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如何 购买 自动交易或指标

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适用于MetaTrader 5的技术指标 - 28

icon 技术指标的信号外汇和股票市场的开仓交易和平仓交易起着至关重要的作用。指标的本质就是一种交易品种的数学转换,旨在预测未来的价格变化。 测试技术指标可以更有利于预测市场行为并从中获利。
The Volume Plus indicator for MT5 can be effectively used for detecting imbalances in supply and demand. The indicator improves on the typical volume histogram by coloring the bars. Bar colors (colors are customizable): Neutral - DimGray Wide Spread (Range) Bar on High Volume - MediumBlue Narrow Spread, High Volume - MidnightBlue Wide Spread, Low Volume - ForestGreen Narrow Spread, Low Volume - DarkGreen Very/Ultra Wide Spread, Low Volume - Aqua Narrow Spread, Ultra High Volume - Purple Very/
SC MTF Ad for MT5 with alert
Krisztian Kenedi
5 (1)
Highly configurable Accumulation and Distribution (AD) indicator. Features: Highly customizable alert functions (at levels, crosses, direction changes via email, push, sound, popup) Multi timeframe ability Color customization (at levels, crosses, direction changes) Linear interpolation and histogram mode options Works on strategy tester in multi timeframe mode (at weekend without ticks also) Adjustable Levels Parameters: Ad Timeframe:  You can set the lower/higher timeframes for Ad. Ad Bar Shif
The Rayol Code Hour Interval Lines indicator was  designed to assist your trading experience.  It  draws the range of hours chosen by the user directly on the chart, so that it enables traders to visualize price movements during their preferred trading hours, providing  traders a more comprehensive view of price movements and market dynamics. This indicator allows the user to choose not only the Broker's time, but also the Local time. This way, the user no longer needs to calculate local time in
Dmitry Fedoseev
4 (1)
Indicator of Stowell's Three-Bar Net Line. In this indicator, the number of bars used for determining the lines can be defined in the settings. With the default settings, the indicator draws arrows in the areas of the line breakout. The lines are not displayed on the chart by default. but can be enabled. Parameters Alerts - enable alerts when arrows appear. Arrows appear on a forming bar and can disappear during bar formation. Therefore, it is recommended to wait for the bar with the arrow to c
Forex Time
Yuriy Ponyatov
An indicator for visualizing time ranges of key trading sessions: Asian, European, and American. The indicator features functionality for setting the start and end times of each trading session, as well as an adjustable timezone of the trading server. The main advantages of the indicator include the ability to operate with minimal CPU load and memory usage. Moreover, it offers the option to specify the number of displayed historical days, providing the user with flexible market dynamics analysis
This is a powerful crash spike detector indicator. It design to work on crash only it might be crash 100 ,crash 500 or crash  300 .binary.com broker provide crash indices .on 1minete only make sure to take signals consistence .it have a notification that makes sound whenever the spike it about to shown ,it proven 98% correct since 2017 . Try it now. check the recent result on the screenshot.
Hicham Ait Taleb
2 (1)
The "Deviation Scaled Moving Average Crosses" indicator is a powerful technical analysis tool designed for the MetaTrader 5 trading platform. It facilitates informed trading decisions by visually presenting the interaction between two moving averages, both of which are smoothed and scaled to offer enhanced insights into market trends. This custom indicator is developed by mladen and is copyright-protected for the year 2023. Using a unique approach, the indicator displays two types of deviation
