Francis Dogbe
Francis Dogbe
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Francis Dogbe
Francis Dogbe
Get RICH Quick or Die Trying.... hahahahha ;). That's a joke
Francis Dogbe
Опубликовал пост Common Scams to Avoid When Trading in Forex
Forex markets are among the most active trading markets in the world, with participants ranging from large banks, to multinational corporations, to governments, to speculators and even to a small fraction of individual professional traders...
Francis Dogbe
Francis Dogbe
hmmm.... just playing with some toys
Hoang Ngoc Thach
Hoang Ngoc Thach 2014.10.11
Yes, You have good EA now.
Just control your risk only!
Francis Dogbe
Francis Dogbe 2014.10.11
Frank Breinling
Frank Breinling 2014.10.12
looks very promising. have you tested it on a live account already ?
Francis Dogbe
Francis Dogbe
Francis Dogbe
Francis Dogbe
Remi Passanello
Remi Passanello 2014.10.09
The idea is great.
marco henriques
marco henriques 2014.10.09
My sugestion, contrary to the normal way of life, living sustainably 100% natural and free. The future involves the repetition of history and where monetary values ​​are secondary, are over 98% of the problems of modern societies .
Matthew Todorovski
Matthew Todorovski 2014.10.10
Crowd-funding is not as easy as everyone might think. I have tried it before but people just don't seem to want to finance me "personally". I wouldn't mind an all-expenses paid overseas trip though...
Francis Dogbe
Francis Dogbe
Any idea what made the FOMC news moves the market?..
LI PEI 2014.10.08
Matthew Todorovski
Matthew Todorovski 2014.10.09
No idea. It doesn't matter what the news outcome is... the market jumps up and down even if the result is "As Expected." Great opportunity to make a killing - if you know how.
Yohana Parmi
Yohana Parmi 2014.10.09
yes Matthew, you're correct :)
Francis Dogbe
Francis Dogbe
No worries... :)
Matthew Todorovski
Matthew Todorovski 2014.10.09
Lucky you then...
Francis Dogbe
Francis Dogbe
Be honest

Be honest about who you are. It’s tiring to pretend you’re someone you’re not.

Be honest about what you desire. It’s a waste of time and energy to strive for what you don’t even want.

Be honest with yourself and with others about the challenges and the possibilities. You can absolutely achieve great things, and the way to do that is by being realistic about what must be done.

Be honest in what you say and in what you do. Put the irrefutable power of truth on your side.

Deception may seem easy and convenient in the moment, yet it is invariably destructive in the long run. Being honest requires strength, discipline and integrity, and those will all serve you well.

Be honest for your own sake, for the sake of others, and for the sake of truth itself. Be honest, and give a continuing, solid boost to your best possibilities.

