在本文中,我们将从头开始编写一个脚本,以便在回顾分析交易决策的可视化交易情况。简而言之,如果我们进行手动交易,并为了提高交易表现而分析过去的市场入场点,我们希望尽可能减少花在手动历史分析和与之相关的纯技术工作上的时间:打开图表、在历史记录中搜索交易、在终端中手动保存截图、独立地为已完成的交易绘制止损(Stop Loss)和止盈(Take Profit)点位,以及收集有关已支付佣金和隔夜利息(swaps)的信息。我们即将开发的这个脚本将极大地减少所有的机械性工作。使用此脚本(可从下文附件中获取),您将大幅减少在技术工作上花费的时间,从而将更多精力用于分析交易决策上面。不想花时间重组项目的交易者可以在MQL5市场下载现成的脚本。脚本开发将分为两个部分,每个部分都会附上完整的源代码。
图例1. 显示脚本数据
enum input_method
input group "Enter deal ticket or select the period" input input_method inp_method = Select_period; // One deal or period?
图例2. 用于输入数据加载条件的用户界面
input group "For case 'Select_one_deal': Enter ticket of deal" input long inp_d_ticket = 4339491; // Ticket (global id)
input group "For case 'Select_period': Enter period for analys" input datetime start_date = D'17.07.2023'; // Start date input datetime finish_date = D'19.07.2023'; // Finish date
input group "Enter time frames. 'current' = don't use" input ENUM_TIMEFRAMES main_graph = PERIOD_D1; // Period of main chart input ENUM_TIMEFRAMES addition_graph = PERIOD_H1; // Period of addition chart input ENUM_TIMEFRAMES addition_graph_2 = PERIOD_CURRENT; // Period of addition chart #2 input ENUM_TIMEFRAMES addition_graph_3 = PERIOD_CURRENT; // Period of addition chart #3
input group "Navigate settings in bars." input int bars_from_right_main = 15; // Shift from right on main chart input int bars_from_right_add = 35; // Shift from right on addition chart input int bars_from_right_add_2 = 35; // Shift from right on addition chart #2 input int bars_from_right_add_3 = 35; // Shift from right on addition chart #3
为了在MetaTrader 5终端中自定义图表以便保存屏幕截图,我们可以利用模板使用功能,或者通过实现图表操作代码并将每个值分配到单独的输入脚本中来配置所有的图表属性。我认为,在我的解决方案中,当使用图表设置时,不“膨胀”脚本输入部分,而是使用现成的模板来处理终端中的图表展示,将更为优雅且正确。因此,我们只需在每个时间框架的输入中写入预先准备好的模板名称,脚本就会与之配合工作。您还可以使用之前创建的模板,令显示界面更熟悉。
MetaTrader 5终端中的图表展示几乎都可以根据用户的喜好和品位进行自定义。通过在图表上按F8键,我们可以自定义显示模式、对象、颜色调色板等更多内容。通过为不同的显示配置创建模板,可以快速方便地更改图表设置。上下文菜单中的“图表”->“模板”->“保存模板/加载模板”选项允许我们快速更改价格图表的显示设置,甚至无需更改当前活动的图表窗口。因此,可以根据分析的时间周期数量设置多个图表显示,适配到几个变量中。
input group "Properties of charts. Enter the template name:" input string main_template = "dailyHistorytemp"; // Template name of main chart input string addition_template = "hourHistoryTemp"; // Template name of addition chart input string addition_template_2 = "hourHistoryTemp"; // Template name of addition chart #2 input string addition_template_3 = "hourHistoryTemp"; // Template name of addition chart #3
图例 3. 模板输入的用户界面
input group "Colors of deals line" input color clr_price_open = clrWhiteSmoke; // Color of price open label input color clr_price_close = clrWhiteSmoke; // Color of price close label input color clr_stop = clrRed; // Color of stop loss label input color clr_take = clrLawnGreen; // Color of take profit label input color clr_main = clrWhiteSmoke; // Color of deals trendline