該指標檢測每根蠟燭的買價和賣價(侵略)合同之間的差異。 該指標在價格圖表下方的專用窗口中顯示蠟燭圖,蠟燭圖由買賣合約之間的差額精確給出,從而產生市場的成交量強度。 可以(從屏幕截圖中查看)如何僅選擇累積燭台 delta 圖表,甚至使用蠟燭本身的趨勢線:通過選擇第二個框 u “NONE”,不會繪製趨勢線,而通過選擇顏色,體積蠟燭的趨勢線將與它們一起出現在圖表上。 這個指標有什麼用?將價格圖表與體積delta圖表進行比較,您可以看到市場的真實實力,兩個圖表的收斂將確定價格的正確上漲/下跌,而價格與體積delta之間的背離必須是信號警報對於交易者來說,因為價格應該反轉。該指標必須與交易策略一起使用,以過濾虛假信號,消除出現在價格和數量之間背離階段的信號。 注意:該指標僅適用於提供真實市場數據流並劃分賣出/買入合約 (BID / ASK) 的經紀商。 CFD、FOREX 和 CRYPTOCURRENCIES 屬於合成市場,它們沒有真實的數據流,因此該指標不適用於這些工具- AMP FUTURE 是一家提供無存款且具有真實數據流的免費模擬賬戶的經紀商,該指標可在該賬戶上運行。
該指標檢測每根蠟燭的買價和賣價(侵略)合同之間的差異。 該指標在價格圖表下方的專用窗口中顯示蠟燭圖,蠟燭圖由買賣合約之間的差額精確給出,從而產生市場的成交量強度。 可以(從屏幕截圖中查看)如何僅選擇累積燭台 delta 圖表,甚至使用蠟燭本身的趨勢線:通過選擇第二個框 u “NONE”,不會繪製趨勢線,而通過選擇顏色,體積蠟燭的趨勢線將與它們一起出現在圖表上。 這個指標有什麼用?將價格圖表與體積delta圖表進行比較,您可以看到市場的真實實力,兩個圖表的收斂將確定價格的正確上漲/下跌,而價格與體積delta之間的背離必須是信號警報對於交易者來說,因為價格應該反轉。該指標必須與交易策略一起使用,以過濾虛假信號,消除出現在價格和數量之間背離階段的信號。 注意:該指標僅適用於提供真實市場數據流並劃分賣出/買入合約 (BID / ASK) 的經紀商。 CFD、FOREX 和 CRYPTOCURRENCIES 屬於合成市場,它們沒有真實的數據流,因此該指標不適用於這些工具- AMP FUTURE 是一家提供無存款且具有真實數據流的免費模擬賬戶的經紀商,該指標可在該賬戶上運行。
Higher Time Frame Bars
Rajesh Kumar Nait
5 (1)
该指标可有效跟踪您想要在同一图表上跟踪的任何其他时间范围烛台 1. 选择任何更高的时间范围来加载同一图表上的柱形图 2.自定义烛台的颜色和样式 3. 选择绘制烛台的柱数 4. 跟踪更高时间范围的完整蜡烛以及烛芯和实体 5. 对于那些不想切换图表的人来说,简单方便。 该指标可有效跟踪您想要在同一图表上跟踪的任何其他时间范围烛台 1. 选择任何更高的时间范围来加载同一图表上的柱形图 2.自定义烛台的颜色和样式 3. 选择绘制烛台的柱数 4. 跟踪更高时间范围的完整蜡烛以及烛芯和实体 5. 对于那些不想切换图表的人来说,简单方便。 该指标可有效跟踪您想要在同一图表上跟踪的任何其他时间范围烛台 1. 选择任何更高的时间范围来加载同一图表上的柱形图 2.自定义烛台的颜色和样式 3. 选择绘制烛台的柱数 4. 跟踪更高时间范围的完整蜡烛以及烛芯和实体 5. 对于那些不想切换图表的人来说,简单方便。
Cobra Pivot Points 是一个用于绘制最佳优化枢轴点的指标,您可以通过下载 DEMO 自行回测。 1. 选择两种最佳枢轴模式:Cobra Pivots 或 Camrilla Pivots 2. 您可以使用任何时间范围,不限于 D1。 3. 您可以使用 Shift 参数来调整前一天的高低收盘值。 1 = 前一柱,2 = 前一柱之前的柱,依此类推。这些参数将帮助您研究和开发枢轴。 4. 触摸级别后发出警报、电子邮件或推送通知。 一旦触及水平,枢轴水平将被视为缓解,因此不会再次提醒您。 如果您想再次发出警报,则需要更改时间范围以重置警报。 5. 完全自定义线条颜色、线条样式、线条宽度、文本颜色和字体。 Cobra Pivots 分为三个区域:LZone(非常接近的剥头皮水平)、NZone(当市场盘整时)和 HZone(距离稍远的水平最适合头寸交易),可以在指标设置中显示/隐藏。 卡姆里拉枢轴公式为:     LS1 = 前一日收盘价- ((前一日最高价-前一日最低价)*0.50);     LS2 = 前一日收盘价- ((前一日最高价-前一日最低价)*0.75
Super Magic Moving Pro
Benyamin Naser Mokhtari Karchegani
*纳斯达克100“黄金指标”介绍!* 你是否在寻找一款强大的工具来提升你在纳斯达克100中的交易成功率?不必再犹豫!我们独家推出的指标经过两年对纳斯达克100走势的深入研究和分析,精心开发而成。 这个先进的移动平均线指标利用黄金分割、斐波那契水平和江恩角度,准确定位价格与移动平均线的交叉点。 *为什么选择这个指标?* - *简单设置:* 只需下载并运行,无需复杂配置! - *最佳性能:* 最适用于1分钟和5分钟的时间框架,同时在所有时间框架中均表现出色。 - *趋势强度检测:* 当一根强势蜡烛越过移动平均线时进入交易(确保蜡烛实体80%以上位于平均线之上)。 *“魔法策略”的一部分!*   该指标是纳斯达克100“魔法策略”的三大重要工具之一。它提供早期的交易入场信号,为了最大化收益,使用另外两个指标(在产品描述中提到)至关重要。 *超值优惠!*   目前该指标的价格远低于其实际价值。立即获取它,迈出通往财务成功的重要一步! Note : As you know, the demo version of any indicator or expert advisor ca
Visual Bollinger Bands Divergence
Luiz Felipe De Oliveira Caldas
VWAP 波段视觉样式 1.0 金融市场指标是交易者和投资者用来分析金融市场和做出决策的重要工具。 VWAP 和布林带是交易者用来衡量市场趋势和价格波动的两种流行技术分析工具。在此产品中,我们建议结合这两个指标来创建一个独特的产品,提供对市场趋势和波动性的全面分析。该产品非常适合希望根据数据驱动分析做出明智决策的交易者和投资者。 背离策略是一种流行的技术分析技术,交易者使用它来识别市场中潜在的趋势逆转。该策略依赖于识别价格走势和技术指标之间的差异。在本节中,我们将使用视觉风格和布林带描述背离策略。 例如,使用 Visual Style 和 Bollinger Bands 的背离策略是一种流行的技术分析技术,交易者使用它来识别市场中潜在的趋势逆转。该策略依赖于识别 RSI 和证券价格行为之间的差异。通过使用此策略,交易者可以根据数据驱动的分析做出明智的决策,从而实现更有利可图的交易和投资。
欢迎使用双峰指标 MT5 --(双顶/双底)-- 双顶底指标是一种技术分析工具,旨在识别市场中潜在的反转模式。 它确定了价格连续出现两个几乎相等高度的波峰或波谷,随后价格向相反方向移动的区域。 这种模式表明市场正在失去动力,可能已准备好趋势逆转。 *购买后联系我,向您发送  说明和步骤指南。 特征: 自动图表注释:指标自动在图表上标记双顶底形态 易于使用:该指标用户友好,可以轻松应用于 MT5 平台中的任何图表。 可定制:指标具有可定制的设置 自定义警报 。   适用于任何乐器。 该指标可与其他技术分析工具结合使用,以确定趋势方向和反转形态的潜在强度。 总的来说,双顶和双底指标是寻求识别市场潜在趋势逆转的交易者的强大工具。 其可定制的设置、警报和自动图表注释使其易于使用, 而其多时间框架分析和趋势确认功能为交易者提供了对潜在交易机会的宝贵见解。 如果你有任何问题随时问。
PTS Divergence Buy Finder MT5
PTS - Divergence Buy Finder 由Precision Trading Systems制作 Precision Divergence Finder旨在精确找到市场底部,并经常成功。在技术分析中,挑选底部通常比挑选顶部容易得多,这个工具正是为了完成这个任务而设计的。在识别出牛市背离后,等待趋势上升再购买是明智的。您可以使用10或20个周期的最高点进场,或者使用15-30周期的移动平均线上升来识别趋势变化。 这个复杂的算法会实时逐根柱状图寻找并计算活跃的需求指数背离的数量。 该模型观察市场价格何时创出新低,而需求指数未创新低,从而产生背离。 该指标使用两个设置。     • 需求指数(DI)长度,它将为指标提供寻找的对象,并将为您选择的长度上的任何DI背离进行查找。     • 差异,这是[DI值现在]与[DI值长达200个周期以前]之间的背离量,对于它从各种回望期间找到的每个背离,它将在指标窗口中生成[1]输出。 最多检查20个周期,最大输出值将显示为20。 建议的设置 需求指数长度从15到100都可以使用,但最佳范围在20到60之间。 背离的差异为0.1至20
