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MetaTrader 5のためのテクニカル指標 - 29

icon テクニカル指標からのシグナルは、株式および外国為替市場での取引の開始と終了に重要な役割を果たします。指標の本質は、将来の価格変動を予測することを目的とした金融銘柄価格の数学的変換です。 テクニカル指標をテストして、市場の動きとそれからの利益をより正確に予測します。
The indicator draws a normal chart by coloring it in colors based on prices calculated by the Heiken Ashi indicator algorithm. That is, the shape of the candles does not change. In fact, this is the same Heiken Ashi that does not distort the price chart. Then there will be a drawing of a cat, because there is nothing more to write about the indicator. .                                                       
Oscar Enhanced
Matthias Schneider
5 (4)
The Oscar, one of my favorite indicators. This is my enhanced Version of it with more options and better visuals. Many different averaging methods Oscar changes color on signal cross, but not too volatile (3% extra threshold) Adaptable Divisor, higher numbers lead to more signals, due to higher fluctuations. Its a fast but quite accurate trend direction indicator. Play around with the settings and make it match to your setup. GL trading Please follow me on Twitter https://twitter.com/semager and
PipFinite Reversal PRO MT5
Karlo Wilson Vendiola
4.73 (26)
The Controversial 5-Step System That Professional Traders Use To Unlock Trading Success! Reversal Pro effectively combines price action, ideal location and reliable statistics in one smart algorithm. Understanding the market in this unique perspective allows you to recognize reversals professionally. Discover The Secret Of Professional Traders Get instant access www.mql5.com/en/blogs/post/716077 Copy & Paste what professional traders are doing right now! How To Trade Step 1: Trade Setup Sta
The Trail Stops Point indicator shows the deviation from the current price by a certain distance. It has been developed as an additional indicator for Trail Stops by Custom Indicator , to provide a simple trailing of a position stop loss at a specified distance in points. Indicator Parameters Distance - trailing stop distance in points. Buffer numbers: 0 - Support, 1 - Resistance.
Uses the built-in news calendar of the MT5 terminal or the Investing.com website (in the latter case, the Get news5 utility is required) Has the Scale parameter={100%, 110%, 125%, ...} to adjust the comfortable size of the text and control elements Tells you in which direction it is safer to open positions 3 in 1: News + Trends + Forecast News for the selected period: current and in tabular form Actual trends for 5 customizable timeframes and trend reversal levels Forecast of exchange rate mo
This indicator draws a vertical line repeatedly at the set time. The number of lines that can be set can be set arbitrarily. In addition, it is possible to set 4 types of lines. It is possible to change different times, colors, line types, etc. The time can be set to any time in minutes. In the next version, we plan to display the high and low prices within the setting range.                                                                                                                      
BBTrend is a powerful trend analysis tool designed to provide a clear overview of market volatility and trends at a glance. This indicator calculates the difference between two Bollinger Bands of different periods, visually indicating the strength of upward or downward trends to traders. Clear Trend Visualization: The upward trend is represented in green, and the downward trend in red, allowing traders to intuitively grasp the direction and strength of the trend. Standardized Percentage Disp
インジケーターは、Dynamic ZigZag(https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/5356   )に基づいてチャートに高調波パターンを表示し、有名なkorHarmonicsのバージョンの1つとほぼ完全に類似しています。インジケーターは、次のパターンとその種類を認識します:ABCD、Gartley(Butterfly、Crab、Bat)、3Drives、5-0、Batman、SHS、One2One、Camel、Triangles、WXY、Fibo、Vibrations。デフォルトでは、ABCDおよびGartleyパターンの表示のみが設定で有効になっています。逆の線は、反対側の頂点を固定するモーメントを定義することを可能にします。カスタマイズ可能なパラメータが多数用意されています。 МetaТrader5バージョン:   https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/5195 ダウンロード 可能なパラメータについて説明します。
