适用于MetaTrader 4的EA交易和指标 - 262
通过这些应用程序,您将能够更明智地在MetaTrader 4执行交易,抓住更多的交易机会。
The block of bars is collected under condition of convergence . If the convergence conditions are not met, the block is deleted. More precisely, the condition is the transition of the block of bars from the state of convergence to the state of divergence . Blocks are formed selectively with gaps. Gaps are characterized by the state of divergence of bars. The indicator shows the convergence value . If the indicator is below zero, the block is not formed and the bars are skipped. If the indicator
This indicator shows Linear Regression Line and it's channels which calculated with fibo numbers. You can use this indicator in different timeframes on your chosen timeframe chart. You only need to attach this indicator on the chart twice or more with a different colors to do this. There are 6 input parameters; period : you can choose regression timeframe independent of chart timeframe. linewidth : width of line on the chart. bars back regression begin : calculated regression bar count. LR
欢迎使用MQL5上的革命性指标"3 Peaks"!作为一名经验丰富的交易者和专注于销售的卖家,我非常高兴向您推荐这款强大的工具,为您的交易体验带来前所未有的准确性和可靠性。 "3 Peaks"指标拥有令人印象深刻的功能:它能够识别并在屏幕上提醒您当连续出现三个峰值时。无论您使用的是哪种图表表示、时间框架或货币对/商品,该指标始终高效可靠。 那么,什么是峰值呢?峰值特点是价格线呈现倒置的V字形状,由三个柱形图组成。要被视为峰值,第一个柱形图的开盘/收盘价必须低于第二个和第三个柱形图的开盘/收盘价,而第三个柱形图的开盘/收盘价必须低于第二个柱形图。 [包含显示三个柱形图形成峰值的相关屏幕截图或图表] 为什么要依靠"3 Peaks"指标?广泛的研究表明,当连续出现三个峰值时,市场总是延续其牛市趋势。通过我们的指标,您可以准确预测即将到来的牛市。 为了便于识别,"3 Peaks"指标为每个峰值提供了独特的颜色方案:第一个峰值以粉红色显示,第二个峰值以黄色显示,第三个峰值会在屏幕上触发红色警报,提示即将到来的趋势。 [包含显示颜色顺序相连的峰值的屏幕截图] 我们的分析基于市场事件驱动的基本原理
Homeopathic breakthroughs 这款EA是根据顺势突破原理,按照波浪理论,适合任何时间周期的操作。突破高点顺势而为,我写这款EA的初衷就是为了能够更好的服务于广大投资者,只要你们感觉好就是我最大的安慰。 关于参数的设置
这款EA参数很简单,只要用初始参数就行了,不需要任何的设置, EA设置:使用默认设置。 符号:美元直系货币对。 时间框架:M15及M30。 经纪人:ECN经纪人,低传播/佣金,1:400杠杆,非FIFO或FIFO。 交易条件:范围。 最低存款额:3000美元。 此EA内设风控机制,一天内的单子在同一天解决,不留隔夜头寸,大大降低了投资者的风险。 如果您们感觉这款EA对你们有所帮助,请为我的EA稍加评论,感谢大家!
Stochdeviation Stochdeviation指标也就是我们平时说的kdj背离指标,根据这项指标我们可以判断行情是否反转,配合我之前发过的MACDbeili指标,可以有效的过滤掉一些假的信号,帮助投资者们有效的掌握行情的顶或者低,背离又分一次背离和二次背离,二次背离说明行情反转的可能性还是比较大的,可以很好的帮助投资这抓住反转信号。 关于参数
目前我找到的参数就是默认参数,希望广大投资者能够在找到比我更好的参数。 该指标适合所有品种的所有周期,但是背离在越是比较大的时间周期出现,行情出现反转的可能性就越大。希望广大投资者能够很好的利用这个行情分析工具,也算是我对这个行业做出的一点微不足道贡献吧 你们的笑脸就是对我最好的肯定,谢谢你们!
FIBO Strategy EA is a very simple and flexible expert advisor, using a known indicator that allows you to see and exploit retracements. Any optimization should be done using average values and not doing it too often, it can be used at all times, but is more productive with the M30 and H1 times.
