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如何 购买 自动交易或指标

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如何介绍 用于流通销售的产品

适用于MetaTrader 4的自动交易 - 11

icon EA交易能够使用特殊的外汇策略分析交易品种的报价。 免费测试以及付费EA交易,使您的交易自动化并获得更多盈利。
Pattern 3 Candles
aleksandr butkov
5 (4)
An Expert Advisor based on the 3 candlestick pattern. 1-SL, 2-TP, 3-OFF - 1 pulls up StopLoss. 2 pulls up TakeProfit. 3-disabled. auto SL / TP on hi-low count bars - number of bars for 1-SL, 2-TP expiration on profit - after passing N bars, TP changes expiration on loss - after N bars have passed SL to open an order + commission pips for loss expiration - the number of points for expiration on profit The rest of the settings are intuitive.
Aliou Ba
4 (1)
相关性EA是一种基于两种金融资产之间相关性策略的机器人。 当两种资产在中期和长期遵循相同的方向时,它们是相关的。 机器人在两个资产上采用两个相同大小的相反大小的订单,并在用户定义的x美元利润后自动关闭两个订单 寻找两个具有+ 90%相关性和接近平均值的资产。 机器人的参数: Lot_ACTIF_1: 定义交易量 PriseProfitenPips: 允许以点数或刻度定义收入目标。 extern bool ProfitSocketEnPips = TRUE; PriseProfit: 以点数形式输入利润以关闭odres。 PriseProfitEnUSD: 选择以美元计算的获利的定义 PriseProfitUSD: 输入两个订单关闭的美元利润。 Actif_1: 为关联策略选择资产1的名称。 Actif_2: 为关联策略选择资产2的名称。 ActiverCouple1: 激活策略:主动购买1并主动销售2。 ActiverCouple2: 激活策略:主动购买2和主动销售1 天数: 选择研究两种资产之间波动差距的天数 Lot_ACTIF2_automatique: 根据两个资产的波动率差异
Roman Yablonskiy
4 (1)
MacdScapler   is an automatic expert advisor with two section of martingale strateges with automation takeprofit. The MACD indicator with adjustable parameters is used as inputs. If parameters of the entry points goes wrong, the EA changes them automaticly. General recommendation The minimum recommended deposit is 1000 cents for 0.01 lot. Spread is recommended less then 2 points. The martingale parameter can be set from 0.1 to any value in two steps - the first for the four trades and the second
Pips Master PRO
Lachezar Krastev
CHRISTMAS SALE! --> You can get Pips Master PRO as a GIFT! You only need to buy one of our products. Check here our products:  https://www.mql5.com/en/users/autotrader/seller Empowering your forex journey with Pips Master Pro. Unleash the power of precision and profit in the dynamic world of forex trading with the revolutionary Pips Master PRO . Crafted by seasoned traders and innovative developers, this cutting-edge forex robot redefines automated trading, equipping you with a suite of advance
Fractal Scalper MT4
Stephen Reynolds
This trading method is inspired by Linda Bradford Raschkes 3 Little Indians pattern. Put simply we anticipate price will approach a projected line that is based upon 2 previous fractals.    If 2 previous upper fractals occur we draw an upper line projected forward. If current price approaches this line we anticipate price will keep moving towards the line and breakthrough so we buy.    If 2 previous lower fractals occur we draw a lower line projected forward. If current price approaches this
iForexe Scalping 是一款全自動剝頭皮機器人。 我們建議在測試儀中對機器人進行至少 2 年的交易測試,以查看其交易的完整和客觀畫面。該機器人應在 GBPUSD 對、M5、M15、M30 或 H1 時間範圍內啟動。建議的最大點差高達 7 點。最低交易存款 1000 美元起 機器人操作的原理是在市場中發現劇烈的價格變動並在那一刻開單。機器人在價格急劇波動的方向上打開光環,並在虛擬追踪止損、止損和獲利的幫助下開始伴隨它。如果價格向相反方向急劇變化,機器人將關閉未平倉交易以免賠錢。然後機器人開始以標準模式進行交易。 機器人設置: col_orders - 指示可能同時打開的訂單的最大數量。 Teak_volume - 機器人收集一段時間內急劇的價格變動。在此參數中,我們指示應分析哪個時間段的逐筆報價。 Trade_signal - 在這個參數中,我們指示當達到分時交易量時,交易將被打開。這是打開訂單的直接信號。 TrailingStop - 追踪止損大小。追踪止損是虛擬使用的。它在圖表上不可見,但機器人將其寫入一個數組,記住每個訂單並伴隨一個追踪止損。 StopLoss
使用带有管理按钮的EA的优势 1. 时间效率 EA允许交易者通过单击快速执行多个操作(关闭所有头寸、关闭亏损头寸和关闭盈利头寸),从而节省宝贵的时间。 例子:与其在篮子策略中手动关闭每个20个头寸,交易者可以通过“关闭所有头寸”按钮同时关闭所有头寸。 2. 减少情绪化交易 自动化操作减少了决策中的情绪参与,帮助交易者坚持他们的策略和规则。 例子:当交易者看到几个头寸亏损时,坚持不放希望反转的诱惑可能很强烈。“关闭亏损头寸”按钮可以帮助执行预先决定的操作而不犹豫。 3. 提高策略专注度 通过自动化重复性任务,交易者可以更多地关注他们的交易策略和市场分析,而不是手动管理交易。 例子:交易者可以花更多时间分析市场趋势和完善他们的篮子策略,而不是手动管理每个头寸。 4. 交易管理的一致性 EA确保交易管理规则的一致执行,减少人为错误。 例子:交易者的规则可能是当达到一定的利润水平时关闭所有盈利头寸。“关闭盈利头寸”按钮确保这个规则被一致应用,而不会忘记或怀疑。 5. 快速响应市场变化 EA允许对市场变化立即做出反应,这在波动的市场中至关重要。 例子:如果突然发生不利的市场变化,“关闭所有头寸”
Prop Master MT4
Sergey Ermolov
2 (2)
Prop Master Expert Advisor 根据经典策略工作,并遵循  Prop firms  为其客户制定的所有规则。 Expert Advisor 交易既可以在 Prop firms 的资金账户上进行交易,也可以在您自己的账户上进行交易。 交易账户类型没有限制。 如何测试 Expert Advisor 对于   Expert Advisor   交易来说,在正确的时区运行非常重要,因此在测试之前您应该正确设置 GMT 参数。 如何正确设置GMT参数? 应在市场开盘且交易终端收到报价时进行设置。 打开 Google 并搜索“当前 GMT 时间”,然后打开出现的第一个网站并记下时间(例如,10:53)。 打开您将在其中测试和使用 Expert Advisor 的交易终端。 打开数据窗口( Market watch ),在此窗口顶部,您将看到经纪商交易服务器的时间(假设是 12:53)。 从经纪商的时间中减去格林威治标准时间 (GMT),并获取要在 Expert Advisor 中设置的参数(示例:12-10=2,在 Expert Advisor 中设置 +2)。 重要的!!!
CoupleHedgeEA Pro
Nikolaos Pantzos
3.63 (8)
