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如何 购买 自动交易或指标

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想要在市场 赚钱 吗?
如何介绍 用于流通销售的产品

适用于MetaTrader 4的自动交易 - 77

icon EA交易能够使用特殊的外汇策略分析交易品种的报价。 免费测试以及付费EA交易,使您的交易自动化并获得更多盈利。
Smart Squid EA
Abdallah Moustafa Hamdy Ahm Abdelrazek
我们只在 MQL 市场上销售产品,如果您看到某处以更便宜的价格转售,那一定是 假冒的。     并且 100% 确定性能不是真实的     .也不会得到我们的支持。我很高兴加入我们的游戏,不要冒险购买 假冒版本 。 允许提升性能 ,购买后请联系我了解如何获得免费版本的指标和每日分析。 升级 4.0 到所有对也很好用。 如果你想提高你的   手动交易技巧     , YOLO是你训练手动交易的好工具,如果你的决定不是太可怕,YOLO会帮助你TP,你就可以开始你的下一个决定了 购买免费版指标后PM我 说明:这里 信号监视器:     这里   与指标的最佳匹配: 这里 YOLO的概念: 您每天都投票,如果您的决定与我通过单击“买入”或“卖出”-> 开始交易在 YOLO 中编码的趋势相匹配! 这是为了长期保护您的帐户(根据我的信号,每月超过 140%) YOLO 是一种安全的鞅策略,但易于在 XAUUSD 和所有货币上使用。也供手动用户使用图表上的面板进行交易。 全自动交易方向与趋势,以防止大幅回撤 交易面板供用户选择方向 所有隐藏的 TP 和隐藏的盈亏平衡价格 移动应用订单
This Expert Advisor is able to independently adjust to a volatile market. It determines the best parameters for trading by counting over a certain history which candles, levels and indicator readings are most suitable for opening a position. This makes it possible to optimize parameters manually less often and, probably, to trade for longer without losses despite the market changes. However, not all parameters are automatically optimized, it is necessary to set deviations of indicators from the
MegaWave Pro EA is an improved version of ThirdWave Pro EA and it focuses on mid to long term trending trading . All trading orders opened as pending orders or instant order in which stop loss and take profit are assigned. User defined settings include lot size, take profit and stop loss of market trending condition as well as lot size, take profit and stop loss of reversed trending condition. User can disable the trading activation option of reversed trending condition and allow EA to run only
Real Forex EA is fully automatic EA that works with candle based strategies. It uses Weekly, Daily, 4-hour, and 1-hour time periods. Strategies are built on finding the right entry points. EA has 5 different TP strategies. It works with 10 symbols. EA has both single mode and multimode feature.  If the drawdown is low, it works in single mode. If the drawdown is high, both single mode and multi mode work at the same time. Recommendations and features It works in the H1 timeframe . Symbols= E
Crypto Trender
Limited offer $149! TREND IS MY FRIEND! It is trend system, which is based on trend indicators. Works very well on bitcoin and ethereum, but It is a robust system that will most likely work on other cryptocurrencies. Very friendly system for accounts with small capital. Only one trade is always open! Signals are reversed, if signal BUY, so it will be closed SHORT position and opened LONG position. The system does not need large capital and is low risk. MT5 Version here:  https://www.mql5.com/
Orion 1
Emanuele Vazzoler
Orion I is a multi-strategy Expert Advisor: 13 different strategies has been embedded into a single Advisor with a logic able to select the best algorithm for each market phase! Multi-strategy allows to achieve a smooth equity line keeping at the same time the risks at an acceptable level. Money Management is based on fixed lot size OR fixed risk (i.e. maximum risk per trade expressed as % of available balance).  This EA has been developed for EURUSD with 1H time interval. Can be used on other
The Assistant pro
Brian Scott Ii Reid
This Trading bot will always get updated, that is why the monthly fee is placed. *I Will be adding more Features and Videos from customers' feedback on how they would like to improve on this.  This is based on the Martingale Custom Strategy but could be used as an Indicator for your Entry Point to have a HIGHER SUCCESS of a CALCULATED OUTCOME.  * DO NOT TRADE AGAINST MATHEMATICS* I have YOUTUBE Videos that will show you how each step works. Look at Part1-Part5 VIDEOS to see how this ea. FOR NO