高频相对强弱与平均线交易机器人 鲤鱼王是一个智慧全自动程式,同时使用对冲、趋势与上下鞅。此程式使用了平滑异同移动平均线、相对强弱指数和移动平均线来计算趋势。下单会依照用户设定的批量、侦测到的趋势和平均真实区域。*策略是按照趋势来最佳化用户的批量大小与下单价格,趋势反转时依照新趋势下单,当新趋势的批量产生超越旧批量的利润时,依照用户设定的收益点来关闭手上所有的单。本程式拥有非常多可调整的参数,包含对冲比例、单的数量、批量最小单位、下单频率、收益大小等。 鲤鱼王通过了从2008到2018精度数据测试并拥有99.9%的准确度。
此智能交易是专为EURUSD而设计,但是也可以使用在AUDUSD、GBPUSD、USDJPY、USDCHF、EURJPY、EURAUD等。建议200:1正常帐户最低帐户馀额为 美金$10,000。
软体要素 : 内建多时趋势侦测 内建时间筛选器、突波波动筛选器和点差筛选器 内建价格追踪机制 内建自动订单平衡机制 内置批量加速技术
参数 : Profit_Above_Breakeven_Pips - 默认/预设收支平衡点数 Breakeven_SL_Pi
The advisor works on the basis of a strategy for determining the calm and volatile market conditions, as well as the phases of redistribution of trading activity.
In moments of increased volatility, the adviser analyzes similar price behavior (patterns) in the recent past, and if matches are found (the number of matches is configured by the user in the Strategy Accuracy parameter), the advisor decides to start trading.
Advisor does not use dangerous trading strategies based on lot increase a
This Expert Advisor is a very advanced sequential tool that gives each user the possibility to program
the order of tasks according to specific conditions.
Everything can be done in a simple and intuitive way.
The sequencing of the EA's programming ensures that each operation is carried out one after another.
I present the method of operation in the attached movie.
EA global settings magic – individual EA number . For each EA attached on the same instrument, a different number must be ent
The Manual BackTester Pro utility allows to simulate the manual trading in the MetaTrader 4 strategy tester.
The utility has no parameters at initialization. Time Frame Support: M1, M5, M15, M30, H1, H4, D1, W1, MN1
Panel Description:
The panel has Buy and Sell buttons for placing market orders. It is possible to set the Take Profit, Stop Loss and the Trailing Stop in the TP, SL and TL fields, respectively, measured in points of order opening price. The Lot field sets the lot size. It i
专家使用挂单和市场订单进行交易。您可以设置全自动模式或半自动模式(您打开交易,专家管理它直到关闭)。 Expert使用先进的交易算法,灵活的策略和风险管理设置。
- 常规设置 -
幻数 - 专家交易的唯一ID(数字> = 0) 批量 - 批量 止损(0-禁用) - 点差止损水平 获利(0-禁用) - 以点子为单位的利润水平 SMART ORDERS(1-Yes,0-No) - SMART ORDERS设置的开/关 SMART TRAIL(1-Yes,0-No) - SMART TRAILING设置的开/关 滑点 - 开盘交易时的最大价格滑点(点子)
订单交易类型 - 交易类型清单(买入,卖出,买入和卖出) 最小按订单价格差距(10+) - 价格和订单之间的最小差距(10+点) 最小订单间差距(10+
Primus Smart Money is an indicator that shows the average of bulls and bears on an asset. Used as a confirmation indicator for bullish and bearish control to assist in predicting future price moves Advantages Used in ALL financial markets including binary options on ALL asset classes or instruments. To be used as a confirmation tool with other indicators Parameters Period - default set to 9 (Recommended) Entry requirements Focus on the clusters on the indicator - the height or depth of the bars
This EA keeps an eye on drawn lines and opens orders according to a specification. Together with the included tool Trendline-Architect, which calculates and draws lines over the chart, it is a fully automatic EA.
