神经网络 - 页 25


Predicting the direction and movement of stock index prices is difficult, often leading to excessive trading, transaction costs, and missed opportunities. Often traders need a systematic method to not only spot trading opportunities, but to also provide a consistent approach, thereby minimizing trading errors and costs. While mechanical trading systems exist, they are usually designed for a specific stock, stock index, or other financial asset, and are often highly dependent on preselected inputs and model parameters that are expected to continue providing trading information well after the initial training or back-tested model development period. The following research leads to a detailed trading model that provides a more effective and intelligent way for recognizing trading signals and assisting investors with trading decisions by utilizing a system that adapts both the inputs and the prediction model based on the desired output. To illustrate the adaptive approach, multiple inputs and modeling techniques are utilized, including neural networks, particle swarm optimization, and denoising. Simulations with stock indexes illustrate how traders can generate higher returns using the developed adaptive decision support system model. The benefits of adding adaptive and intelligent decision making to forecasts are also discussed.


The Foreign Exchange Market is the biggest and one of the most liquid markets in the world. This market has always been one of the most challenging markets as far as short term prediction is concerned. Due to the chaotic, noisy, and non-stationary nature of the data, the majority of the research has been focused on daily, weekly, or even monthly prediction. The literature review revealed that there is a gap for intra-day market prediction. Identifying this gap, this paper introduces a prediction and decision making model based on Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) and Genetic Algorithms. The dataset utilized for this research comprises of 70 weeks of past currency rates of the 3 most traded currency pairs: GBP\USD, EUR\GBP, and EUR\USD. The initial statistical tests confirmed with a significance of more than 95% that the daily FOREX currency rates time series are not randomly distributed. Another important result is that the proposed model achieved 72.5% prediction accuracy. Furthermore, implementing the optimal trading strategy, this model produced 23.3% Annualized Net Return. (c) 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.





据我所知,金融系列预测的最佳输出是价格范围预测、顶部或底部预测,以及这些东西。直接预测价格(开盘价,收盘价)并不能得到很好的结果,因为有很多原因,例如,在开盘时间 和收盘时间之间的一点变化就会大大改变其价值。






The Foreign Exchange Market is the biggest and one of the most liquid markets in the world. This market has always been one of the most challenging markets as far as short term prediction is concerned. Due to the chaotic, noisy, and non-stationary nature of the data, the majority of the research has been focused on daily, weekly, or even monthly prediction. The literature review revealed that there is a gap for intra-day market prediction. Identifying this gap, this paper introduces a prediction and decision making model based on Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) and Genetic Algorithms. The dataset utilized for this research comprises of 70 weeks of past currency rates of the 3 most traded currency pairs: GBP\USD, EUR\GBP, and EUR\USD. The initial statistical tests confirmed with a significance of more than 95% that the daily FOREX currency rates time series are not randomly distributed. Another important result is that the proposed model achieved 72.5% prediction accuracy. Furthermore, implementing the optimal trading strategy, this model produced 23.3% Annualized Net Return.

基于近年来中国金融发展的趋势背景,以及对趋势线的统计分析,本文通过BP神经网络算法和费雪线性判别法建立了量化交易策略。首先,将数据线性回归为等长的趋势线,对斜率进行模糊处理,建立上升趋势和下降趋势矩阵。然后利用BP神经网络算法和Fisher Linear Discriminant分别进行价格预测和取舍交易行为,并相应地以沪深300股指期货为例进行回测。结果表明:首先,通过拟合很好地保留了初始价格趋势;其次,通过神经网络和Fisher Linear Discriminant的训练优化,交易系统的盈利能力和风险控制能力得到提高。

OpenNN (Open Neural Networks Library) is a software library written in the C++ programming language which implements neural networks, a main area of deep learning research..






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