Alert Stochastic for MT5
Eadvisors Software Inc.
Alert Stochastic plus delay and level Filter         A stochastic oscillator is a momentum indicator comparing a particular closing price of a security to a range of its prices over a certain period of time. We added many types of alerts plus the Level Cross Filter to aid in your search for better opportunities in the market. Product Features Sound alert Push Notification (Alerts can be sent to your mobile phone) Signs on chart Alert box Level Filter Delay Level Filter Indicator Parameters K,D
The indicator helps to enter a trade following the trend, at the same time, after some correction. It finds strong trending movements of a currency pair on a given number of bars, and also finds correction levels to this trend. If the trend is strong enough, and the correction becomes equal to the one specified in the parameters, then the indicator signals this. You can set different correction values, 38, 50 and 62 (Fibonacci levels) are better. In addition, you can set the minimum trend lengt
DBS Cluster Search
Dmitriy Burlachenko
Professional traders know that volume is the fuel for price movement. Large players try to hide their true intentions, but they can be recognized by volume bursts. The standard vertical volume does not show us specific price levels, but the cluster volume and especially its surges provide a very clear picture and specific price levels (areas). The DBS Cluster Search indicator searches for clusters of the specified size in tick data and highlights them with colored figures on the chart. These l
This indicator shows No Demand and No Supply signals for high probability trade entries and exits. Very powerful when combined with specific support and resistance zones to identify turning points in the market. No Demand – the situation of a deficit of buyers in the up-move. Possible short position. Definition: (look at the below screenshots for illustration) Signal candle volume is lower than the previous two. Signal candle is bullish. Signal candle has an upper wick/pin. Confirmation candle
Boom and Crash Spike Detector 指标是根据主要用于检测价格中的 Boom 和 Crash 的高级策略进行编码的。 植入了复杂的算法来检测价格中高概率的繁荣和崩溃。 它会在潜在的繁荣或崩溃阶段发出警报: 繁荣阶段:当价格上涨过快时。 崩溃阶段:当价格下跌过快时。 限时优惠:该指标仅适用于 30 美元和终身。 主要特征 向手机发送推送通知 在计算机或笔记本电脑上弹出并发出警报 显示非重绘箭头(向上箭头表示潜在繁荣,向下箭头表示潜在崩溃) 与所有对一起工作。 推荐 时间范围:H1 和 H4 推荐货币对:处于趋势阶段的货币对。 接触 如果您有任何问题或需要帮助,请通过私信联系我。 作者 SAYADI ACHREF,金融科技软件工程师和 Finansya 创始人。
William Oswaldo Mayorga Urduy
SORS複合體(適用於Metatrader 5) 該指標旨在在圖表上繪製SORS線,這是計算通常要遵循的市場點的現代方法,它們由支撐和阻力組成,但與經典不同,它們是根據內生的波動率和標準差計算的, 在配置中,您可以線性更改每個級別的顏色,並隱藏不需要的顏色。 A =年度。 M =每月。 W =每週 D =每日。 SORS複合體(適用於Metatrader 5) 該指標旨在在圖表上繪製SORS線,這是計算通常要遵循的市場點的現代方法,它們由支撐和阻力組成,但與經典不同,它們是根據內生的波動率和標準差計算的, 在配置中,您可以線性更改每個級別的顏色,並隱藏不需要的顏色。 A =年度。 M =每月。 W =每週 D =每日。 SORS複合體(適用於Metatrader 5) 該指標旨在在圖表上繪製SORS線,這是計算通常要遵循的市場點的現代方法,它們由支撐和阻力組成,但與經典不同,它們是根據內生的波動率和標準差計算的, 在配置中,您可以線性更改每個級別的顏色,並隱藏不需要的顏色。 A =年度。 M =每月。 W =每週 D =每日。
Candles Mix mt5
Vitaliy Kostrubko
This indicator will be VERY USEFUL for anyone who works with candlestick patterns. This indicator is designed to display the average figure from two adjacent candles (current and previous). Accordingly, it shows IN CONTEXT the strength or weakness of bulls / bears (!). But please, don't forget about the classical basics of technical analysis (!). All indicators are just an auxiliary tool for reading a chart (!). A demo version on the example of mt-4 can be found here:  https://www.mql5.com/ru/ma
Divergent Bar
Danil Poletavkin
Bill Williams' divergent bar with angulation. The angle between the green line and the top/bottom of the bar is used as an angle, which basically corresponds to the updated recommendations from Justin Williams  Angulation for the Wiseman Bullish and Bearish Divergent Signal Bar - YouTube . The default settings of the angle of 85 and 21 bar from the moment of crossing the lip line of the Alligator work quite well. If you use this indicator in real trading, I highly recommend not to engage in day