There are two types of trends:
Trend A: the line is drawn using local lows for uptrends and local highs for downtrends
Trend B: the line is drawn using local highs for uptrends and local lows for downtrends
A few conditions have to be fulfilled. To understand and change
该指示器基于renko,但其周期等于ATR指示器的周期。 XOATRHIST版本指示器,在图表上显示波段。更加信息化。 关闭波段以外的柱形,会形成x或者o , 这时候报警指示灯会提示 参数: ATRPeriod - 用于计算ATR的步骤周期。§ XOalert - 输出到终端信号。§ XOnotification - 向移动终端发送信号。§ XOmail -向电子邮件发送信号。 注意:指示器以收盘价格运作,因此需要考虑形成的柱形。 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
Панель предназначена для быстрого визуального нахождения и отображения пин-баров по всем периодам и на любых выбранных валютных парах одновременно. Цвет сигнальных кнопок, указывает на направление пин-бара. По клику на сигнальную кнопку, осуществляется открытие графика с данным паттерном. Отключить не используемые периоды, можно кликом по его заголовку. Имеется поиск в истории (по предыдущим барам). Прокрутка (scrolling) панели, осуществляется клавишами "UP" "DOWN" на клавиатуре. Имеется Push-ув
Pound Crusher EA
This EA based on Over sold Over bought technology, It will place trade only on specific GBP pairs. This EA will place Buy trade at the very low range and place Sell trade at very high range so you will get more accurate trades. Pound Crusher have automatic and manual stop losses, If the trend against the trade then the trade will close automatically, This EA used advance technology so it will not disappoint you, This not kind of EA which can make short term profit then blow the
This indicator is a high quality trading tool that tracks and displays the relative strengths of the 8 major currencies (EUR,GBP,USD,AUD,NZD,CHF,CAD,& JPY). The relative strength values are obtained using the slope of a moving average. All 28 major currency pairs are analyzed and the slopes of the moving averages are recorded. The base currency of each currency pair is credited with the slope of the MA, whether positive or negative, and the quoted currency is credited with the MA slope * -1. Thi
MACDbeili指标翻译成英文就是 MACDdeviation的意思。 是根据投资者的要求实际,编写高端EA的神器,能够很好根据这个指标获取MACD背离的信号,有些投资者喜欢做MACD背离,使用这个指标可以编写有关MAcd背离的EA。 做投资的高手都知道,MACD背离是很好的操作方式,根据MACD背离的信号做单,成功率是很高的。 关于MACDbeili的参数
MACDbeili参数包含了MACD的参数,和Zigzag的参数。 参数设置和这两指标的参数设置基本上一样,使用者喜欢什么样的设置,可以随心所欲。 其实做背离有很多种,除了MACD外,还有KDJ背离,和CCI背离,关于这两个指标的背离,我会尽快写出,相信在不久的将来就会跟大家见面。
Skillfully run awayEA是一款类似于马丁的EA,出自马丁的理论,但风险远远低于马丁,内置风险控制,让您不至于像纯马丁EA那样爆仓,经过十年的历史数据回测,反复的修改策略,至今我刚发布出来,本着对投资者和使用者的负责,谨慎在谨慎。
EA设置: 使用默认设置或设置文件。
品种: 适合所有点差较小的品种。
时间框架: M15及以上。
经纪人: ECN经纪人,低传播/佣金,1:400杠杆,非FIFO或FIFO。
Microcore universal EA
Microcore universal EA is new in the Forex market. it can work on multiple symbols on the same terminal. This EA can work on both standard and cent account. The best secure use of this EA is to apply on cent account. Version info
This is version 1.00. we are working on next version with the new updates. these updates include code optimization and trailing stops.
Live Trading Result View Account#: 67652910 Investor Password: HNRHGDB78DHR Server:
This indicator works periodically and continuously depends on the numbers only and some complex mathematical equations, will give you more than wonderful areas for sell and buy and middle line, which is for us the first goal and the second goal it’s other area . This indicator is easy to deal with and does not repaint itself that it is constant from the beginning of opening the market if it is daily, weekly or monthly This indicator gives you a very small stop loss for multiple and large Target
GoodBoy EA is a new concept developed after many years of Forex trading experiences. It uses multilevel complex algorithms and multitimeframes analysis to detect trends. It trades in the direction of a strong market impulse. The EA is optimized with it's default settings to pass backtesting from 2011 to 5-Aug-2018 (Release date).
