适用于MetaTrader 5的技术指标 - 47

BeST_Trend Exploiter is a Metatrader Indicator based on a smart proprietary algorithm which can detect the market Median Trend while it filters out the noise providing Buy and Sell Signals and also wherever it is applicable it provides us with TP Levels of High Probability. Additionally as it has Built Inside all the necessary features it can be used as a Complete Strategy of very Impressive Results. Essential Advantages of the Indicator
Clear and Easily Understandable trading rules. Real Ti

让我们看一下外汇市场价格变化的本质,而不是关注这些变化发生的原因。这种方法将使我们能够确定影响价格变动的主要因素。 例如,让我们看一下欧元兑美元货币对和H1时间框架的开盘价。对于这些价格,我们构建了Lameray图(图1)。 在该图中,可以看出价格变动基本上根据线性方程发生。要确定此等式的参数,可以使用最小二乘法。在这个特定的例子中,改变开盘价的等式采用以下形式: Open [i] = 0.99989 * Open [i + 1] +0.00013。 让我们来看看这个等式如何充分描述价格变动。为此,我们删除线性分量并分析残差(图2)。 从图中可以清楚地看出,这些残留物相当混乱,如果我们将它们视为噪声,我们可以得到一个相当简单的系统来预测下一个柱的开盘价,这是以该指标的形式实现的。

ADX CROSS Trend Filter Alert
The average directional index (ADX) is used to determine when the price is trending strongly. In many cases, it is the ultimate trend indicator. We added many types of alerts plus the TrendDI Filter Level to aid in your search for better opportunities in the market.
Product Features Sound alert Push Notification (Alerts can be sent to your mobile phone) Signs on chart Alert box Trend Filter Delay Cross Filter Indicator Parameters ADXPeriod - Set the ADX indicator p

this is an indicator to clarify seeing Low and High in the market and is very useful for facilitating those who are studying technical price action
this is a type of indicator that gives color to the candlestick where the indicator is divided into 3 colors red = bearish green = Bullish
Gray = base
this indicator can be used on the forex market or the mt5 binary market. https://t.me/SBA_FOREX_SIGNAL

Технический индикатор "Reversal patterns" является математической интерпретацией классических разворотных паттернов: Pin Bar, Harami и Engulfing. То есть «Разворотного бара», «Харами» и «Поглощения». Данный индикатор позволяет определить момент разворота котировок на основе рыночной динамики и победителя между «быками» и «медведями». Индикатор отображает момент разворота на локальных максимумах и минимумах графика любого таймфрейма, что позволяет повысить точность сигнала. Также индикатор имеет

该指标的独特之处在于交易量核算算法:在所选时段内直接进行累积,而无需参考当天的开始。可以从计算中排除最后的柱线,那么当前数据对之前形成的显着水平(交易量)的影响较小。 为了更精确的计算,默认使用 M1 图表中的数据。规范了价格量的分配步骤。默认情况下,显示的右边框设置为用于分析的数据开头对应的栏,但如果需要,可以设置为您需要的栏。显示的音量带的长度(右边界)由系数调节,也可以向左或向右移动到 0(当前)条或参照当前条进行镜像。 参数: Accumulation period - 累积量计算周期 Number of excluded last bars - 从计算中排除的最后一根柱线的数量 Accumulation price step - 按价格参数的成交量总和步骤 Graph length multiplier - 显示数据的长度比例 Use data from timeframe - 用于分析的图表(时间范围) Graph show shift - 开始显示数据的移位,如果留为0,则数据将从分析数据周期开始时间对应的条开始显示; “-1”——显示在左侧; “-2” - 显示

Niubility Scalping The Niubility Scalping indicator detects trend, give sell point and buy point. this indicator can use for scalping technique, and also use for trend technique.
Chart statistics will help you to optimize your trading, statistical accuracy to the hour.
It can works on every timeframe.
The indicator analyzes its own quality and performance.
Losing signals are highlighted and accounted.
The indicator is non-repainting.
It implements sound alerts.

