• 指标类型
  • 价格
  • 重置
如何 购买 自动交易或指标

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想要在市场 赚钱 吗?
如何介绍 用于流通销售的产品

适用于MetaTrader 5的技术指标 - 45

icon 技术指标的信号外汇和股票市场的开仓交易和平仓交易起着至关重要的作用。指标的本质就是一种交易品种的数学转换,旨在预测未来的价格变化。 测试技术指标可以更有利于预测市场行为并从中获利。
—— 进入本指标前,请谨记:『 不易,变易 』。拔开数理统计的枝叶,变化是不变的定理才是本指标的由来和内涵思想。本指标只应指明变化到不变之间的契机。 本指标——阴阳线指标(YiiYnn)由一条粗蓝色实线和一条细烟绿色虚线构成,粗实线叫阳线(Ynn),作为主线,细虚线叫阴线(Yii),作为辅线。本指标不同DeMarks去搜索哪个周期的最高最低,也不同Stoch那样告诉你超买超卖超过后缩小再等超买超卖直至资金的尽头。本指标是分析价格减速动态均值线的(偏)相关性及自相关性,并采用标准差的方法进行滤波以求趋势示意更明朗。所以,本指标有以下特性: 指标依据波浪理论,有二阶线性插值模拟组合多条均线(开收高低)构建波浪动力并分析它们各自相关性,所以将对趋势有很好的 预测性 ——与MACD、ATR等相比。它并非只让我们看到趋势的尾巴,请参考最后一张示例图; 指标采用简单的方差进行差相过滤,在兼顾计算性能的同时让盘整阶段的指示更明朗; 阳线与阴线之间是偏相关差相,具有阴消阳长相互激励、抵消的特点,因此命名; 本指标中判定的趋势与常人所称『趋势』不同,本指标中的趋势包括: 上涨、下跌和横盘 。不要忽略横盘
Rush Point Histogram Continuity force indicator. Operation: After a breach of support or resistance of an asset, the trader can understand by reading the histogram if such a move tends to continue, thus filtering false breaks or short breaks without trend formation. Through a simple, level-based reading, the trader can make a decision based on the histogram, where: Below 21: No trend formation 21 to 34: Weak trend 34 to 55: Strong Trend 55 to 89: Strong tendency Suggested Reading: Observed disru
Rush Point System
Fabricio Nicolau
Rush Point System It is a detector indicator of breakage of support and resistance with continuity force. Operation: The Rush Point System detects in real time when a buying or buying force exceeds the spread limits in order to consume large quantities of lots placed in the book, which made price barriers - also called support / resistance. At the very moment of the break, the indicator will show in the current candle which force is acting, plotting in the green color to signal purchasing po
Iurii Tokman
Tarzan   该指标基于相对强弱指数的读数。 快速线是高级周期的指数读数,它是针对适合高级周期的一根柱线的柱线数量重新绘制的,例如:如果设置了 H4 周期的指标读数并且指标设置为 M15 ,重绘将是 M15 周期的 16 根柱线。 慢线是平滑的移动平均指数。 该指标使用不同类型的信号来做出交易决策,具体取决于设置。 指标设置说明: TimeFrame - 计算指标的图表周期。 RSI_period - 计算指数的平均周期。 RSI_applied - 使用价格。 MA_period - 指数平滑期。 iMA_method - 抗锯齿方法 警报 - 启用包含自定义数据的对话框 Text_BUY - 购买信号的自定义文本 Text_SELL - 卖出信号的自定义文本 Send_Mail - 将电子邮件发送到“邮件”选项卡上的设置窗口中指定的地址 主题 - 电子邮件标题 Send_Notification - 向在“通知”选项卡的设置窗口中指定了 MetaQuotes ID 的移动终端发送通知。
Iurii Tokman
WavesTrends   该振荡器是价格在一定范围内波动时使用的市场指标之一。振荡器有自己的边界(上限和下限),当接近时,市场参与者会收到有关超卖或超买市场的信息。该指标记录了一定波动范围内的价格波动。 如果价格图表确认了振荡器信号,则交易的可能性将增加。这个方向反映在振荡器的所谓的上区和下区。该工具基于超买和超卖条件。为了确定这些参数,设置了特殊级别。 振荡器本质上是次要的。不应将其视为主要的,而应将其视为分析的辅助工具。主要参数始终是实际价格变动。 指标设置说明: Waves_Period - 计算指标的主要周期 Trends_Period - 用于计算指标的辅助周期 Width_Period - 计算行间宽度的周期 ARROW_SHIFT - 信号点的垂直移位 警报 - 启用包含自定义数据的对话框 Text_BUY - 购买信号的自定义文本 Text_SELL - 卖出信号的自定义文本 Send_Mail - 将电子邮件发送到“邮件”选项卡上的设置窗口中指定的地址 主题 - 电子邮件标题 Send_Notification - 向在“通知”选项卡的设置窗口中指定了 MetaQu
Iurii Tokman
Slick   该指标是一个双重的相对强弱指数 (RSI),带有用于做出交易决策的警报信号。该指标跟随价格,其数值范围为 0 到 100。该指标的范围与常规 RSI 指标相同。 指标设置说明: Period_1 - 计算指数的时期 Period_2 - 指标平滑的主要周期 Period_3 - 指标平滑的辅助周期 MAMethod - 抗锯齿方法 AppliedPrice - 价格常数 MAX_bound - 上信号区的电平 MIN_bound - 下信号区的电平 警报 - 启用包含自定义数据的对话框 Text_BUY - 购买信号的自定义文本 Text_SELL - 卖出信号的自定义文本 Send_Mail - 将电子邮件发送到“邮件”选项卡上的设置窗口中指定的地址 主题 - 电子邮件标题 Send_Notification - 向在“通知”选项卡的设置窗口中指定了 MetaQuotes ID 的移动终端发送通知。
Delta EMA
Steven Brown
Delta EMA is a momentum indicator based on the changes of closing price from one bar to the next. It displays a histogram of the exponential moving average of those changes, showing magnitude and direction of trend. Positive delta values are displayed as green bars, and negative delta values are displayed as red bars. The transition from negative to positive delta, or from positive to negative delta, indicates trend reversal. Transition bars that exceed a user specified value are displayed in br
Панель предназначена для быстрого визуального нахождения и отображения внутренних баров по всем периодам и на любых выбранных валютных парах одновременно. Цвет сигнальных кнопок, указывает на направление паттерна. По клику на сигнальную кнопку, осуществляется открытие графика с данным паттерном. Отключить не используемые периоды, можно кликом по его заголовку. Имеется поиск в истории (по предыдущим барам). Прокрутка (scrolling) панели, осуществляется клавишами "UP" "DOWN" на клавиатуре. Имеется
Renko Graph
Iurii Tokman
Renko Graph   砖形图 主图表窗口中当前价格位置的 Renko 指标。 该指标在常规报价图表的背景下以矩形(“砖块”)的形式显示价格变化。价格的向上移动(按设置中指定的点数)通过在前一个下一个矩形上方相加和向下移动 - 在前一个矩形下方相加来标记。 该指标旨在直观地识别主要趋势。用于确定关键支撑位和阻力位,因为它平均了潜在趋势。此视图不考虑小的价格波动(“噪音”),这使您可以专注于真正显着的变动。 仅当价格变动超过指定的阈值水平时,才会绘制高于或低于新的指标值。其大小在设置中设置并且始终相同。例如,如果基数为 10 点,而价格上涨了 20,则将绘制 2 个指标值。 该指标的优点是任何砖块都可以显示其形成时间的持续时间。如果价格在一定范围内波动,没有上涨和下跌的门槛值,那么砖将一直保持价格不变。 指标设置说明 单元格 - 矩形(砖块)的阈值级别或高度,以磅为单位(例如,10 磅)。 RenkoPrice - 基于构建指标的价格,High_Low - 最大和最小价格值,_Close - 基于收盘价。 如果指标与价格图表重叠,请检查图表设置中前景值的图表。
Andrey Spiridonov
