diogo.cansi/ TELEGRAM GROUP = https://t.me/robosdsc More information by email dscinvestimentos@gmail.com or by Whatsapp 55-991372299

专家顾问允许您模拟由另一位专家执行并保存在csv文件中的事务的执行。 这对于在另一台服务器上检查交易策略的结果很有用。
在它们之后和文件的末尾,有一行以逗号分隔的字段值用于一个事务。 行中字段的值:
DATE - date in the format YYYY.MM .DD HH:MM:SS TICKET - transaction ticket (integer) TYPE - transaction type from ENUM_DEAL_TYPE (integer) SYMBOL - trading instrumen

WOLSELEY's Trading Panel - BASIC - - Feel free to contact me at instagram @walter_robos or whatsapp/telegram +5592981173937
View your history in a structured and detailed manner, with efficiency rate and profit rate separated by day, week, month and total, as well as asset details, server time and positions&orders in progress. This panel was created looking on HEDGE-type accounts, but it can be used on NETTING-type accounts without any problems. In the PREMIUM version of this Panel you have

Overview The script displays information about the trade account: Information about the trade account: Account - account number and type (Real, Contest or Demo); Name - name of the account owner; Company - name of a company that provide the access to trading; Server - trade server name; Connection State - connection state; Trade Allowed - shows whether trading is allowed on the account at the moment; Experts Allowed - shows whether it is allowed to trade using Expert Advisors; Balance - account

The Retracement indicator shows the current and historical high, low and mid values. Optionally, it can also display major retracement levels. All these levels together form the significant levels of support and resistance. Therefore, it is essential to know them for every kind of trader.
Levels High Low Midpoint 76,4 % 61,8 % 38,2 % 23,6 %
Main features The indicator shows the actual levels of High, Low, Mid and selected retracements. Four optional retracement levels. Alert notifications

Hyper DM, Moving Distance from Moving Averages is an indicator that allows you to define the distance in points of the upper and lower bands in relation to the moving average in the middle.
Its operation is simple, it has configuration parameters of the moving average of the middle and based on it and the defined distance parameters of the upper and lower bands, it is plotted in the graph.

This EA is decided to protect all positions when the markt go in the wrong direction. Pre-requirement: The calculation of margin should not be SUM. E.g you have 1 Lot Buy Position (1) and 2 Lots Sell Position (2)-> then the required margin should not be sum of margin of Postion (1) + margin of Position (2) Strategy: The important parameter is the TML "Triggered Margin Level". E.g TML = 110%: This EQ will loop over all the open positions. I f the current margin level go down to <= 110%, it will o

The Tetris — the most famous time killer is now on MT. Game develops active logic, attention and speed of decision making. This is a classic version of the game, no frills, but you can still adjust the size of the glass, the scale of the game, the color of the figures, and the desired speed. The game is made as an indicator. Control Keys: 'W,A,S,D' or 'Cursor' or 'NumPad'. S — Start new game. C — Continue previous game. P — pause on / off. Space — drop a figure. Esc — exit to menu.

Symbol Swap Panel: Effortlessly switch the active symbol on your chart while simultaneously adding the new symbol to Market Watch. This tool ensures seamless integration and access to real-time market data, optimizing your trading workflow.
The "Symbol Swap Panel" is a versatile utility designed for traders seeking to manage their chart symbols and Market Watch more efficiently. This tool allows you to easily swap the current symbol on your chart while automatically adding the se

If you can not create a background image for yourself (photo size and format must be changed), let me know. I make your photo for free. Otherwise, you can read the help file . A tool for chart management You can change the background image You can change the background color Change the color of the candles Volume colors, line charts and everything else You can also enable and disable some items Read the help file for more information
Save Changes After Remove Tool
Back Ground Phot

S imple arrow with alert on chart. This is NOT an entry indicator but a direction indicator. It uses MACD signal line to show you possible future direction of a trend. Please use it with other filters or confirmations to trade properly. Recommended for scalping and short term trades. Made for EURUSD M5 but it should work on every major pair on M5 timeframe. For MT4 version please go here! *If you need fully automated trading system. Please check this EA here! FEATURES: Very simple directional i

Indicador Volatilidade Histórica Indicador é um oscilador que faz o plot da volatilidade histórica de um ativo, representado pelas fórmulas: Volatilidade Histórica = Raiz quadrada da média das diferenças ao quadrado * Fator de anualização. Média das diferenças ao quadrado = soma de todas as diferenças de retorno diário / número total das diferenças. Retorno diário = (preço atual - preço anterior) / preço anterior. Nesse indicador estamos utilizando os preços de fechamento de cada barra e fazemos

The indicator paints the candlesticks of the chart in colors calculated from the values of the strengths of the bulls and bears.
It works like this:
The values of the two indicators Bears and Bulls are taken, and who is stronger on the candlestick is compared. It's all.

Moving Average Crossover EA – Smarter, Simpler, Profitable How does the Moving Average Crossover EA work? It's very simple, but effective:
The EA monitors the fast moving average (for example, 10) and the slow moving average (for example, 50). When the fast average crosses the slow average upwards, this is a buy signal (uptrend), and it automatically opens a buy trade. When the fast average crosses the slow average downwards, this indicates a downtrend reversal, and the EA closes the buy trade

The analyzer allow estimating how the margin level changes when a position price or volume changes. It also displays price level at which StopOut and MarginCall may occur.
Parameters: volume position upgrading - the number of lot position changes. number of levels on the chart - the number of levels plotted on the chart levels color - color for drawing levels

The Indicator indicator draws 2 clouds based on Donchian Channels indicator values. The upper cloud is formed by the upper lines values and the lower cloud by the lowers lines values. The indicator allows to change the Channels parameters and the clouds colors the period of the base line and the multiplier of each Donchian Channels instance. The indicator holds 5 buffer index as follow: [0] - Outer values of the upper cloud [1] - Inner values of the upper cloud [2] - Base/Center line values [3
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