All those involved in trading do certainly know that Moving Average Crossovers for being tradable should be reliable and also they need to have minimal lag.
BeST_Vervoort Zero Lagging MAs Strategy is an outstanding indicator that can help you to achieve it and is based on S.Vervoort's work about Reliable and of Zero Lag MAs Crossovers as described in his TASC_05/2008 article " The Quest For Reliable Crossovers ". It's a Multipotentiality Indicator as it can display of either simply the Zero Lagg

【ZhiBi Dragon】是依据的震荡原理,可以预测市场的横向整理形态和趋势形态,再根据市场形态,给出下单信号,并且,还有信号的概率和趋势的质量! 绿、红、水绿,这三根细线向上穿过黄线是向上的趋势,这三根细线向下穿过黄线是向下的趋势。 信号的概率分为三个等级:25%或50%或75%,概率越高准确性越高。(Buy是买单的信号,Sell是卖单的信号;Top是可能到达了顶部,市场可能会向下;Low是可能到达了低部,市场可能会向上)。 信号的质量分为两个等级:30%或70%,质量越高准确性越高。(Up是向上的趋势,Down是向下的趋势,Caution!是市场横向整理)。 参数设置: 【Waves】是波动幅度,数值越大越稳定,数值越小越激进,建议设置为20-60之间。 【WinAlerts】弹窗消息的开或关;true=开、false=关; 【MessageAlerts】消息推送到移动终端的开或关;true=开、false=关; 【eMailAlerts】电子邮件的开或关;true=开、false=关;

Niubility RSI and Fibo The RSI will send an alert when the RSI value of the price gets to the level specified in the settings.
The input of the indicator can allow for change of RSI period, overbought and oversold.
The RSI will work for multi timeframe.
The RSI will scan different pairs.
This Fibo is designed to draw a Fibonacci retracement, using as a basis the ZigZag indicator.
'up' word means up trend.
'down' word means down trend.
' -- ' word means no trend.

The indicator calculates volume profiles dynamically and displays the result as VAL, VAH and POC curves.
Indicator features The indicator uses the historical data of the lower (relative to the current) timeframes for calculations: M1 - for timeframes up to H1, M5 - for timeframe H1, M15 - for timeframe H4, H1 - for timeframe D1, H4 - for timeframe W1, D1 - for timeframe MN. The color of the DPOC curve sections is determined by comparing the volume of the POC levels of all profiles that make up

Данный индикатор помогает трейдеру выявить импульс цены,а также рассчитать его силу относительно среднего истинного диапазона движения цены. Индикатор будет незаменимым помощником для трейдеров использующих в своей торговой стратегии,теорию "Снайпер",в которой для торговли используются так называемые "импульсные уровни".Индикатор работает с любыми валютными парами находящимися в окне Обзор Рынка МТ5,металлами,индексами и т.д. Для работы по индикатору,нужно дождаться момента,когда 3 линии с вверх

Didi Index Alert Plus Filter
Indicator developed by Brazilian and analyst Odir Aguiar (Didi), consists of "Moving Averages", known for the famous needles Didi, which allows the visualization of reversal points. The concept is very simple, when you insert 3 Moving Averages on display, one of three periods, an 8 and the other 20, there appears the formation of the indicator which works on an axis or center line 0. The needles occur when the intersection of averages comes closest to the line 0. W


The Moving Average Convergence Divergence Indicator (MACD) is both a trend–seeking and momentum indicator which uses several exponential moving averages set to closing prices to generate trading signals. We added many types of alerts plus the Delay Cross Filter to aid in your search for better opportunities in the market.
Product Features Sound alert Push Notification (Alerts can be sent to your mobile phone) Signs on chart Alert box Alert on zero histogram cross or line sign cross. DelayCross

Markets Heat indicator can help you determine correct course of action at current market situation, by calculating market's "heat level". What is market's "heat level"? Well, it's my own way of simplifying complex market conditions to ease decision-making process. How does it work? Most of time market is moving in some narrow range and can't "decide" where to go -> flat market -> cold market. Other times, price goes Up or Down -> making trend movements -> heating the market. More powerful trends

Intraday Volume Profile analyze short-term information about price and volume, help you visualize the movement of price and volume. In short-term trading on Forex, usually use 5-, 15-, 30-, 60-minute and etc. intraday charts when trading on a market day. It is possible to use as an additional tool for intraday scalping .
The volume profile provides an excellent visual image of supply / demand for each price for the selected timeframe. Representing the Point of Control ( POC ), which indicates

The Absolute Strength (AS) is intended to chart the current and historical gain or loss of an underlying based on the closing prices of a recent trading period. It is based on mathematical decorrelation. It shows absolute strength momentum.
This indicator is not measured on a scale like Relative Strength (RSI). Shorter or longer timeframes are used for alternately shorter or longer outlooks. Extreme high and low percentage values occur less frequently but indicate stronger momentum of the und

Session Volume Profile is an advanced graphical representation that displays trading activity during Forex trading sessions at specified price levels. The Forex market can be divided into four main trading sessions: the Australian session, the Asian session, the European session and the favorite trading time - the American (US) session. POC - profile can be used as a support and resistance level for intraday trading.
VWAP - Volume Weighted Average Price.
ATTENTION ! For the indicator to w