Please visit GoodBoy's Blog for set files and other notes.
Characteristics of the EA FIFO compliance option. Price averaging of same kind trades (Buys separated fr
This indicator makes objects(HLine,VLine,etc.) invisible in chosen timeframes. Objects to be invisible are determined by color. If you delete this indicator from the chart,the vanished object will be visible again.
This indicator is especially useful for trader that utilize a lot of lines.
Vanishable Object:HLine,VLine,ChannnelLine,LABEL,TEXT,arrow.
*In strategy tester,you can't change timeframe.Use template in order to know full ability of this indicator.
*There is a free version.
I speak in Hungarian. Magyarul beszélek benne. (Első felvétel. https://youtu.be/MapbQrJ0uPU Első felvétel. https://youtu.be/i2id5O1KPrI Második felvétel. https://youtu.be/Zp2i7QN-IMc Első felvétel. https://youtu.be/h7UbTWiM-Lw Második felvétel. https://youtu.be/y54q4Rasf2A Harmadik felvétel. https://youtu.be/13zYjsoe6ZQ Negyedik felvétel. https://youtu.be/NGiB1AnxxfU ) Nice Day Signalos! Positive building candle. If the previous body closes the candle over the candle. Buy takes. If the previous
No Title Recommended timeframe is H1. The Expert Advisor analyzes price dynamics and currency pair volatility over the last month, determines current levels and monitors the breakout of such levels. Trades are opened opposite to the breakdown. The maximum allowable spread value, at which the EA is allowed to open a position, is set in Max_Spread.
On weekends, brokers set a large spread value, so when testing, set the current spread in the Strategy Tester less than Max_Spread.
Do not test t
This is а modified oscillator CCI (Commodity Channel Index) with all sorts of signals, alerts and arrows. The indicator is designed so that any signal of crossing any specified level does not escape you. This is a supplemented version of the CCI Alerts Indicator, which does not draw the CCI indicator window, but only draws the result of its work as arrows on the symbol graph. This version of CCI Alerts with Arrows is for MetaTrader 4. If you need signals from another popular RSI indicator, then
ForexGumpXL is a new generation in the forex gump indicator line. More accurate, faster, less complicated in the settings is all about the new ForexGumpXL indicator. In the new version of the indicator, we have applied a truly new algorithm of work. Now he does not just analyze the market for a price reversal, but with the help of an adaptation algorithm, determining the current volatility in the market indicator with a high degree of probability is able to anticipate false price reversals in or
This indicator is a high-quality indicator that generates trading signals on the basis of price range. The indicator contains five variables for settings, for each position separately. With the Price Range indicator it is possible to trade and test strategies on all instrument such as Forex, commodities and stocks and also on all Timeframes. The indicator was designed to capture larger and long-term movements on the market, but it can also be used for short-term price movements on the market. Th
Intelligent algorithm indicator Variator with accuracy generates input signals and output levels. If the average price is blue, you should look for entry points to open long positions when the market is not overbought, and if the average price is red, you should look for entry points to open short positions when the market is not oversold. The rules can be summarized as follows. You should buy during an uptrend when the price reaches the average or oversold, and sell during a downtrend when the
If you do not yet have your trading strategy, you can take advantage of our ready-made trading strategy, which is most effective! The trend indicator Spin is created on the basis of price divergence. Will help in finding the entry points for analysis. Can be used as a filter in the trade. Has one Length parameter. The indicator can work for both entry points and filters. The indicator reflects information in a visual form. Do not forget that the approach to trading should be comprehensive, to en