BinaryPinMt5 is an indicator developed and adapted specifically for trading short-term binary options. The indicator's algorithm, before issuing the signal, analyzes many factors, such as market volatility, searches for the PinBar pattern, calculates the probability of success when making a deal. The indicator is set in the usual way. The indicator itself consists of an information window where the name of the trading instrument is displayed, the probability of making a successful transaction,
This is Gekko's customizable version of the famous Heiken Ashi indicator. It extends the use of the famous Heiken Ashi and calculates strong entry and exit signals.  Inputs Number of Bars to Plot Indicator:  number of historical bars to plot the indicator, keep it low for better performance; Produce Arrow Signals:  determine if the indicator will plot arrow signal for long/short; Produces Signal Only When a Bar Closes:  wait for a bar to close to produce a signal (more accurate, by delayed entry
Price action is among the most popular trading concepts. A trader who knows how to use price action the right way can often improve his performance and his way of looking at charts significantly. However, there are still a lot of misunderstandings and half-truths circulating that confuse traders and set them up for failure. Using PA Trend Reversal will be possible to identify high probability exhaustion moves of a trend. Features The indicator gives alerts in real-time when the conditions are me
Market profile was developed by Peter Steidlmayer in the second half of last century. This is a very effective tool if you understand the nature and usage. It's not like common tools like EMA, RSI, MACD or Bollinger Bands. It operates independently of price, not based on price but its core is volume. The volume is normal, as the instrument is sung everywhere. But the special thing here is that the Market Profile represents the volume at each price level. 1. Price Histogram The Price Histogram i
MTF Support Resistance
Mohamad Zulhairi Baba
MultiTimeframe (MTF) Support and Resistance Indicator is use to measure last 320 bar (user input) of support and resistance of the dedicated timeframe. User can attached this indicator to any desire timeframe. Features: User input desire timeframe (default Period H4) User input numbers of last bars (default 320 bars) User input measurement of last HH and LL (default 10 bars) Line styling and colors. MT4 Version :  https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/31984
Description The base of this indicator is an ZigZag algorithm based on ATR and Fibo retracement. The ZigZag can be drawn like a classic ZigZag or like Arrows or needn't be drawn at all. This indicator is not redrawing in sense that the ZigZag's last shoulder is formed right after the appropriate conditions occur on the market. The shoulder doesn't change its direction afterwards (can only continue). There are some other possibilities to show advanced information in this indicator: Auto Fibo on
Interactive RSI Matrix MT5
Tsvetan Tsvetanov
5 (1)
This indicator shows the current RSI values for multiple symbols and multiple timeframes and allows you to switch between timeframes and symbols with one click directly from the matrix. With this indicator, you can analyze large number of symbols across multiple timeframes and detect the strongest trends in just a few seconds. Features Shows RSI values for multiple symbols and timeframes simultaneously. Colored cells with progressive color intensity depending on the RSI values. Ability to chang
Purpose The indicator is intended for manual multi-currency trading based on the Triple Screen Strategy. It works with any symbols located in the Market Watch window of the MT5: currencies, metals, indexes, etc. The number of instruments can be limited by capacity of the МТ5's parameters. But if desired, you can create several windows with various set of instruments and parameters. Operation Principle The indicator uses the modified Triple Screen Strategy for determining trend direction in the
Local Flat MT5
Igor Semyonov
Description The  indicator of local flat. The indicator allows to find local flats in the following options: Width of channels that is not more than certain number of points Width of channels that is not less than certain number of points Width of channels that is not more and not less than certain number of points The indicator displays the middle and boundaries of the channel. Attaching multiple instances of the indicator to the chart with different ranges leads to displaying a system of chann
Macd Predictor
Jianyuan Huang