#property copyright "Visit product page" #property link "https://www.mql5.com/ru/market/product/86223" #property version "1.00" #property description "Make an automatic printscreen with a full description of all transactions for the period or specify the ticket of the desired transaction." #property script_show_inputs enum input_method { Select_one_deal, Select_period }; input group "Enter deal ticket or select the period" input input_method inp_method = Select_period; // One deal or period? input group "For case 'Select_one_deal': Enter ticket of deal" input long inp_d_ticket = 4339491; // Ticket (global id) input group "For case 'Select_period': Enter period for analys" input datetime start_date = D'17.07.2023'; // Start date input datetime finish_date = D'19.07.2023'; // Finish date input group "Enter time frames. 'current' = don't use" input ENUM_TIMEFRAMES main_graph = PERIOD_D1; // Period of main chart input ENUM_TIMEFRAMES addition_graph = PERIOD_H1; // Period of addition chart input ENUM_TIMEFRAMES addition_graph_2 = PERIOD_CURRENT; // Period of addition chart #2 input ENUM_TIMEFRAMES addition_graph_3 = PERIOD_CURRENT; // Period of addition chart #3 input group "Navigate settings in bars." input int bars_from_right_main = 15; // Shift from right on main chart input int bars_from_right_add = 35; // Shift from right on addition chart input int bars_from_right_add_2 = 35; // Shift from right on addition chart #2 input int bars_from_right_add_3 = 35; // Shift from right on addition chart #3 input group "Properties of charts. Enter the template name:" input string main_template = "dailyHistorytemp"; // Template name of main chart input string addition_template = "hourHistoryTemp"; // Template name of addition chart input string addition_template_2 = "hourHistoryTemp"; // Template name of addition chart #2 input string addition_template_3 = "hourHistoryTemp"; // Template name of addition chart #3 input group "Colors of deals line" input color clr_price_open = clrWhiteSmoke; // Color of price open label input color clr_price_close = clrWhiteSmoke; // Color of price close label input color clr_stop = clrRed; // Color of stop loss label input color clr_take = clrLawnGreen; // Color of take profit label input color clr_main = clrWhiteSmoke; // Color of deals trendline
Print("Script starts its work."); // notified ResetLastError(); // reset error string brok_name = TerminalInfoString(TERMINAL_COMPANY); // get broker name long account_num = AccountInfoInteger(ACCOUNT_LOGIN); // get account number //--- ulong ticket = 0; // ticket ENUM_DEAL_ENTRY entry = -1; // entry or exit long position_id = 0, PositionID[]; // main id int type = -1, arr_type[]; // deal type int magic = -1, arr_magic[]; // magic number ENUM_DEAL_REASON reason = -1, arr_reason[]; // reason datetime time_open = 0, arr_time_open[]; // deal open time datetime time_close = 0, arr_time_close[]; // close time string symbol, arr_symbol[]; // symbol string comment, arr_comment[]; // comment string externalID, arr_extermalID[]; // external id double stop_loss = 0, arr_stop_loss[]; // deal Stop Loss double take_profit = 0, arr_take_profit[]; // deal Take Profit double open = 0, arr_open[]; // open price double close = 0, arr_close[]; // close price double volume = 0, arr_volume[]; // position volume double commission = 0, arr_commission[]; // commission double swap = 0, arr_swap[]; // swap double profit = 0, arr_profit[]; // profit double fee = 0, arr_fee[]; // fee int res = -1; // user command
res = MessageBox("You have selected analysis for period. Continue?","",MB_OKCANCEL); // wait for user confirmation