It's a two (2) pairs correlation system to use 3 currencies to make 2 pairs to open hedge orders on those. The expert starts opening four orders for each couple (2 plus and 2 minus) and wait to move prices in one direction to make a grid of orders. The expert can use a maximum of 5 currencies to make 10 pairs and make 30 couples. It is important the order of currencies is from the strongest to the weakest. Strongest... EUR/GBP/AUD/NZD/USD/CAD/CHF/JPY ...weakest. Canto inputs minimum of thr
EuroSurge MT4 Basic
Bernard Petrus Le Roux
EuroSurge MT4 Basic - 免费版 体验EuroSurge EA的核心功能,使用我们免费的基础版。专为对EURUSD货币对自动交易感兴趣的交易者设计(5分钟时间框架),该版本提供了完整版EuroSurge EA中高级策略的预览。 主要特点: 专注于EURUSD: 专为EURUSD货币对在5分钟时间框架内优化。 简化的策略: 采用我们趋势跟随策略的简化版本。 基础风险管理: 允许选择固定手数或按百分比风险管理。 适合Prop Firm: 设计了保守的设置,符合基础的Prop交易规则。 经过验证的回测表现: 展示了稳定增长的潜力,并设有可控的风险参数。 为什么选择EuroSurge Lite? EuroSurge Lite强调交易的质量而非数量,适合那些希望测试自动化策略而无需时刻监控的交易者。 设置说明: 将EuroSurge Lite EA连接到EURUSD 5分钟的图表。 选择固定手数或按百分比的风险管理。 让EA管理交易,同时观察它的表现。 与完整版的区别? 仅限于EURUSD(完整版支持GBPUSD、XAUUSD等)。 基础策略选项(完整版包含多种高级策略)。 简
Easy Bollinger Bands
Alexander Nikolaev
4.67 (3)
This Expert Advisor trades based on the Bollinger Bands indicator. It performs trades after a price rebound from the borderlines of the indicator. It is simple to use, contains only a few settings, which are easy to understand. This is the simplified version of the Master Bollinger Bands Expert Advisor. For better trading results, it is recommended to use the full version of the EA: https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/21788 The free version does not provide the ability to use multiple indicat
Break Out Daily
Marco Savia
5 (2)
A very simple Ea that put Buy or Sell at Break-out of Maximun of the day before. Here the external variable: 1  Lots (Lot for Buy and Sell() 2 Stop (Stop for Buy and Sell with value * Point) 3 Take (Take for Buy and Sell with value * Point) 4 UpMax (A value that increase the open position on Buy) 4 DownMin(A value that decrease the open position on Sell) This Ea work on all Forex Graphics For all dubts or problem contact me at crashmens@gmail.com
Discover the ultimate trading solution - Expert ONE! Say goodbye to needing a coder and hello to configurable trading strategies that can be customized in thousands of different ways. Expert ONE is the game-changer you've been waiting for, built on the reliable foundation of Jagzfx's proven software products like pinTrader, OnePIN, and MUX. With advanced features like risk management, position sizing, profit averaging, trailing stop, and weekly and intraday sessions, Expert ONE allows you to tai
Only the first 5 copies will cost 50$ and then it will be converted to its original price. This Magical Step EA keeps increasing our profit day by day and that is the Magic of this EA. It operates under the momentum of the market. These are operational at all times. It can also be played during news hours, no need to stop it. You can run it from 0.01 load to 1000$. You don't need to take care of it. I have made it very hard. Surely it will give you good profit. It is also very easy for you to in
I Kadek Cristian Angga Putra
Some Features: - News  to stop EA before high impact news - Scalping mode to stop EA in some cases ... - LIVE SIGNAL: SharpGoldProfit is an EA that works with XAUUSD. Fully automatic adviser, with a system for recovering from losses.  - EA SETUP: Symbol XAUUSD Timeframe M1 Test From 2020 Settings Contact me to get the best set file Brokers Any Minimum Deposit $100 (IN CENT Recommend Deposit $500(IN CENT) Feature NOT sensitive to spread, slippage
RSI Multi Currency EA MT4
Biswarup Banerjee
1 (1)
RSI Multi-Currency EA MT4  leverages the Relative Strength Index (RSI) to identify trend reversals and continuations. This EA provides customizable settings for RSI-based entry and exit strategies, making it highly adaptable to various market conditions. It supports multi-currency trading, grid recovery, hedging, martingale strategies, and dynamic position sizing, ideal for traders who require flexibility and precision in their trades across multiple currency pairs. For detailed documentation   
This is a fully automatic trading robot for the EURCHF currency pair.  But this robot can be configured to trade for other currency pairs. TURBO SCALPER PRO using a trend following strategy based on MACD, Parabolic SAR and Moving Average indicator. The robot works in full automatic mode, on the M1 timeframe. The trader does not need to set it up for trading. Open EURCHF and attach TURBO SCALPER PRO only to EURCHF M1 using the default settings. Advantages of the TURBO SCALPER PRO :  We show you
Golden Opulence AI
Mr Nattawut Poochomchuen
2.67 (3)
