Francis Dogbe
Francis Dogbe
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9+ лет
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поделился кодом автора Olexiy Polyakov
Индикатор ценовых уровней круглых чисел: 00, 20, 50, 80.
Francis Dogbe
Опубликовал пост 6 Chinese Tech Companies You Need to Know
China’s economy, the second largest in the world, is increasingly powered by technology — just like the rest of us. But because China essentially has two Internets, its tech companies have had relatively unchallenged access to 632 million (and growing) Internet users...
Pankaj D Costa
Pankaj D Costa 2015.04.07
Alibaba is in great perform.
Francis Dogbe
Опубликовал пост Bank Robbery's Risk-Reward Ratio
Though the details remain sketchy as to whether it was a robbery — stealing when people are there — or a burglary — stealing when they are not, the first U.S. bank robbery of note was recorded on March 19, 1831, and involved a theft from the City Bank of New York in the sum of $245,000...
Francis Dogbe
Francis Dogbe
Somebody save me..... :)
Pankaj D Costa
Pankaj D Costa 2015.04.07
Looks good. Why you asking for save? Is it not in your favour?
mima 2015.04.07
Francis, what is unique indicator: that big arrows?
Francis Dogbe
Francis Dogbe 2015.04.08
@Pankaj: its in my favour. am winning
@Mima: i guess,,, hahaha
Francis Dogbe
Francis Dogbe
The Problem with Problems
- it get uncomfortable and wish it would go away.
- it feel they have to come-up with an immediate and correct answer
- We look for someone to blame
Francis Dogbe
Francis Dogbe
So if the banks are on holidays, then why is the market moving.... crazy world
Francis Dogbe
Francis Dogbe
A Famous shipyard in the 1970's. One day before the maiden voyage of their biggest ship to date.
She wouldn't start. Something wrong with boiler.
Checked every nut, tightened every bolt. Still nothing.
They sent for an expert. A guy from Hamburg.
Scratched his beard, Said: 'My fee's 1000 pounds"
The foreman nodded frantically.
"Stand back", said the expert.
He gave the boiler an almighty wallop with his hammer.
It hiccuped, burped, chugged into life. The foreman stood aghast. '1000 pounds for one thump with a hammer?"
"No,'said the expert. "for one thump with the hammer, 1 pound. for knowing where to thump, 999pounds

Be Smart and you will get rich doing little.... :) All the best to you all
Matthew Todorovski
Matthew Todorovski 2015.04.06
Francis Dogbe
Francis Dogbe
Am a victim.....
Matthew Todorovski
Matthew Todorovski 2015.04.03
Me too. But we have good reason to worry... market is not certain!!!
Francis Dogbe
Francis Dogbe
Chelsea all the way....... :)
Imtiaz Ahmed
Imtiaz Ahmed 2015.03.02
Supporter of CFC :) cool....
b.buzby 2015.03.02
Bloody hell Francis, not you as well, thought you had better taste...:D
mima 2015.03.02
Francis Dogbe
Francis Dogbe
Am done for the week... all the best to my wonderful friends, have a blissful weekend. See you next week
Francis Dogbe
Francis Dogbe 2015.02.27
Broker: AGEA Jinrong DOO
Edward Salas
Edward Salas 2015.02.27
Can't quit yet, mate. One more report to finish...GDP.
[Удален] 2015.02.27
Nice job Francis! :D
Francis Dogbe
Francis Dogbe
Imtiaz Ahmed
Imtiaz Ahmed 2015.02.26
woow is this your account??
Francis Dogbe
Francis Dogbe 2015.02.26
no, i wish it was
Matthew Todorovski
Matthew Todorovski 2015.02.26
wow! You can share myfxbook links now?
Francis Dogbe
Francis Dogbe
Using pivot points as a trading strategy has been around for a long time, and was originally used by floor traders. This was a simple way for floor traders to have a good idea of where the market was heading during the course of the day with only a few simple calculations.
Andrey Bulezyuk
Andrey Bulezyuk 2015.02.23
Using i coded my strategy...pivot points don't really boost my performance:
Francis Dogbe
Francis Dogbe
Unrealized potential

You have vast amounts of unrealized potential. Now is your time to transform the good things that could be into the good things that are.

There is great abundance in this universe. Today is a fresh new opportunity to harvest and express that abundance in specific, meaningful ways that will enrich all of life.

Yes, it can be done and you can be the person who does it. Yes, it will take significant effort and you are able to make that effort.

You’ve already proven how capable you are by navigating your way through life’s many and varied challenges up to this point. Now, seek to take on new challenges and to create new value.

Whatever you have already achieved, you owe yourself the splendid, satisfying experience of working to achieve even more. Your unrealized potential has been waiting long enough, so jump forward and bring it to life.

Throw away all the excuses, step beyond your doubts and hesitations, and go for it. Feel the great treasure that’s already so very close, and make it real.
Francis Dogbe
Francis Dogbe 2015.02.22
Matthew: you are really a resourced person and love that. i'm impressed
[Удален] 2015.02.22
Nice words Francis ;)
Stefania Conti - New Ethical Trading Ltd.
Stefania Conti 2015.02.22
Because the people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world, are the ones who do.”— Jack Kerouac
Francis Dogbe
Francis Dogbe
The market is dominated by central banks:
The Fed is leaving interest rates low for a considerable amount of time.
The ECB is still trying to weaken the Euro.
Chinese growth is slowing down.
And the quantitative easing (QE) programmes of the central banks are fuelling new highs in the S&P500 and the DAX
Evgeniy Ozhiganov
Evgeniy Ozhiganov 2015.02.20
good news
Benjamin Nicola
Benjamin Nicola 2015.02.20
The best way to steal money from the masses ;-)
Francis Dogbe
Francis Dogbe
i think i am lacking self-discipline in my trading. This is not good for me.... LOSING is becoming my best friend now :(
Matthew Todorovski
Matthew Todorovski 2015.02.10
Hence my focus on automated trading systems... but they are like diamonds - very hard to find!