if(res == IDCANCEL) // if interrupted by user { printf("%s - %d -> Scrypt was stoped by user.",__FUNCTION__,__LINE__); // notify return; // do not continue }
int total = HistoryDealsTotal(); // got the total number of deals
if(total <= 0) // if nothing found { printf("%s - %d -> No deals were found for the specified period.",__FUNCTION__,__LINE__); // notify MessageBox("No deals were found for the specified period: "+TimeToString(start_date)+"-"+TimeToString(finish_date)+". Script is done."); return; }
for(int i=0; i<total; i++) // iterate through the number of deals
//--- try to get deals ticket if((ticket=HistoryDealGetTicket(i))>0) // took the ticket
//--- get deals properties position_id = HistoryDealGetInteger(ticket,DEAL_POSITION_ID); // took the main id entry = (ENUM_DEAL_ENTRY)HistoryDealGetInteger(ticket,DEAL_ENTRY); // entry or exit? type = (int)HistoryDealGetInteger(ticket,DEAL_TYPE); // deal type
//--- check the deal type if(type == DEAL_TYPE_BUY || // if it is buy type == DEAL_TYPE_SELL || // if it is sell type == DEAL_TYPE_BUY_CANCELED || // if canceled buy type == DEAL_TYPE_SELL_CANCELED // if canceled sell )
1 | 开仓价格 | 平仓价格 (DEAL_PRICE) |
2 | time_open (DEAL_TIME) | time_close (DEAL_TIME) |
3 | symbol (DEAL_SYMBOL) | reason (DEAL_REASON) |
4 | stop_loss (DEAL_SL) | swap (DEAL_SWAP) |
5 | take_profit (DEAL_TP) | profit (DEAL_PROFIT) |
6 | magic (DEAL_MAGIC) | fee (DEAL_FEE) |
7 | comment (DEAL_COMMENT) | - |
8 | externalID (DEAL_EXTERNAL_ID) | - |
9 | volume (DEAL_VOLUME) | - |
10 | commission (DEAL_COMMISSION) | - |
表格 1. 根据交易类型获取整个仓位数据的来源
if(entry == DEAL_ENTRY_IN) // if this is an entry { open = HistoryDealGetDouble(ticket,DEAL_PRICE); // take open price time_open =(datetime)HistoryDealGetInteger(ticket,DEAL_TIME); // take open time symbol=HistoryDealGetString(ticket,DEAL_SYMBOL); // take symbol stop_loss = HistoryDealGetDouble(ticket,DEAL_SL); // take Stop Loss take_profit = HistoryDealGetDouble(ticket,DEAL_TP); // take Take Profit magic = (int)HistoryDealGetInteger(ticket,DEAL_MAGIC); // take magic number comment=HistoryDealGetString(ticket,DEAL_COMMENT); // take comment externalID=HistoryDealGetString(ticket,DEAL_EXTERNAL_ID); // take external id volume = HistoryDealGetDouble(ticket,DEAL_VOLUME); // take volume commission = HistoryDealGetDouble(ticket,DEAL_COMMISSION); // take commission value } if(entry == DEAL_ENTRY_OUT) // if this is an exit { close = HistoryDealGetDouble(ticket,DEAL_PRICE); // take close price time_close =(datetime)HistoryDealGetInteger(ticket,DEAL_TIME); // take close time reason = (ENUM_DEAL_REASON)HistoryDealGetInteger(ticket,DEAL_REASON); // swap = HistoryDealGetDouble(ticket,DEAL_SWAP); // swap profit = HistoryDealGetDouble(ticket,DEAL_PROFIT); // profit fee = HistoryDealGetDouble(ticket,DEAL_FEE); // fee }
一旦初步获取了仓位数据,就需要组织一个容器来存储相关信息。在实现这一功能时,我们将为每个特征使用标准的一维数组。为了检查存储中是否存在某个仓位,我们将定义一个小的Find()模板函数。此函数将用于检查容器中是否存在某个仓位。逻辑是,我们将容器和要在其中查找的值作为函数参数传递。如我之前所述,我们将查找交易所属的仓位的ID。如果找到该仓位,函数应返回相应的索引。如果没有,则返回 -1。
template<typename A> int Find(A &aArray[],A aValue) { for(int i=0; i<ArraySize(aArray); i++) { if(aArray[i]==aValue) { return(i); // The element exists, return the element index } } return(-1); // No such element, return -1 }