A countdown timer for the  Volume bar chart generator  and  Tick chart generator  products, which are available for download from the MQL5 Market: Tick chart generator: https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/29215 Volume bar chart generator: https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/47197 The counter conveniently displays the number of ticks or transactions (depending on the chart) that need to pass for a new bar to start printing. The user can set the following indicator inputs. Volume type (Tic
1TF BOS/MSSインジケーター は、チャート上の単一のタイムフレームで市場構造を分析し、視覚化するために設計された強力なツールです。このインジケーターは、市場構造のブレイク(BOS)および市場構造のシフト(MSS)を正確に検出し、トレーダーが主要な反転ポイントやトレンドの継続を容易に特定できるようにします。そのカスタマイズ可能な設定と詳細な注釈により、明確さと自信を求めるトレーダーにとって不可欠なツールとなっています。 特徴と入力項目 主な機能: 市場構造のブレイク(BOS)検出: 上昇または下降の市場構造のブレイクを自動的に識別し、重要なトレンドの変化を強調。 市場構造のシフト(MSS)検出: 市場のダイナミクスが変化するキーリバーサルを特定し、潜在的なチャンスを示唆。 複数スイング長の分析: 複数のカスタマイズ可能なスイング長を使用してピボットを検出し、短期および長期の市場構造を包括的に把握。 (例: スイング長を4、6、8に設定した場合、インジケーターはこれら3つの長さすべてに対してピボットポイント、構造のブレイク、マーケットシフトを検出し、異なる時間軸での価格動向について
Hi there! Since I am starting commercial and non-commercial product publishing I would highly appreciate: If you like this product, please rate it. That will help to promote not only this product, but indirectly another ones. So, such promotion will help to make some money from commercial products. Thus, I will have opportunity to fund my another directions of trading researches like bot development using mql4 and mql5 programming languages as well as python written products like crypto bots. If
Donchian通道(唐奇安通道指标)是用于交易突破的最古老、最简单的技术指标之一。   一般来说,唐奇安通道的宽度越宽,市场波动就越大,而唐奇安通道越窄,市场波动性也就越小 。此外,价格走势可以穿过布林带,但你看不到唐奇安通道的这种特征,因为其波段正在测量特定时期的最高价和最低价。 交易实用必备工具指标 波浪自动计算指标,通道趋势交易 完美的趋势-波浪自动计算通道计算 , MT4版本 完美的趋势-波浪自动计算通道计算 , MT5版本 本地跟单复制交易 Easy And Fast Copy , MT4版本 Easy And Fast Copy , MT5版本 本地跟单复制交易 模拟试用 Easy And Fast Copy , MT4 模拟账号运行 Easy And Fast Copy , MT5 模拟账号运行 唐奇安通道指标计算: 唐奇安上阻力线 - 由过去N天的当日最高价的最大值形成。 唐奇安下支撑线 - 由过去N天的当日最低价的最小值形成。 中心线 - (上线 + 下线)/ 2   唐奇安通道信号   唐奇安通道常用作突破指标。它提供了两种主要类型的突破信号,一个是上阻力线或下支
Este indicador imprime 2 médias com distância de 1 ATR (Average True Range) da média principal. As demais médias móveis só são mostradas se estiverem fora desse intervalo. Parâmetros: mediaprincipal = Média que será criado o intervalo, não será mostrada. mediasec1, mediasec2, mediasec3 = médias secundárias. periodatr: periodos do ATR Este indicador faz parte do Trade System MarketStrengthRadar
Hello, This is an easy symbol change panel. The free version only can change major pairs which are "AUDUSD, EURUSD, GBPUSD, USDCHF, USDCAD, USDJPY, NZDUSD" The full version can add your symbols. FULL version here: https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/71173?source=Site+Market+MT5+Indicator+New+Rating005#description Also, can change the TimeFrame as well. Symbols must be active on your Market Watch list. Parameters: ratio - change the size LineNumber - you can set that how many symbo
Supply Demand Ribbon is an indicator with moving supply and demand lines that help you identify price zones more easily. The indicator helps you determine flexible entry, stop loss, and take profit areas. There are also strategies for algorithmically changing ribbon colors. From there you can come up with many trading strategies for yourself! You can explore many feature in   Advanced   version   here ! MT4 Version:   Click here! You can combine it with our indicators below to make your trading
慣性のポイントは、価格変動の慣性を計算するという考えに基づいて、価格の動きの臨界点を検出するための強力なツールです。  _________________________________ インジケータ信号の使用方法: この指標は、新しい価格バーが表示された後に信号を生成します。 価格が指定された方向の臨界点を突破した後、生成された信号を使用することをお勧めします。 インジケーターは信号を再描画しません。 _________________________________ インジケータパラメータは、信号の矢印の表示スタイルを変更することを示唆しています。 計算に使用されるパラメータを変更することは提供されていません-これは私の製品の哲学によるものです:安定性と客観性。 _________________________________ ご質問やご提案のいずれかが歓迎されており、プライベートメッセージで送信することができます _________________________________ 興味のあるすべての人に事前に感謝し、市場を征服することに幸運を祈っています!