Universal MT4
Volodymyr Hrybachov
如果您一直在尋找新的交易機器人並想長期購買外匯顧問,那麼這個交易機器人就是為您準備的。它可以滿足大多數交易者的要求,包括初學者和專業人士。我在為自己和訂單開發交易機器人方面有多年的經驗,我明白我在說什麼。您可以在我的個人資料中找到有關我的信息。 如果您想收到禮物,請在購買後寫信給我! 專家的主要優勢: 一個交易機器人中的多種交易策略。 即使在市場發生變化並且這種或那種策略停止工作之後,您也不再需要花錢購買其他機器人。如果所需的策略還沒有在機器人中,那麼寫信給我,如果有希望,那麼我會將其添加到顧問中。您可以在此處找到交易策略列表、未來修改和參數的完整 描述 。 剝頭皮交易、馬丁格爾交易、網格交易。 您可以僅使用一個訂單或一組訂單設置交易。具有動態、固定或乘數步長和交易手數的高度可定制的訂單網格將允許您使 EA 交易適應幾乎任何交易工具。 回撤系統,不盈利的訂單重疊和余額保護。 網格交易易受非反彈價格變動的影響已不是什麼秘密,但由於訂單恢復系統,顧問將能夠擺脫大多數回撤。回撤的退出是通過將最遠的不盈利訂單與最接近市場的盈利訂單重疊來執行
Great Bird
Ferri Shallahuddin
Great Bird expert advisor using a scalping system with low DD. has StopLoss   and TakeProfit features automatically set by the algorithm. you can also set StopLoss and TakeProfit manually. The Expert Advisor does not need complicated setup and  is ready to be used for all currencies Use Timeframe M5 account ECN recommendation Minimum account balance $ 100 (for one pair) The Expert Advisor does not use: Grid Averaging Martingale Doubling
这是一款真正的趋势跟踪交易系统,它能够让你不错过重大的趋势行情! 它通过均线系统进行开仓,并会通过ATR和你的余额来自动计算头寸规模单位,目的是让一倍ATR相当于账户净值的1%,加仓方式为金字塔型浮盈加仓,行情每顺势移动0.5ATR则加一层仓位,如果开仓后行情反向运动则会止损(默认单笔交易最大亏损为1%),你能够自定义单个品种的最大仓位和所有品种的最大仓位。 本趋势系统并不能保证能够在单个品种上的稳定盈利,因为在震荡行情中趋势跟踪系统会进行反复止损,我承认这是均线系统的通病,这无法避免,因此最好同时运行在多个不同的品种的图表上(请选择高流动性和松散关联的多个市场),以便不错过每一个趋势行情。 如果你想通过一款趋势交易系统在趋势行情中,代替你人工盯盘进行交易的话,这将会是一款非常合适的交易系统! 注意!!!外汇品种大多数震荡行情较多,容易造成反复止损!! 参数说明: minBalance:账户最小余额 Maximum Number Of Positions:单个品种的最大头寸单位,多单和空单各N个 StopLoss (nATR):止损为N个ATR Scale Out Of Pos
专家顾问根据我的作者的蜘蛛交易系统坚持切入点,该系统基于在趋势运动出现时找到交易的最佳切入点。 要搜索趋势,使用我的作者的指标,加上有一个卡通趋势指标,从更高的时间框架确定趋势。 此外,如果价格与一般信号相反,顾问会输入一个订单网格,但与此同时,如果有相反趋势的新信号,顾问会打开新的交易,从而分散风险。 机器人是如此的数学配置,只有当价格对信号超过5000pp时,才有可能失去存款,即市场上会出现"黑天鹅"。 在任何其他情况下,它将稳步赚取你在一个全自动。 这将是一个极好的收入全额负债. M5图表是为了顾问的工作,所以会有很多交易,而对于英镑/美元对 我们已经创建了近一年的顾问,我们一直在优化它,现在才准备将它放在这个资源上出售,因为我们确信它会带来稳定的利润。 我们的顾问自2021年11月以来一直在积极赚取收入,每月将持续从10-25%带来额外的确认!!! 此外,所有的优化和更新将完全免费提供给您,以及我们团队的持续技术支持。 还有,购买后私信给我写信,我会亲自帮你设置,安装在你的终端,配置好VPS,投入运行!!! 设置在屏幕上的存款deposit1000
Godzilla Scalper
Constantin Eduard Stefan
专家是两种策略的结合,两者相辅相成,相辅相成。 默认设置针对 EurUsd 货币对 M5 时间框架进行了优化,并且可以仅使用“开盘价”模式轻松优化专家,因为交易的开仓和平仓仅在新蜡烛打开时进行(可以通过设置“在新蜡烛上交易”进行修改" 参数为 "false" )。 Lot zise 可以是固定的(手动)或自动的,由账户余额的大小来计算。如果使用自动手数,如果“保持较高手数”参数设置为“真”,则手数不会降低。 盈亏系数按手数计算。 如果回撤大于账户余额的某个百分比(用户预设为 50% 输入),该专家还具有内置的安全功能。 如果两种策略中的一种开始开单,另一种则等到所有订单都关闭。 Godzilla Scalper 由 2 个策略组成,但使用相同的参数。如果 Auto Lot 设置为 true,则忽略第一个“Lots”参数,如果 Auto Lot 设置为“false”,则两种策略都使用“Lots”。 手数计算:如果“风险 S1”(风险集 1)设置为 20 并且您有一个 1000 美元的账户,那么计算的手数将为 0.20 手,同样的计算适用于策略 2,如果“风险 S
FLEX REVERSE PRO - GBPUSD Good evening everyone, I'm Tiziano and after over 2 years of modifications and backtesting today I present the definitive EA for GBPUSD which, as per the attached screenshots over the last 15 years, had a net profit of 13 million starting from a capital of 1000! In fact, already in 2009 it had reached a balance of € 800,000 but due to the broker's block at 100 pips per operation, it is not possible to carry out operations with greater lottery, if it had been possib
EA NN814 ZBasic
ihsan nur hidayat
This EA has a semi hedging character to minimize the risk of long floating. open trade parameters based on a special zone of my style of resistance support. The minimum resistance to use this EA is 10000 points with an average yield of 5% to 7% per month. If this EA is floating, it will look for a long moment for hedging floating recovery. ..................................... please keep yourself from anything products, everything have a risk.