//--- enter data into the main storage //--- check if there is such id if(Find(PositionID,position_id)==-1) // if there is no such deal yet, {
case Select_period: // search within a period res = MessageBox("You have selected analysis for period. Continue?","",MB_OKCANCEL); // wait for user confirmation if(res == IDCANCEL) // if interrupted by user { printf("%s - %d -> Scrypt was stoped by user.",__FUNCTION__,__LINE__); // notify return; // stop } MessageBox("Please press 'Ok' and wait for the next message until script will be done."); // notify //--- select history data if(HistorySelect(start_date,finish_date)) // select the necessary period in history { int total = HistoryDealsTotal(); // got the total number of deals if(total <= 0) // if nothing found { printf("%s - %d -> No deals were found for the specified period.",__FUNCTION__,__LINE__); // notify MessageBox("No deals were found for the specified period: "+TimeToString(start_date)+"-"+TimeToString(finish_date)+". Script is done."); return; } for(int i=0; i<total; i++) // iterate through the number of deals { //--- try to get deals ticket if((ticket=HistoryDealGetTicket(i))>0) // took the ticket { //--- get deals properties position_id = HistoryDealGetInteger(ticket,DEAL_POSITION_ID); // took the main id entry = (ENUM_DEAL_ENTRY)HistoryDealGetInteger(ticket,DEAL_ENTRY); // entry or exit? type = (int)HistoryDealGetInteger(ticket,DEAL_TYPE); // entry or exit? //--- check the deal type if(type == DEAL_TYPE_BUY || // if it is buy type == DEAL_TYPE_SELL || // if it is sell type == DEAL_TYPE_BUY_CANCELED || // if canceled buy type == DEAL_TYPE_SELL_CANCELED // if canceled sell ) { //--- is it entry or exit? if(entry == DEAL_ENTRY_IN) // if this is an entry { open = HistoryDealGetDouble(ticket,DEAL_PRICE); // take open price time_open =(datetime)HistoryDealGetInteger(ticket,DEAL_TIME); // take open time symbol=HistoryDealGetString(ticket,DEAL_SYMBOL); // take symbol stop_loss = HistoryDealGetDouble(ticket,DEAL_SL); // take Stop Loss take_profit = HistoryDealGetDouble(ticket,DEAL_TP); // take Take Profit magic = (int)HistoryDealGetInteger(ticket,DEAL_MAGIC); // take magic number comment=HistoryDealGetString(ticket,DEAL_COMMENT); // take comment externalID=HistoryDealGetString(ticket,DEAL_EXTERNAL_ID); // take external id volume = HistoryDealGetDouble(ticket,DEAL_VOLUME); // take volume commission = HistoryDealGetDouble(ticket,DEAL_COMMISSION); // take commission value } if(entry == DEAL_ENTRY_OUT) // if this is an exit { close = HistoryDealGetDouble(ticket,DEAL_PRICE); // take close price time_close =(datetime)HistoryDealGetInteger(ticket,DEAL_TIME); // take close time reason = (ENUM_DEAL_REASON)HistoryDealGetInteger(ticket,DEAL_REASON); // reason swap = HistoryDealGetDouble(ticket,DEAL_SWAP); // swap profit = HistoryDealGetDouble(ticket,DEAL_PROFIT); // profit fee = HistoryDealGetDouble(ticket,DEAL_FEE); // fee } //--- enter data into the main storage //--- check if there is such id if(Find(PositionID,position_id)==-1) // if there is no such deal yet, { //--- change the size of containers