ATR Accelerator Indicator informs you about strong price movements based on the ATR Indicator. This Indicator works for all Timeframes and Symbols, the strength of movements can be configured. Important: Get informed about new Products, join our MQL Channel:  https://www.mql5.com/en/channels/etradro Useage This Indicator works for all Timeframes and Symbols, the strength of movements can be configured.   Features works on all timeframes and forex pairs or indices. Alert and Notify function inc
To download MT4 version please click here . - This is the exact conversion from TradingView: "Linear Regression Candles" By "ugurvu". - The screenshot shows similar results from tradingview and Metatrader when tested on ICMarkets on both platforms. - The overall look of the indicator is like Heiken Ashi. - It can be used as a trend confirmation indicator to detect the right trend direction. - This indicator lets you read the buffers for Candles' OHLC. - This is a non-repaint and light processing
To download MT4 version please click here . This is the exact conversion from TradingView: "B-Xtrender" By "QuantTherapy". - It is an oscillator based on RSI and multiple layers of moving averages. -   It is a two in one indicator to calculate overbought and oversold zones for different RSI settings. -  This indicator lets you read the buffers for all data on the window. - This is a non-repaint and light processing load indicator. - You can message in private chat for further changes you need.
For MT4 version please click here . This is the exact conversion from TradingView: "Range Filter 5min" By "guikroth". - This indicator implements Alerts as well as the visualizations. - Input tab allows to choose Heiken Ashi or Normal candles to apply the filter to. It means it is a (2 in 1) indicator. - This indicator lets you read the buffers for all data on the window. For details on buffers please message me. - This is a non-repaint and light processing load indicator. - You can message in p
To download MT4 version please click here . - This is the exact conversion from TradingView: "Trend Direction Force Index - TDFI [wm]" By "causecelebre". - The screenshot shows similar results from tradingview and Metatrader when tested on ICMarkets on both platforms. - This indicator uses multiple levels of averaging to detect trend strength. - You can optimize filter low and filter high levels to achieve best results. - You have access to buffers to use in EAs. - This is a light-load processin
To get access to MT4 version please click here . - This is the exact conversion from TradingView: "Stochastic Momentum Index" By "UCSgears". - This is a popular version of stochastic oscillator on tradingview. - This is a light-load processing and non-repaint indicator. - Buffers are available for the lines on chart. - You can message in private chat for further changes you need. Thanks for downloading
Gossamer is a moving average ribbon indicator that uses a novel approach to identify breakout trades in trending markets.   By applying a progressive period shift to each moving average, levels of consolidation become visible. Enter trades when price breaks out in the direction of the prevailing trend. Stoploss should be located on the other side of the consolidation from the breakout. Profits can be taken at the next consolidation or the stoploss trailed and the position built. Applicable to a
AV Grid MT5
Anja Vivia Vogel
1 (1)
"AV Grid MT5" is an indicator for MetaTrader 5, which automatically displays round numbers as horizontal lines and a sensible period separation . Round prices can be used as support and resistance in trading. It is an improvement on the "Grid" setting, which also draws a grid on the chart. Improvements : - Round levels instead of arbitrary positioning of the horizontals - Structure by highlighting all x lines (main lines, 2 or 5 makes sense) - Vertical lines are each in two periods (main
MACD ADX Oscillator – a powerful indicator that combines the best of the Moving Average Convergence Divergence (MACD) and the Average Directional Index (ADX) to provide unparalleled insights into market momentum and trend strength. Key Features: Dual Momentum Analysis: This indicator merges MACD's ability to detect changes in market momentum with ADX's strength measurement, giving you a comprehensive view of the market's direction and power. Customizable Settings: Tailor the indicator to your t