***BIG UPDATE to PRO version*** Golden Opulence AI   is an Expert Advisor (EA) designed specifically for forex trading on the MT4 platform, targeting gold (XAUUSD) pairs. It stands out for beginners in forex trading by addressing a common pain point: the complexity and risk of trading in volatile markets. Golden Opulence AI simplifies this process through automated, strategic trading, making it less daunting for newcomers to navigate the forex market. Key Takeaways: Automated Trading: Exec
Ilan Dynamic Pro
Boris Sedov
4 (6)
Ilan Dynamic Pro: A New Level of Algorithmic Trading Ilan Dynamic Pro is a unique modification of the popular Ilan 1.6 Dynamic Expert Advisor, which has earned the trust of traders worldwide. At the core of the advisor lies a proven position averaging algorithm, allowing a series of unidirectional orders to be closed at a common TakeProfit level. However, in this version, everything has been taken to a new level. The entire code has been written from scratch, and the analytical block has been co
Percent Risk Scalping MT4
Abdul Jalil Mridah Jalil
5 (1)
Promotional offer for today 30 USD,  Next price will be 50 USD. Final price will be 999 USD. Please just change Risk Level (1-100) No need other field change. and Risk Level 2 = 2% risk for 1000 USD or above . It's only good works on GBPUSD Daily Timeframe. This robot is profitable. This robot requires minimum deposit of $100. You can get good results with it. You can test it first . It will increase the volume in a certain ratio as the equity increases. You don't need to increase the volume b
Theranto V1
Hossein Davarynejad
5 (3)
/// Theranto V1 ///  (3X Expert v1,v2,v3) + GER30VIP    After Parched Theranto V1 text me for received Free  2 License  of Theranto V2 and v3   + Live and Demo Account  Strategy basic on support and Resistance  and candle pattern also check the value of the market before open Price . Multicurrency Expert Can work on   All Forex Pairs   Best Pairs AUDCAD,GBPUSD ,AUDNZD,GBPNZD.NZDCHF,NZDCAD,EURNZD Shoot Trade All Trade have 60 pip SL Always Behind Market   Super Fast Scalper          URL Link
Paulo Martins Barbosa
5 (1)
Concept Crypto Trend  is a system that identify the safest cryptocurrency price trends. This system is focused on a long-term stable growth . It does not need to be constantly updated as it adapts naturally to varied market conditions. No martingale, no grid, no hedge, no other dangerous strategy. Only strict rule-based approach to trading, allowing to maximise return while having risks under control . As a free version, this EA just opens sell orders and the lotsize is limited to 0.01. Get C
Theranto v3
Hossein Davarynejad
//////  THEHRANTO V3  ///////       https://www.nxfx.ca/                                                                                                                                                             Live Signal  =     signals An expert based on    (   AUD , CAD   ) Download Setfile on Comment  3X Expert ( theranto v1,v2,) + GER30VIP      After Parched Theranto V3 text me for received Free  2 License  of Theranto V2 and v1   + Live and Demo Account  Get    1    free   License of
Chosen TDI MT4
Jacobie Nycambren Barksdale
Introducing Chosen TDI MT4, a trend-following Expert Advisor that uses the Traders Dynamic Index (TDI) and artificial intelligence to ride the trend  effectively. Unlike other strategies that search for reversals in the market, Chosen TDI MT4 follows the trend and places trades in the overall direction.  The Expert Advisor features four stages of trade management - search, entry, control, and exit - and applies a take partials and take profit to track every tick of price change. With Chosen TD
"Introducing our revolutionary Trading Expert Advisor Robot, your indispensable ally in the fast-paced world of financial markets. Seamlessly combining cutting-edge technology with unparalleled expertise, our expert advisor robot is designed to revolutionize your trading experience and maximize your profitability. Harnessing the power of artificial intelligence and machine learning, our expert advisor robot analyzes vast amounts of market data in real-time, identifying profitable opportunities
ECN Pro Experience Only 3 copies available for $99.00. Next price 199 USD ECN Pro Experience is a scalping strategy based on breaking through strong price levels. One of the oldest and most reliable strategies with the author's modernization for the current market. The strategy does not require any optimizations. We installed it on the chart according to the recommendation and enjoy trading!!! Advantages of ECN Pro Experience: - optimal SL/TP ratio - low SL, which makes the system as safe as p