PS Time and Spread 指标适用于MT5 通过 PS Time and Spread 指标 优化您的交易体验,这是一款为您提供关键交易信息的多功能工具。 主要功能 倒计时 :实时显示当前K线的倒计时,帮助剥头皮交易者和日内交易者精确把握时机。 点差显示 :直接在图表上监控基础资产的实时点差。此功能可根据需要打开或关闭。 可自定义设置 : 调整字体大小、样式和颜色,满足您的图表审美需求。 使用X和Y坐标调整,将指标定位到屏幕的任何位置。 可选择将倒计时显示在蜡烛图后方(背景模式)或前方,以便更清晰查看。 用户友好界面 :简单直观的输入设置,即使是初学者也能轻松上手。 为什么选择PS Time and Spread? 无论您是剥头皮交易者、日内交易者还是波段交易者,此指标都能确保您不错过任何关键时机。倒计时让您掌握每根K线的剩余时间,而点差显示则帮助快速评估市场状况。其灵活性使其成为交易者的必备工具。
Ultimate Consecutive Bar Scanner (Multi Pair And Multi Time Frame) :   ---LIMITED TIME OFFER: NEXT 25 CLIENTS ONLY ---46% OFF REGULAR PRICE AND 2 FREE BONUSES ---SEE BELOW FOR FULL DETAILS Unlike the equity markets which tend to trend for years at a time, the forex market is a stationary time series. Therefore, when prices become severely over extended, it is only a matter of time before they make a retracement. And eventually a reversal. This is a critical market dynamic that the institutions
RSI Oscillator Breakout
Mohamed Hassan Mohamed Hassan Alsherbiny
The likelihood of farther price movement increases when Relative Strength Index oscillator "RSI" breaks through its historical resistance levels in conjunction with prices breakout of resistance levels. It's strongly encouraged to confirm price breakout with oscillator breakout since they have comparable effects to price breaking support and resistance levels; similar perception is applied to short trades. Concept is based on find swing levels which based on number of bars by each side to confir
Ultimate Correlation Scanner (Multi Pair And Multi Time Frame) :   ---LIMITED TIME OFFER: NEXT 25 CLIENTS ONLY ---46% OFF REGULAR PRICE AND 2 FREE BONUSES ---SEE BELOW FOR FULL DETAILS Correlations exist because of ongoing patterns in global capital flows.   Correlations are a fundamental market principle that underpin the markets. And correlations will never go away. Global capital tends to flow (in unison) in and out of risk sensitive currencies. While at the same time flowing in and out of i
中文 (Chinese) 适用于MetaTrader 5 (MT5)的虫洞时间框架指标 不仅仅是另一个交易工具——它是您在金融市场中的竞争优势。专为新手和专业交易者设计,虫洞指标彻底改变了您分析数据和决策的方式,确保您始终领先一步。 为什么您需要虫洞指标 领先竞争对手: 同时在同一图表上查看两个时间框架的能力,让您始终比他人快一步。再也不用在不同图表之间切换,您需要的一切尽在眼前。 发掘隐藏的机会: 改变传统时间框架,发现其他交易者错过的模式。想象一下,您的H1图表在1:59 PM而非2:00 PM关闭,这让您在市场反应之前采取行动。或者调整5分钟图表的边界,从00:01到00:06分析蜡烛,而不是标准的00:00到00:05。这些微妙的变化可以揭示独特的市场动态。 获取可操作的见解: 借助检测趋势、反转和支撑/阻力水平的精密工具,虫洞为您提供自信交易所需的知识。 经验证的创新 虫洞指标并非基于猜测,而是尖端研究的成果: 利用机器学习分析市场低效性。 识别零售交易的集群以揭示隐藏的市场动态。 这些见解推动了一个结合专业级策略的指标开发。 虫洞如何赋能您 更快决策: 实时数据让您始终领先
Ultimate Double Top Scanner (Multi Pair And Multi Time Frame) :   ---LIMITED TIME OFFER: NEXT 25 CLIENTS ONLY ---46% OFF REGULAR PRICE AND 2 FREE BONUSES ---SEE BELOW FOR FULL DETAILS Any major price level that holds multiple times,  is obviously a level that is being defended  by the large institutions. And a strong double top pattern is a clear indication of institutional interest. Double top patterns are widely used by institutional traders around the world. As they allow you to manage  yo
Bar Data Printer
Alessandro Partesotti
5 (1)
This Price indicator aid you to read prices of a bar without using native MT5 instuments like crosshair. The indicator gives you the OPEN HIGH LOW CLOSE and 50% bar prices of the current or one of the previous bar. Parameter setting are: TimeShift: Used for bar selection (0 stand for current 1 for previous 2 for 2 bars ago) Other parameter are using for esthetics. Each Label can be moved away from its initial position. FEEL FREE TO REPORT BUG AND REVIEW THIS INDICATOR. THANKS
ATR Monitor
Flavio Javier Jarabeck
4.8 (5)