Every indicator has its advantages and disadvantages. Trending ones show good signals during a trend, but lag during a flat. Flat ones thrive in the flat, but die off as soon as a trend comes. All this would not be a problem, if it was easy to predict when a flat changes to a trend and when a trend changes to a flat, but in practice it is an extremely serious task. What if you develop such an algorithm, which could eliminate an indicator's flaws and enhance its strengths? What if such an algorit
To get access to MT4 version please click here . This is the exact conversion from TradingView: "Zero Lag MACD Enhanced - Version 1.2" by " Albert.Callisto ". This is a light-load processing and non-repaint indicator. All input options are available.  Buffers are available for processing in EAs. You can message in private chat for further changes you need. Thanks
To get access to MT4 version please click here . This is the exact conversion from TradingView:"HIGH AND LOW Optimized Trend TrackerHL OTT" by "kivancozbilgic" This is a light-load processing indicator. It is a non-repaint indicator. All input options are available.  Buffers are available for processing in EAs. You can message in private chat for further changes you need. Thanks.
To get access to MT4 version please click here . This is the exact conversion from TradingView: "[SHK] Schaff Trend Cycle (STC)" by "shayankm". This is a light-load processing indicator. This is a non-repaint indicator. Buffers are available for processing in EAs. All input fields are available. You can message in private chat for further changes you need. Thanks for downloading
Anchored VWAP Channel Bands
Agustinus Biotamalo Lumbantoruan
Point and Plot:  The Anchored VWAP with Channel Bands tool is designed for traders of all levels, from beginners to seasoned professionals. Point to the price level you want to anchor to, plot the horizontal line, and watch as this versatile tool transforms your trading approach. User-Friendly Interface : Navigate the tool effortlessly with a user-friendly interface that ensures you never miss a crucial detail. Real-Time Analysis : Make informed decisions in real time with dynamic data that upda
SidewayBox MT5
Komang Putra Riswanjaya
Sideway Box Indicator The Sideway Box Indicator is an advanced trading tool designed to help traders identify and capitalize on sideways market conditions. This powerful indicator detects periods when the market is in a sideways (ranging) phase, providing traders with clear visual cues. Key Features Sideways Market Detection : The Sideway Box Indicator accurately identifies sideways market conditions, allowing traders to recognize when the price is consolidating within a specific range. Buy/Sel
Paulo Henrique Faquineli Garcia
Se você já ouviu falar do Método de  Wyckoff, Análise de dispersão de volume, etc., com certeza chegou até aqui para buscar o indicador que lhe faltava!! Nosso indicador é capaz de lhe mostrar a dispersão de volume negociado pelos grandes players durante todo o período de negociação! E o grande diferencial deste tipo de abordagem é a capacidade que este indicador possui de lhe mostrar onde está armado o "ACAMPAMENTO" dos BigPlayers e, assim, tirar o melhor proveito em seus trades, entrando junt
O indicador media colors se baseia num canal que pode ser criado a partir de duas médias Media colors  é um indicador de tendência utilizado no trading para identificar a direção predominante do mercado. Pode ser baseado na Média Móvel Simples (SMA) e na  Média Móvel Exponencial  (EMA) que dá mais peso aos preços mais recentes, tornando-a mais sensível às mudanças de preço. Como Funciona: Cálculo:   A EMA é calculada aplicando um fator de suavização aos preços de fechamento de um ativo financeir
The indicator monitors the Dinapoli MACD trend in multiple timeframes for the all markets filtered and shows the results on Dashboard. Key Features Indicator can be used for all markets Monitors every timeframe, from 1 Min to Monthly Parameters UseMarketWatch: Set true to copy all symbols available in market watch MarketWatchCount : Set the number of symbols that you want to copy from the market watch list. CustomSymbols: Enter the custom symbols that you want to be available in dashboard. Ti