BotMFI mt4
Andriy Sydoruk
Expert system   BotMFI . The most important characteristics for an expert are the ability to predict, that is, potential profit in the future, and not in the optimization period. To do this, you can simply check the Expert Advisor, cycle it through history in two stages. The first stage is optimization and sampling (according to one invariable rule). The second stage is the sweep. Thus, you can cycle through several times and draw conclusions. In this case, for optimization, an interval of on
Orion II
Emanuele Vazzoler
Orion II   is a multi-strategy Expert Advisor: 20 different strategies has been embedded into a single Advisor with a logic able to select the best algorithm for each market phase! Multi-strategy allows to achieve a smooth equity line keeping at the same time the risks at an acceptable level. Money Management can be based on fixed lot size or on a variable lot size. The lot size is determined according the a maximum risk % based on available Balance. The EA is set to use variable lot size with t
Pulse Scalper MT4
Andrey Vasilenko
Pulse Scalper EA works on the EURCHF currency pair.   Working timeframe M1. The strategy is based on searching for and playing back strong price impulses in the opposite direction. Does not use tick history, uses only closed bars, so you can test using open prices. The Expert Advisor does not use dangerous trading methods that can destroy the deposit: grids, martingale, locking, sitting out without stops. Stops are fixed; in addition, a hidden algorithm is used to track positions, which closes
JobStoch mt4
Vitalii Zakharuk
A professional bot that implements a trading strategy based on RSI and Envelopes indicators. The analysis is carried out by the levels of price intersection with the Envelopes lines, for a breakdown of any of the lines, if an upward breakdown then this is a buy signal, if a downward breakdown of any line is a sell signal. In this case, a breakdown of one of the RSI levels is also required. An upward breakdown of any level is a buy signal, and a downward breakdown of any level is a sell signal.
这是一个顺势网格交易系统,主要适用于震荡行情,开单方式是先分别通过“ADMI”的4H、24H、1W的时间周期共振确定趋势,再通过Stochastic指标寻找入场点。网格区间是通过订单的利润点数决定的,当订单的亏损/盈利点数达到了您设定的网格利润,则会进行开仓。如果趋势发生任一逆向转变,则会触发仓位风控,仓位风控的方式为,当ADMI任一周期不满足条件时,所有订单加起来的总利润点数大于网格利润就会平仓,你可以手动设置开单手数和网格利润,订单会自动在价格达到网格利润点时进行开仓或者止盈,该系统将在震荡行情中非常好用。 以下是参数说明: Lots:开单手数 GridProfit:网格利润 ADMI_Period:“ADMI”指标的周期 K_Length:KDJ的K值 D_Smoothing:KDJ的D值 K_Smoothing:KDJ的J值 MAX Account Loss:账户最大止损(该项为所有品种交易单的总止损) Maximum Grid Number:最大网格数,当仓位层数达到最大网格数量时,触发仓位风控
Algo Usual mt4
Vitalii Zakharuk
A professional bot that implements a trading strategy based on RSI, Envelopes and Stochastic indicators. The analysis is carried out according to the levels of price intersection with the Envelopes lines, on the breakdown of the lines, if an upward breakdown then this is a buy signal, if a downward breakdown of any line is a sell signal. Another part of the analysis is based on the levels of price intersection with the Stochastic lines, on the breakdown of the lines, if an upward breakdown then
Inductive Analysis
Tatiana Savkevych
Professional processing of the classic indicator. The bot implements the classic trading strategy based on the Stochastic indicator. The signal from the stochastic exit from the overbought / oversold zones, the levels of these zones will be the levels with the LevelMax and LevelMin values. We buy when the oscillator (PeriodK or PeriodD) first drops below a certain level (LevelMin) and then rises above it. Sell ​​when the oscillator first rises above a certain level (LevelMax), and then drops be
Insider 8PRO
Indra Lukmana
Feb 14 2022 will be the last limit to purchase this EA for 1689 $, normal price will be 4500 $ Insider 8PRO is fully automatic trend following system, its basically designed for any pair, however you may follow our suggestion by running this bot on XAUUSD or Gold. the system uses the main trend following of the Forex market in trading, and spot the best moment to place an order. Timeframes: M30 Pair suggestion: XAUUSD (Gold) Recomended balance: $1000 Minimum balance: $500 After purchasing t
Al Rouuf Kiswardi
Bismillahirrahmanirrahim. More than 5 years experience in developing automated trading robots. I develop expert advisors, scripts, and custom indicators mostly for the platforms Metatrader 4 and Metatrader 5 This product use candle stick patern  algo that work best on XAUUSD. there are 60 candle stick patern. If you have any question, please fell free to contact me. Best Price for first user. Thanks