该指标更具信息量。他的工作基于这样的假设,即市场中的价格变动可以表示为特定颜色的噪声,这取决于价格值分布的参数。由此,可以从不同角度分析价格变化,并将价格变动视为特定颜色的噪声,可以获得有关市场当前状态的信息并对价格行为进行预测。 在分析指标读数时,会考虑指标线的位置 - 它们位于当前柱的开盘价的上方或下方以及距离它的距离。 白噪声(白噪声) - 这种方法的特点是价格(当前和史前)被认为功率相等,这与简单的移动平均值相结合。白噪声信号更有可能证实这一特征 - 它越偏离当前价格,市场中的趋势运动就越强烈。相反,如果白噪声线接近开盘价,那么这就是趋势结束或横向价格变动的证据。 闪烁噪声(闪烁噪声)概述了趋势的上边界或下边界(取决于线是否高于或低于价格)。此外,这种噪音线与货币对价格的交叉点可以作为新趋势开始的证据,甚至是短期趋势的开始。 布朗噪声在很多方面的行为类似于指数平滑。因此,噪声线跟随价格,只有市场突然和突然的变化才有可能出现大的偏差。 蓝噪声显示趋势对当前趋势的强烈程度。由于蓝色噪声线与当前价格存在较大偏差,我们可以说趋势已经耗尽其力量并接近完成。 紫色噪音表明周期性或周期性价

尽管“ AIS Color Noise Filter ”指示器存在一些缺点,但使用它来平滑价格序列和预测价格的想法看起来非常有吸引力。 这是由于以下几个原因: 首先,考虑到几个噪声成分,可以建立相互独立的因素预测,从而提高预测质量; 其次,价格序列的噪声特征在整个历史中表现得相当稳定,从而可以获得稳定的结果; 最后,噪声变化使我们希望预测系统非常敏感,并且它对价格变化的反应将非常快。 因此,我们得到一个指标,尽管有所有简化,但能够准确预测价格将会移动的渠道。该指标的主要优点是速度快,易于学习。主要缺点是指标无法选择最重要的预测因素。 LH 是一个参数,用于设置进行预测的历史数据的长度。其允许值为0 - 255,而指标处理的柱数超过此参数指定的单位数。

Description Very precise patterns to detect: entry signals as well as breakout, support and resistance reversal patterns. It points out zones in which, with a high probability, institutional orders with the potential to change the price’s direction and keep moving towards it, have been placed. Support: We create great tools for the entire trading community. Most of them are free. If you believe in what we do Support Us Here. KEY LINKS: Indicator Manual - All Products
How is this indi

Description: The indicator shows the TDI indicator in a separate window, and with the RSI component, the indicator finds possible divergences with M or W patterns. KEY LINKS: How to Install – Frequent Questions - All Products Functions: Finds Market Makers patterns. Finds extremes or exhaustion into the market. Looks for a trend continuation. Content: TDI Indicator Divergence and M or W Signals Note 1: This indicator should only be considered as a part of any trading strategy. You shoul

This is Gekko's Bollinger Bands indicator. It extends the use of the famous Bollinger Bands and calculates strong entry and exit signals using price action on the edge and on the middle bands. You can set it up in many different ways, eg: pullback, pullback against trend, middle band crossing and middle band crossing against trend. Inputs Number of Bars to Plot Indicator: number of historical bars to plot the indicator, keep it low for better performance; Produces Signal Only When a Bar Closes:

The Larry Wiliams' indicator named WillSpread considers the influence of the secondary Asset (Symbol) on the current Asset (trading). Indicator essence is to transform the correlation between assets in accumulated history data, providing an opportunity to detect various peculiarities and patterns in price dynamics which are invisible to the naked eye. Based on this information, traders can assume further price movement and adjust their strategy accordingly. As exposed on his Book, Larry says: "a

Now you dont have to worry about going through each currency pair, your favorite stocks watch list or crypto to find BIG CANDLES (also called THRUST BARS ). This indicator does everything for you.
This indicator has the capability to SCAN different CURRENCY PAIRS and TIMEFRAMES to give you BIG CANDLE (THRUST BAR) information through ALERT (MOBILE NOTIFICATION, EMAIL AND PUSH NOTIFICATION)
NOTE: If you are willing to scan more currency pairs

Ace Supply Demand Zone Indicator The concept of supply demand relies on the quantity mismatching between buying and selling volumes in the financial market. Supply and demand zone can provide the good entry and exit. A zone is easier to trade than a line. The supply demand zone can provide the detailed trading plan and the risk management. Its ability to predict market direction is high. There are two distinctive points about Ace Supply Demand Zone Indicator. Ace Supply Demand Zone indicator was