QuantumAlert RSI Navigator is a free indicator available for MT4/MT5 platforms, its work is to provide "alerts" when the market is inside "overbought and oversold" regions in the form of "buy or sell" signals. This indicator comes with many customization options mentioned in the parameter section below, user can customise these parameters as needful. Join our MQL5 group , where we share important news and updates. You are also welcome to join our private channel as well, contact me for the priva
Laguerre Indicator with Gamma Input Overview: The Laguerre Indicator is a sophisticated financial analysis tool designed to provide traders and investors with a dynamic and responsive method to track market trends. Its core functionality is centered around a unique algorithm that adapts to market volatility, offering clearer insights compared to traditional indicators. Key Feature - Gamma Input: Gamma: The sole input for the Laguerre Indicator, 'gamma,' plays a pivotal role in calibrating the i
SpinSpike Detector is an amazing New Deriv MT5 indicator on the Market which detects Spikes and Crashes on Boom and Crash pair with more than 90% Accuracy . This indicator will give alerts before a spike or a crash so that you get ready to strike. The Indicator will only work for Boom and Crash pairs and will not work on any pair and it will give errors. This is a  Non-Lag  Indicator as witnessed by its stagnant arrows on chart which do not move. You can scalp all the day with this wonderful ind
Think of the rarest pair you can think of. And I assure you that this indicator can compute it is strength. This Currency Meter will literally calculate any currency pairs, either it is a major pair, metal, CFD, commodity, cryptocurrency like Bitcoin/BTC or Ethereum/ETH and even stocks. Just name it and you will get it! There is no currency pair this Currency Meter cannot solve. No matter how rare or exotic is that currency, it will always be solved by this Currency meter on a real-time basis. S
The B150 model is a fully revised version of the Historical Memory indicator with a significantly improved algorithm. It also features a graphical interface what makes working with this perfect tool quick and convenient. Indicator-forecaster. Very useful as an assistant, acts as a key point to forecast the future price movement. The forecast is made using the method of searching the most similar part in the history (patter). The indicator is drawn as a line that shows the result of change of the
This Simple Smart Money Concepts indicator displays real-time market structure (internal & swing BOS / CHoCH), order blocks, premium & discount zones, equal highs & lows, and much more...allowing traders to automatically mark up their charts with widely used price action methodologies. "Smart Money Concepts" (SMC) is used term amongst price action traders looking to more accurately navigate liquidity & find more optimal points of interest in the market. Trying to determine where institutional
Magic sl NASDAQ 100
Benyamin Naser Mokhtari Karchegani
The indicator now at your disposal is undoubtedly one of the best tools for trading in the NASDAQ 100 market, especially in the 1-minute and 5-minute timeframes. This indicator is meticulously designed for high precision and can be adjusted for other timeframes as well. Simply run it and receive good exit signals. Key Features: Specialized performance in the 1-minute and 5-minute timeframes: While this indicator works in other timeframes as well, its primary focus is on these two timeframes. Co
This is an OLD indicator which was rather efficient to be paired with MA Cross, Bollinger Bands, Dochian Channel and many other strategies and this provides you with market change of BEAR and BULL trends. Since there isn't much listed in MT5 Market, I would like to share my very own indicator for your usage. Please feel free to comment or criticize for better and improvement of the indicator listed.
