神经网络 - 页 23


In this paper, a novel decision support system using a computational efficient functional link artificial neural network (CEFLANN) and a set of rules is proposed to generate the trading decisions more effectively. Here the problem of stock trading decision prediction is articulated as a classification problem with three class values representing the buy, hold and sell signals. The CEFLANN network used in the decision support system produces a set of continuous trading signals within the range 0 to 1 by analyzing the nonlinear relationship exists between few popular technical indicators. Further the output trading signals are used to track the trend and to produce the trading decision based on that trend using some trading rules. The novelty of the approach is to engender the profitable stock trading decision points through integration of the learning ability of CEFLANN neural network with the technical analysis rules. For assessing the potential use of the proposed method, the model performance is also compared with some other machine learning techniques such as Support Vector Machine (SVM), Naive Bayesian model, K nearest neighbor model (KNN) and Decision Tree (DT) model.


The motivation behind this research is to innovatively combine new methods like wavelet, principal component analysis (PCA), and artificial neural network (ANN) approaches to analyze trade in today’s increasingly difficult and volatile financial futures markets. The main focus of this study is to facilitate forecasting by using an enhanced denoising process on market data, taken as a multivariate signal, in order to deduct the same noise from the open-high-low-close signal of a market. This research offers evidence on the predictive ability and the profitability of abnormal returns of a new hybrid forecasting model using Wavelet-PCA denoising and ANN (named WPCA-NN) on futures contracts of Hong Kong’s Hang Seng futures, Japan’s NIKKEI 225 futures, Singapore’s MSCI futures, South Korea’s KOSPI 200 futures, and Taiwan’s TAIEX futures from 2005 to 2014. Using a host of technical analysis indicators consisting of RSI, MACD, MACD Signal, Stochastic Fast %K, Stochastic Slow %K, Stochastic %D, and Ultimate Oscillator, empirical results show that the annual mean returns of WPCA-NN are more than the threshold buy-and-hold for the validation, test, and evaluation periods; this is inconsistent with the traditional random walk hypothesis, which insists that mechanical rules cannot outperform the threshold buy-and-hold. The findings, however, are consistent with literature that advocates technical analysis.

货币兑换是一种货币对另一种货币的交易。外汇汇率受到许多相关的经济、政治和心理因素的影响,因此预测它是一项艰巨的任务。一些预测外汇汇率的方法包括统计分析、时间序列分析、模糊系统、神经网络和混合系统。 这些方法都存在着准确预测汇率的问题。我们提出了人工神经网络(ANN)和混合神经-模糊系统(ANFIS)来预测外汇市场的未来汇率。MLP被用来预测汇率的上升或下降,而ANFIS模型被用来预测第二天的汇率。在实验中,使用了外汇市场上的美元汇率。平均平方误差(MSE)和平均绝对误差(MAE)被用来作为性能指标。在训练过程中,ANN达到了0.033的MSE和0.0002的MAE,而ANFIS模型达到了0.024的MSE和6.7x10-8的MAE。在测试阶段,ANN的MSE为0.003,MAE为0.00082,而ANFIS模型的MSE为0.02,MAE为0.00792。

This paper propose that the combination of smoothing approach taking into account the entropic information provided by Renyi method, has an acceptable performance in term of forecasting errors. The methodology of the proposed scheme is examined through benchmark chaotic time series, such as Mackay Glass, Lorenz, Henon maps, the Lynx and rainfall from Santa Francisca series, with addition of white noise by using neural networks-based energy associated (EAS) predictor filter modified by Renyi entropy of the series. In particular, when the time series is short or long, the underlying dynamical system is nonlinear and temporal dependencies span long time intervals, in which this are also called long memory process. In such cases, the inherent nonlinearity of neural networks models and a higher robustness to noise seem to partially explain their better prediction performance when entropic information is extracted from the series. Then, to demonstrate that permutation entropy is computationally efficient, robust to outliers, and effective to measure complexity of time series, computational results are evaluated against several non-linear ANN predictors proposed before to show the predictability of noisy rainfall and chaotic time series reported in the literature.

W e propose a forecasting procedure based on multivariate 动态内核,能够整合金融市场中不同频率和不规则时间间隔测量的信息 als。一个数据压缩过程将原始金融时间序列重新压缩成时间数据块,分析多个时间间隔的时间信息 als。该分析是通过支持向量回归中的多v ariate动态核来完成的。 我们还提出了两个用于金融时间序列的核子,它们在计算上很方便,但对准确性没有影响 。该方法的有效性通过对具有挑战性的S&P500市场的预测进行实证实验来证明。

This study presents a neural network & web-based decision support system (DSS) for foreign exchange (forex) forecasting and trading decision, which is adaptable to the needs of financial organizations and individual investors. In this study, we integrate the back-propagation neural network (BPNN)- based forex rolling forecasting system to accurately predict the change in direction of daily exchange rates, and the Web-based forex trading decision support system to obtain forecasting data and provide some investment decision suggestions for financial practitioners. This research reveals the structure of the DSS by the description of an integrated framework, and meantime we find that the DSS is integrated, user-oriented by its implementation, and practical applications reveal that this DSS demonstrates very high forecasting accuracy and its trading recommendations are reliable.

噪声注入是一种缓解神经网络(NNs)中过拟合的现成方法。在dropout和shakeout程序中实现的Bernoulli噪声注入的最新发展表明了噪声注入在规范化深度NN中的效率和可行性。我们提出了whiteout,一种通过向深度NN注入自适应高斯噪声的新的正则化技术。Whiteout提供了三个调整参数,在NN的训练中提供了灵活性。我们表明,whiteout与广义线性模型背景下的确定性优化目标函数有关,具有闭合形式的惩罚项,并包括lasso、ridge regression、adaptive lasso和弹性网等特殊情况。我们还证明了whiteout可以被看作是在输入和隐藏节点存在小而不明显的扰动时对NN模型的鲁棒性学习。与dropout相比,whiteout在训练数据规模相对较小的情况下,通过 l1 正则化引入的稀疏性有更好的表现。与shakeout相比,whiteout中的惩罚性目标函数具有更好的收敛行为,并且考虑到注入噪声的连续性,它更加稳定。我们从理论上证明,采用whiteout的噪声扰动经验损失函数几乎肯定地收敛于理想损失函数,而且通过最小化前一个损失函数得到的NN参数的估计值与最小化理想损失函数得到的估计值一致。在计算上,whiteout可以被纳入反向传播算法中,并且计算效率高。使用MNIST数据证明了whiteout在训练NN分类中比dropout和shakeout的优越性。


The Foreign Exchange Market is the biggest and one of the most liquid markets in the world. This market has always been one of the most challenging markets as far as short term prediction is concerned. Due to the chaotic, noisy, and non-stationary nature of the data, the majority of the research has been focused on daily, weekly, or even monthly prediction. The literature review revealed that there is a gap for intra-day market prediction. Identifying this gap, this paper introduces a prediction and decision making model based on Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) and Genetic Algorithms. The dataset utilized for this research comprises of 70 weeks of past currency rates of the 3 most traded currency pairs: GBP\USD, EUR\GBP, and EUR\USD. The initial statistical tests confirmed with a significance of more than 95% that the daily FOREX currency rates time series are not randomly distributed. Another important result is that the proposed model achieved 72.5% prediction accuracy. Furthermore, implementing the optimal trading strategy, this model produced 23.3% Annualized Net Return.