GBPJPY Master   The Expert Advisor tool has been developed for GBPJPY 1H based on BollingerBands indicator, SMA and pending orders. It has been backtested on more than 18-year long tick data with 99% quality of modeling. The enclosed screenshots demonstrate the complexity and coverage of the test by Monte Carlo analysis with 200 simulation. A broker with a small spread and slippage is recommended for better performance. There is no need to set up any parameters, except Magic number and Friday ex
A fully automated Expert Advisor using a set of trading algorithms. Designed for trading major currency pairs, it has protection against failures - when reconnecting, the adviser will continue to work with its orders. The robot controls the volume of trading positions, slippage, spread, maintains and protects open orders, can work with deposits of any size. The adviser uses a number of unique authoring developments that have been successfully tested on real trading accounts. The EA can be used
5 (2)
NET Z uses a very well-known trend reversal technique to determine position entry with slight modifications by using virtual trade techniques and virtual pending orders so that position entry is not too early or too late. Why NETZ? NET Z does not require complicated settings and is easy to use because user only need to upload a set file that is already available. Currently there are set files for 20 fx pairs. The best GRID EA with the ability to control risks. I will share my personal daily rou
5 (2)
Dunia Maya is an expert advisor developed from my experience in manual trading that has been automated. Dunia Maya is specifically designed to generate maximum profits with small deposits by prioritizing the security of your funds. Why Dunia Maya? Dunia Maya   does not require complicated settings and is easy to use because user only need to upload a set file that is already available. Currently there are set files for 20 fx pairs. The best GRID EA with the ability to control risks. I will sh
Divo MT4
Anton Kondratev
5 (2)
DIVO EA  是一个   多币种 ,     灵活的 ,     全自动   和   多面性   识别工具   漏洞   在里面   市场 Only 7 Copies of 10 Left  for 590 $ Next Price 1475 $ 设置 常问问题 优化 关于设置 真实监控 如何安装 Not    Grid   , Not    Martingale   , Not     AI     , Not     Neural Network. Default Settings for One chart    GBPUSD M15     (Supports 1OHLC mode for weak PCs)  购买EA后,一定要私信给我,我会把你加到   私人小组 ,向您发送设置文件和其他详细说明。 我准备帮助每个买家安装和配置顾问。 如果您以前从未使用过 EA,我将向您展示并教您如何使用它。 一个经过验证的长期交易系统,使用市场安静期。 特征 默认设置针对 GBPUSD M15 进行了优化 系统在单个 GBPUSD M15 图表上运行 您随时可以从列表中选择您
Reborn MT4
Ahmed Alaaeldin Abdulrahman Ahmed Elherzawi
Reborn is a trading robot that follows the trend and it is built on the  Investment Castle Indicator . Traders can choose from different strategies built-in inside Reborn as follows: For Automated trading: SL and TP Kill and switch   the direction of the next trades and recovering the previous trade closed in loss. Martingale Martingale with SL Kill and switch with martingale   for switching the direction of the next series and recover the previous series as well. The Kill and switch is a game c
Sibongakonke Mongezi Mafunda
Latest test done on GBPUSD H4. Check screenshot for results. Minimum Deposit $30 Uses MA cross over strategy to analyses M5 and H4 timeframe simultaneously. The indicator used : Slow MA 30 Fast MA 2 Money Management Uses Martingale - the lot size is multiplied after each loss trade. Holds trade for average of 3 hours and takes small loss to protect account. Very stable and not affected by slippage and network latency errors. The EA is very active in market places more than 8 orders per day w
Analitic RSI
Yvan Musatov
A professional expert analyzes the market using the relative strength index. The basic principle is that the bot takes the indicated prices for a certain period of time and calculates the strength and amplitude of the price. This can show when the trend will lose strength and reverse. The signal from the exit from the overbought/oversold zones is analyzed, the levels of these zones will be the levels with LEVEL_MAX and LEVEL_MIN values. We buy when the signal first falls below a certain level (
Mario Cocurullo
ForexCloud create trades when a particular combination between different indicators is satisfied. It doesn’t use Martingale, but we can say almost the opposite: the EA close 50% of the trade, then the 50% of the remaining and so on, or if the sum of the open trades reach a particular value. The EA has been tested on different currency pairs (EURUSD, AUDUSD, NZDUSD, USDCHF, AUDCAD) for the period 2012-2022. The default settings are made for the AUDUSD, I can stress enough to say "find the best va
Bot Classic mt4
Andriy Sydoruk
Professional robot Bot Classic, which implements the classic two moving average trading strategy. When two moving averages cross each other, a signal to buy or sell is formed. The direction of the signal is set in the settings and depends on which of the moving averages is smaller and which is larger, and also on whether the inversion is enabled. This adviser works with any forex pair. For cyclic re-optimization, optimization is performed for one week on a minute chart, the predicted run time b