This Expert Advisor is based on the "Ilan 1.6 Dynamic" Advisor with full preservation of the idea and input parameters. The "Ilan 1.6 Dynamic" advisor is the predecessor of all Ilans and the most recognizable Martingale method Forex advisor. The number of titles given to this development can hardly be counted. In fact, the Advisor uses a simple trading strategy based on two standard technical indicators - RSI (Relative Strength Index) and CCI (Commodity Channel Index) . The first one is used to
無指標網格專家顧問。當波動率超過 ATR 值時,開啟第一筆交易。如果燭台看跌並且 TrendDirection = 1 - 買入,如果 TrendDirection = 2 - 賣出。
EA 處理新柱開盤的價格,這樣做是為了使測試/優化的結果盡可能接近真實交易。應用動態水平來設置經紀人不可見的新訂單、止損、止盈和追踪止損,其值可以以點數、貨幣、餘額百分比或波動率 (ATR) 計算。
建議 在使用真錢之前,在美分交易賬戶上以最小的風險測試顧問; 確保使用 VPS 或與經紀人服務器的網絡延遲最小的服務器; 低點差 + 低佣金 + 高質量執行 - 這是選擇交易經紀人時的主要考慮; 使用高流動性貨幣對的顧問,例如 EURUSD、GBPUSD、AUDUSD、USDJPY、USDCHF、USDCAD、NZDUSD; 最低存款額為每 0.01 手 500 單位基礎貨幣; 時間範圍 M15-M30。
主要參數 TrendDirection - 交易方向、價格走勢的逆轉或延續; lotFor1000 - 1000 單位基礎貨幣的起始交易手數; ATRPeriod - 計
EA Moving Average Statistic Full Version is a completely automatized and largely configurable EA based on an indicator that can detect market inefficiencies and exploit them for its own trading objectives. Main features It can operate as a statistic martingale, as single trade or twin orders Advanced settings are available for the martingale and twin orders Money management can be configurabile as a fixed data or as a percentage It is also possible to configure: the days of the week in which
Main: Not martingale, not a grid, working on all symbols; a good rational algorithm; Work of two indicators: Parabolic Sar and Moving Average (you can set a separate Timeframe for each indicator); There is a good money management system (there are several type for trailing stop loss); EA can work on closed candles, and on current candles; Quickly optimized (the work is maximally accelerated). Very well optimized for EURUSD . Current sets after optimization are in comments. was optimized on
Trippy Recommended timeframe is H1 . The Expert Advisor analyzes price dynamics and currency pair volatility over the last month, determines current levels and monitors the breakout of such levels. Trades are opened opposite to the breakdown. The maximum allowable spread value, at which the EA is allowed to open a position, is set in Max_Spread . On weekends, brokers set a large spread value, so when testing, set the current spread in the Strategy Tester less than Max_Spread. Do not test the
Fix Up The adviser is based on a steady breakdown pattern of the current channel. This pattern is revealed by means of spectral analysis of the price over a long period of time and is successfully developed over a period of 20 years. Has a built-in mechanism for calculating profits, and also closes transactions for virtual Stop Loss and Take Profit, which are more than 40 points for 4-digit quotes. The adviser works on currency pairs: EURUSD, EURGBP, AUDUSD, NZDUSD, USDCAD, USDCHF. All setting
The indicator Martingal works on all currency pairs and on all timeframes. The arrows indicate the optimal input points for the future Martingale averaging, even with a zero exponent. The indicator shows the signal to close the series only if all the previous signals can be closed in the profit. After closing the series in profit, you must immediately open the order in the direction of the signal. Thus, the signal for closing is simultaneously the point of reverse opening to the other side of th
The Trendes indicator works on all currency pairs and on all timeframes. The arrows indicate favorable moments and directions for entering the market. The probability of a successful trend is very high. Trendes can be used for both small pits and long-term trading. The indicator determines the entry points according to the methods described in the book "How to play and win on the stock exchange".
Options LengthA - The number of bars for calculating the first function; LengthB - The number of
Prophet is a trend indicator. Shows the direction of turning points. Can be used with an optimal risk-to-profit ratio. The arrows indicate favorable moments and directions for entering the market. Uses one parameter for setting (adjust from 1 to 3). The probability of a successful trend is very high. In the course of work, the take-profit is much larger than the stop-loss! Works on all currency pairs and on all timeframes.
Important notice! This indicator does not automatically select waves. This is your job.