EA Mine Farm MT4
Maryna Kauzova
Mine Farm is one of the most classic and time-tested scalping strategies based on the breakdown of strong price levels. Mine Farm is the author's modification of the system for determining entry and exit points into the market... Mine Farm - is the combination of great potential with reliability and safety. Why Mine Farm?! - each order has a short dynamic Stop Loss - the advisor does not use any risky methods (averaging, martingale, grid, locking, etc.) - the advisor tries to get the most
EA A New Look 2 MT4   - is a collection of safe scalping trading systems combined with a system of money and risk management. The   EA A New Look 2 MT4   checks the market for conditions and possible impulse movements, finding the necessary direction to open orders. Why is   EA   A New Look 2 MT4   a safe trading system? - Each order has a fixed Stop Loss - each order has a StopLoos of only a few points - the advisor will not open an order if the trading account conditions do not meet the rec
Cap RSI Trader EA Pro
3 (2)
CAP RSI Trade EA Pro MT4 trades using the RSI Indicator. It offers many customizable RSI trading scenarios and flexible position management settings, plus many useful features like customizable trading sessions, a martingale and inverse martingale mode. [ Installation Guide  |  Update Guide  |  Submit Your Problem  |  All Products   |  How to Get All Robot Free ] Functions Easy to use and customizable RSI setting. Customizable indicator settings Built-in money management Grid trading when trade
Trend Catcher expert adviser, Trend breakout expert adviser,  Price action trading, Trend Predictor EA, Trend trading strategies, Trend following indicators, Trend breakout patterns, Trend Follower EA, Trend catcher strategy, Breakout catcher techniques, Price action analysis, Trend following signals, Trend breakout confirmation, Trend Rider EA, Trend catcher system, Breakout catcher indicator, Trend Tracer EA, Price action patterns, Trend trading signals, Trend following methods, Breakout catc
Grid EA Pro RSI MT4
5 (2)
Grid EA Pro RSI  là một cố vấn lưới chuyên nghiệp hoạt động theo các chỉ báo RSI (Chỉ số sức mạnh tương đối). Và có chức năng Giảm Drawdown trên tài khoản bằng cách chồng các lệnh không có lãi. Biểu đồ hiển thị thông tin về lợi nhuận. Sử dụng cài đặt mặc định cho khung thời gian GBPUSD, GBPJPY H1/M5 Khuyến nghị nhà môi giới ECN có SPREAD THẤP: IC Market , Exness, NordFX , FXPRIMUS , Alpari , FXTM Thật tốt khi kết hợp với Tín hiệu Mua Bán để theo dõi Xu hướng và Chỉ Bán/Chỉ Mua cho c
该EA交易程序(100%自动)能够结合两个指标来创建策略,该版本称为“ Bear版本”(BASIC版本),包含2个指标:CCI和RSI 您可以通过一条简单的个人信息与我联系,要求您提供带有所选指标和条件的EA“熊版本”(或超级版本),一旦达成协议,我会将其投放市场,或点击以下链接页面底部,将您带到我的电报联系人。 如果找不到适合自己的策略,我可以为您创建(基于EA) 条件明确规定: 入口长; CCI高于/低于水平线 输入短CCI高于/低于水平线 长出口; RSI向上/向下穿越水平线 退出短线; RSI向上/向下穿越水平线 止盈和止损可以随意修改 100%自动 该EA具有称为“价差限制”的集成功能。此功能仅在点差小于或等于您确定的输入时才允许您进入市场 该机器人非常直观,易于理解,并为回测启用了所有可修改的值 可修改的值 入境地段; 获利和止损(点); CCI时期和水平线; RSI时期和水平线; 只能进入或退出市场多头或空头 点差限制(开仓的最大点差); 公开交易警报; 下载EA之后,您会在AUD / CAD交叉点上找到2种免费的礼品策略,这些策略从2019/05/30到2
>>> MEGA SALE: 40% OFF!  - Promo price: $95 / Regular price $159 <<< - The promotion will end soon! Forex Trend Hunter is an entirely automated trading system for the MetaTrader 4 trading terminal, developed especially for the needs of ordinary forex traders, yet also used successfully by many professional traders. Forex Trend Hunter is perhaps the best trend-following and long-term profitable Forex robot on the market. With its help, you can enjoy the opportunity of making several hundred pi
Eazy Trader
Morten Kruse
5 (1)
Eazy Trader is a fully automated Expert Advisor with no use of martingale. Night scalping strategy. With a minimum of input parameters. So easy that a Child can make money. Just set the Winther GMT Offset and you are good to go. This EA can be run from very small accounts. As small as 50 EUR. General Recommendations The minimum deposit is 50 USD,  default settings reccomend for eurusd m5 gmt +2 . Use a broker with good execution and with a spread of 2-5 points. A very fast VPS is required, pr
Aliaksandr Krauchenia
BaLi   is a fully automated Forex trading robot.  Monitoring of the advisor's work. Peculiarities: It makes deals only between the American and Asian sessions.  Each trade is protected by a stop loss and take profit. The EA does not use unsafe trading methods, such as martingale, grid, averaging. Easy to set up.  Requirements: Recommended currency pairs:   GBP/USD ,   GBP/JPY ,  EUR/AUD . An account with a minimum spread, commission and the best execution. Therefore, it is very important to set