Macd 的主图指标 1.您可以提前一段确定MACD将从买入转为卖出的价格,反之亦然。它是振荡器预测器的表亲。如果你当时就知道一个仓位,那么确切的价格,当前和下一个(未来)柱将需要达到MACD交叉。在你的当前头寸受到下一个MACD交叉力量的帮助或阻碍之前,你还可以看到市场必须走的距离。您可以在所有时间范围内执行此操作,因为预测器会实时更新。 2.您可以通过MACD预测变量历史清楚地观察价格行为来确定市场上的“动态压力”,直接叠加在条形图上。动态压力是指市场对买卖信号的反应。如果你在MACD卖出30分钟并且市场持平,那么你就知道下一个买入信号很容易成为大赢家!这是我经常用标准的 MACD做的事情,但现在它更容易看到! 参数: Fast EMA - period of the fast Moving Average. Slow EMA - period of the slow Moving Average. Signal EMA - period of the Signal line.
Swing Points are those places on the chart where price changes direction. This is an MT5 version of my MT4 Swing Points Indicator. Found on the code base at  https://www.mql5.com/en/code/15616  and in the market at  https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/22918 The beginning input parameters allow you to configure your alerts. Turn on screen alerts  allows you to turn on and off screen alerts. True is on, false is off. Turn on push to phone alerts allows you to turn on and off push to phone aler
Market Impulse
Rafael Caetano Pinto
This indicator uses volume and volatility information to indicate the trend or to indicate the market reversion/correction. There are 2 indicators in one. The indicator works in two styles: values ​​per candle and accumulated values. Using the volume and volatility information, when well adjusted, this indicator has a good probability to indicate the right direction, both in lower (M1, M2, M5) and higher (M15, M30) timeframes. Strategy 1: Trend indicator Indicates the operation direction. To us
Angry Alligator
Denis Povtorenko
Технический индикатор Angry Alligator является расширенной авторский интерпретацией индикатора от B. Williams’а. Данный индикатор имеет такие же принципы работы, что и классический индикатор Alligator и основан на тех же параметрах. Ключевым отличием и преимуществом данного индикатора заключается в том, что в нем реализован дополнительный торговой сигнал в виде ещё одной линии. Продолжая тему B. Williams’а сигнал отображает «укус» котировок индикатором - Alligator’s Bite. Дополнительный параметр
PD Bollinger Bands
Denis Povtorenko
3 (1)
Технический индикатор Bollinger Bands классически отображается двумя линиями, которые демонстрируют отклонение котировок от МА 20. Для этого используется стандартное отклонение, параметр которого собственно и задаёт динамику двум полосам. Так как индикатор отображает момент повышенной волатильности на рынке, закрытие котировок за полосами свидетельствует об импульсном направлении рынка или же выхода с длительной зоны проторговки. Таким образом, работа на пробой позволяет войти в момент отклонени
PD Price Channel
Denis Povtorenko
Технический индикатор широко известен читателям и поклонникам стратегии «черепах». Отображается линией по нижней/верхней точке цены за определенный интервал времени. Значение ценового канала также используют для определения зон поддержки и сопротивления. Если котировки актива прорывают и закрываются ниже/выше канала, то это является сигналом работы в сторону пробоя. Способы применения: Индикатор является самодостаточным и не требует дополнительных фильтров для начала работы. Однако для надёжност
Технический индикатор Price Channel & Bollinger Bands является комбинацией двух наиболее популярных канальных индикаторов. Данный индикатор отображает моменты пробоя как каждого канала по отдельности, так и генерирует сигналу в момент одновременного закрытия цен за линиями поддержки/сопротивления. Каждый пробой подсвечивает свечу определенным цветом, что позволяет убрать линии для более комфортной работы с графиком. В случае одновременного пробоя PC и BB, индикатор также отобразит необходимый ма
Технический индикатор Universal Oscillator является комбинацией торговых сигналов самых популярных и широко используемых осцилляторов. Индикатор представлен гистограммами, а также линиями fast и slow MA, что позволяет расширить список получаемых торговых рекомендаций и работать как по тренду, так и в боковом движении рынка. Таким образом, гистограммы позволяют определить момент пробоя ценовых значений и движение в новой фазе рынка, а линии указывают на зоны перекупленности и перепроданности.  Ос
TSO Thermostat Strategy
Dionisis Nikolopoulos
TSO Thermostat Strategy is an indicator that can adapt to the current market conditions by switching from a trend-following mode to a short-term swing mode, thus providing the best possible entry/exit signals in any situation. It is based on the Thermostat Trading Strategy as presented in the book Building Winning Trading Systems with TradeStation by G. Pruitt and J. R. Hill.   Strategy The Thermostat Strategy uses different entry and exit conditions based on the current situation of the market
有用的工具,当它通过音量输入检测到可能的移动时将通知您。 从根本上来说是期货。 检测NO OFFER / NO DEMAND的区域。 将正在进行的蜡烛的体积与之前的蜡烛进行比较。 如果音量一直在下降,当前收缩时,超过前一个,请注意!  - 它可以加载到主图形或窗口中。  - 任何时间性。  - 它通过一个弹出窗口警告你,闹钟响了。  - 检测到模式时,会发出声音警报。 ................................................. ................................................. .................................................