ATR is a measure of volatility introduced by market technician J. Welles Wilder Jr. in his book, "New Concepts in Technical Trading Systems". In general, traders are accustomed to seeing the ATR in the form of a sub-window indicator. What I am presenting here is a simplified version of ATR - just the current ATR number - very useful for monitoring just the very moment of the current chart. If you want to monitor several timeframes in the same chart, just add the ATR Monitor indicator several tim
ALPS is a multi timeframes trend and momentum indicator that lets your profits run . It combines Gator Oscillator, ADX and RSI over multi timeframes in an innovative way. You can trade with full confidence on a rapid timeframe chart with insight and benefits of trend and momentum over a larger timeframe. To keep the chart clear and comprehensible, you can toggle any timeframe ON/OFF instantly at any time point. Different color trend bars mark slow, normal or strong trend based on ADX. Overbought
Sentimento de Mercado
Sentimento de Mercado é um indicador que usa os dados do nosso principal indicador: Market Strength Radar.:  https://www.mql5.com/pt/market/product/114568?source=Site +Profile+Seller Ele imprime um gráfico de linhas que deve ser comparado com o gráfico de preço para entendermos o sentimento do mercado. As divergencias são pontos importantes de inflexão. As convergências mostram força da tendência atual. 
Bonginkosi Innocent Khumalo
Transit2Trendline this indicator system is made to reduce the job of analyzing and to help those who can't or don't know how to draw trendlines.Transit 2 Trendlines draws only two important trendlines, support and resistance. The diagonal support is drawn in red color .The diagonal resistance is drawn in green color. Note this are very important trendlines which can easily be traded with the classic strategy of trendlines, breakout and retest. The Transit 2 Trendlines will draw patterns selected
Alexandra Voicu
5 (1)
AliSession Highlight is an indicator that highlights a specific period of time according to your preferences. It can help you gain a clear vision of price movements into a specific session, the range of a session, and also to easily identify the high and low of the session. You can use it on any currency pairs, indices, and any timeframes. Settings: Start Hour: Set the hour to initiate the session highlight. Start Min: Set the minute for the start of the session highlight. End Hour: Specify the
Switch Tray
Ren Xiang Wang
5 (1)
Switch Tray 是提供给交易员的常用交易对快捷托盘工具,可置于图表的底部,可自行设置常用交易对。 1、可设置您的常用交易对的快捷切换按钮,默认【EURUSD/GBPUSD/XAUUSD/USDJPY/USDCHF/USDCNH】,/ 斜杠为分隔符,当前所在图表的交易对为蓝色按钮显示。其他为默认颜色,可设置多个交易对需看您的屏幕长度来决定。 2、每个交易对的按钮上还配有 某交易对的已开仓手数。 3、多周期快捷切换按钮,全周期【1M/2M/3M/4M/5M/6M/10M/12M/15M/20M/30M/1H/2H/3H/4H/6H/8H/12H/1D/1W/1MN】。1分钟、5分钟、1小时、4小时分别标有特殊颜色进行呈现。
Abdiel Aviles Jimenez
The TradeQL Indicator is a customizable tool that highlights specific trading patterns on candlestick charts. Users can define patterns through TradeQL queries, which the indicator then applies to the chart, visually representing matches and captured groups. Ideal for identifying complex trade setups in real-time. TradeQL queries are specified using the TradeQL Language. See https://github.com/abdielou/tradeql for more details. This language is expressed as a regular expression. The language al
Description The base of this indicator is an ZigZag algorithm based on ATR and Fibo retracement. This indicator is not redrawing in sense that the ZigZag's last shoulder is formed right after the appropriate conditions occur on the market. The shoulder doesn't change its direction afterwards (can only continue). Note:  An indicator with advanced possibilities is also available. Indicator input parameters The input parameters allow to change the sensitivity of the ZigZag. ATR period ATR multip
ColorLine Indicator
MetaQuotes Ltd.