Christopher Louis Barry
5 (1)
The FVG MT4 Bot, or Fair Value Gap Trading strategy, is a method used in trading financial instruments, typically in the context of the MetaTrader 4 (MT4) platform. This strategy focuses on exploiting discrepancies between the current market price and its perceived fair value, usually identified through technical indicators and analysis. Here's a description of the Fair Value Gap Trading strategy: Timeframe (H1) : This strategy operates on the one-hour (H1) timeframe, meaning it analyzes price m
Miliarto Ultimate
Ahmad Aan Isnain Shofwan
an EA that use 3 Moving Average or Bollinger Bands indicators. You can choose one and setup the indicator selected as you wish.  Moving averages and Bollinger bands is one of powerful indicator. The recommendation to uses the main trend to enter the market, H1 or H4 timeframe for identifying the trend. and you can uses a short timeframe to enter the market and setup how the EA allowed trade direction  (Buy only, Sell only, or both) within short time frame. The EA have : - Take Profit and Stop Lo
Sunan Giri
Victor Adhitya
3 (2)
Sunan Giri EA by Victoradhitya Risk Disclosure : Futures, Forex, Stock, Crypto and Derivative trading contains substantial risk and is not for every investor. An investor could potentially lose all or more than the initial investment. I am not responsible for any financial losses you may incur by using this EA! ea uses a no martingle strategy or martingale strategy depends on your set every trade always uses a hidden SL EA has back test for 5 years Minimum balance $1000
Parabolicum MT4
Aliaksandr Chupryna
4.75 (4)
鞅。 Parabolicum 是一個多幣種智能交易系統。 分別和同時測試了 9 個貨幣對:   多幣種測試結果 (經紀人:“Roboforex”): “ParabolicumMT5” 版本 工作符號:EURUSD、GBPUSD、USDCAD、EURCAD、CADCHF、USDCHF、AUDCAD、AUDCHF、EURCHF 時間框架 H1 最低存款:1000 美元(最低手數 0.01) 推薦批次步長 0.01 對沖賬戶類型 專家特點: 對“傳播”敏感。 測試時,檢查測試儀中的“Spread”(週末要高得多)。 如有必要,將此貨幣對的“當前”更改為更現實的。   EA 安裝在任何時間範圍的圖表上。 如果您的經紀商在交易品種名稱中有後綴或前綴,則將它們寫入輸入數據中。 使用真實賬戶進行交易時要注意風險!
Morning Luck
Pavel Predein
4.8 (5)
Automatic trading system based on the morning Flat indicator, puts pending orders on the borders of the night channel .All trades have a fixed stop loss and take profit .The traded pair GBPUSD H1, can be used on other instruments after optimization. The EA contains a switchable flat indicator . The robot's operating time in the input parameters corresponds to (+2GMT). when switching to daylight saving time,you need to adjust the time manually. * Use default settings  * Does not use dangerous
CAP Moving Average EA Pro
4.33 (6)
CAP Moving Average Pro EA MT5  trades using the Moving Averages Indicator. It offers many customizable Moving Averages trading scenarios and flexible position management settings, plus many useful features like customizable trading sessions, a martingale and inverse martingale mode. [   Installation Guide  |  Update Guide  |  Submit Your Problem  |  FAQ  |  All Products  ] Before buy Pro version? You can buy alternation pro version, our powerfull EA,   CAP Strategy Builder EA .  This is strateg
Thi Tra Mi Duong
Introducing automated trading robots for the Gold and forex markets with advanced and revolutionary trading strategies. Robot Sharker is programmed based on AI algorithms and Price Action strategies to find the best trading signals, combining scalper methods and intelligent position management. Trading orders have high accuracy and outstanding winrate efficiency. EA Sharker has a simple and easy-to-use interface. No need for complicated settings, no need for set files to configure. If you have n
GO Trendline was created to make it easier to train forex trading skills in backtester and at the same time make it easier to live trade using trendlines. Setfile | Bot explanation: here   | How to trade properly :  here   | MT5 Input parameters: 1. Manage Open Positions Trade Buys: allow buys Trade Sell: allow sell Open Position Mode: Select the open position method Reverse the Auto mode signal : Reverse the signal Delete trendline after opening a position: set false for continuous pending or
Scalpix Max
Agus Pujianto
MT4机器人说明:Sclapix Max 介绍: 欢迎来到智能自动化交易时代,与Sclapix Max一起。这款MT4机器人是专门为MetaTrader 4(MT4)平台精心设计的尖端交易解决方案。无论您是新手交易者,希望利用人工智能提升交易表现,还是经验丰富的交易者,寻找自动化复杂交易策略的终极工具,Sclapix Max都是您的答案。 改变您的交易方式: 有了Sclapix Max,您将体验到交易方式的根本性变化。不再需要整天坐在计算机前或不断关注市场新闻。这款机器人将不知疲倦地为您工作,识别最佳交易机会,管理风险,并以无与伦比的速度和精确度执行交易。它是您值得信赖的合作伙伴,将帮助您实现交易梦想。 Sclapix Max的关键特点: 手动定制: Sclapix Max为每笔交易提供了完全的手动定制。这使您可以根据自己的风险承受能力管理风险,无论您是保守派还是激进派。 可定制的马丁格尔: 通过可切换的马丁格尔选项,您在风险管理方面拥有完全的灵活性。马丁格尔允许您在经历亏损后设置批量乘法水平,为您的交易组合提供额外的控制权。 智能风险管理: Sclapix Max通过止损(SL)和获