A's Capital Line is a complex algorithm that detects  100% of the trends . This line marks the following information: The entrance to the trend. Stop of loss. Supports and resistances. When to take Profit. Send alerts to your cell phone through metatrader It works perfect on any instrument (stocks, forex, crypto, commodities, indices, etc). Also in any time frame to adjust to any trading style. Please see Screenshots for examples and Follow us on  instagram. Image 1 Line settings  are diferent
Introduction This indicator detects volume spread patterns for buy and sell opportunity. The patterns include demand and supply patterns. You might use each pattern for trading. However, these patterns are best used to detect the demand zone (=accumulation area) and supply zone (=distribution area). Demand pattern indicates generally potential buying opportunity. Supply pattern indicates generally potential selling opportunity. These are the underlying patterns rather than direct price action. T
Reliable Scalping Indicator MT5
Oliver Gideon Amofa Appiah
Reliable Scalping Indicator   RELIABLE SCALPING INDICATOR ( RSI ) As the name implies, this indicator gives reliable BUY and SELL signals on your chart. NO FANCY INDICATORS, NO MESSING WITH YOUR CHARTS. IT DOES NOTHING TO YOUR CHARTS EXCEPT TO SHOW ARROWS FOR BUYS AND SELLS. It DOES NOT repaint and has alerts and notifications which you can allow. It has chart notifications, mobile and email notifications and alerts. THIS INDICATOR PRODUCES ABOUT 85% ACCURATE SIGNALS WHICH IS VERY ENOUGH TO MAKE
Description The  indicator of local flat for CCI and RSI indicators. Users can select financial instruments. The indicator allows to find local flats in the following options: Width of channels that is not more than certain range Width of channels that is not less than certain range Width of channels that is not more and not less than certain range The indicator displays the middle and boundaries of the channel. Purpose The indicator can be used for manual or automated trading within an Expert
斐波那契折返和扩展画线工具 适用于MT5平台的斐波那契折返和扩展画线工具,非常适合于利用 帝纳波利点位交易法 和黄金分割交易的交易者 试用版: https://www.mql5.com/zh/market/product/35884 主要功能: 1.可以直接画线多组斐波那契折返,重要折返点之间的关系一目了然 2.可以画出斐波那契扩展 3.画线的斐波那契折返和扩展均可左右移动方便观察,有数值显示 4.图表显示非常清爽 5.可通过数字键切换周期 功能键: 1.按 [ 画折返,按需画折返,最多可画8组 2.按 ] 画扩展 3.按 \ 删除当前周期下的所有扩展和折返 4.移动、删除折返和扩展 (1)点击第一组折返的F5线条, 点击1次(变成黄色),按键盘上的Delete可删除该焦点的折返。 点击2次(恢复颜色),可以移动折返到合适的位置 (2)点击COP的线条 点击1次(变成黄色),按键盘上的Delete可该组折返 点击2次(恢复颜色),可以移动扩展到合适的位置 5.修改折返和扩展: (1)选择焦点F或反弹点数字(F或反弹点字体变大,变成黄色),移动鼠标。
Панель предназначена для быстрого визуального нахождения и отображения внешних баров по всем периодам и на любых выбранных валютных парах одновременно. Цвет сигнальных кнопок, указывает на направление паттерна. По клику на сигнальную кнопку, осуществляется открытие графика с данным паттерном. Отключить не используемые периоды, можно кликом по его заголовку. Имеется поиск в истории (по предыдущим барам). Прокрутка (scrolling) панели, осуществляется клавишами "UP" "DOWN" на клавиатуре. Имеется Pus
TeaCii trend is a LEADING NON-LAG indicator to trade Ranged Markets or Breakouts. The indicator marks support and resistance at the moment they are formed . It has only one setting for the ATR. We recommend leaving default. This is not an indicator that draws lines from the highs or lows and regards them as SR. It creates actual SR levels way before the market even shows the level as SR. Often 5 to 10 candles before the naked eye can see it. Look at the first dot and know that SR was declared t
除了发现看涨和看跌的三线行权形态之外,这个多符号和多时间框架指标还可以扫描以下烛台模式(请参阅屏幕截图以了解模式的解释): 三白兵(反转>延续形态) 三只黑乌鸦(反转>延续形态) 当启用指标设置中的严格选项时,这些形态不会经常出现在较高的时间范围内。但是当他们这样做时,这是一个非常高概率的设置。根据 Thomas Bulkowski(国际知名作家和烛台模式的领先专家)的说法,三线罢工在所有烛台模式中的整体表现排名最高。结合您自己的规则和技术,该指标将允许您创建(或增强)您自己的强大系统。 特征 可以同时监控您的市场报价窗口中可见的所有交易品种。仅将指标应用于一张图表并立即监控整个市场。 可以监控从 M1 到 MN 的每个时间范围,并在识别出模式时向您发送实时警报。 支持所有警报类型 。 可以使用 RSI 作为趋势过滤器,以便正确识别潜在的逆转。 该指示器包括一个交互式面板。当单击一个项目时,将打开一个带有相关代码和时间范围的新图表。 该指标可以将信号写入文本文件,EA 交易程序 (EA) 可以使用该文件进行自动交易。比如 这个产品 。   您可以在博客中 找到有关文本文件的内容和位置的
Deposit Supercharger
Yaroslav Varankin