El indicador técnico conocido como   Líneas de Tendencia Perfecta . Este indicador es una herramienta valiosa en el análisis técnico y se utiliza para mejorar la toma de decisiones en el trading. Aquí tienes una descripción paso a paso de cómo funciona y cómo puede ser utilizado por los traders: Identificación de Tendencias : Las líneas de tendencia perfecta se dibujan conectando dos o más puntos de precio en un gráfico, revelando así la dirección general del mercado. Una línea ascendente indica
A ideia do indicador é mudar de cores assim que o candle viole a banda; Caso o candle viole a banda superior, pinta o candle de vermelho, Caso o candle viole a banda inferior , pinta o candle de verde, Se o candle passar em algum momento pela média, ele assume uma cor acinzentada; Os candles que não passem pela média, nem violem a banda, apresentarão cor verde fraca, se for de alta e cor vermelha fraca se for de baixa. Projeto concebido no canal Aprenda a programar, keltner cores.
The Commitments of Traders Ratio Indicator is one of these things you never thought about it before you really see the magic behind it. The indicator shows the Ratio of long/short positions released by the CFTC once a week. If you have a look on the Sreenshot you can see two (three) zones of interest. Important note: MAs are not available in version 1.0. Zone 1: The Switches (Red -> Green, Green -> Red) Zone 2: MA cross Zone 3: If you combine this with the COX indicator an additional zone will
Live Trading Results   MT4 Version Contact for Manual Guide   Next Price $125 Free Scanner   Dashboard  (Contact me)   Strategy -   Breakout  /   Retest   /   Aggressive Hello Everyone, We are excited to introduce one of the most reliable and high win rate patterns in trading: the Cup and Handle . This is the first time we are releasing this meticulously crafted indicator, boasting an impressive 95% success rate . It is versatile and effective across all types of pairs, stocks
The most sensitive indicator you've ever seen . . . POscillator is a sensitive indicator to find each trend direction change in every timeframe. It shows price variations and reveals up or down trends. POscillator makes a price curve based on frequency filters. The procedure makes two price functions by using high-frequency and low-frequency filters separately. Then it adds them together to create a smoothed price curve. The final stage of the indicator converts this smoothed curve to an oscil
这是一个组合指标分析趋势、支撑阻力、买卖点。运用了均线MA、布林带、KDJ、CCI、RSI。 主图上下线是布林带上下线,采用的是20周期和2.3标准差可以用来支撑阻力。 中间的是分析趋势的均线,趋势分析是用均线多周期: 为涨趋势,反之为下跌趋势。在同一种颜色,基本说明趋势没有发生变化。 子图是由 KDJ、CCI、RSI三个指标组成,大于70超买,小于30超卖, 智能提示是运用了算法,主要计算布林带, KDJ、CCI、RSI指标 有三个或四个指标超出市场常态就会发出提示行情可能反转。 子图指标运用了很多数据,刚刚开始加载会有点慢,耐心等待就可以 这个指标是主图指标,还要再下我发布的RCD分析,这样就刚刚好组成一套分析 电脑分辨率的文本大小请设置100%,不然字体会不一样
The Regression Channel consists of two lines equidistant above and below the regression trend line. The distance between the channel boundaries and the regression line is equal to the deviation of the maximum closing price from the regression line, only this definition corresponds to the most recent regression points. The term regression refers to the field of statistics. The center line of the channel is the trend line. To calculate it, the method of least squares is used. The line above the
I present the well-known Moving Average indicator connected to the ATR indicator. This indicator is presented as a channel, where the upper and lower lines are equidistant from the main line by the value of the ATR indicator. The indicator is easy to use. The basic settings of the moving average have been saved, plus the settings for the ATR have been added. Moving Average Parameters: MA period Shift MA Method Moving Average Parameters: ATR TF - from which timeframe the values are taken A
Multi-timeframe Parabolic SAR panel for a better visual perception of the market situation and assessment of the trend, trend reversals. Used exclusively!!! on the daily timeframe. The panel indicates the direction of SAR movement on the current (daily), as well as on the weekly (medium-term) and monthly (long-term) timeframes. It is possible to customize the display colors for each individual timeframe. General Step and Maximum settings for the entire panel.