Line Regression
aleksandr butkov
4 (4)
This utility advisor builds a linear regression channel on the chart and opens trades for a breakout or rebound from the channel boundaries. Orders are closed when the price reaches the middle line of the channel. The Expert Advisor can be used as a utility drawing a channel. to do this, you need to disable the advisor in the settings: Trade = false . About settings: Two points are responsible for plotting the regression channel: the start point of the Last bar , the end point of the First bar
Exp4 The xCustomEA for MT4
Vladislav Andruschenko
4 (5)
MetaTrader 4自定义指标的全球交易顾问。 战略的建设者 MetaTrader 4  版本  :  MetaTrader 5终端   的xCustomEA 版本 通用交易顾问的功能xCustomEA完全复制了我们的顾问 The X 所有参数,除了一个: xCustomEA 适用于自定义指标,能够为MT4终端编制自己的交易策略。 xCustomEA 具有指向可从Internet或mql5市场下载的自定义指标的链接。 您可以编制  自定义 指标  ,  和我们的顾问  xCustomEA  将在信号上开仓。 通过购买我们的Universal Trade Adviser  The   xCustomEA  ,  你可以每天为指标编程顾问! 关于指标PIPFINITE TREND PRO的专家顾问的示例 关于指标的顾问和编程策略的完整说明   + DEMO + PDF Description on English 基本设置:  您可以为以下各项指示和信号编程:    打开  ,    关闭  ,    过滤器  ,    止损  ,    获利  。 所有其他设置与X的设置相同,包
Mr Jack Joseph Wilson
3.57 (7)
zGold  is an Expert Advisor built, designed and configured to be used with Gold/XAUUSD . The system uses custom Trend algorithms to find key entry points into the market and executes them once the right criteria is met and it uses a mixture of Indicators and Price Action. The Expert Advisor also has a custom filtering algorithm to disregard false signals and work around possible market reversals. To combat spread related issues the closing strategy is based around account profits, totals and cur
Lisek Levels EA
Darius Hans Lischka
4.4 (5)
Simple but powerfull Trend and Hedge EA for Lisek Levels and Channels Indicator . 1. Download Lisek Levels and Channels Indicator . 2. Backtest and optimize in Strategy Tester. 3. For Agressive Tick Mode set your Chart to M1 Time Frame. 4. To speed up Strategy Tester, set "Show Info" to   false   ! 5. After backtesting, it’s important to analyse the test results  (best profit and smallest drawdown). 6. Test your EA settings on Demo Account. Happy Trading !!!
Basic Pending Scalper
Aida Chavez
3.67 (3)
Basic Pending Scalper is a basic system for easy use, you just have to place the system on your platform and load the .set files that we include in our signals. The system opens one or two pending orders, if the predefined conditions are appropriate, the orders will be canceled in case that in the predetermined time of the order is not activated, in case the orders are activated, the operations will be closed by the closing dynamic, Take Profit or Stop Loss. The system works when the volatility
OpenEA Trade GPT XT Pro EA is an automated and easy to use expert advisor that has the Stochastic indicator working in combination with RSI and MACD filters built in.   We have spent a lot of time testing many expert advisors . After years of testing and development, the result is an dynamic EA that is very active with trades and capital management. Our product is also fully compatible with PipFinite Trend Indicator PRO as well. The EA has been designed for trading with the popular symbols e.g.
Christoph Karl Peter Engelhardt
This is a gamble Expert Advisor!! It will open randomly trades on markets which are in your watchlist (left). You select how much you will risk. It uses the  compound interest effect. Example: Starting with $10 1. Trade + $10 -> $20 2. Trade + $20 -> $40 3. Trade + $40 -> $80 4. Trade + $80 -> $160 5. Trade + $160 -> $320 6. Trade + $320 -> $640 .. and so on! If you reach the 17th trade sucessfully, you have over 1 Million Dollar!! (Starting with $10) It risks max. 90% of your money stake, to
Hi Lo Breakout
Stephen Reynolds
3 (2)
A system with steady ROI > 10% a month like clockwork!  Hi Lo Breakout strategy opens and closes trades based on the time of day in relation to the highs and lows of both yesturday and today. It will then trade out these prices using the trade management settings within user inputs.    For best results see .set file at comment  no2 . Features : A purely mechanical system. Simply set and leave. No martingale or grid.    Risks are small per trade.   An optional automatic lot adjustment feature th
Unstoppable Breakthrough   base  策略 是一种专为金融市场中的黄金交易(XAUUSD)设计的交易策略。此策略基于市场价格行为和关键价格水平的突破来识别潜在的交易机会。策略的核心在于准确地设置买入止损(Buy Stop)和卖出止损(Sell Stop)挂单,在黄金价格突破这些预设水平时自动进入市场。 注意!!! 注意!!! 注意!!! 使用前,请在参数设置里,关闭这个参数. 测试报告: (下载XAUUSD_固定手数 10年测试报告) 测试报告: (下载XAUUSD_风险手数 10年测试报告) 产品促销中: Unstoppable Breakthrough 全功能款现在促销,详情请点击 策略信号: 复制MetaTrader 4交易信号Unstoppable Breakthrough 02 的交易 - 30 30/月 - Pinjia Liu (mql5.com) 策略信号3观摩账号: 12624727 abc2024 ICMarketsSC-Demo01 策略原理: 关键价格水平的确定 :通过对历史数据的分析,识别出黄金价格H1小时周期的关键支撑和