Features: calculate risk calculate position size mark Elliott waves mark Fibonacci levels change object parameters
Input parameters: Keyboard shortcuts - enable/disable keyboard shortcuts External capital - fill in if you do not keep all your capital in broker account. The risk will be calculated from the sum of the broker account and external capital. Select object after create - if true, then every cre
The indicator depends on the price action's analysis how is based on the rsi indicator and the moving average line from a platform containing multi symbols and different time-frames with the possibility to select your desired symbols and time-frames . Special Characteristics : * Real time analysis or at price close . * The possibility to open several windows with the selected symbols . * Different alert systems .
Indicator Characteristics : * Multiple symbol and time frame with
A sophisticated trend change indicator with additional filters to cherry pick trades. Also includes genuine statistics and ground-breaking automatic optimization. The indicator does not repaint but doesn't calculates stop loss and take profit. We Follow the trend depending on special formula plus price action The statistics explain all important information most trader need it.consideration spread, the last three days can be shown together with results at the charts and ordered/ranked by profita
PowerFlash - Советник реализует известную торговую стратегию на основе сетки. Это автоматическая торговая система. Вся работа автоматизирована. Бот использует минимум настроек. Бот работает следующим образом. Выставляется, одновременно, сетка отложенных ордеров в обе стороны от текущей цены на дистанции, указанной пользователем. Размер сетки регулируется от 1 до 100. После чего, куда бы ни пошел рынок, отложенные ордера будут переходить в рыночные. Если рыночные ордера зайдут в общий профит, то
The words powerful, unique and game changing are ones that are often over used when applied to trading indicators, but for the MT4/MT5 Quantum Camarilla levels indicator, they truly describe this new and exciting indicator completely.
Why? Because the indicator has something to offer every trader, from the systematic to the discretionary and from swing trading to breakout trading. And it’s not an indicator which is simply used for entries. The Camarilla indicator delivers in all areas, from ge
Trading the currency markets is a complex business, not least since we are dealing with pairs of currencies, and by inference, pairs of economies. All economies around the world are interlinked, and reflected in the constant ebb and flow of currency strength and weakness. The problem for us as traders is monitoring so many pairs simultaneously, since every pair does not move independently, but reflects the interrelated nature of this market.
The Quantum Currency Heatmap delivers the informatio
The Euro Currency Index or EURX , quantifies and displays strength and weakness of the single currency. As the index rises it signals strength in the single currency against a basket of currencies. As the index falls this signals weakness in the euro.
The Quantum EURX is calculated from a basket of four currencies with each currency having an equal weighting of 25%. US Dollar Japanese Yen British Pound Australian Dollar The indicator can be used in one of three ways: First, to identify and con
Born to trade DAX CFD and now adapted to trade Forex . Best timeframes to use are H4 and higher . This is the Pro version of the free product available since June of 2016. After more than two years, lot of satisfied customers and many successful trades, here you can have the full version of the product. With this version I've added lot of features that have been requested in these years and you are finally entitled to resell the signals of this EA like if it's yours.
Pro Setting
Multi-currency EA Hyperboloid Multi is a grid robot that works simultaneously with six currency pairs and enters the market when it receives market Buy and Sell orders from the built-in indicators. If the price goes against, the EA will start opening the grid of orders, increasing the lot size, based on the Lot Multiplier parameter, through the distance specified in the Distance parameter, points, if this is confirmed by the signal from the built-in indicators The EA uses a kind of averaging me
This is the FXTraderariel Price Action Power . It scans the market for opportunities and shows a buy or sell signal.It uses price action to find the best opportunities. You will get an overview on all Timeframes. Depending on the settings it and trading style, it can be used for scalping or long-term trading . The indicator can be used on every time frame , but we advise to use it on H1 and H4 . Especially if you are a novice trader. Pro Traders can also you use it for scalping in smaller timef
This is the FXTraderariel PowerTrend . It compute a trendfollowing system based on it own algorithm. It gives you a buy or sell signal based on the trend. It based on the Supertrend, but our Version is not repainting. Furthermoore we added some Improvements and you can get an Arrow, Push or Alert when the trend changes.
Depending on the settings it and trading style, it can be used for scalping or long-term trading . The indicator can be used on every time frame , but we advise to use it on H1
If you do not yet have your trading strategy, you can take advantage of our ready-made trading strategy, which is most effective for EURUSD H1 currency pair.