很多时候,在金融系列的研究中应用他们的平滑。使用平滑,您可以删除高频成分 - 据信它们是由随机因素引起的,因此无关紧要。平滑总是包括一些平均数据的方法,其中时间序列中的随机变化相互吸收。大多数情况下,为此目的,使用简单或加权移动平均方法,以及指数平滑。 这些方法中的每一种都有其优点和缺点。因此,简单的移动平均值简单直观,但其应用需要时间序列的周期和趋势分量的相对稳定性。另外,信号延迟是移动平均值的特征。指数平滑方法没有滞后效应。但即使在这里也存在缺陷 - 只有在将系列与随机异常值对齐时,指数平滑才有效。 简单和指数平均值之间的合理折衷是使用加权移动平均线。但是,存在选择特定重量值的问题。让我们一起尝试解决这个问题。 因此,首先要定义我们希望从平滑过程中实现的目标: •首先,我们需要从价格序列中删除随机变化和噪音; •其次,我们希望识别异常排放和异常价格行为,这些行为也可用于贸易; •最后,平均程序应确定市场中存在的可持续趋势。 当然,我们希望平滑程序适应当前的市场情况。 为了获得理想的结果,我们将根据此价格水平与研究期间的最高和最低价格之间的差异来计算权重。通过这种方法,我们得到一个

为了隔离长期和非随机组件,不仅要知道价格变化了多少,还要知道这些变化是如何发生的。换句话说 - 我们不仅对价格水平的价值感兴趣,而且对这些水平相互替代的顺序感兴趣。通过这种方法,人们可以找到影响(或可能影响)特定时间点价格变化的长期和稳定因素。了解这些因素可以让您做出或多或少准确的预测。 让我们确定我们希望从财务系列的分析中得到什么具体结果: •首先,我们需要强调这一趋势,如果它存在于市场中; •其次,我们需要确定周期性成分; •第三,结果应足够稳定,可用于预测; •最后,我们的分析方法应该适应当前的市场形势。 为了满足指定的条件,我们使用相对价格变化的回归分析,并基于该模型做出指标。该指标的算法基于对历史数据的学习,其工作在交易者的完全控制之下。 LH 是一个参数,用于确定用于平滑金融系列的柱数。其允许值介于0到255之间。 UTS 是影响学习速度和深度的参数。它的值也在0到255之间。如果UTS的值为零,则在整个历史记录中进行学习。在所有其他情况下,训练集会不时更新。更新越频繁,UTS值越小。 该指标的主要缺点是,当平滑金融系列被认为是静止时,这可能会导致一些延迟。

Volume Delta Panel is a very powerful indicator that read the supply on Market. It calculates the Delta from movement of the price and the difference of BUY volumes and SELL volumes. The Volumes are added to price and normalized to symbol points.
Its special structure allows you to get all Time Frames values available on the platform MT5. Panel can show 50 instruments simultaneously all customizable according to the offer of the Broker. A good observation of this instrument can suggest great e

Automatic MIDAS positioning, the indicator allows the placement of two MIDAS, each one have 3 lines that can be calculated using Open/High/Low/Close/Median/Typical or Weighted prices, you can attach each MIDAS to the Open/High/Low or Close bars of any day, including the current day, once attached, if the price of this bar changes or you change the time frame, the indicator will do the repositioning and recalculation. You can also do a manual repositioning of the two MIDAS by moving its start lab

This indicator represent option and basis values as a tax, using this formula: Tax = ( ( strike / ( basis - option ) ) - 1 ) * 100 It's not time based (don't use time to expire information) You can set a fixed strike value, and a fixed basis symbol if needed. Some exchanges/brokers don't provide this information at marketdata and that's the only method to use this information when not provided.

This is the same Ma Multi indicator that was previously available only for Mt4 . Now there is a version for Mt5 . It belongs to a whole family of multi-frame indicators, implementing the idea of displaying different timeframes in a single time scale. Horizontal fixation the scale allows one glance to get the big picture and provides additional opportunities for technical analysis. The indicator is tested on Just2trade Indicator parameters: MA_Period - averaging period of the moving av

PINBAR SCANNER PRO with TREND and RSI + CCI OSCILLATORS filter This indicator has been designed to automatically and constantly scan entire market to find high probability pinbar formations, so you can just wait for the perfect trading opportunity come to you automatically.
PINBAR is the strongest candle reversal pattern known in technical analysis. It shows excellent areas to determine potential entries and exits with opportunity to use excellent risk and reward ratios. It includes an RSI and

This is a multi-frame version of the standard indicator " Williams Percent Range ", that was previously available only for Mt4 . Now there is a version for Mt5 . Like the other indicators of the author, it allows you to see any set of timeframes at the same time, and all they will be presented on a scale of the current price chart. You can choose any set of timeframes of the indicator and freely switch to the price chart in both the highter and the lower direction. For each price period, indi