Deposit Supercharger: Optimized Trend Indicator This indicator is based on three technical analysis indicators and two filters, providing more accurate signals. Description: Technical Indicators: The indicator operates based on three technical analysis indicators that help determine the trend direction and potential reversal points. Filters: To filter signals, it uses the price highs and lows from the last two days (support and resistance levels) and a volume indicator, which enhances the signa
VWAP Bands
Rafael Caetano Pinto
This indicator uses VWAP and projects this VWAP into up to 3 levels, shifted by a percentage of the chart's symbol. How to configure: Choose the symbol and desired graphic time Set the start time of the symbol (in bovespa, WIN and WDO start at 9 o'clock). This time is used as the cutoff reference for VWAP. Check which VWAP period fits the chart better: Ideally, a period when VWAP is not too distant from the chart Set percentage levels: Ideally, you should set levels based on history, so that le
Custom Pivots MT5
Tsvetan Tsvetanov
5 (1)
Pivots Points are significant levels traders can use to determine directional movement, support and resistance. Pivot Points use the prior period's high, low and close to formulate future support and resistance. In this regard, Pivot Points are predictive and leading indicators. Pivot Points were originally used by floor traders to set key levels. Floor traders are the original day traders. They deal in a very fast moving environment with a short-term focus. At the beginning of the trading day,
Day Channel
Iurii Tokman
Day Channel   该指标根据设置中设置的较早时期的柱线极值水平绘制通道,并显示收盘价水平。要使指标正常工作,指标设置的当前周期必须小于指标设置中指定的周期。 指标设置说明: TimeFrame - 选择绘制指标水平的时间段。默认情况下,日线图周期已设置。 LevelClose - 启用或禁用较早时期的收盘价水平的显示。 Bar_Limit - 限制指标显示在指定数量的柱上;如果 = 0,则显示在所有可用柱上。   该指标根据设置中设置的较早时期的柱线极值水平绘制通道,并显示收盘价水平。要使指标正常工作,指标设置的当前周期必须小于指标设置中指定的周期。 指标设置说明: TimeFrame - 选择绘制指标水平的时间段。默认情况下,日线图周期已设置。 LevelClose - 启用或禁用较早时期的收盘价水平的显示。 Bar_Limit - 限制指标显示在指定数量的柱上;如果 = 0,则显示在所有可用柱上。
Weiss Wave with lots of functionality and lightweight. The same can be used both in markets that have access to volume (REAL=Contracts, Tick=Business) or points! You will be able to:     - Analyze the volume of the market by swings made!     - Define the source of the data presented in the graphic, its size and color! Or simply hide this information!     - Define whether or not to show the swings in the graph and how many swings! In addition to setting the trend line color, thickness an
Dimitr Trifonov
5 (2)
Matreshka self-testing and self-optimizing indicator: 1. Is an interpretation of the Elliott Wave Analysis Theory. 2. Based on the principle of the indicator type ZigZag, and the waves are based on the principle of interpretation of the theory of DeMark. 3. Filters waves in length and height. 4. Draws up to six levels of ZigZag at the same time, tracking waves of different orders. 5. Marks Pulsed and Recoil Waves. 6. Draws arrows to open positions 7. Draws three channels. 8. Notes support and re
BeST Darvas Boxes MT5
Eleni Koulocheri
3 (1)
BeST_Darvas Boxes is a Metatrader Indicator based on the trading method developed in the 50’s by the Hungarian Nicolas Darvas . BeST_Darvas Boxes indicator draws the Top and the Bottom of every Darvas Box that can be confirmed on the current Chart draws Buy and Sell Arrows for every confirmed Upwards or Downwards Breakout of the above levels draws always only after the bar closing and so is non-repainting or backpainting it can be used as a standalone trading system/method Inputs Basic Settin
这是一个仓位风险可视化指标,指标可以让你清楚的看到,价格回撤到哪个位置会产生多大的亏损。       这是一个非常有用的用于控制风险的技术指标,在账户有开仓订单时,把技术指标附加到对应开仓订单的交易品种的图表上,技术指标就会在图表上绘制三条价格直线,此三条亏损百分比价格直线的默认值是10%、30%、50%,用户可自定义亏损百分比值,并且在左上角输出亏损百分比所对应的回撤点差。       亏损百分比价格直线的意义在于,让你可以清楚的看到使账户亏损的价格位置,可以让你更好的控制账户仓位大小,可以让你知道风险的情况下开出尽可能大的仓位,可以让你对账户所持有的仓位的风险做到心中有数。在你对行情有明确的判断时,可以尽可能多的持有仓位。   例1,多头开仓,在你认为市场价格不会低于某一价格时,那么只要亏损10%价格直线低于这一价格,你就可以继续买入开仓,直到亏损10%价格直线接近这一价格。只要市场价格高于亏损10%价格直线,账户的亏损就小于10%。   例2,空头开仓,在你认为市场价格不会高于某一价格时,那么只要亏损12%价格直线高于这一价格,你就可以继续卖出开仓,直到亏损12%价格直
Индикатор RSI magic kjuta5 . Пользовательский   Индикатор ( RSI magic kjuta ) на основе стандартного Индикатора Силы ( Relative Strength Index, RSI ) с дополнительными настройками и функциями. К стандартной линии RSI добавлены линии максимального и минимального значения RSI на графике. Теперь можно визуально наблюдать прошедшие максимумы и минимумы RSI , а не только значения по закрытию баров, что позволяет избежать путаницы   при анализе торгов. Например, советник открыл или закрыл ордер, но н