Rebate gnome
Vasilii Konovalov
Rebate robot. The money on the deposit rotates around zero, while a lot of transactions are made and the rebate is stuffed.It does not load the deposit, there is a stop loss and take profit.It is necessary to bet on several instruments at once, pairs can be any, but it is recommended to bet on those in which the trend is clearly traced on the daily chart. With prolonged reversals, the robot loses, but it happens very slowly and relatively safely, so it is recommended to track the trend at least
Ivan Simonika
5 (1)
Fully automated expert system. Uses a minimum of settings. Basic properties of SpreadLimit - helps the bot not enter the market if the spread is too large. Stops for each order are also used and each order is reliably protected. The main settings for the bot, in addition to stops, are two parameters that configure the algorithm for generating TicksReaction and TicksStep input signals. The EA can be used on most of the available trading instruments and features a small number of settings and sim
Sunrise on Mars - it is a Secure Automated Software for trade Forex market and indices. The system operates market breaks, with correction and trend-following algorithms, the algorithms optimize the risk-benefit ratio, to minimize the risks of margin call. The system uses multiple lot depending on the algorithm, the initial lot is double the one marked as the minimum lot and is used as a reference in the algorithm. The architecture is a Fully Automatic Autonomous Robot Expert capable of  indep
This strategy is a modified version of Dollar Cost Averaging which divides capital into small orders, and places these orders at time intervals. The main asset is Ethereum (ETHUSD), but it can also be used on Bitcoin (BTCUSD) Specifically, this strategy places 1 market order plus 14 pending orders at certain market price intervals as the market price dips. So it's constantly buying the dips. Everything based on closed candles. Collective Take Profit: When the total account profit of all trades r
Golden Wings
Thi Tra Mi Duong
EA Golden Wings is a fully automated EA designed to trade GOLD. It is based on machine learning cluster analysis and genetic algorithms. EA contains self-adaptive market algorithm, which uses price action patterns and standard trading indicators. Expert showed stable results on XAUUSD in 2015-2021 period. No dangerous methods of money management used, no martingale, no grid, scalp or hedge. Feature:  + Fully automated trading 24/5 with time filter.  + No need in a large initial deposit.  + Alway
工作符号 XAUUSD 工作时间框架:M1 最低存款:$100 最低杠杆比例 1:20 特点: 不使用马丁格尔、网格、对冲或其他危险的资金管理方法 止损非常紧,利润最大化,使用长点位并设置追踪止损,如果追踪止损尚未准备好,则会通过计时器关闭利润 对经纪商条件不太敏感,但黄金的点差越低越好 易于安装 与FIFO兼容 适合FTMO 设置: 手数步长 - 自动手数计算和固定手数设置 余额步长 - 自动手数计算步长 滑点点数 - 滑点控制 开始交易时间 - 开始交易的时间 结束交易时间 - 结束交易的时间 魔术 - 魔术数字 最大点差 - 点差过滤器 获利 - 获利点数和追踪止损 止损 - 止损点数 追踪开关 - 追踪止损开关 追踪距离 - 开始追踪订单的距离 使用保本 - 保本开关 保本活动 - 激活点 保本点数 - 关闭持仓的点数 使用新闻过滤器 - 新闻过滤器开关 风险警告: 在购买此EA之前,请注意所涉及的风险。 过去的表现不能保证未来的盈利能力(EA也可能亏损)。 所展示的回测结果(例如在截图中)经过了高度优化以找到最佳参数,但因此结果不能转移到实时交易中。 此策略始终将使
OGNSFA system
Sirojiddin Nosirov
Live signal: https: // www.mql5.com/en/signals/1809948?source=Site Fully automated Expert Advisor OGNSFA system . The Expert Advisor works on the basis of neural networks. There is a possibility of choosing a fixed lot and an autolot. The EA has the ability to choose the trading time.  If you trade in 7 pairs, the system works normally with a minimum deposit of $ 5 000. You can use cent accounts. You will earn more if you use a broker with fewer spreads. Recommendations An ECN account with
Vik Martin
Ivan Kopchuk
Вспомогательный советник - который сопровождает уже открытые позиции путем использования мартингейла. Достаточно установить советник на нужную вам валютную пару и он подхватит любые открытые ордера, не важно открыты они вручную или другим советником. Возможности советника: подхватывает ордера с любым магиком или без него ограничение количества своих ордеров ограничение общего убытка закрытие всех ордеров при достижении профита и удаление отложек открытие ордеров со стоп лосом и тейк профитом два
Super Turbo AI
Adeniyi Adedipe
Super Turbo AI is a Multi Currency Trading Robot which has been carefully designed and rigorously tested for successful and consistent long term trading activities with each trade been potentially profitable. The over twelve years Optimization and back testing stages have both been well completed and default setting is best suited to the EURUSD pair. Attached also is the same EURUSD setting which can continually be used for months and even years to come (please visit the Comments section to dow
