MetaTrader 4のためのエキスパートアドバイザーとインディケータ - 270
クイックアラートは、MT4オブジェクトのアラートを作成および切り替えるための高速で便利な方法を提供します。バージョン4.0で間もなく登場:通知を受け取りたいときに正確に通知する意味のあるアラートを作成し、ブレイクアウトまたはアプローチアラートタイプを指定することで煩わしさを軽減します。 クイックアラートは、チャートに配置されたときに次のオブジェクトのアラートを自動的に作成するようにデフォルトで構成されています。 水平線 長方形 トレンドライン チャネル 価格ラベル フィボナッチリトレースメント
新しいオブジェクトがチャートに配置されます 時間枠が切り替わります ユーティリティのプロパティの設定が変更されます アラートがトリガーされます
The Expert Advisor is based on Williams` Percent Range. The EA trades both during low volatility and a trend if MACD is enabled. Two Williams` Percent Range indicators can be used to enter a trade with different parameters, while the third one can be configured to close a trade. Besides, the EA has the trailing stop and stop loss calculation functions depending on the currency pair movement strength.
Inputs Lots - lot size (if 0, the lot volume is calculated based on the % of account free marg
Two MA クロスオーバーは、 移動平均クロスオーバー戦略 に依存するトレーダー向けに特別に設計された強力な通知システムです。この完全に自動化されたインジケーターは、包括的なアラート システムとして機能し、重要な取引イベントを決して見逃さないようにします。好みのパラメーターに基づいて移動平均のクロスオーバーを検出すると、モバイル デバイスや電子メールに通知を送信し、コンピューターに音付きのポップアップ アラートを表示します。 その注目すべき機能の 1 つは、最も人気のある移動平均クロスオーバー戦略との互換性であり、この戦略を採用するトレーダーにとって貴重なツールとなっています。このインジケーターはチャート上に移動平均線を自動的に描画し、クロスオーバー イベントを視覚的に確認できます。 「買いシグナル」でも「売りシグナル」でも、市場の動きに関する情報をタイムリーに受け取ることができます。 Two MA Crossover の柔軟性により、好みに応じて各通知方法を有効または無効にすることができます。モバイル デバイス、電子メール、ポップアップ アラートなど、さまざまな通知チャネルから選択
このユーティリティを使用すると、個々のオブジェクトのオブジェクトの可視性をこれまでになく簡単に切り替えることができます。これは、MetaTrader 4トレーダーがオブジェクトを作成し、より高い時間枠に移動して、オブジェクトがチャートの可視性を妨げることを確認するときに悩む混乱を取り除くのに役立ちます。 デフォルトでは、作成されたすべての新しいオブジェクトの可視性は、現在の時間枠以下に設定されています。この設定は、[可視性の自動設定]パラメータで変更するか、Ctrlキーを押しながら新しいオブジェクトを作成すると上書きできます。 クリックできるボタンが配置され、利用可能なすべてのMetaTrader4タイムフレームと2つの追加オプションが表示されます。オブジェクトの可視性に複数の時間枠を選択することも、オブジェクトの可視性を現在の時間枠または現在の時間枠以下に設定することもできます。 パラメーター
パラメータ 説明
This indicator calculates and draws lines over the chart. There are two types of channels: Channel A: the mainline is drawn using local lows for uptrends and local highs for downtrends Channel B: the mainline is drawn using local highs for uptrends and local lows for downtrends The parallel lines of both types are built using the max. fractal between the base points of the mainline. There are a few conditions, which have to be fullfilled and can be changed by the parameters (see also picture 4):
This indicator shows the current situation on the cryptocurrencies available for trading, depending on the signal strength specified in the settings. It can be used for determining the expected increase/decrease in the asset price, displayed by the corresponding color, and the signal strength, displayed by a vertical dash near a certain cryptocurrency pair. Indicator Parameters Panel color - color of the indicator panel Long color - cryptocurrency pair uptrend color Short color - cryptocurrency
TrendySignalMt4l is a trend-following indicator that quickly responds to a trend change. The indicator forms the line so that it is always located above or below the chart depending on a trend. This allows using the indicator both for a trend analysis and setting stop loss and take profit. The indicator should be attached in the usual way. It works on any timeframe from M1 to MN and with any trading symbols. The indicator has no configurable inputs.