Average Cost Price helps you keep track of your open positions on the chart. In doing so, it provides lines and explanations on the chart. This line is the average price value of the Bid or Ask. If you wish, you can see the average cost price by adding SWAP and COMMISSION to the average price value. *** You can add commission manually per lot. The legend below the Average Cost Price line gives you: * Average Buy or Sell price line, * Swap Amount, * Commission Amount, * Total Profit or Loss a
Flags and pennants can be categorized as continuation patterns.  They usually represent only brief pauses in a dynamic market.  They are typically seen right after a big, quick move.  The market then usually takes off again in the same direction.  Research has shown that these patterns are some of the most reliable continuation patterns. Bullish flags are characterized by lower tops and lower bottoms, with the pattern slanting against the trend. But unlike wedges, their trendlines run parallel.
The Bheurekso Pattern Indicator for MT5 helps traders automatically identify candlestick pattern that formed on the chart base on some japanese candle pattern and other indicator to improve accurate. This indicator scans all candles, recognizes and then displays any candle patterns formed on the chart. The candle displayed can be Bullish or Bearish Engulfing, Bullish or Bearish Harami, and so on. There are some free version now but almost that is repaint and lack off alert function. With this ve
(Google 翻訳) この指標は、 ジョン ウェルズ ワイルダーの平均真範囲 (ATR) に触発されましたが、いくつかの追加情報が含まれています。 同様に、真の範囲の指数移動平均を計算しますが、 ワイルダー の代わりに標準のアルファ ウェイトを使用します。 また、範囲平均の平均偏差を計算し、オフセットとして表示します。 これにより、変更をより迅速に特定できるだけでなく、その影響も特定できます。 (Original text) This indicator was inspired by John Welles Wilder's average true range (ATR) , but with some extra information. Similarly, it calculates the exponential moving average of the true range, but using the standard alpha weight instead of Wilder's . It also calculates the average deviatio
The Daily Range ATR ADR Reversal Indicator shows you where price is currently trading in relation to its normal average daily range. You will received alerts via pop-ups when price exceeds its average daily range. This will enable you to identify and trade pullbacks and reversals quickly. The Indicator also shows you the Daily Range of Price for the current market session as well as previous market sessions. It shows you the ATR which is the average range of pips that a candle may move in that
Inspired from, Time is the most important factor in determining market movements and by studying past price records you will be able to prove to yourself history does repeat and by knowing the past you can tell the future. There is a definite relation between price and time. -William Delbert Gann   Caution:   It's not HolyGrail System, It's a tool to give you insight of current market structure. The decision to trade is made only with combination of economical understanding of underlying instru
This indicator gives you arrows, two SR lines and a golden trend line. Uses a special trend algorithm to plot the arrows, combined with support and resistance inputs. Perfect for channel trading. Features alert functions. Parameter TrendArrowPeriod. Parameter TrendLinePeriod. (Change to your preference) How to use: Simply attach to any chart with default settings. Zoom in the chart, to see the two blue SR lines and arrows more clearly. When the blue SR line is below the price, golden trend line
M & W Pattern Pro is an advanced scanner for M and W patters , it uses extra filters to ensure scanned patterns are profitable. The indicator can be used with all symbols and time frames. The indicator is a non repaint indicator with accurate statistics calculations. To use , simply scan the most profitable pair using the statistics dashboard accuracy , then enter trades on signal arrow and exit at the TP and SL levels. STATISTICS : Accuracy 1 : This is the percentage of the times price hits TP
The indicator calculates the inclination angle between the Highs, Lows and Closes of adjacent bars. The angle can be measured in degrees or radians. A linear graph or a histogram is drawn in a subwindow. You can set the scale for the calculation — floating or fixed. For use in Expert Advisors or indicators, you need to specify a fixed scale. Parameters Angular measure — degrees or radians. Scale mode for calculation — scaling mode. Free scale — free transformation, the indicator will calculate