Gold Micron
Wichayuth Chotklang
Special Premium Gold Micron    is Spacial a symbiosis of trading algorithms. Designed for trading for XAUUSD (GOLD) pairs With Newsfilter. Has protection against failures – when the connection is restored, the advisor will continue to work with its orders. Advanced settings of trailing and trading time intervals allow the EA to work correctly on a computer and VPS. The robot controls the volume of trading positions, slippage, and spread changes. Automatically adjusts trailing taking into account
Analitic DR
Yvan Musatov
A professional expert analyzes the market using the relative strength index. The basic principle is that the bot takes the indicated prices for a certain period of time and calculates the strength and amplitude of the price. This can show when the trend will lose strength and reverse. The signal from the exit from the overbought/oversold zones is analyzed, the levels of these zones will be the levels with LEVEL_MAX and LEVEL_MIN values. We buy when the signal first falls below a certain level (
March 1st will be the last limit to rent this ea for $350 per year, NORMAL PRICE ($650/year) North West 8PRO is fully automatic trend following system, its basically designed for any pair, however you may follow our suggestion by running this bot on XAUUSD or Gold. the system uses the main trend following of the Forex market in trading, and spot the best moment to place an order. Timeframes: M30 Pair suggestion: XAUUSD (Gold) Recomended balance: $1000 Minimum balance: $250 After purchasing this
CaptainKing XAUUSD h1
Raphael Schwietering
CaptainKing 是一個完全自動化的 EA,旨在僅在 H1 交易 XAUUSD。它基於機器學習聚類分析和遺傳算法。 EA 包含自適應市場算法,它使用價格行為模式和標準交易指標。 進入和退出邏輯僅在 Bar Close 上運行。這過濾了市場噪音,顯著加快了優化速度,避免了止損,並確保在任何具有合理價差的經紀商處正常運作。 EA 使用高級算法來查找入場點,以及用於進入和退出市場的幾個附加過濾器。 在職的 工作符號 XAUUSD/黃金 工作時間:H1 最低押金:300 美元 最小槓桿1:30 無網格、無鞅、無套利、無刻度剝頭皮、無曲線擬合! 2 年 99% 質量回測 使用模型回測最快的方法:僅開放價格(進入和退出邏輯在柱關閉時運行) 無需優化。 針對實際市場情況進行了最佳優化。 特徵 與 4-5 位數經紀人合作 擴展過濾器 股票止損 回撤保護 帶有 EA 信息的信息面板 3種資金管理方式(固定手數、權益百分比、餘額百分比) 進出市場的高級算法。 每個頭寸的硬止損和獲利 易於安裝 建議 在使用真實貨幣之前,請在美分交易賬戶上測試風險最低的顧問。 使用 VPS 或對代
Просдка и прибыль зависят от  Greed_Size = от 1 до 1000 1%  = самый безопасный, будет раньше выходить из позииции  при 100% = расчет лота будет максимальный  при 200% = максимальный удвоеный, выход из позиции также будет передерживать Символ XAUUSD (Gold (Spot)) Период 1 Минута (M1) 2022.01.10 01:05 - 2022.01.21 23:54 (2022.01.08 - 2022.01.24) Баров в истории 9896 Смоделировано тиков 629527 Качество моделирования 25.00% Ошибки рассогласования графиков 0 Начальный депозит 10000.00 Спред 1
Miroslav Vokaty
这个简单的 EA 是为基于每个可交易产品迟早会产生向上或向下运动这一事实为系统创建的。 第一个条目总是在“基本手数”字段中输入的交易量中以对冲(买入和卖出)的形式出现。 下一个条目的交易量取决于在“Lot Exponent”字段中输入的值 例如:第一个条目是 0.01 Lot,Lot Exponent = 2,下一个条目是 0.02。 在“步骤网格和点”字段中设置下一级条目的距离 例如:第一个输入在 1.27520,“Step Grid and Points” = 300,如果向上移动,下一个输入将在 1.27820,如果向下移动,则在 1.27220。 交易总是按利润方向添加,直到达到“将利润作为账户货币”字段中设置的值 - 然后关闭给定产品的所有头寸,整个周期重新开始。 根据货币对的当前波动性(从几分钟到几天),交易以持续不同长度的周期进行。 系统测试(DEMO)于27.05.2020开始,历时5个月,入金3000美元,实现盈利1725美元。 2021 年,REAL 账户从 5,000 美元的存款中获得了 2,000 美元的利润。 这些结果是通过在 VPS 上运行的
Ahmet Metin Yilmaz
This expert advisor optimized especially for XAU USD or GOLD. You can also use it other currencies and insturments. Optimized parameters for M5 time frame in XAU USD, ecn broker, low spread and low commission. Other successful results can be found M15 , H1 and H4 timframes with different settings.  I will add other timeframe settings later.  * Before the strategy test, ensure that the data in your platform's history is reliable.
Optopus GBPJPY
Nuttapol Chantrasmi
"Optopus GBPJPY is a great choice for hands-off investors who plan to do a long-term investment in GBPJPY" #Non-Martingale #Always SL #Robust #Adaptive #Fully Automated #AI #GBPJPY We are a team of experienced traders, software developers and data scientists. Optopus GBPJPY is a non-martingale expert adviser generated from our AI-driven pipeline which learns diversified trading strategies from 10-years historical data of the GBPJPY market. Optopus GBPJPY project aims to provide a robust
CryptoSecurency MT4
Ruslan Brezovskiy
4 (4)
Cryptosecurency - 一种 专门用于交易加密货币的完全自动趋势交易顾问。该顾问在价格波动增加的时刻朝着冲动的方向进入交易。冲动是由两种算法之一确定的:根据一定时间段内价格的百分比变化或基于布林带的内置指标。可以使用 ADX 指 标来衡量趋势的强度。交易使用止损 / 获利来关闭。 不建 议在高点差和佣金的经纪商处使用该顾问。一种使用方法可能是在 MT5 上安装在模 拟账户上 , 并在低佣金的专业加密货币交易所上复制交易。可以设置您的工作时间。 在将 顾问安装到真实账户之前 , 务必检查交易量参数 ! 已 经优化以适用于许多加密货币 , 包括 BTCUSD 、 ETHUSD 等 , BTCUSD H1 的 标准设置。其他参数的预设值已发布在讨论部分。也可以进行优化以适用于其他工具。 优势和特点   适用于任何 规模的存款。 不使用像网格和 马丁格尔这样的高风险策略。 基于存款大小自 动计算交易量的功能。 每次开 仓时 , 止损和获利的大小可以设置为交易工具当前价格的百分比。 可以在开 仓时启用推送通知和警报。 建 议在 H1 时间框架上使用。 输入参数 工作 时间设置 Tim