Определения текущей тенденции одна из самых важных задач трейдера не зависимо от стиля торговли. Индикатор Quantum Trend Volume поможет с достаточно высокой вероятностью это сделать. Quantum Trend Volume - индикатор распознавания тенденции, использующий авторский алгоритм расчета. Показания индикатора не изменяются не при каких условиях. В качестве дополнительной фильтрации используются тиковые объемы. Индикатор подходит для любой валютной пары, любого таймфрейма, также его можно применять в

The Volume Average Indicator plots an adjustable average mathed by the ON-BALANCE-VOLUME. You can use to see the volume points where the market works in favor to your trades, based on volume/price. It works at all timeframes and instruments.
Product Features Volume Average ploted at the chart. Indicator Parameters VOL Ema - Set the EMA vol períod you want work with.

其中一种强大的分析方法是使用Levy流程对财务系列进行建模。这些过程的主要优点是它们可用于模拟大量现象 - 从最简单到最复杂。我只想说市场中分形价格变动的想法只是Levy过程的一个特例。另一方面,通过适当选择参数,任何Levy过程都可以表示为简单的移动平均值。图1显示了一个Levy过程的示例,其中片段放大了几次。 让我们考虑使用Levy流程来平滑价格图表的可能性。首先,您需要选择Levy过程的参数,以便它可以用于模拟线性过程。然后我们得到一个权重系统,其中包括不同符号的系数。有了这个,我们不仅可以平滑金融范围,还可以跟踪其中存在的反趋势和周期性成分。 通过选择参数 LF 来配置指示器的操作。它决定了故事的深度,并将对其进行分析。此参数的允许值位于0 - 255之间。用于计算的条形数将比此数字多两个。 蓝线表示高价平滑的结果,绿线表示收盘价,红线表示低价。 该指标的主要缺点是根据严格定义的算法执行抗锯齿,该算法没有考虑市场中的急剧和强烈变化。此外,与所有平滑指标一样,存在可以达到简单移动平均值的滞后。

Dear friends
This is an indicator brings two moving averages configurable and will emit sound and alert, depending on your choice, when they cross.
Very useful for those who used to operate multiple times or active at the same time.
With the indicator set it will warn you where the crossing occurred.
If you desire some personal indicator please fell free to get in touch.
Good Trades Jairo Elias

Description: The indicator of tick volumes Better Volume MT5 allows you to assess the general mood of the market and quite accurately catch the moments of the formation of large movements. The indicator is a color histogram in an additional window. In the calculation of Better Volume MT5 the Price Action combinations are taken into account, the values of the volumes with the height of columns and color marking are displayed. Input parameters: MAPeriod - period for calculating the moving average

This indicator shows price changes for the same days in the past. This is a predictor that finds bars for the same days in past N years, quarters, months, weeks, or days (N is 10 by default) and shows their relative price changes on the current chart. Number of displayed buffers and historical time series for comparison is limited to 10, but indicator can process more past periods if averaging mode is enabled (ShowAverage is true) - just specify required number in the LookBack parameter. Paramet

Индикатор CustomIndexCreator позволяет создавать свой собственный пользовательский символ на основе истории любого финансового инструмента и подкачивать его ценовую историю в виде минутных баров. Таким образом, в клиентском терминале Metatrader 5 появляется новый символ, с которым можно работать по аналогии с другими финансовыми инструментами, то есть открывать полноценные графики любого таймфрейма этого символа и проводить технический анализ, располагая на этих графиках любые технические и

Now you dont have to worry about going through each currency pair, your favorite stocks watch list or crypto to find breakouts. This indicator does everything for you.
This indicator has the capability to SCAN different CURRENCY PAIRS and TIMEFRAMES to give you breakout information through ALERT (MOBILE NOTIFICATION, EMAIL AND PUSH NOTIFICATION)
NOTE: If you are willing to scan more currency pairs along with many timeframes, you need

Now you dont have to worry about going through each currency pair, your favorite stocks watch list or crypto to find WICK BAR CANDLES (also called LONG TAIL BARS ). This indicator does everything for you.
This indicator has the capability to SCAN different CURRENCY PAIRS and TIMEFRAMES to give you LONG TAIL CANDLE (LONG WICK BAR) information through ALERT (MOBILE NOTIFICATION, EMAIL AND PUSH NOTIFICATION)
NOTE: If you are willing to scan m

KEY LINKS: Indicator Manual – How to Install – Frequent Questions - All Products Description: Indicator which uses trend, breakout and reversal innovative indicators to show a complete visual trading strategy, with transparent metrics. It follows simple visual patterns, which will improve your trading significantly. Support: We create great tools for the entire trading community. Most of them are free. If you believe in what we do Support Us Here.
Outstanding Features Shows current