3 (1)
The ColorLine indicator shows the line of the price moving average on the chart. The line has diffrent colors (100 bars have the same color). The color settings of the line is changing every 5 ticks, there are 3 color schemes.  Indicator for demonstrating the DRAW_COLOR_LINE style. Draws a line at Close prices in colored pieces of 20 bars. The thickness, style and color of the line sections are changed randomly. The indicator code is published in the MQL5 Documentation in the section Indicator S
PipFinite Binary Options PRO MT5
Karlo Wilson Vendiola
4.54 (13)
This LEGIT Indicator Can Accurately Predict the Outcome of One Bar. Imagine adding more filters to further increase your probability! Unlike other products, Binary Options PRO can analyze past signals giving you the statistical edge. How Increase Your Probability Information revealed here www.mql5.com/en/blogs/post/727038 NOTE: The selection of a Good Broker is important for the overall success in trading Binary Options. Benefits You Get Unique algorithm that anticipates price weakness. Gene
Rainbow MT5
Jamal El Alama
4 (1)
Description : Rainbow MT5 is a technical indicator based on Moving Average with period 34 and very easy to use. When price crosses above MA and MA changes color to green, then this is a signal to buy. When price crosses below MA and MA changes color to red, then this is a signal to sell. The Expert advisor ( Rainbow EA MT5 ) based on Rainbow MT5 indicator is now available here . MT4 version is available here .
Mini One for All Trend Scanner
Sergio Antoni Escudero Tirado
Mini One for All Trend Scanner is a trend following multi-symbol indicator that can be used with any input: forex, stocks, commodities,... The panel shows   three indicators and six symbols with the trend for every pair (symbol/indicator): up, down or no trend. The indicators are: Average Directional Movement Index (ADX) Moving Average Convergence Divergence (MACD) Relative Strength Index (RSI) You can change quickly the chart by clicking any one of the symbol button in the panel. This feature
Samuel De Souza Ferreira
TendencyLine Indicator - Market Trend Analysis (An exclusive indicator by PPF - Past Project Future) General Description TendencyLine is a technical indicator developed by PPF - Past Project Future to help traders identify the prevailing market trend. It overlays a trend line based on a user-selected moving average on the price chart and displays a colored histogram that signals the trend direction. Main Features Trend Identification: The indicator differentiates between bullish and bear
PL Percentage Indicator
Martin John Davidson
4 (1)
Description The Profit and Loss Indicator by Creative Tech Solutions is a robust and comprehensive tool designed to help traders monitor their trading performance in real-time. This indicator provides detailed metrics on profits and drawdowns, ensuring traders are always informed about their trading activities and performance. With customisable alerts and display settings, this indicator is an essential tool for any serious trader. Features Real-Time Metrics : Monitor profit and drawdown percent
Jake Bernsteins MAC
Danil Poletavkin
The indicator shows Jake Bernstein's MAC (Moving Average Channel) System signals ---------------------------------------- System assumes several types of entering in trade, in this indicator only one type implemented - on closing of second trigger bar. It is recommended to start using this indicator together with Jake Bernstein's free lessons  https://www.youtube.com/@JakeatMBH/videos Arrow shows signal bar - enter on closing or on opening of the next bar, cross - stop level, dot - minimum profi
Phantom Trading Inc.