HV Models
Andrey Azatskiy
HV Models is an Indicator that containes 4 methods for calculating historical volatility of the selected asset. Volatility is one of the fundamental values ​​describing changes in the underlying asset. In statistics, it usualy describes as a standard deviation. The price chart has 4 values ​​(Open High Low Close) when we calculate volatility using a standard indicator, only one of these values ​​is used as a result we get one-sided volatility picture. The presented indicator uses 4 volatility ca
Market Sentiment is an indicator for MT5.  Market sentiment is the feeling or tone of a market . Also called investor sentiment, it is generally described as being bullish or bearish : When bulls are in control, prices are going up . When bears are in control, prices are going down . Markets being driven by emotions, the market sentiment is about feelings whereas fundamental value is about business performance . Settings :  Range in bars : numbers of bars used for the calculation, at your own c
TeaCii Auto Fibonacci MTF is an implementation of Fibonacci Levels The indicator is simple and yet more powerful than those in the market IMPORTANT: UNIQUE SELLING POINTS - The Levels are set automatically - You can see ANY TIMEFRAME Levels in ANY Chart. E.g. Watch H1 on M1. Watch M1 on H1 - The Levels are available in Buffers for EA Use - Helps you to get an edge early in by using multi timeframe Parameters TimeFrame  :  The timeframe of the indicator. It can be same, higher or lower than the
Hi Low Last Day
Igor Vishnevskii
The Hi Low Last Day ( Hi Lo Last Day ) indicator shows the high and low of the last trading day and the second trading day, as well as the minimum and maximum of last week . There are many trading strategies on the daily levels. This indicator is indispensable when using such trading strategies. In fact, everything is simple in trading, you just need to understand and accept it for yourself. There is only price!!! What is price? This is the level on the chart. The level is the price that the buy
Crossover System
Chingiz Gavryushkaev
Индикатор Crossover System основан на трех скользящих средних, который изменяет цвет баров в зависимости от определенных условий скользящих средних. Этот индикатор позволит реализовывать системы из одной скользящей средней, из двух скользящих средних и из трех скользящих средних. Параметры индикатора: fastperiod  - период быстрой скользящей средней fastMethod  - метод построения быстрой скользящей средней fastPrice  - метод вычисления быстрой скользящей средней fastshift  - сдвиг быстрой скользя
Engulfing Candlestick Bulkowski The engulfing candlestick is a well-known candle pattern composed of two candles. This indicator for showing engulfing candlestick that describe by Thomas Bulkowski. If you need for MetaTrader 4 version, please visit here: https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/34193 Feature Highlights Show bullish engulfing and bearish engulfing. Customizable "Up Symbol". Customizable "Down Symbol". Customizable symbol distance from candlestick. Customizable "Down Color". Custo
Outside Days Candlestick Bulkowski The Outside days candlestick is a well-known candle pattern composed of two candles. This indicator for showing outside days candlestick that describe by Thomas Bulkowski. If you need for MetaTrader 4 version, please visit here: https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/34411 Feature Highlights Show outside days candlestick. Customizable "Symbol". Customizable symbol distance from candlestick. Input Parameters Symbol - Input symbol code from "wingdings" for out
WindFlow MT5
Carmine Pinto
WindFlow is a powerful solution for manual traders that will drive your trading decisions in no time. I designed this indicator taking into account three main concepts: momentum, break of recent trend and volatility. Just like the wind's flow any trend can have small correction or major change in its direction based on the main trend's strength, so at glance you can have a very good idea on the next "wind's direction" when you look at your charts. How to properly use WindFlow? WindFlow is the p