CustomMultyIndexCreator позволяет создавать свой собственный мультивалютный пользовательский символ на основе истории корзины любых финансовых инструментов как среднее геометрическое взвешенное этой валютной корзины и подкачивать его ценовую историю в виде минутных баров. Таким образом, в клиентском терминале Metatrader 5 появляется новый символ, с которым можно работать по аналогии с другими финансовыми инструментами, то есть открывать полноценные графики любого таймфрейма этого символа и про

Индикатор CustomCrossIndexCreator позволяет создавать свой собственный пользовательский символ на основе истории двух любых финансовых инструментов как произведение этих двух индексов (кросс-индекс) и подкачивать его ценовую историю в виде минутных баров. Таким образом, в клиентском терминале Metatrader 5 появляется новый символ, с которым можно работать по аналогии с другими финансовыми инструментами, то есть открывать полноценные графики любого таймфрейма этого символа и проводить технически

The volume weighted average price (VWAP) is a trading benchmark used by traders that gives the average price a security has traded at throughout the day, based on both volume and price. It is important because it provides traders with insight into both the trend and value of a security. This version is simple to use as we simplify the indicator entries and leave only the most used buffers. You can use it to integrate with your EA Product Features Daily VWAP ploted at the chart. MOnthly

Stochastic Reversal allows you to recognize reversals professionally. Stochastic Indicator: This technical indicator was developed by George Lane more than 50 years ago. The reason why this indicator survived for so many years is because it continues to show consistent signals even in these current times. The Stochastic indicator is a momentum indicator that shows you how strong or weak the current trend is. It helps you identify overbought and oversold market conditions within a trend. Rules

通常,交易者面临着确定价格在不久的将来可能发生变化的程度的任务。为此,您可以使用Johnson分发类型SB。这种分布的主要优点是即使只有少量的累积数据也可以使用它。用于确定此分布参数的经验方法允许您准确地确定价格通道的最大和最小水平。 这些值可用于不同的情况。例如,它们可用于设置市场订单的止损和止盈水平,或挂单的入场点。此外,使用追踪止损时可以定向这些水平。此外,在历史足够大的情况下,指标可能预示着上升趋势或下降趋势的开始。嗯,或者说它的结束,如果这样的趋势是。 该指标的主要缺点是对价格排放的敏感度极高,以及对市场形势变化的反应较迟。 蓝色和红色线分别显示价格通道的最大值和最小值。绿线表示在给定市场情况下价格的均衡值。 使用 LB 参数配置指标。此参数确定将在计算中使用的柱数,其允许值在2-64之间。

The moment when the MACD line crosses the signal line often leads to a significant price movement and trend changes. MACD Cross Prediction is an indicator that uses OSMA(MACD oscillator) and a red line. You can change the level of the red line on the indicator setting popup(and the red line moves up and down). The alerts(email, mobile push, sound, MT5 alert) will be sent when the MACD histogram touches the red line, which means the alerts can be sent just before/around the time when the MACD

This is a general purpose indicator that displays colored lines at fixed and customizable price intervals, entered as parameters. It offers universal, constant, and familiar price ranges that allow quick and precise price analysis of a currency pair. With default parameters, this indicator implements The Quarters Theory , as described originally by Ilian Yotov . [ Installation Guide | Update Guide | Troubleshooting | FAQ | All Products ] Easy to use No optimization needed Customizable price inte

This indicator creates synthetic charts. It creates a candlestick chart plotting the price of one instrument measured against another, helping you to find hidden opportunities in the market crossing relationships between different instruments. [ Installation Guide | Update Guide | Troubleshooting | FAQ | All Products ] Find hidden trading opportunities Get a broader sense of the price of commodities Commodities range against each other and are easier to trade Correlated Indices can be traded ag

用强货币兑弱货币交易始终是最安全的做法。该指标衡量主要货币之间的相对强度,使工具选择更加容易,进出交易更加容易。基本思想是使用强势货币作为对冲货币来攻击弱势货币,反之亦然。买强反弱,短期买弱反强。 [ 安装指南 | 更新指南 | 故障排除 | 常见问题 | 所有产品 ] 一目了然地找到强弱货币 轻松将一种货币与另一种货币进行比较 货币升值了吗?寻找多头 货币在贬值吗?寻找短裤 它实现了一个多时间仪表板 这是交易的最高品质确认 该指标根本不需要优化 可定制的回溯期 指示器不重涂 解释指标非常容易。它比较了27种货币对的当前价格和以前的价格,并计算了每种货币兑其他所有货币获利或损失的次数。由于只有8种货币,因此最高得分为+7,这意味着相对于所有其他货币获得了一种货币,而最低得分为-7,这意味着相对于所有其他货币而言,该货币损失了。将为每个时间范围计算此逻辑,并将其显示在仪表板中,以帮助您找到所有时间范围内的强弱货币。
重要提示: 该指标在测试仪中不起作用,MT4不支持多币种背书。不要回测。