— Ralph Marston
Francis Dogbe
Francis Dogbe
it seems i offended a friend with my posting. Maybe i do not understand the value of POSTING. Sorry to any other person i have offended. Am just having fun that is all- no malice. Maybe it best i say off and stop posting ridiculous stuff on my wall.
Sorry GUYS. i apologise PLEASE.
Edward Salas
Edward Salas 2014.10.06
Never Apologize, ok! Keep Posting Stuff.
Cornelis Duiker
Cornelis Duiker 2014.10.06
Keep on posting
Matthew Todorovski
Matthew Todorovski 2014.10.06
What was offensive? I never noticed anything offensive yet. Your posts are always interesting.
Francis Dogbe
Francis Dogbe
Is it true that if you experience repaint it means the broker has manipulated its past price feed which can cause all indicators to repaint....?
Daniel Stein
Daniel Stein 2014.10.06
I fully agree with Filter and i personally eliminate these possible risk with a special kind of broker.
No1 rule for brokers: "The more you get for free, the faster you should run!". Just my two cents.
Yohana Parmi
Yohana Parmi 2014.10.06
btw, repaint and lagging indicators will make "someone" happy.
Sorry I can't tell who is it. because I still need it, actually :)
Recommended to find out the better "someone" that will not freeze your chart, is enough.
Because there's no perfect in the world.
Matthew Todorovski
Matthew Todorovski 2014.10.06
Ah, is this your "offending" post Francis? MQL don't like broker discussions (among many other things) - no matter good or bad. Just remember: they are called "Broke-r" (or "Criminal", or "Crim") for a reason.
Francis Dogbe
Francis Dogbe
NFP: someone tell what happened....?
Rinor Memeti
Rinor Memeti 2014.10.03
AH NFP=non farm payrolls? :D:D:D it increased around 236K
Francis Dogbe
Francis Dogbe 2014.10.03
Yes Rinor,"Stupidbot" made 1000$ plus. congrat
Rinor Memeti
Rinor Memeti 2014.10.03
to be honest it didnt made 1000$ its just 10$. Otherwise i would book a jet and fly to the moon hahahahahhahahahhahahahahhahhaaaa
Francis Dogbe
Francis Dogbe
NO Matter how good your strategy is... it surely wont be 100% loss proof. In all being said, i feel the best strategy are the simplest once. Complex strategy or logic will only delay your chances of winning. :-)
That is my thought.
Hoang Ngoc Thach
Hoang Ngoc Thach 2014.10.03
Simple is best
mima 2014.10.05
Simple is best or Simple the best?
Francis Dogbe
Francis Dogbe
Really nice tools for both Pro-Traders and Rookie-Trader as while....
Check it out ;D
Francis Dogbe
Francis Dogbe
Mini Russell 2000 staged a very small recovery beating 1109 but the 1118/21 area could be a useful selling opportunity today with stops above 1125. Be ready to go with a break above here however as this opens the door to a test of strong resistance at 1133/35. Exit longs & try shorts with stops above 1140.
The longer term pattern for this market is worryingly negative & below 1109 signals a retest of important support at August/September lows 1103/00. A break lower however is looking quite likely & signals more downside pressure to target 1190/89. We could even continue lower to May lows & 7.5 month trend line support at 1079/75 this week.

E Mini Nasdaq: We wrote on Friday: '**NOTE WE HAVE HIT & HELD 5 MONTH TREND LINE SUPPORT AT 3999** IF THIS IS STILL A BULL MARKET WE WILL BOTTOM HERE & END THE CORRECTION (as I suspect).** As predicted this did mark the exact low & we even beat our targets of 4032/34 to halt just 2 ticks from our next target & selling opportunity at 4053/55. Try shorts at 4050/54 today with stops above 4060. Go with a break higher however & use 4054 as support looking for a move towards 4066/69 for profit taking.

If you did mange to jump in to shorts just below 4053 there was an extra 20 tick reward with a dip back to the 4034 level. We could continue lower today to 4020 perhaps as far as 4012. Exit shorts here & try longs down to 4000/3998 with stops below 3993. Be aware a break lower will trigger big stops & below 3991 adds pressure to target 3978/77. If we continue lower this week look for a buying opportunity at 3957/55, with stops below 3946.

Silver has fallen every week for 12 weeks, except one when we closed unchanged. Clearly a very strong bear trend therefore. No sign of a bottoming out yet so any short term recovery is a selling opportunity with immediate resistance at 1765/70. However if this does not hold a move higher look for a selling opportunity at 1790/95. Exit longs & try shorts expecting a high for the day but with stops above 1805.

Failure to beat immediate resistance at 1765/70 & a dip below 1745/40 keeps the market under pressure for a retest of September lows at 1732/27. A break lower adds pressure to target 1715/10 this week.

Copper has been in a bear trend for at least 18 months with no sign of a bottoming out. As long as we hold below 3040 today prices will remain under pressure to test last week's low at 3020. Today's low as I write is 3013 so be ready to go with a break below here to target June lows at 3010/09. Below 3008 should then target May lows at 3000/2998.

Only above 3040 is less negative in the short term. Any shorts here need therefore stops above 3055 for a move towards 3064/69 for a selling opportunity. Exit longs & try shorts here with stops above 3080.

