第6号错误 - 页 2 123456789...32 新评论 Forex Trader 2005.08.10 13:01 #11 <br / translate="no">图表的数量是有限制的--99。因此,专家的数量也是有限制的。 嗯,没有。不是我的情况。首先,我有不到99个专家顾问。第二,我不打算长时间工作--在一小时内重新启动和警戒。 那么,你能看一下专家吗? Forex Trader 2005.08.10 13:05 #12 而紧随其后的是。另一位专家。它是什么样的指标,并不重要。重要的是,我发现它在同一货币中开了两笔交易。专家顾问的逻辑不允许这样做。从逻辑上讲(如果你看图表),之前的交易应该已经关闭。而事实并非如此。日志中没有任何内容。同样的症状? 我上面给出的专家顾问是一个更好的想法。在代码方面,那里的一切都更简单。而且没有任何指标。 夸克。 // MT4 tested #include "mylib.mq4" extern double dBuyLevel; extern double dSellLevel; extern double dStopLoss; extern double dTrailingStop; extern double dTakeProfit; extern int nNocInterval; extern double dNocRange; extern int nNocMa; // ------ datetime timePrev = 0; int nSlip = 5; double dTp = 0; double dProfit = 0; double dInitAmount = 1000; double dLotSize = 0.1; int nNumOfExperts = 5; int nMagic = 0; bool bReportDone = false; bool bUseMm = false; ////////////////// int init () { if(Symbol() == "EURUSD" && Period() == 60) { if(!IsTesting()) { // (0.21,0.94,240,40,0.02,3,240), (0.19,0.82,200,30,0.025,5,200) dBuyLevel = 0.19; // (0.21,0.83,160,27,0.026,4,260), (), () dSellLevel = 0.82; dStopLoss = 230 * Point; dTrailingStop = dStopLoss; dTakeProfit = 0; nNocInterval = 28; dNocRange = 0.024; nNocMa = 6; // Max: 0.19,0.82,230,230,0,28,0.024,6; dd: 653, balance: 6900 } else { dStopLoss = dStopLoss * Point; if(dTakeProfit == 700) dTakeProfit = 0; dTakeProfit = dTakeProfit * Point; dTrailingStop = /*dTrailingStop * Point;*/dStopLoss; } // bBuy = false; // bSell = false; nMagic = 10; } else if(Symbol() == "EURJPY" && Period() == 60) { if(!IsTesting()) { // (0.17,0.96,120,40,0.01,13) dBuyLevel = 0.17; // balance: 3650, dd: 539 dSellLevel = 0.96; dStopLoss = 120 * Point; dTrailingStop = dStopLoss; dTakeProfit = 0; nNocInterval = 40; dNocRange = 0.01; nNocMa = 13; } else { dStopLoss = dStopLoss * Point; if(dTakeProfit == 700) dTakeProfit = 0; dTakeProfit = dTakeProfit * Point; dTrailingStop = /*dTrailingStop * Point;*/ dStopLoss; } // bBuy = false; // bSell = false; nMagic = 11; } else if(Symbol() == "USDCHF" && Period() == 60) { if(!IsTesting()) { // (0.19,0.82,200,35,0.01,5) dBuyLevel = 0.05; // balance: 6200, dd: 763 dSellLevel = 0.92; // (0.05,092,250,30,0.025,3) dStopLoss = 250 * Point; // balance: 3600, dd: 500 dTrailingStop = dStopLoss; dTakeProfit = 0; // (0.07,0.92, 250,40,0.025,9) // balance: 3500, dd: 362 nNocInterval = 30; dNocRange = 0.025; nNocMa = 3; } else { dStopLoss = dStopLoss * Point; if(dTakeProfit == 700) dTakeProfit = 0; dTakeProfit = dTakeProfit * Point; dTrailingStop = /*dTrailingStop * Point;*/ dStopLoss; } // bBuy = false; // bSell = false; nMagic = 12; } else if(Symbol() == "GBPUSD" && Period() == 60) { if(!IsTesting()) { // (0.21,0.84,250,30,0.01,11) // BUY ONLY: retest!!! dBuyLevel = 0.15; // balance: 6588, dd: 1169 dSellLevel = 0.84; // (0.15,0.86,250,20,0.025,9) // BUY ONLY: retest!!! dStopLoss = 200 * Point; // balance: 3337, dd: 552 dTrailingStop = dStopLoss; dTakeProfit = 0; // (0.15,0.84,200,20,0.025,7) // buy and sell // balance: 4171, dd: 850 nNocInterval = 