这是交易可变分形周期突破的非常简单但有效的指标。分形是奇数数量条的价格形态,中间条是形态的最高或最低价格点。这些价格充当短期支撑和阻力位,该指标用于绘制价格通道并显示突破。 [ 安装指南 | 更新指南 | 故障排除 | 常见问题 | 所有产品 ] 容易交易 分形突破可以开始长期趋势 分形通道是一种很好的尾随止损方法 它是不可重涂和不可重涂的 它实现了各种警报 可自定义的颜色和尺寸 较高的期限会导致更可靠的突破,但出现的频率会降低。该指标应通过更高时限的分析来确认。通常,您需要为较低的时间范围增加分形周期,为较高的时间范围减少分形周期。
输入参数 周期:用于计算分形的条形数量。必须为奇数 突破:启用或禁用突破 颜色:自定义箭头的颜色和大小 警报:启用或禁用各种警报
作者 ArturoLópezPérez,私人投资者和投机者,软件工程师和Point Zero Trading Solutions的创始人。

Indicador PHIBO da metodologia PhiCube. Se comporta exatamente como o utilizado pelo Bo Williams em seus videos e estratégias. Quando o preço está sobre, ou abaixo, das três linhas, isso indica que há uma forte tendência. Quando não estão alinhadas, podem indicar suportes, resistências e alvos. Se aparecerem após um longo movimento já esticado, podem indicar que o movimento está terminando.

Heikin Ashi (HA) is a type of candlestick chart originated in Japan. The difference from traditional candlesticks is that HA bars are averaged, creating a smoother appearence. HA doesn't show the exact open and close price, they should be used as Technical Indicator and not as exact market prices. Calculation: HA Open = (Open of previous bar + Close of previous bar) / 2 HA Close = (Open + High + Low + Close) / 4 HA High = Highest of High, HA Open, or HA Close HA Low = Lowest of Low, HA Open, or

CPA - "Candle Pattern Analyze" - Индикатор поиска и анализа свечных моделей. Индикатор осуществляет поиск наиболее ликвидных свечных моделей, а так же производит анализ истории, как развивалась цена в прошлом. Внимание! В тестере стратегий индикатор показывает только свечные модели. Линии возможного движения, формируются на истории, и показываются только в терминале (естественно при условии наличия истории выбранного интервала). Настройки индикатора по умолчанию - минимальны, то есть, перед испо

Индикатор Magneto Weekly Pro отображает: Недельные важные линии поддержки и сопротивления (выделены желтым, красным и синим цветами). Основные недельные цели (выделены белым цветом). Недельные паттерны возврата цены (обозначаются красными флажками). Применение индикатора Magneto Pro можно использовать и как дополнение к существующей стратегии, и как самодостаточную торговую стратегию. Данный продукт состоит из двух индикаторов, работающих на разных временных промежутках, и предназначен для скал

Moon 1 is a Box Break is a powerful indicator of Break Zone for any par and any timeframe. It doesn't requires any additional indicators for the trading setup.The indicator gives clear signals about opening and closing trades.This Indicator is a unique, high quality and affordable trading tool.
Perfect For New Traders And Expert Traders Low risk entries. Never repaints signal. Never backpaints signal. Never recalculates signal. For MT5 Only Great For Scalping Great For Swing Trading Arro

Decision Zone is an indicator that defines decision zones for previously selected pivots. In decision zones the user can more safely decide whether the wave that has reached this zone is correction or impulse.
Zone levels were based on Fibonacci expansion along Elliot waves and case analysis.
Trading Strategy:
Basically, when the market wave reaches the decision zone at * Level 1.0 *, there is great potential for this wave to be an impulse or correction wave. If it is impulse, the wave will

FZR indicator determines fractal zigzag reversal pattern of all the time frames of the chosen symbol and shows the information in the Info label. Indicator draws the detected pattern in the chosen time frame and also you can select in the menu to draw the trend line according to FZR peaks. What it is FZR? See the first picture in the screenshots. As you can see for every peak of FZR the AO indicator must cross zero line. FZR indicator determines the trend direction.
How to use FZR for trading?