Simple RSI Forex Trading Strategy
Victor Manuel Valderrama Zamora
4 (1)
Diversify the risk in your trading account by combining our Expert Advisors. Build your own custom trading system here:   Simple Forex Trading Strategies The expert advisor opens trades when RSI indicator enter in oversold or overbought areas. The Stop Loss, Take Profit, and Trailing Stop are calculated based on the ATR indicator. The recommended currency pair is EURGBP and the recommended timeframe to operate and to do backtests is H4. This Expert Advisor can be profitable in any TimeFrame an
Donchian Scalper EA MT4
Robots4Forex Ltd
3.67 (3)
The Donchian Scalper EA is a fully automated Expert Advisor that trades based on the Donchian indicator. The EA trades using market orders and uses averaging to safely turn otherwise negative trades positive. This EA works best on USDJPY using the M5 timeframe. A VPS is advisable when trading this system. Check the comments for back test results and optimized settings. Please note: I have made the decision to give this EA away and many more for free with limited support so that I can concentrate
Sniper Scalper
Yang Wu
2 (1)
此EA是一个 高频交易系统 ,只在市场波动剧烈时进行交易。通过运用独特的技术指标,检测市场的短期波动,在价格形成突破时入场,并在几秒内抓住几个点迅速离场。每一个挂单都有内在止损,每一个已成交的单子有移动止损进行保护。 请注意‌,此EA的实盘表现严重依赖于对 经纪商 和 VPS 的选择。 推荐‌在一个真正的ECN经纪商开户,经纪商必须要有最低的点差,最小的手续费和最快的执行速度。 推荐在mql5.com上租赁 VPS ,把和服务器间的通讯延迟降低到0~2毫秒。 推荐在这些货币对上使用: EURUSD GBPUSD USDJPY EURGBP 。 推荐在 M1 周期上使用。 信号: https://www.mql5.com/en/signals/author/oodd008 回测: https://www.mql5.com/en/users/oodd008/blog Parameters Lots - 使用固定手数 Risk - 根据账户净值自动计算手数,只有当Lots是0时才有效 EA_Comment - 设置自己的评论信息 MAGIC - Magic数字,无需更改 Max_Sprea
Discount 50% for 20 first customers  This Trading System from Scarface Trades. This expert does not use dangerous martingale, grid , have stoploss and tp, recommended to use 1% risk and 1:2 RR Ratio. The best pair is Tesla, i use icmarkets to backtest. It scan the 5 min opening range, and define order block after breakout the opening range, will take position on retest the order block. So far i have backtested only Tesla make a good profit. Use default setting Pair: TESLA TimeFrame: M1 Descri
Fx Shuriken X
Mohamed Hassan
4.63 (27)
MY OTHER ROBOTS   Please use the default settings!  FOR THE TRADING TIME, IT MUST BE GMT +3 TIMEZONE. If you're not sure, contact me in private so I can make sure you have the right time terminal timezone.  FX SHURIKEN X is a very sophisticated robot that mainly works on the mean reversion strategy . The main idea behind this strategy is that mean reversion will try and predict that the price will revert back to the average level after extreme events. In other words, it's used to understand the
EA Gap Catcher
Mikita Kurnevich
5 (2)
Read more about my products EA Gap Cather - is a fully automated trading algorithm based on the GAP (price gap) trading strategy. This phenomenon does not occur often, but on some currency pairs, such as AUDNZD, it happens more often than others. The strategy is based on the GAP pullback pattern. Recommendations:  AUDNZD  TF M1  leverage 1:100 or higher  minimum deposit 10 USD Parameters:  MinDistancePoints - minimum height of GAP  PercentProfit - percentage of profit relative to GAP level
Forex Mastery Escort EA
Nardus Van Staden
5 (2)
Introducing "Forex Mastery Escort EA," a game-changing Expert Advisor (EA) specifically designed for the MQL5 market. This innovative EA combines the power of multiple indicators, including IMA (Intrabar Moving Average), CCI (Commodity Channel Index), and MACD (Moving Average Convergence Divergence), to provide you with unparalleled trading accuracy. Forex Mastery Escort EA leverages a sophisticated algorithm that meticulously analyzes market conditions, taking into account the insights derived
KT RSI Divergence Robot MT4
KT RSI Divergence robot is a 100% automated expert advisor that trades regular and hidden divergence built between the price and Relative Strength Index (RSI) oscillator. The divergence signals are fetched from our freely available RSI divergence indicator. Not every divergence ends up in a successful price reversal, that's why this ea combines the raw divergences signals with its inbuilt technical analysis module to exploit the price inefficiency that occurs after some selected divergence sig
CAP News Trading
3.89 (9)