KT Pin Bar MT5
KT Pin Bar identifies the pin bar formation which is a type of price action pattern which depicts a sign of reversal or rejection of the trend. When combined with support and resistance, BRN and other significant levels, Pin Bar pattern proved to be a very strong sign of reversal. Basically, a pin bar is characterized by a small body relative to the bar length which is closed either in upper or lower 50% part of its length. They have very large wicks and small candle body. A pin bar candlestic
KT Auto Fibo MT5
5 (1)
KT Auto Fibo draws Fibonacci retracement levels based on the ongoing trend direction. The Highs and Lows are automatically selected using the Maximum and Minimum points available on the chart. You can zoom in/out and scroll to adjust the Fibonacci levels accordingly. Modes Auto:  It draws the Fibonacci levels automatically based on the chart area. Manual:  It draws the Fibonacci levels only one time. After that, you can change the anchor points manually. Usage: Helps to predict the future prof
Inside Days Candlestick Bulkowski The Inside days candlestick is a well-known candle pattern composed of two candles. This indicator for showing outside days candlestick that describe by Thomas Bulkowski. If you need for MetaTrader 4 version, please visit here: https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/34725 Feature Highlights Show inside days candlestick. Customizable "Symbol". Customizable symbol distance from candlestick. Input Parameters Symbol - Input symbol code from "wingdings" for inside
VWAP = Volume Weighted Average Price The concept of VWAP is not equal to a normal Moving Average. The VWAP starts always with zero at the beginning of a new day and successively forms an average to the traded volume relative to price. Professional trading firms and institutions use VWAP for a measure of the real weighted trend of an underlying. With the addition of the standard deviation you can spot support and resist at the outer boundaries.
Candlestick Pattern Teller
Flavio Javier Jarabeck
5 (1)
Minions Labs' Candlestick Pattern Teller It shows on your chart the names of the famous Candlesticks Patterns formations as soon as they are created and confirmed. No repainting. That way beginners and also professional traders who have difficulties in visually identifying candlestick patterns will have their analysis in a much easier format. Did you know that in general there are 3 types of individuals: Visual, Auditory, and Kinesthetic? Don't be ashamed if you cannot easily recognize Candlesti
SBA scalping v75
Umri Azkia Zulkarnaen
Qiuyang Zheng
这款指标适合MT5上的任何品种,也适合任何周期,但是最适合的周期是30分钟和4小时,使用简单,箭头出现绝对不改变,不漂移,不会马后炮。 这款指标的原理是根据ATR和自定义MA,再加上混合计算,研发出来的,准确率高。 买涨:看绿色向上的箭头; 买跌:看红色向下的箭头; 箭头出现即可立即下单! 建议两个周期一起看,会更准确,也就是先参考大周期的趋势(大周期里面的大箭头走过后),再看小周期的箭头! 下面是更好的使用方法: 智币A使用!两个周期一起看更准确,比如,你看5分钟箭头做单,就先看看15分钟上是不是相同趋势(也就是相同箭头中),如果是相同就做单,大周期上不同就不要做单!: 如果15分钟当前是向上箭头后,5分钟周期出现向上箭头就做多单(买涨); 如果15分钟当前是向下箭头后,5分钟周期出现向下箭头就做空单(买跌); 如果看1分钟做单,就再看看5分钟周期;。如果看15分钟做单,就再看看1小时周期;。如果看30分钟或1小时做单,就再看看4小时周期;。如果看4小时做单,就再看看日图!。
Trading Chaos Map MT5
Andrey Sinegovskiy
Тем, кто изучил книги Билла Вильямса "Новые измерения в биржевой торговле" и "Торговый Хаос (второе издание)" и пробовал торговать по этим методикам, становится ясно, что стандартного набора индикаторов недостаточно для полноценной работы. Индикатор  Trading Chaos Map  рисует "карту рынка", позволяя вам видеть графики так же, как автор трилогии. В параметрах предусмотрены опции включения и отключения каждого сигнала. Вы можете использовать ту или иную методику, либо использовать их вместе. Может
Phi Averages Fan
Gustavo Goncalves
A fan of special weighted moving averages, able to predict tendency reversal and give references about price movements during consolidation and drawbacks. This special moving average is based on Phi fractals and is not available on others indicators. Reproduce this method with another kind of average will not have the same results. The fan has the following averages: 17: Purple 34: Blue 72: Orange 144: Green Blue 305: Dark Blue 610: Grey How to use the fan to analyze price behaviour: If the pric
