程序库: 用于创建图形界面的 EasyAndFastGUI 开发库


用于创建图形界面的 EasyAndFastGUI 开发库:

EasyAndFastGUI 开发库可以为自定义 MQL 程序创建图形界面。

作者: Anatoli Kazharski



Could this library be used in MQL4?
When I use CTreeView for MQL5 with ShowItemContent(false), it has a stop error: array out of range in 'TreeView.mqh' (1725,22). This is in function "void CTreeView::UpdateContentList(void)". If  ShowItemContent(false), the item content is not created during initialization, but m_content_items[li].Update(true) is used without checking m_show_item_content flag. Then I modified code of function "void CTreeView::UpdateContentList(void)" as below:
//| Обновляет список содержания                                      |
void CTreeView::UpdateContentList(void)
//--- Exit if (1) content does not need to be displayed or (2) Label mode is enabled
   if(!m_show_item_content || m_tab_items_mode)
   int items_total=::ArraySize(m_cd_list_index);
   for(int i=0; i<items_total; i++)
      //--- Получим общий индекс пункта в списке
      int li=m_cd_list_index[i];
      //--- Обновим
Am I right? And can you please confirm it? Thank you very much!


deprecated behavior, hidden method calling will be disabled in a future MQL compiler version WndEvents.mqh 1761 53



CreateTextEdit doesn't seem to support Chinese input?

用于创建图形界面的EasyAndFastGUI v2.0库的新版本已经发布!



EasyAndFastGUI library for creating graphical interfaces
EasyAndFastGUI library for creating graphical interfaces
  • www.mql5.com
The EasyAndFastGUI library allows creating graphical interfaces for custom MQL programs.


  • 在不同分辨率的显示器上自动缩放字体。
  • 添加了多窗口模式。 現在您可以在自由切換和模態模式之間進行選擇。



  1. 添加元素 TimeRanges 用於時間交易範圍的可視化。
  2. 圖書館用戶報告的幾個小修復。
  3. 添加了圖形界面的新示例。