Need to open a pending order at news time, or need to open a pending/instant order at a specific time?    CAP News Trading EA is the right tool for you. The   News Trading EA  opens pending orders at a specific time or specific date for you avoiding human errors and enhancing your trading activity. It is useful for news traders who open pending orders before the news come out. News trading is one of the most difficult disciplines – but it can also be one of the most profitable ones if you know t
Sergey Kruglov
5 (4)
Awesomo is a fully automated scalper Expert Advisor which uses the strategy of support and resistance lines breakthrough. Each order is always accompanied by a stop loss. The EA allows trading a fixed lot. Also, the trading robot features automatic lot calculation based on the preset risk per trade. I recommend that you use an ECN with low spread and fast execution. Advantages Stop loss is always applied; Smart profit fixing step algorithm; Fixed and auto lots; No indicators; No hedging; No gri
Moving Average EA MT4
Juvenille Emperor Limited
4 (4)
移动平均线 EA MT4 是一款全自动智能交易系统,可将移动平均线交易提升到一个全新的水平。 移动平均线 EA MT4 可以在 MA 向上(蓝色 MA)时打开一个买入交易,或者在 MA 向下(红色 MA)时打开一个卖出交易,或者可以在每个新蜡烛上打开一个新的相同方向的交易,只要斜率 移动平均线的方向保持不变。 一系列独特的设置使这款 EA 用途极为广泛。 此 EA 附带为许多符号提供的设置文件,专门针对 ECN Raw Spread ICMarkets 帐户(基于纽约的 GMT+3 时区服务器)进行了优化。 可以使用其他经纪人或账户类型,但您可能需要进行任何必要的时间调整以适合您的经纪人/账户。 建议: 我的 EA 都不是能够预测市场的神奇产品。 相反,他们是诚实的、编码良好的专家顾问,旨在赢得更多而不是失去。 他们不采用鞅或网格策略,这意味着他们的结果不会始终显示出向上的利润曲线; 可能会有起伏。 他们的成功需要耐心和纪律。 我的一般建议是在策略测试器中测试所有提供的设置文件。 如果您发现任何有趣的结果,请考虑购买。 我定期优化所有 EA 并每年发布两次新的设置文件。 此外,在每个月
Check out my LIVE channel to see this EA in profitable action! Check My Profile. Or Check out a video of this EA in the screenshot section at the bottom of this page. Recover your MOST PRECIOUS assets: TIME and PEACE of MIND . Set-and-Forget, Plug-and-Play, autonomous, multifunction, DayTrading EA.    BING DayTrading Pro is a fully autonomous, intervention-free, day trading EA. Designed to take Low-Risk, High Win rate, Low DD trades, with advanced trade management, during the trading day. No
RockFort MT4
Aliaksandr Chupryna
「Rockford MT4」 - 具有最少設定且不使用鞅的顧問。適用於峰值水平的細分。 特徵: 貨幣對:XAUUSD(黃金)- 推薦。 具有低點差(ECN 帳戶)和低 ping(延遲(毫秒))的經紀商。 最低存款:150 美元。 建議使用低 ping(延遲(ms))的 VPS 進行 24/7 連續工作。 RockFort_XAUUSD_1.set RockFort_XAUUSD_2.set 參數: 「PERIOD」:句點(推薦M15)。 「Trading_BUY」:啟用(停用)掛單買單。 「Trading_SELL」:啟用(停用)掛單賣單。 「TakeProfit」:止盈大小(以點為單位。自動轉換為點)。 「Trailing_SL」:追蹤停損尺寸(以點為單位)。 「Start Trailing_SL」:追蹤停損起點(以點為單位)。 「Lot (fixed_or_dynamic)」:「Fixed」-固定手數大小 (Fixed_Lot = MinLot)。 「動態」-手數大小取決於餘額。 「Multiplicity_for_Lot」:每「Multiplicity_for_Lot」存款單
Grid Martin
Igor Chugay
Grid Martin is a fully automatic system. The advisor works according to the grid strategy with the possible use of martingale. Work = true Risk = 0.1 - lot T akeProfit = 100 - take profit Delta = 100 - grid step MartinKof = 1 - martingale coefficient MaxSpred = 35 - maximum spread Magic =123 - magic number Slipage = 5 - slippage Period_1 = PERIOD_D1 - indicator timeframe for opening the first deal.
Gbpusd Smart MT4
Mehdi Ghanadan
TickAll - Automated Trading Robot "Please test it in the gbpusd 15-minute timeframe" Introduction:   TickAll     is an automated trading robot designed to assist both novice traders and professional traders in the Forex market. Utilizing advanced algorithms and up-to-date market analysis,   TickAll         helps you make the best trading decisions. Our trading robot stands out from the rest due to its unique feature - the ability to sometimes incur losses yet ultimately generate profits. Unlik
Gold Angels
Hong Ling Mu
3.5 (4)
Welcome to the Forex Gold Angel EA , which is a highly stable profit-generating EA. It comes highly recommended. The logic behind the EA is simple. It uses the BAND indicator, which triggers a flag when the price deviates from the band. However, it does not enter a trade at this point. Instead, it carefully monitors the price movement. When the price returns to the band and touches the center line, it enters a trade in the direction of the trend. This strategy is simple, but it yields significan
Scalper Mars
Igor Bulgakov
3.33 (3)
Scalper Mars EA uses intraday scalping strategy. The Expert Advisor uses standard indicators MACD, RSI, EMA in its trading, does not use martingale and an order grid. A stop order is placed near local extrema, if it does not exceed the maximum value specified by the MaxStopLoss parameter. The EA uses take profit equal to the stop. The Expert Advisor is influenced by news releases. Requirements Recommended for work on the M1 timeframe. It can be traded on any currency pairs, when calculating resu

MetaTrader市场是 出售自动交易和技术指标的最好地方。