ArrayResize(arr_time_open,ArraySize(arr_time_open)+1); ArrayResize(arr_time_close,ArraySize(arr_time_close)+1); ArrayResize(arr_symbol,ArraySize(arr_symbol)+1); ArrayResize(arr_stop_loss,ArraySize(arr_stop_loss)+1); ArrayResize(arr_take_profit,ArraySize(arr_take_profit)+1); ArrayResize(arr_open,ArraySize(arr_open)+1); ArrayResize(arr_close,ArraySize(arr_close)+1); ArrayResize(PositionID,ArraySize(PositionID)+1); ArrayResize(arr_magic,ArraySize(arr_magic)+1); ArrayResize(arr_extermalID,ArraySize(arr_extermalID)+1); ArrayResize(arr_comment,ArraySize(arr_comment)+1); ArrayResize(arr_volume,ArraySize(arr_volume)+1); ArrayResize(arr_commission,ArraySize(arr_commission)+1); ArrayResize(arr_reason,ArraySize(arr_reason)+1); ArrayResize(arr_swap,ArraySize(arr_swap)+1); ArrayResize(arr_profit,ArraySize(arr_profit)+1); ArrayResize(arr_fee,ArraySize(arr_fee)+1); PositionID[ArraySize(arr_time_open)-1]=position_id; if(entry == DEAL_ENTRY_IN) // if this is an entry, { arr_time_open[ ArraySize(arr_time_open)-1] = time_open; // deal time arr_symbol[ ArraySize(arr_symbol)-1] = symbol; // instrument symbol arr_stop_loss[ ArraySize(arr_stop_loss)-1] = stop_loss; // deal Stop Loss arr_take_profit[ ArraySize(arr_take_profit)-1] = take_profit; // deal Take Profit arr_open[ ArraySize(arr_open)-1] = open; // open price //--- arr_magic[ ArraySize(arr_magic)-1] = magic; // magic number arr_comment[ ArraySize(arr_comment)-1] = comment; // comment arr_extermalID[ ArraySize(arr_extermalID)-1] = externalID; // external id arr_volume[ ArraySize(arr_volume)-1] = volume; // volume arr_commission[ ArraySize(arr_commission)-1] = commission; // commission } if(entry == DEAL_ENTRY_OUT) // if this is an exit { arr_time_close[ ArraySize(arr_time_close)-1] = time_close; // close time arr_close[ ArraySize(arr_close)-1] = close; // close price //--- arr_reason[ ArraySize(arr_reason)-1] = reason; // reason arr_swap[ ArraySize(arr_swap)-1] = swap; // swap arr_profit[ ArraySize(arr_profit)-1] = profit; // profit arr_fee[ ArraySize(arr_fee)-1] = fee; // fee } } else { int index = Find(PositionID,position_id); // if found, search for the index if(entry == DEAL_ENTRY_IN) // if this is an entry { arr_time_open[index] = time_open; // deal time arr_symbol[index] = symbol; // symbol arr_stop_loss[index] = stop_loss; // deal Stop Loss arr_take_profit[index] = take_profit; // deal Take Profit arr_open[index] = open; // close price //--- arr_magic[index] = magic; // magic number arr_comment[index] = comment; // comment arr_extermalID[index] = externalID; // external id arr_volume[index] = volume; // volume arr_commission[index] = commission; // commission } if(entry == DEAL_ENTRY_OUT) // if this is an exit { arr_time_close[index] = time_close; // deal close time arr_close[index] = close; // deal close price //--- arr_reason[index] = reason; // reason arr_swap[index] = swap; // swap arr_profit[index] = profit; // profit arr_fee[index] = fee; // fee } } } } } } else { printf("%s - %d -> Error of selecting history deals: %d",__FUNCTION__,__LINE__,GetLastError()); // notify printf("%s - %d -> No deals were found for the specified period.",__FUNCTION__,__LINE__); // notify MessageBox("No deals were found for the specified period: "+TimeToString(start_date)+"-"+TimeToString(finish_date)+". Script is done."); return; } break;
本文由MetaQuotes Ltd译自俄文
原文地址: https://www.mql5.com/ru/articles/14903