The current Rise and Fall is judged from the Commodity Channel Index (CCI) of the three cycles and displayed in a panel by color coding.
The second and third of the three cycles are changed according to the correction factor multiplied by the first cycle (minimum cycle).
In addition, each CCI is displayed with ATR (Average True Range) corrected for variation.
When two of the three CCI are complete, Trend_1 is displayed.
When all three are complete, Trend_2 is displayed.
// ---
Squeeze is

MOON 2 THE WALL is a Oscilator indicator. I s a powerful indicator of TREND for any par and any timeframe. It doesn't requires any additional indicators for the trading setup.The indicator gives clear signals about opening and closing trades.This Indicator is a unique, high quality and affordable trading tool.
Perfect For New Traders And Expert Traders Low risk entries. Never repaints signal. Never backpaints signal. Never recalculates signal. For MT5 Only Great For Scalping Great For Swin

KT Asian Breakout 指标分析亚洲交易时段的关键部分,以生成双向买卖信号,并基于价格突破的方向进行交易。当价格突破该交易时段的最高点时,会出现买入信号;当价格突破最低点时,会出现卖出信号。
如果交易时段的范围过大,建议避免新交易,因为大部分价格走势已在该时段内完成。 如果突破K线过大,价格通常会在继续沿信号方向运行之前发生短暂回调。
功能特点 买入/卖出信号包含止损和盈利目标。 KT Asian Breakout 指标持续监测其表现,并使用第一、第二或第三盈利目标作为成功标准。 显示三个关键性能指标,包括盈亏信号、成功率和每个信号的平均点数。 如果突破K线过大,图表上会显示警告信息。
时间周期: 15分钟。 交易货币对: 所有 JPY 货币对。
输入参数 绘制交易时段框 : true/false 绘制止损和盈利目标 : true/false 性能分析 : true/false 显示文本分析(左上角) : true/false 成功率标准 : 第一目标 | 第二目标 | 第三目标 颜色和样式设置 : 可自定义 警报设置 : 可自定义

Описание Данный индикатор строит (альтернативные, математически рассчитанные) уровни поддержки и сопротивления, а так же уровни, к которым с большой вероятностью придет цена в ближайшее время. Следует обратить внимание на то, что расчет уровней производится на исторических данных, и качество котировок играет важную роль при построении индикатором линий. Замечу, что отрисованные Magneto и Magneto Weekly линии не изменяют свои значения на всем расчетном периоде. Важное изменение! Добавлена функция

Pivot levels indicator shows 7(9 for Camarilla) pivot levels. It is adjusted for major use, including: all standard time frames
choice of periods to show four popular calculation formulas (typical, median, weighted and Camarilla)
pivot day shift choice of properties for lines and labels choice of showing alerts when crossing pivot lines Parameters: ----------Main parameters----------- Timeframe - time frame for pivot levels
Number of periods to show - displays pivot levels for number of periods

As it name implies, this is an exaustion oscillator. However, you may wonder: what differs you from others oscillators like RSI, Stochastic, CCI etc? The difference is that ours is more powerful and accurate ! Your oscillator filters the nois e made by other oscillators, and shows you only the exact moment to enter the trade. Of course, using it alone, like any other indicator, has its risks. Ideally, reconcile it with technical analysis and/or others indicators. If you have any doubt or suggest

The 3 Automatic Vwap (Midas) Indicator can be used for Price and Volume studyers to map the movement of market drivers. It automatically plots 3 Vwaps, two of which are dynamic and will be updated throughout the day if new highs or new lows emerge. The third Vwap is daily and can help if the trend is up or down. Also, an auxiliary indicator that plots (also dynamic) points of interest with OHLC prices (Open, High and Low of the current day and Close of the previous day) was inserted. Success and

此指标可让您确定价格达到一个或另一个级别的可能性。它的算法非常简单,并且基于对特定货币对的价格水平的统计数据的使用。由于收集的历史数据,可以确定价格在当前柱形期间的变化程度。 尽管简单,但该指标可以为交易提供宝贵的帮助。因此,在其帮助下,可以确定交易头寸的TakeProfit和StopLoss水平。它可以帮助确定挂单的价格和确定TrailingStop的价格水平。 此外,该指标可以纳入现有战略。例如,您使用某种日内策略。然后,通过在D1时间框架上设置此指标,您可以在克服已经不希望开启新交易头寸之后获得水平。 该指标的主要缺点是它完全依赖于历史数据,并且不会以任何方式对某些当前的市场变化作出反应。 通过选择输入参数-L1 ... L4来执行该指标的设置 - 每个输入参数确定从每个柱的开盘价达到价格价格的概率。每个参数的值必须在99 ... 0之内,并且以下每个参数必须严格小于前一个参数。 尼古拉·尼古拉耶维奇(Nikolai Nikolaevich)是创造这个指标的意识形态灵感,如果你喜欢这个指标,那就写下几句话,我会告诉他。

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