Channel Vertex is a price action pattern formed by price Chanel and a triangle pattern . Price channels basically indicates possible support and resistance zones around a price movement and retracement    or breakout at these levels can indicate possible trend continuation or reversal .  Majority of the times price fluctuations forms triangle patterns defined by 3 vertexes , these triangle patterns most times defines a trend continuation.  A triangle pattern is a trend continuation pattern that
The   Gann Scalping Gold Indicator   is a robust technical analysis tool designed for precision trading in gold markets. It leverages Gann-based methodologies to identify key price levels, enabling traders to anticipate potential market reversals, breakouts, and areas of consolidation. Daily Reset Logic: Automatically resets touch statuses at the start of a new trading day, ensuring that the indicator aligns with fresh daily trends. How It Works: The indicator draws horizontal lines at predefine
Contact me after payment to send you the user manual PDF file. Download the MT4 version here. Unlocking Trading Insights Dive into the heart of market dynamics with Advance Divergence Scanner designed for traders seeking a competitive edge. The Divergence Indicator is your key to identifying crucial divergences across various charts, empowering you to make informed decisions in the dynamic world of financial markets. The Divergence A Divergence signals a potential reversal point because directi
This indicator automatically identifies the SMC 3-Drive pattern and sends notifications to users when the pattern is detected. Additionally, the indicator identifies PDArray (including FVG and OB) and offers an option to combine the 3-Drive pattern with PDArray. This combination provides users with more reliable signals. What is the 3-Drive Pattern? This pattern is formed by three price pushes in one direction, providing a strong reversal signal (Figure 3). The key to identifying this pattern is
Automatically scans the chart to find Harmonic Patterns, and give you the chance to enter early in good operations. Also if selected, it will alert you in advance when future patterns appears, showing you a projection of a posible future pattern. The main goal  for this algorithm is to determine with high precision the moment when a trend ends and a new one begins. Giving  you the best price within a reversal.   We have added the "Golden Trade", we define it as the perfect order:   For those ord
Introducing the Swing Point Model Indicator – A Professional Trading Tool The Swing Point Model Indicator is an innovative tool designed for traders who want to capture market structure and identify potential trading opportunities. With a logical and transparent approach, the Swing Point Model helps you gain deeper market insights and make precise trading decisions. This is multiple Timeframe indicator so you can choose Higher timeframe for detect Swing point model What Is the Swing Point Model?
This is a volume indicator with the addition of a threshold level that can be set to a fixed value chosen personally or obtained from the average of the volume values themselves. The type of averaging method can be selected in the input parameters. The input parameters are easy to interpret but let's examine them: 1 - Volume type Here you can select the type of volume you want to see represented and there are 2 choices, either TICK volume or REAL volume. Keep in mind that for forex, for examp
Price and Spread Indicator Version: 1.0 Developer: Creative Tech Solutions   Website: https://www.creativetechsolutions.co.uk Overview The Price and Spread Indicator is a great tool for MetaTrader 5 that displays the Ask and Bid prices along with the spread directly on the chart. This indicator provides real-time updates and allows traders to make informed decisions based on accurate price information. Features - Real-time Price Updates: Continuously updates Ask and Bid prices. - Spread Disp