20; dNocRange = 0.025; // (0.15,0.88,200,20,0.025,9) // buy only? retest nNocMa = 9; // balance: 2895, dd: 424 } else { dStopLoss = dStopLoss * Point; if(dTakeProfit == 700) dTakeProfit = 0; dTakeProfit = dTakeProfit * Point; dTrailingStop = /*dTrailingStop * Point;*/ dStopLoss; } // bBuy = false; // bSell = false; nMagic = 13; } else if(Symbol() == "GBPCHF" && Period() == 60) { if(!IsTesting()) { // (0.11,0.86,280,20,0.025,7) dBuyLevel = 0.11; // balance: 5564, dd: 777 dSellLevel = 0.86; // (0.15,0.84,280,25,0.025,11) dStopLoss = 280 * Point; // balance: 4275, dd: 685 dTrailingStop = dStopLoss; dTakeProfit = 0; // (0.11,0.86,280,25,0.025,9) // balance: 4159, dd: 456 nNocInterval = 25; dNocRange = 0.025; nNocMa = 9; } else { dStopLoss = dStopLoss * Point; if(dTakeProfit == 700) dTakeProfit = 0; dTakeProfit = dTakeProfit * Point; dTrailingStop = /*dTrailingStop * Point;*/ dStopLoss; } // bBuy = false; // bSell = false; nMagic = 14; } else if(Symbol() == "USDJPY" && Period() == 60) { if(!IsTesting()) { // (0.07,0.82,280,25,0.025,3) dBuyLevel = 0.07; // balance: 3764, dd: 527 dSellLevel = 0.82; // (0.07,0.8,160,30,0.025,3) dStopLoss = 280 * Point; // balance: 3297, dd: 491 dTrailingStop = dStopLoss; dTakeProfit = 0; // (0.09, 0.94,280,15,0.025,3) // balance: 2703, dd: 541 nNocInterval = 25; dNocRange = 0.025; nNocMa = 3; } else { dStopLoss = dStopLoss * Point; if(dTakeProfit == 700) dTakeProfit = 0; dTakeProfit = dTakeProfit * Point; dTrailingStop = /*dTrailingStop * Point;*/ dStopLoss; } // bBuy = false; // bSell = false; nMagic = 15; } else if(Symbol() == "AUDUSD" && Period() == 60) { if(!IsTesting()) { // (0.14,0.9,280,40,0.015,11) dBuyLevel = 0.14; // balance: 3834, dd: 468 dSellLevel = 0.9; // (0.13,0.92,240,35,0.01,13) dStopLoss = 280 * Point; // balance: 3463, dd: 303 dTrailingStop = dStopLoss; dTakeProfit = 0; nNocInterval = 40; dNocRange = 0.015; nNocMa = 11; } else { dStopLoss = dStopLoss * Point; if(dTakeProfit == 700) dTakeProfit = 0; dTakeProfit = dTakeProfit * Point; dTrailingStop = /*dTrailingStop * Point;*/ dStopLoss; } // bBuy = false; // bSell = false; nMagic = 16; } else if(Symbol() == "EURGBP" && Period() == 60) { if(!IsTesting()) { // (0.09,0.84,200,35,0.01,3) dBuyLevel = 0.21; // balance: 2517, dd: 486 dSellLevel = 0.82; // (0.21,0.82,280,40,0.015,3) dStopLoss = 280 * Point; // balance: 2726, dd: 324 dTrailingStop = dStopLoss; dTakeProfit = 0; // (0.21,0.84,160,15,0.01,3) // balance: 2255, dd: 314 nNocInterval = 40; dNocRange = 0.015; nNocMa = 3; } else { dStopLoss = dStopLoss * Point; if(dTakeProfit == 700) dTakeProfit = 0; dTakeProfit = dTakeProfit * Point; dTrailingStop = dStopLoss; } // bBuy = false; // bSell = false; nMagic = 17; } else if(Symbol() == "USDCAD" && Period() == 60) { if(!IsTesting()) { // (0.05,0.88,280,25,0.015,7) dBuyLevel = 0.07; // balance: 3536, dd: 235 dSellLevel = 0.86; // (0.07,0.86,280,15,0.015,3) dStopLoss = 280 * Point; // balance: 3414, dd: 380 dTrailingStop = dStopLoss; dTakeProfit = 0; nNocInterval = 15; dNocRange = 0.015; nNocMa = 3; } else { dStopLoss = dStopLoss * Point; if(dTakeProfit == 700) dTakeProfit = 0; dTakeProfit = dTakeProfit * Point; dTrailingStop = dStopLoss; } // bBuy = false; // bSell = false; nMagic = 18; } else if(Symbol() == "EURCHF" && Period() == 60) { if(!IsTesting()) { // (0.17,0.84,280,15,0.01,5) dBuyLevel = 0.17; // balance: 1471, dd: 221 dSellLevel = 0.84; // (0.17,0.88,200,15,0.01,5) dStopLoss = 200 * Point; // balance: 1433, dd: 135 dTrailingStop = dStopLoss; dTakeProfit = 0; nNocInterval = 15; dNocRange = 0.01; nNocMa = 5; } else { dStopLoss = dStopLoss * Point; if(dTakeProfit == 700) dTakeProfit = 0; dTakeProfit = dTakeProfit * Point; dTrailingStop = dStopLoss; } // bBuy = false; // bSell = false; nMagic = 19; } else if(Symbol() == "EURAUD" && Period() == 60) { if(!IsTesting()) { // (0.05,0.8,240,30,0.025,9) dBuyLevel = 0.05; // balance: , dd: dSellLevel = 0.8; // () dStopLoss = 240 * Point; // balance: , dd: dTrailingStop = dStopLoss; dTakeProfit = 0; nNocInterval = 30; dNocRange = 0.025; nNocMa = 9; } else { dStopLoss = dStopLoss * Point; if(dTakeProfit == 700) dTakeProfit = 0; dTakeProfit = dTakeProfit * Point; dTrailingStop = dStopLoss; } // bBuy = false; // bSell = false; nMagic = 20; } return(0); } // ------ int deinit() { return(0); } // ------ int start() { if(Bars < nNocInterval + nNocMa) return(0); Report("Noc_1", nMagic, bReportDone); // The previous bar just closed bool bIsBarEnd = false; if(timePrev != Time[0]) bIsBarEnd = true; timePrev = Time[0]; if(!bIsBarEnd) return(0); // ------ double dNoc = iCustom(NULL, 0, "_Noc_Ind", nNocInterval, dNocRange, nNocMa, 0, 1); double dNocPrev = iCustom(NULL, 0, "_Noc_Ind", nNocInterval, dNocRange, nNocMa, 0, 2); int nNumOfOpenedOrders = 0; for(int nCnt = 0; nCnt < OrdersTotal(); nCnt++) { OrderSelect(nCnt, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_TRADES); if(OrderMagicNumber() == nMagic) { if(OrderType() <= OP_SELL) nNumOfOpenedOrders++; } } if(bUseMm == true) { dProfit = 0; for(nCnt = 0; nCnt < HistoryTotal(); nCnt++) { OrderSelect(nCnt, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_HISTORY); if(OrderMagicNumber() == nMagic && OrderType() <= OP_SELL) { dProfit += OrderProfit(); } } } if(nNumOfOpenedOrders == 0) { if(dNocPrev <= dBuyLevel && dNoc >= dBuyLevel) Buy(); else if(dNocPrev >= dSellLevel && dNoc <= dSellLevel) Sell(); return(0); } else { for(nCnt = 0; nCnt < OrdersTotal(); nCnt++) { OrderSelect(nCnt, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_TRADES); if(OrderMagicNumber() == nMagic) { if(OrderType() == OP_BUY) { if(dNocPrev >= dSellLevel && dNoc <= dSellLevel) { OrderClose(OrderTicket(), OrderLots(), Bid, nSlip, Aqua); Sell(); return(0); } } else if(OrderType() == OP_SELL) { if(dNocPrev <= dBuyLevel && dNoc >= dBuyLevel) { OrderClose(OrderTicket(), OrderLots(), Ask, nSlip, OrangeRed); Buy(); return(0); } } } } } // ------ for(nCnt = 0; nCnt < OrdersTotal(); nCnt++) { OrderSelect(nCnt, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_TRADES); if(OrderMagicNumber() == nMagic && OrderSymbol() == Symbol()) { if(OrderType() == OP_BUY)// && Bid - OrderOpenPrice() > dStopLoss) { if(OrderStopLoss() < Bid - dTrailingStop - 5 * Point) { OrderModify(OrderTicket(), OrderOpenPrice(), Bid - dTrailingStop, OrderTakeProfit(), 0, Aqua); return(0); } } if(OrderType() == OP_SELL)// && OrderOpenPrice() - Ask > dStopLoss) { if(OrderStopLoss() > Ask + dTrailingStop + 5 * Point)// || OrderStopLoss() == 0) { OrderModify(OrderTicket(), OrderOpenPrice(), Ask + dTrailingStop, OrderTakeProfit(), 0, OrangeRed); return(0); } } } } return(0); } // ------ void Sell() { if(AccountFreeMargin() < 500) return; dLotSize = GetLotSize(); if(dTakeProfit == 0) dTp = 0; else dTp = Bid - dTakeProfit; OrderSend(Symbol(), OP_SELL, dLotSize, Bid, nSlip, Bid + dStopLoss, dTp, "Noc_1", nMagic, 0, OrangeRed); } // ------ void Buy() { if(AccountFreeMargin() < 500) return; dLotSize = GetLotSize(); if(dTakeProfit == 0) dTp = 0; else dTp = Ask + dTakeProfit; OrderSend(Symbol(), OP_BUY, dLotSize, Ask, nSlip, Ask - dStopLoss, dTp, "Noc_1", nMagic, 0, Aqua); } // ------ double GetLotSize() { double dLot = 0.1; if(bUseMm) { dLot = (0.1 * dInitAmount + 0.2 * dProfit) / 1000; if(dLot * 2 * dInitAmount > AccountFreeMargin() / nNumOfExperts) dLot = AccountFreeMargin() / (2 * dInitAmount * nNumOfExperts); dLot = MathFloor(dLot * 10) / 10; if(dLot < 0.1) dLot = 0.1; } return(dLot); } // ------ Forex Trader 2005.08.10 13:17 #13 我在一个账户里有9个EA,现在已经2个月了。我已经在所有这些人中实施了这样的建设。 ticket=OrderSend(Symbol(),OP_SELL,Lots,Bid,Slippage,Bid+StopLoss*Point,Bid-TakeProfit*Point, "sell",ExpertMagicNumber,0,Red); if(ticket<0) { Print("OrderSend failed with error #," GetLastError()); return(0); } 日志干净了,订单也下了。 Forex Trader 2005.08.10 13:29 #14 我在一个账户上有9个EA,现在已经2个月了。所有这些都有相同的结构:<br/ translate="no">ticket=OrderSend(Symbol(),OP_SELL,Lots,Bid,Slippage,Bid+StopLoss*Point,Bid-TakeProfit*Point, "sell",ExpertMagicNumber,0,Red); if(ticket<0) { Print("OrderSend failed with error #," GetLastError(); return(0); } 日志干净了,订单也下了。 我还能说什么呢?试试我的专家顾问,也就是我首先引用的那个。它每小时给出一个交易。通常,第二次交易会导致错误信息。如果24小时内没有错误,我甚至不知道... Forex Trader 2005.08.10 13:52 #15 挂了电话,显然应该在10分钟内做一些事情。我希望他不要破坏我的其他EA。Yo000,他已经开了一个订单,你答应每小时一次,但还没到一分钟。 Forex Trader 2005.08.10 14:02 #16 挂了电话,显然应该在10分钟内做一些事情。我希望他不要破坏我的其他EA。Yo000,他已经开了一个订单,你答应每小时一次,但还没到一分钟。 第一次是一次性开单(见条形图开始时的条件检查)。然后,如果你不碰它,在下一个小时的开始。 Forex Trader 2005.08.10 14:04 #17 好吧,马戏团继续。在第二位专家那里挂断了Alert的电话。在一开始的时候,预计有两条曲线会交叉,他诚实地试图开出一个订单。相反,它得到了6号错误。先生们 开发者? Forex Trader 2005.08.10 14:13 #18 Rosh,听着,当然要感谢你的帮助。但我想知道,我的EA通过神奇的数字跟踪 "它 "的交易。如果你的方法是一样的(每个EA都有自己的观点),那么我想确保它不会关闭其他人的订单。如果你的方法是一样的(每个EA都有自己的mn),那么你必须确保这个EA的mn不与你的重合。 Forex Trader 2005.08.10 14:18 #19 我之所以写洪水,是因为阅读这类帖子让我非常难过,需要说些什么,尤其是我已经喝了几杯...... 我非常希望夸克在他的专家中搞砸了。我自己还不能检查,因为我是用远离电脑的PDA写的。但是,如果是MT,那么F......,然而,轻骑兵沉默了! Forex Trader 2005.08.10 14:21 #20 真正的无声胜有声 :) 123456789...32 新评论 您错过了交易机会: 免费交易应用程序 8,000+信号可供复制 探索金融市场的经济新闻 注册 登录 拉丁字符(不带空格) 密码将被发送至该邮箱 发生错误 使用 Google 登录 您同意网站政策和使用条款 如果您没有帐号,请注册 可以使用cookies登录MQL5.com网站。 请在您的浏览器中启用必要的设置,否则您将无法登录。 忘记您的登录名/密码? 使用 Google 登录