This indicator   combines   session   visualization   with Volume   Weighted Moving Average   (VWMA) analysis . It draws   vertical   lines at session   start and horizontal   lines spanning   each   session , providing   clear   visual c ues for trading   sessions. The V WMA is   calculated an d displayed as   a color -changing   line, offering   insights   into price   trends   weighte d by volume. Users   can customize session   times , line colors , VWMA perio d, price   type , and volume  
CrosssX Indicator Strategy
M Abdullahfaiz Rahman
A buy signal can be seen on the dashboard when the previous signal is red and the next signal is green, then the SAR is green and the RSI is green. A Sell Signal can be seen on the dashboard when the previous Signal is green and the Signal after it is red, then the SAR is red and the RSI is red. Line function - shows on the chart the lines of Opening, Stop Loss, Take Profit. With this function, it is easy to create a new order and see its additional characteristics before opening.   TP and SL
Moving Averages OnOff MT5
Fabrizio Malavasi
5 (3)
The Moving Averages On-Off  let you  control the indicator  using  the keyboard  or a  button . You can choose if you want the indicator always shown or always hided while switching among different time frames or financial instruments .    --->  This indicator is part of Combo Indicator OnOff It's possible to  setup three Moving Averages : Short ,  Medium ,  Long   Input You can customize the price type used for calculation : close, open, high, low, median price, typical price, weighted It's
The indicator displays support and resistance levels based on fibonacci level in multi period Creates lines indicating the latest support and resistance levels. These lines are updated whenever there is a change in support or resistance levels. Labels are removed if the corresponding conditions are not met. the period is availble in setting and level fibonacci
Special offer : ALL TOOLS , just $35 each! New tools   will be   $30   for the   first week   or the   first 3 purchases !  Trading Tools Channel on MQL5 : Join my MQL5 channel to update the latest news from me Supply Demand Retest and Break Multi Timeframe ,此工具基于强劲的动量蜡烛绘制供需区,允许您使用   timeframe selector   功能在多个时间框架中识别这些区域。通过重新测试和突破标签,以及可自定义的验证和样式选项,此工具支持有效的交易分析。 查看更多 MT4 版本请访问:  Supply Demand Retest and Break MT4 Multi Timeframe 查看更多产品请访问:   All Products 主要功能 灵活的时间框架选择:   利用时间框架选择器,根据您的交易需求在不同的时
Ultra ZigZag
Fabio Luis Pretti
4.5 (2)
Simple indicator used in technical strategies to analyze tops, bottoms and reversal or continuation points. Developer information:  Line values and colors: Buffer 0 : ZigZag line value; Buffer 1 : ZigZag color value; Buffer 2 : Median line value; Buffer 3 : Median color value;   Buffer to get the values of each top and bottom. Buffer 4 : Top value; Buffer 5 :  Bottoms   value; Buffer that returns the type of the last direction. Buffer 9: 0 = Not updated, 1 = High, -1 = Low; This indic
Vegas indicador
Valter Cezar Costa
3.5 (2)
Esse Indicador é uma boa opção para quem gosta de operar a longo prazo e com paciência. Ele trabalho com os níveis de fibo na media de 200 são  9 níveis  onde você pode operar nas reversões o mercado partir do níveis abaixo.    Level 1 = 550 pontos    Level 2 = 890 pontos    Level 3 = 1440 pontos    Level 4 = 2330 pontos    Level 5 = 3770 pontos    Level 7 = 9870 pontos    Level 8 = 15970 pontos   Level 9 = 25840 pontos      Level 6 = 6100 pontos
Investment Castle Volatility Index
Ahmed Alaaeldin Abdulrahman Ahmed Elherzawi
5 (2)
Investment Castle Volatility Index has the following features: 1. This indicator shows the volumes of the current symbol and the market volatility. 2. This indicator is built-in in the Investment Castle EA which works as volatility index for the EA dynamic distance and opposite start. 3. Parameters available for optimization for each pairs. 4. Works with any chart.
The Teamtrader Channel Stop indicator allows you to determine the current trend. If the Teamtrader Channel Stop indicator line has moved below the price and turned blue, then you should open deals for an increase. If the Teamtrader Channel Stop indicator line has appeared above the price and turned red, then you should open deals for a decrease: The indicator is suitable for any time frames, but it needs to be supplemented with filtering indicators, since by itself it is late and does not have
Thiago Gomes Cavalcanti
5 (2)
Esse indicador é a combinação do  RSI (IFR) com Média Móvel Simples aplicada o RSI em um único indicador para facilitar a criação de alguma estratégia. Fiz esse indicador para que um único indicador contenha os buffer necessários para implementar alguma EA. Descrição dos Buffers para o EA, Buffer 0 -> Valor do RSI Buffer 1 -> Valor da média móvel aplicada ao RSI
SSL Alerts
Luis Enrique Ricales
================         // Average period                      ma_Sma,                               // Simple moving average          ma_Ema,                               // Exponential moving average          ma_Smma,                              // Smoothed MA          ma_Lwma                               // Linear weighted MA ===============   // Average method       // Turn alerts on?       // Alert on current bar?      // Display messageas on alerts?        // Play sound on alerts?    
Previous High Low Levels
Artur Alves De Carvalho
The Previous High Low Levels indicator displays the high and low of the previous candle from a selected higher timeframe. This helps traders identify key support and resistance zones while trading on lower timeframes. Features: Plots the previous high and low from a higher timeframe Works on all timeframes and instruments Helps identify strong support and resistance levels Lightweight and does not repaint How to Use: Select a higher timeframe (e.g., H1, H4, D1) in the settings. T
Volume Doji
Ricardo Almeida Branco
Hey guys. This indicator will show you, in the volume histogram, if the candle was a Doji, a bullish candle, or a bearish candle. The construction of this indicator was requested by a trader who uses other indicators from my catalog, and I decided to release it free to help traders who think that the indicator can contribute to their operations. The parameters are: Volume Type: Real Volume or Tick Volume. Color if the candle is bearish: select the color. Color if the candle is high: select
Gm Vwap Point
Antonio Augusto Barreto De Melo
VWAP is an intraday calculation used primarily by algorithms and institutional traders to assess where a stock is trading in relation to its weighted average volume for the day. Day traders also use VWAP to assess market direction and filter out trading signals. This indicator is used to analyze and calculate the Vwap from a certain point on the graph, which is widely used to analyze the beginning of a movement of the price relationship with the volume. - Multi Vwaps on the same chart, placed
Level Fisher
Bahadir Hayiroglu
With Fisher level indicator. Many settings can be changed by the user, indicator created with original calculation. You can adjust the levels you create according to yourself and provide more stable displays. What is Fisher indicator: It transforms data that does not normally show a normal distribution, such as market prices. In essence, the transformation helps to better identify price reversals on a chart by making peak swings relatively rare events.