This strategy uses a slower RSI with period 14 to sell when the RSI increases over the value of 55 (or to buy when the value falls below 45), with the classic Bollinger Bands strategy to sell when the price is above the upper Bollinger Band and falls below it (and to buy when the price is below the lower band and rises above it). This strategy only triggers when both the RSI and the Bollinger Bands indicators are at the same time in the described overbought or oversold condition. In addition th
MultiBrain 10
Montoya Fernandes Martins Bani Antonio Fernando
5 (6)
探索我们的Metatrader 4多币种专家顾问,被称为Multibrain。这款创新型机器人采用先进的机器学习算法、神经网络和价格模式,以准确预测您选择的时间框架内市场走势。 在策略测试器和模拟账户上测试此策略以分析性能并根据您的需求进行微调至关重要。 关键特点: 基于机器学习、神经网络和价格模式的策略。 可自定义的交易时间。 通过禁用多币种选项并将其附加到图表,您有可能交易多种货币,尽管它并非专为此功能而设计。 适用于所有时间框架,最适用于M1。 直观且可自定义的设置。 在标准账户上进行测试,初始资本为$10,000,初始仓位为0.01手。 风险和支持: 我们的策略经过严格的回测和真实账户测试,以提供最佳性能。然而,请注意,设置的微小调整可能会显着影响交易。请确保了解相关风险,并永远不要投资超出您的承受能力。 我们在这里为您提供设置支持并回答您的问题。祝您在交易中取得巨大成功!
We are proud to present our newest expert advisor developed by our trading specialists and programmers  who found the most probable price levels the istitutional firms , banks , hedge funds and other large companies place  their orders . The expert advisor is preset to launch a grid order system at those special levels , using  a built-in smart algorithm to detect those leveles . The expert can also be used when important news are about to come out , because it can pe programmed to launch the 
FxGold Marathon BreakOut is a simple but effective trading system based on breaking out price parttern. EA is a long term stable growth  trading system with realistic result . EA designed for XAUUSD (GOLD) which  is a volatile and highly liquid commodity Features: Account protection by acceptable consecutive loss. Auto MM Don't need fast VPS just laptop or pc and stable internet connection, you can shut down at the weekend then start it up before market opening like i'm doing. All opened positi
Factor EA
Vitalii Zakharuk
Factor EA   is a fully automated scalping strategy expert advisor that runs on the M1 timeframe. Advisor settings are based on a safe trading strategy, the essence of which is to close the transaction, upon reaching a positive dynamism of profitability of several points, which allows the user to reduce the cost of opening losing trades. The EA is multifunctional and does not require a certain type of account for normal functioning. The EA’s mechanism of work is arranged so that before opening a
торговая система с риском 1% чем больше денег на счете тем больше лот но риск 1% Начальный депозит 50.00 Спред 10 Чистая прибыль 6.71 Общая прибыль 51.97 Общий убыток -45.26 Прибыльность 1.15 Матожидание выигрыша 0.02 Абсолютная просадка 26.79 Максимальная просадка 29.21 (55.47%) Относительная просадка 55.47% (29.21) Всего сделок 427 Короткие позиции (% выигравших) 219 (72.60%) Длинные позиции (% выигравших) 208 (72.12%) Прибыльные сделки (% от всех) 309 (72.37%) Убыточные сделки (%
ARNOLD´S ROBOT I offer an EA that includes three trading robots: standard [S], grid [G], binary [B]. I haven't developed the latter, binary, because I haven't found a broker, who would have responded to my understanding of binary trading. The robot is intended for use on the MT4 platform. The trading robot uses a news indicator, which makes trading safer. The robot stops before the news and the pause continues even after the news, when the pause time is full, the robot resumes trading. You must
Ilan Universal   is an automatic advisor (trading robot) used for trading in all financial markets. It is in demand among beginners and experienced traders due to such advantages as the exact execution of the trading rules of the chosen strategy, the reduction in the number of subjective errors, and the release of the user's time.  The recommended deposit is $10,000. The great value of this algorithm is the possibility of optimizing by opening prices and correctness after such optimization of w
Trade Bollinger Bands combining Trend, RSI, MACD 1. Trend trading combining the Bollinger and MACD bands is done in the following sequence: - Use MACD to identify trends - Determine the potential entry point by re-checking the MA 20 of the price to see if it is in line with the trend. 2. Trade Trends with Bollinger Bands - The mid-line of bollinger bands is simply a moving average of 20 SMA20 periods, known as the Bollinger Bands' average line. - The bottom line is, when the market is in a
Never loses EA
Frank Paetsch
The EA uses a customizable breakout in the trend direction as an entry point. in the event that the price is not confirmed by the market, the EA searches and waits for a cheap entry to determine the average value for a profit. a special feature is : - that the EA itself determines the average best achievable profit on the basis of the swings for each single and basket positions. - DD reduce control as a result all baskets and individual positions are closed in profit. we recommend all time frame