EURGBP in a 12 month bear trend with no sign of this reversing yet as we approach 2012 lows at 7753. Immediate support is last week's low of 7781 but below here we look for a test of 2012 lows at 7753 this week. A yearly low is always going to grab attention. This is also 7 year Fibonacci support BUT last time we bottomed here we also had the 200 month moving average here adding support. This is not the case now. However it is still worth exiting shorts & trying longs with wide stops below 7725.

Holding above 7805/00 is more positive for today & targets 7830. If we continue higher look for a selling opportunity at 7845/50 with stops above 7867.
Francis Dogbe
Francis Dogbe
Prison of your own making

Are you holding yourself in a prison of your own making? If so, today you can choose to set yourself free.

Worries, insecurities, outdated assumptions, and a negative self image can all prevent you from experiencing life at its best. You can let those limiting influences fall cleanly away from your life.

The obstacles that life sends your way will continually challenge you, and yet with intention and commitment you can move beyond them. Before you can do that, however, you must set yourself free of the self-imposed obstacles.

Raise your vision of yourself above any troubles and shortcomings that may have occurred in your past. This is now, and you owe it to yourself to maintain an empowering view of yourself.

If you’ve known a lot of disappointment, there’s no need to fear more disappointment or failure. Just accept that they will occasionally come, and look forward to the great satisfaction you’ll find in working your way beyond them.

Choose to set yourself free from defeating thoughts that have held you back. Knock down the walls you’ve built around you, and let the full richness of life come in.
Francis Dogbe
Francis Dogbe
I do not think BACKTEST is enough to judge a trading system. For the reason that, backtest do not deal with BROKERS malicious behaviour in manipulating orders. Also the effect of swap on positions held for longer period is absent in backtest. (maybe MQL might add that option on newer version of the trading terminal). I have also observed that during NEWS releases the spread opens up and most order do not get filled.

I think FORWARDTEST should the appropriate method to appraise a trading system.

There are a few systems like Dainel Stein-BlueBalls, Rinor- Stupidbot, Remi-FOGEVO and other systems have proven beyond reasonable doubt that their system really work and profitable no matter the market condition there is.

That is just my opinion guys ;)
Remi Passanello
Remi Passanello 2014.09.26
I agree.
even if I make my EAs in order to be fully repeatable backtest/real, there is always something in the news or broker dependent that will come to interfere with our nice strategy.
What I can honestly say is: FOGV2 is working well most of the time except in case of terrific news that may happens.
In a usual way, if you use FOGV2 and withdraw your benefits every day or very regularly, you will earn more than you lose.
Concerning Stupid Bot (as I made it) I can say that with a very low risk, you can earn money with it.
The BlueBall system is a good system; I coded the same indicators for my own usage (and I will of course never sell it) and it works quite fine out of the news even if it's a bit difficult for newbies.
Anyway Forex is DeathLand for newbies...
Francis Dogbe
Francis Dogbe 2014.09.26
@Rinor: Your EA and signal looks good, but as Remi said MM is really important here to survive the hash condition of the market.
@Remi: Interesting to know how you do not want to sell your latest "inventions", hmmm.. it means the system really profitable. :) No doubt, BlueBall systems has become very popular among traders both new and experience.
Remi Passanello
Remi Passanello 2014.09.26
It's not that I don't want to sell my new inventions. This system was made by BlueBall and I made a copy for myself; I will not sell something that is not invented by me, it would be absolutely unfair. (even if some people made copies of UniversalTrader and sold it)
And yes, I really like this system that is profitable if you are careful and use strict MM.
Am already convinced. :)
Daniel Stein
Daniel Stein
convince yourself...convince yourself...
Andigho 2014.09.25
Still looking for published trades using these tools live ... ... ...
Francis Dogbe
Francis Dogbe
The majority of transactions are for reasons other than speculative profit making; primarily business necessity. 82% of all trades are for non-speculative reasons such a Japanese manufacturer exchanging their USD from sales in America in to JPY so they can pay their employees in the factories. Only 4% is accounted for by retail traders like you and I, and 14% by major hedge funds trying to make money from the price movement. That means currency price moves are random and unpredictable, and for that reason, using shapes on a chart to try and predict future price direction is a worthless endeavour