Tambet Iher
Sends price alerts conveniently to your Android/IOS device. Make sure push notifications are enabled in Metatrader settings and the PC/VPS is online 24/7. Price levels are updated automatically, but you can modify them in global variables, if needed. Suitable for any market instrument, but if notifications are too frequent, increase point value of the indicator parameter.
The Bolliger Bands On-Off let you control the indicator  using  the keyboard  or a  button . You can choose if you want the indicator always shown or always hided while switching among different time frames or financial instruments .    --->  This indicator is part of Combo Indicator OnOff The Bollinger Bands identify the degree of real-time volatility for a financial instruments . A lower amplitude corresponds to a low volatility, conversely a greater bandwidth corresponds to high volatility.
This indicator is based on the Fractals indicator. It helps the user identifying whether to buy or sell. It comes with an alert that will sound whenever a new signal appears. It also features an email facility. Your email address and SMTP Server settings should be specified in the settings window of the "Mailbox" tab in your MetaTrader 5. Blue arrow up = Buy. Red arrow down = Sell. Line = Trailing Stop. You can use one of my Trailing Stop products that automatically move the Stop Loss and includ
DMC Average Volume
Deibson Carvalho
516/5000 Average volume indicator to calculate the average volume for a given period. Useful as a filter to measure the strength of a trend, or false breaks in support or resistance. It does not give a signal to buy or sell, it only acts as a filter to avoid entering into transactions with a drop in volume, or below-average volume, which may indicate disinterest in trading at the price level. It has only the parameters of period, method of calculating the average and type of volume. It h
CCi Oscillator Breakout
Mohamed Hassan Mohamed Hassan Alsherbiny
Probability emerges to record higher prices when CCi oscillator breaks out oscillator historical resistance level when exhibit overbought values. Since, oscillator breakout of support and resistance have similar effect as price breaks support and resistance levels, therefore, its highly advised to confirm price breakout with oscillator breakout; certainly, will have the same output in short trades. Concept is based on find swing levels which based on number of bars by each side of peak or troug
Custom 3 Moving Averages
Wojciech Daniel Knoff
This is a customizable three moving averages indicator useful in crossover trading technique. Yo can set various parameters such as calculation methods (exponential, simple, etc.), period and price type   for each MA separately  from one input dialog.  Parameters: Period <1,2,3> - Period of a moving average Shift <1,2,3> - Shift of a moving average Method <1,2,3> - Method of calculation for each moving average set separately Applied Price <1,2,3> - Set price type for calculations for each movin
SystZ Trend Lines
Aleksey Sergan
3 (1)
Помощник для торговой системы   SystZ . Чертит трендовые линии по соседним экстремумам зигзага. Условие для линии сопротивления - правый должен быть ниже левого. Для линии поддержки - правый выше левого. Не допускается, чтобы между экстремумами, по которым проводится трендовая линии были другие. Экстремумы, удовлетворяющие этим условиям, отмечены символом фрактала. Закрытие свечи за линией - сигнал для открытия позиции.
Day Trade System
Nardus Van Staden
5 (1)
Introducing The Day Trader System: Your Shortcut to Day Trading Success! Are you a day trader seeking simplicity without compromising profitability? Look no further! We present The Day Trader System – your go-to solution for identifying lucrative opportunities in the fast-paced world of Forex. Simple Yet Powerful: The Day Trader System is a straightforward yet highly effective indicator designed exclusively for day traders. Say goodbye to complexity and hello to a system that simplifies
Moving Average Band
Daniel Eduardo San Martin
寻找更有效的方法来识别支撑、阻力并评估趋势? Moving Average Band 将移动平均线转换为一个动态调整以适应市场波动性的带状区域,提供了一个更真实的视角来观察价格变动。 什么是Moving Average Band? ️ Moving Average Band 是一种将移动平均线表示为动态带状区域的工具。 ️ 它会根据市场波动性自动调整带状区域的宽度。 它能给我带来什么? ️ 更真实的视角 :通过融入波动性,它能更准确地识别支撑和阻力区域。 ️ 更明智的决策 :它提供对趋势和价格变动的更全面评估。 如何解读? ️ 移动平均线将变为一个带状区域。 ️ 当带状区域变窄时,波动性降低。 ️ 当带状区域变宽时,波动性增加。 可以自定义吗? ️ 你可以调整带状区域的宽度以及移动平均线的常规参数:周期、计算方法、价格和偏移量。 现在就下载 Moving Average Band ,用更准确、更真实的视角来提升你的技术分析,洞察市场趋势!   想了解更多?继续阅读! Moving Average Band 是一款旨在为交易者提供更全面、更现实的移动平均线分析视
Thick Bar
Andrii Diachenko
5 (12)
This indicator solves the problem of chart scaling where the bar becomes too thin and it becomes difficult to determine the bar's open and close prices. Thick Bar indicator - allows you to change the thickness of the lines and the color of the stroke, due to which you can get a thicker bar on the chart. The default indicator has a bar thickness of 2 and preset colors that can be changed in the settings