The indicator "Ready Made Scalping System" automatically analyzes the market and shows the trader when to open and close orders. You just need to follow his instructions. When the arrow appears - open the order, when a square appears with a tick - close the warrant. For convenience of the trader, the indicator when signals appear sends a
REXultra REVERSALarrow This indicator for MT4 is the latest ultra version of the REX family. Perfect for beginners and intermediates. REXultra is 100% non repaint. The strategy is based on a mix of different strategies, statistics, including pivot points, oscillators and patterns. It is an independent strategy that is not based on any custom strategy online. REXultra has a lot more trading signals than the pro version. The accuracy is higher. The most important indicators are Momentum and W
Expert opens trades by level and uses no indicator. It can be used with multiple currency pairs with correct settings. Depending on the currency pair, trading sessions are mostly short before the newyork close to the middle of Japan session. Due to independence of indicators, the expert can be optimized for several currency pairs and trading times. In case of extended drawdown, take profits are adjusted to exit the market sooner and if at all possibly profitable. The built-in news filter prevent
The trading statistics indicator notifies the trader of the aggregate income of the trading account for different time intervals. The indicator has wide display settings on the graph. There is a choice of one of the two display languages on the chart- English and Russian.
Settings Indicator language (ENG, RUS) - Select the language to display on the chart; To control the magic (-1: any magic) - Entering the Magic for control (-1: any Magic); Angle of indicator tie - Selecting the angle of the
Amok is a fully automatic trading system that was developed for trading on the EURUSD currency pair, H1 timeframe on micro accounts. Nevertheless, as practice shows, this trading system works well in other currency pairs.
Principle of work of the trading robot Amok In the algorithm of the robot, there are more than 7 different trading strategies. This was done to ensure that the robot could work more stably in different market conditions. The program part of the robot uses 12 different indicat
This tool simplifies routine trading tasks (like opening market orders, setting up pending orders, closing of all orders and orders by parameter), helps to control losses by use of break even stop and trailing stop, and adds a little bit of cyber punk edge to your trading
Control Elements Left side of the panel includes: order counter (shows the number of orders); connection status sign (notifies if connection is lost); trade permission sign (notifies if autotrading permisiion is turned off);
This indicator identifies No Demand –No Supply candles to your chart and plots volume bars colored according to the signal. It can be applied to all timeframes or to a specific one only. It can also be used as regular volume indicator but with exceptional future of WEIGHTED VOLUME. Furthermore is has an alert notification, sound and email when a signals occurs. The indicator does not repaint but the alert will come on two candles back due to the definition of No Demand No Supply. The VSA (Volum
The next version of the indicator based on the range of previous day.
Considers a difference of time zones. By default works the time zone of the broker.
Can work on time zones: Greenwich, broker or local.
It can be applied only on timeframe from H1 below.
If the day range of new day is lower minimum, then minimum is transferred
from ranges of previous day symmetrically concerning the line of closing
previous day (optionally, look Input parameters ).
Screenshot 1: operation of the
Grid Primordial EA 使用两个指标 RSI 和移动平均线的读数作为进入市场的信号。 以市场头寸和买入止损或卖出止损挂单网格进入市场。 订单和头寸具有实际盈亏水平。 EA 实施锁定未达到损失限制水平的头寸的方法,同时使用存款货币指定的第二利润水平。
设置说明 RSIperiod - 计算 RSI 指数的平均周期。 Coefficient - 用于寻找 RSI 指数最大值和最小值的系数。 中线 - RSI 指数信号线的水平。 Applied_Price - RSI 的使用价格。 MAPeriod - 计算移动平均线指标的平均周期。 MAMethod - 计算移动平均线指标的平均方法。 TakeProfit - 利润水平,以点为单位。 止损 - 损失水平,以点为单位。 Magic - 顾问订单和头寸的标识符。 手数 - 顾问的初始订单量和头寸。 coefficient_lot - 锁定仓位数量的乘数。 ProfitCurrency - 以存款货币指定的第二级利润。 滑点 - 允许的最小价格滑点。 网格 - 网格中的订单数量。 LevelGrid - 网格中订单之间的距
Entropy is an expert advisor with artificial intelligence that has the ability to self-learn and adapt to the constant chaos and disorderliness in the market. Entropy algorithm was developed in a way to ensure minimal human input or intervention to determine the in-coming market sentiment and price action that is extremely hard to pick by human eyes or manual trading.