Man Exclusive
Tatiana Savkevych
The   Man Exclusivet  Expert Advisor can be run on any timeframe, on any currency pair, and on any broker's server. Unique trading system! The expert system works with ticks using sharp tick movements. For the internal algorithm, the elementary unit of analysis is a tick. It is recommended to work on liquid Forex pairs with a low spread and use VPS. You can start using it with $ 100 and 0.01 lot. It is also worth noting that with an acceptable spread level, the bot goes through any historical p
In order to understand the work of a bot Steadily forward , first of all, you need to understand what parameters it has. Therefore, I believe that a detailed description of the parameters will be the best description of the bot. Since it will give the user an understanding of what he is dealing with and will allow him to decide, this bot is suitable for his trading style and will allow his broker to work with the help of this bot. Be sure to set Fake Robot On = false Basic parameters, a number
Analyst STD
Tatiana Savkevych
A smart, next-generation Analyst STD robot. Taking into account all imaginable pitfalls when testing and working in real mode. The bot can be optimized by opening prices, and work on all ticks without problems. The bot has two versions, it can successfully work both on mt4 and mt5, both on netting and hedging accounts. For those who bought one of the versions of the bot, the second one will be half price. The EA handles errors correctly and works reliably on the market. The EA uses the followin
Hfx61 Starter
PT Hastinapura Makmur Sejahtera
HFX 6.1 启动器 此 EA 可以尝试扫描所有时间范围内所有可能的市场早期趋势,但它足以将 EA 置于 M15 时间范围内, 一些内置指标的振荡器用于预测市场价格将走向何方,如果早期趋势失败,EA 将使用受控订单距离的平手对冲, 下面是 EA 参数:     Trade_Set_AUTO,默认为## AUTO 交易设置##,以下参数的平均注释。     LOT_SIZE_AUTO_TRADE,默认为 0.01,要交易的平均手数为 0.01 手,可以根据您的账户余额进行更改。     ACTIVATE_AUTO_TRADE_,默认为 true,表示 EA 将自动开仓,设置为 false 将关闭自动交易。     Not_Reverse_At,默认为 7,平均低于或等于总订单 7,EA 将放置类似订单类型。     Reverse_At,默认为 8,平均高于总订单 7,EA 将打开反向订单。     TP_SL_IN_MONEY,默认为## TP & SL in Currency ##,以下参数的平均注释。     __AUTO_CLOSING__
Infinity Price Action
Constantin Eduard Stefan
日本烛台可以告诉我们很多关于外汇市场价格表现的信息,因此,这位专家分析了烛台及其大小以进行交易。 日本烛台的连续性及其大小正在推动该专家顾问的特殊算法。 EA 针对当前市场条件进行了优化,并且针对 EurUsd 货币对 M15 时间框架进行了默认设置。 其他对的附加设置文件可以在“评论”部分找到。 日本烛台可以告诉我们很多关于外汇市场价格表现的信息,因此,这位专家分析了烛台及其大小以进行交易。 日本烛台的连续性及其大小正在推动该专家顾问的特殊算法。 EA 针对当前市场条件进行了优化,并且针对 EurUsd 货币对 M15 时间框架进行了默认设置。 其他对的附加设置文件可以在“评论”部分找到。 日本烛台可以告诉我们很多关于外汇市场价格表现的信息,因此,这位专家分析了烛台及其大小以进行交易。 日本烛台的连续性及其大小正在推动该专家顾问的特殊算法。 EA 针对当前市场条件进行了优化,并且针对 EurUsd 货币对 M15 时间框架进行了默认设置。 其他对的附加设置文件可以在“评论”部分找到。
The beginning of the end     - it is a Secure Automated Software for trade Forex market and indices. The system operates market breaks, with correction and trend-following algorithms, the algorithms optimize the risk-benefit ratio, to minimize the risks of margin call. The two algorithms work independently but coordinated to get out in profit The system uses multiple lot depending on the algorithm, the initial lot is double the one marked as the minimum lot and is used as a reference in the
Orcs PV
Pavels Voitesonoks
5 (2)
The Orcs_PV Expert Advisor sets a grid of stop and limit orders based on the signal of the indicators.   After reaching the level of the specified profit , all orders are closed . Or after reaching the loss level, all orders will be closed. Recommended Timeframe: Recommended H1 . Account type : Any . Parameters Lot Size - Fixed lot size. Risk Percent - Balance percentage for lot calculation if Fixed Lot Size is 0. Timeframe Indicators - Timeframe of indicators. Period Indicators   - Period of i
Saint Ability
Alois Mwirichia
St.Ability Is a stable long-term algorithm that is 100% based on price action NO Indicators/Grids  are used. It scans past price patterns and predicts the most likely outcome for its next trade. The profit to loss ratio is 2:1  which means a losing trade is recovered by the profit of the next winning trade. It takes only 1 trade per pair making it FIFO compatible . Following this, the algorithm can recover its losses while keeping risk relatively low. The EA trades only using the money allocat
Le Chatelier MT4
Vadim Zotov
5 (1)
Night scalping using Le Chatelier's principle of dynamic balance. Accounting for the features of real accounts. No risky strategies. All trades are protected by a stop loss. It is possible to work with a minimum initial deposit of $10. Strategy. The trading strategy is based on the principle of dynamic balance, formulated by the French scientist Le Chatelier. According to this principle, a system that is in a state of stable equilibrium, under external influence, tends to return to a state of eq

