Интерполяция, аппроксимация и иже с ними (пакет alglib) - страница 4

Maxim Dmitrievsky:

ну выбираются дискретные точки конечно же. А можно на неравномерной сетке. Тем интерп. и удобна для трансформации ряда.

Зачем выбирать дискретные точки, если уже есть непрерывная функция? Задача аппроксимации математической аналитически заданной (непрерывной) функции не имеет смысла.

Dmitry Fedoseev:

Зачем выбирать дискретные точки, если уже есть непрерывная функция? Задача аппроксимации математической (непрерывной функции) не имеет смысла.

там по ссылкам написано зачем. А зачем конкретно мне тоже написал

Maxim Dmitrievsky:

там по ссылкам написано зачем. А зачем конкретно мне тоже написал

Ну все ясно с вами... бывайте))  

Dmitry Fedoseev:

Для интерполяции нужен ряд данных, а не математическая функция.

Если строго, то ряд данных - это математическая функция. В школьном курсе об этом сразу говорится в хороших учебниках.

Классическая математическая функция: принимает значение 1 в рациональных точках и 0 - в иррациональных.

Прошу прощения за оффтоп.


Dear Maxim,

If I am not wrong, then by using splines you are trying to feed the Mt5 screen price data in discrete packets to a neural network in which each segment or packet of price data will represent a separate function by itself and then, the neural network will choose the best function automatically for a specific price segment based on least mean square error(MSE)of past trained data. Am I correct in my understanding?

I mean you are trying a similar approach of game theory of feeding pixels to a game and in your case, you are trying to feed the price in the form of splines. Is that correct?  


Hi, yes, you absolutely understood correctly. But I'm not sure abouts splines, because there are other ways: "inverse distance weighting", for example. But all about interpolation.


Если строго, то ряд данных - это математическая функция. В школьном курсе об этом сразу говорится в хороших учебниках.

Классическая математическая функция: принимает значение 1 в рациональных точках и 0 - в иррациональных.

Прошу прощения за оффтоп.

Ладно. Значит, как тогда правильнее сказать, "аналитически заданная"? Или так -  "заданная аналитическим выражением".  Так?

Maxim Dmitrievsky :

Hi, yes, you absolutely understood correctly. But I'm not sure abouts splines, because there are other ways: " inverse distance weighting", for example. But all about interpolation.

Ok, but are you sure that it is a necessary feed price using spline for a neural network?

I mean why we can not feed the open, close, High, Low prices of the candles directly to a neural network?

Why do you think that we need a function to define the price structure of a price segment and then, interpolate the prices again?

I am not sure if it is feasible in MT5 or not, but I am referring to a approach used in the game "ALPHA GO ZERO". So in MT5 we can feed the open, close, High, Low price of last 50 candles (example) to a neural network. Have you already tried this approach or it is not feasible for Mt5?

Can you please explain a little more why is it important to use a function or spline to feed to the neural netowork?


Ok, but are you sure that it is required feed the price using a spline to a neural network?

I mean why we can not feed the open, close, High, Low prices of the candles directly to a neural network?

Why do you think that we need a function to define the price structure of a price segment and then, interpolate the prices again?

I am not sure if it is feasible in MT5 or not, but I am referring to a computer screen feeding approach of "ALPHA GO ZERO". So we can feed the open, close, High, Low price of last 50 candles (example) to a neural network. Have you already tried this approach or it is not feasible for Mt5?

Can you please explain a little more why is it important to use a function or spline to feed to the neural netowork?

We just need to minimize cross entropy (or mutual information) beteen inputs and outputs by transforming the input information. It means that classifier will work better in a test subset and futher (better separation of points). Such techniques are widely used in machine learning. 

But we are dont know apriori which transform be better, so we just transform it iteratively and check model errors.
Maxim Dmitrievsky :

We just need to minimize cross entropy (or mutual information) beteen inputs and outputs by transforming the input information. It means that the classifier will work better in a test of subset and futher. Such techniques are used in machine learning. 

Well, I understood your goal what you are trying to achieve by using a different set of indicators for different segments of price as decided by the neural network based on minimal error of past trained data.

Obviously, in machine learning, it is very important to use the cross entropy and minimisation in order for the algorithm to converge over time instead of diverging from the goal. 

There is a already an article which uses automatic selection of strategies and I am not sure if you are aware of it or not. But it doesn't use machine learning. You can have a look if it can be of any help to you.


Adaptive Trading Systems and Their Use in the MetaTrader 5 Client Terminal
Adaptive Trading Systems and Their Use in the MetaTrader 5 Client Terminal
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Hundreds of thousands of traders all over the world use the trading platforms developed by MetaQuotes Software Corp. The key factor leading to success is the technological superiority based on the experience of many years and the best software solutions. Many people have already estimated new opportunities that have become available with the...

Well, I understood your goal what you are trying to achieve by using a different set of indicators for different segments of price as decided by the neural network based on minimal error of past trained data.

Obviously, in machine learning, it is very important to use the cross entropy and minimisation in order for the algorithm to converge over time instead of diverging from the goal. 

There is a already an article which uses automatic selection of strategies and I am not sure if you are aware of it or not. But it doesn't use machine learning. You can have a look if it can be of any help to you.


we dont care about indicators or something else at this moment, end can use freamwork for any strategy and get the best result that can't be calculated analytically.