KT Advance Ichimoku
KT Advance Ichimoku plot the arrows and provide alerts for the four trading strategies based on Ichimoku Kinko Hyo indicator. The generated signals can be filtered by other Ichimoku elements.  Four Strategies based on the Ichimoku Kinko Hyo 1.Tenkan-Kijun Cross Buy Arrow: When Tenkan-Sen cross above the Kijun-Sen. Sell Arrow: When Tenkan-Sen cross below the Kijun-Sen. 2.Kumo Cloud Breakout Buy Arrow: When price close above the Kumo cloud.  Sell Arrow: When price close below the Kumo cloud. 3.C
KT Volatility Oscillator MT5
KT Volatility oscillator analyze the past and current market data with a mathematical formula to display the result in a form of an oscillator. The growing and deteriorating waves are equivalent to high and low volatility in the asset.  In a nutshell, volatility is simply a measurement of the price fluctuation of an asset over a certain period of time. Without volatility, there would not much movement in the market and traders would not be able to profit from the price movements. Use of Volatil
價格偏離MA 單獨窗口中的指標顯示移動平均線指定值的價格偏差(%)的值。 它既可用於固定頭寸,也可用於開倉。 輸入參數: 1.計算移動平均線的平均週期。 2.平均法。 它可以是任何ENUM_MA_METHOD值: MODE_SMA  - 簡單平均; MODE_EMA  - 指數平均; MODE_SMMA  - 平滑平均值; MODE_LWMA  - 線性加權平均。 3.二手價格。 可以是ENUM_APPLIED_PRICE價格常數之一: PRICE_CLOSE  - 收盤價; PRICE_OPEN  - 開盤價; PRICE_HIGH  - 期間的最高價格; PRICE_LOW  - 期間的最低價格; PRICE_MEDIAN  - 中位數價格,(高+低)/ 2; PRICE_TYPICAL  - 典型價格,(高+低+收盤)/ 3; PRICE_WEIGHTED  - 加權平均價格,(高+低+收盤+收盤)/ 4。
PZ Cup and Handle MT5
4 (1)
杯子和手柄模式是类似于杯子和手柄的技术价格结构,其中杯子呈“ U”形,并且手柄略有向下漂移。图案的右侧-手柄-小于左侧-杯形,并且从顶部回撤不超过50%。它既可以是延续模式,也可以是逆转模式。 [ 安装指南 | 更新指南 | 故障排除 | 常见问题 | 所有产品 ] 清除交易信号 可自定义的颜色和尺寸 实施绩效统计 可自定义的尺寸和图案特征 显示适当的止损和获利水平 它是不可重涂和不可重涂的 它实现了电子邮件/声音/视觉警报 输入参数 幅度:幅度表示替代价格点之间的最小柱线量。要找到大图案,请增加幅度参数。要查找较小的模式,请减小幅度参数。 杯子平整度比率:此参数描述杯子的顶部相对于杯子大小的“平整度”。较高的值将发现更严格的模式,但频率较低。较低的值将找到更多的模式。 最小句柄回撤:模式句柄中需要的最小百分比回撤。 最大。回撤:模式句柄中可能的最小百分比回撤。 最大历史柱数:指标在图表中加载时要评估的过去柱数。 显示统计信息:显示或隐藏统计信息显示板和效果数据。 显示止损/止盈水平:显示或隐藏止损和止盈水平。 绘图选项:看涨或看跌的线条和标签的颜色和大小以及字体大小。 突破:突破
Ultimate Engulfing Bar Scanner (Multi Pair And Multi Time Frame) :   ---LIMITED TIME OFFER: NEXT 25 CLIENTS ONLY ---46% OFF REGULAR PRICE AND 2 FREE BONUSES ---SEE BELOW FOR FULL DETAILS Nothing is more important than institutional price action and order flow. And a strong engulfing candle is a clear indication  that the institutions have flipped their sentiment. Engulfing bar patterns are widely used by institutional traders around the world. As they allow you to manage  your trades within s
Ultimate Moving Average Scanner (Multi Pair And Multi Time Frame) :   ---LIMITED TIME OFFER: NEXT 25 CLIENTS ONLY ---46% OFF REGULAR PRICE AND 2 FREE BONUSES ---SEE BELOW FOR FULL DETAILS Institutional traders use moving averages more than any other indicator. As moving averages offer a quick  and clear indication of the different phases of a trend. Such as expansion, pullback, consolidation and reversal. And viewing the market through the same lens as the institutions is a critical part of you
Ultimate Volatility Scanner (Multi Pair And Multi Time Frame) :   ---LIMITED TIME OFFER: NEXT 25 CLIENTS ONLY ---46% OFF REGULAR PRICE AND 2 FREE BONUSES ---SEE BELOW FOR FULL DETAILS Volatility expansion and contraction is a fundamental market principle that will NEVER go away. And some of the largest institutions in the world invest enormous amounts of capital into various types of volatility strategies. Not only for profit driven trading strategies, but also for risk control.  VOLATILITY IS
Golden Ratio Oscillator
Francisco De Biaso Neto
It is an indicator that works with oscillations based on golden proportions. Through this indicator it is possible to operate using the proportions of the number of gold to elaborate strategies with the golden ratio. In this way, it is possible to make market analyzes respecting the proportions of Fibonacci. How to use: The closer the lines are to each other, the greater the possibility of retraction or inversion of the movement, the same is true for the distance of the lines. Nearby lines,  sug

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