The strategy and method in which Entropy is based on comply strictly to the core rules of trading and has an edge in its simplic
Parabolic SAR plus is a simple indicator that lets you know when the Parabolic-Sar might turn its direction. For long-term-trends activate an moving average and set a trend-value in these indicator Notice comes via screen-alert, email and notification Filter MA, MA-Channel (high / low) Alerts alert, push-notification, arrows, send email Advantages Signal after close, no repaint, no cross-over signal best Timeframes: H1 all Major-Forex-Pairs Send custom email header Important rule Look for an ins
This indicator for MT4 is the pro version of the REX family. Perfect for beginners and intermediates. REXpro is 100% non repaint and can be used on every timeframe. The strategy is based on a mix of different strategies, statistics, including pivot points, oscillators and patterns. It is an independent strategy that is not based on any custom strategy online. As the trading idea consists of a variety of some classic indicators like CCI or Stochastic, it is clear that the fundamental indicators h
This trading adviser is designed for trading during a low volatility, when the majority of the population sleeps or rests. You can set up any trading hours (for example, from 23 pm to 9 am) and the closing hour of all open trades. Can make no more than 2 transactions in one direction, so that it is not critical for the deposit. To open trades uses the lines of the indicator Envelopes.
When testing and trading on the standard settings, be sure to optimize the trading time and transaction closin
Version 1.6 ! Volume Strength 28 is better , easier to use and more awesome ! Based on complaint we got from the reviews, we understood many don't know how to really use the time frame setting on the input menu thus they have complaints of volatility, thus we have designed an Automatic Time Frame selection system that is suitable for novice traders.! The design of the indicator has been changed along with some calculation metrics. Based on complaints of high volatility we have been getting ,we
Sato - smart automatic trading robot, which makes trend transactions using up to 15 trend indicators. The robot is developed on the basis of a real trading strategy. Very easy to configure, does not require special knowledge. You can quickly start trading using the default settings. The robot is optimized for 26 currency pairs and does not need optimization. Stop-loss and take-profit are established for each order, and also various methods of order modifications are used. Monitoring : https://
The trading robot RSI MAshka is designed primarily for committing rare, but fairly accurate transactions for the sale of EURUSD. The main idea is to determine the moments of the market drop and calculate the conditions for entering the sale. To find the conditions for entering the market, the system is equipped with 7 indicators of two types , the analysis of which occurs on 3 timeframes . These are oscillators and trend indicators. The trading robot did not require an account type, and can work
Экспертная система IdeaClassic создана для спокойной торговли на рынке. Основная ее задача - работа с одни ордером без увеличения лота с обязательными стопами, причем стоп-лосс и тейк-профит должны быть одного порядка. Также есть возможность использовать трейлинг-стоп. Для формирования входного сигнала используется индикатор IdeaTrend . Для анализа данного индикатора используется функция, которая может анализировать данные индикатора комплексно. Анализируется до десяти последних сигналов от инди
EA is intended for trading on news only. News appear on the chart in the form of text messages and vertical lines. When the price approaches this line, the adviser places pending orders for purchase and for sale. If the "Modify pending orders" function is enabled, orders will move behind the price (up and down) and stay at the set distance from the price, which will not allow the order to worked ahead of time, before the news releases. If, after the news release, not one of the orders has not wo
Основная идея - распределение баланса для торговли на большом количестве валютных инструментов . Это позволяет отслеживать большее количество движений цены на рынке и извлекать из этого большую прибыль. Используется индикатор CCI (14) на таймфреймах H4 и M5 , фильтры: по минимальному лоту, по спреду. Встроена функция защиты депозита от потери ( ALARM_STOP_Eqyity ) и ограничивающие торговлю параметры ( Min_Proc_Sv_Sr и ALARM_Proc_Sv_Sr ). Автоматически рассчитывается для каждого инструмента: торг
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