Recommendations on working with the indicato
Optimizes the value of overbought and oversold on each new bar. This expert strives to choose the best values for a simple strategy where it sells when the indicator crosses below an overbought level and executes a buy when it crosses above an oversold level. The best overbought and oversold level is calculated on each new bar according to how that value would have performed during the optimizing periods which can be specified.
Inputs Unique number for this EA - can be any integer value. Optim
LCF Theta Vector is mid/long term return EA based on custom variation of RSI indicator in assistance of vector algorithm and built-in AUTO_OPTIMIZER module that allows for dynamic adaptation to current market conditions (no user calibration needed) - the specific result is chosen on the basis of several different coefficients. EA can be run on different symbols and timeframes but for reducing demand on computing power, internal parameters are narrowed and it is highly recommended to run it on th
The robot works best on Н4 and opens trades only at the beginning of a week. It applies built-in parameters to define the price movement for the previous time period (last hours of the previous week, last weekday and last week) and opens contracts with the minimum take profit. I usually use the robot on 10 pairs with the minimum spread (for four-digit quotes): usdchf 3, gbpusd 3, eurusd 2, usdjpy 2, usdcad 3, audusd 3, eurjpy 3, nzdusd 4, eurgbp 3, gbpjpy 6. The EA features the predefined settin
This is an expanded version of the Time Levels indicator provided with sound alerts notifying of level intersection. The indicator is designed for displaying the following price levels on the chart: Previous day's high and low. Previous week's high and low. Previous month's high and low. Each of the level types is customizable. In the indicator settings, you set line style, line color, enable or disable separate levels. This version is provided with an option for alerting using an audio signal a
Colored trend indicator advanced is a trend indicator that is based on Fast Moving Average and Slow Moving Average and also uses RSI and Momentum to give a trend strength in percent. It is aimed to find more healthy trends with this indicator. This indicator can be used alone as a trend indicator.
Colors (Default) Green = Uptrend (Default) Red = Downtrend No color = No trend, no good trend
Indicator Parameters WarnPosTrendchange: Warns you when the trend may change. FullColor: See screenshot
"Still" is a trend-based Expert Advisor that looks for trend changes and opens orders in the direction of the new trend. The Moving Average indicator is used as the main signal supplemented by additional integrated confirmation functions. Whenever the signal changes, the opened orders are closed and a new order is opened. Stop levels are used for safety purposes. The EA is tied to the current timeframe. Recommended timeframes are H1 and M30. It can also work on M15 and M5. The recommended curren
This indicator displays the signals of the ADX indicator (Average Directional Movement Index) as points on the chart. This facilitates the visual identification of signals. The indicator also features alerts (pop-up message boxes) and sending signals to e-mail.
Parameters Period - averaging period. Apply to - price used for calculations: Close, Open, High, Low, Median (high+low)/2, Typical (high+low+close)/3, Weighted Close (high+low+close+close)/4. Alert - enable/disable alerts. EMail - enabl
Market Sponge EA is a fully automated Expert Advisor based on the RSI indicator and a custom home made algorithm who constantly analyzes the market to determine the best times to place orders that are confirmed by the RSI. This one is fully parametrable which gives you a great control over what the EA can do. Use this EA on EURCHF with the default settings if you want to use it on another Symbol you will need to optimize parameters. Basic settings are optimized and I will update them every 6 mon
Displays multiple indicators, across multiple timeframes and symbols to give a comprehensive overview of the market. Uniquely, the indicators are configurable and can include custom indicators, even those where you just have the ex4 file or those purchased from Market. Standard indicators can also be selected, the default being ADX, CCI, market price above/below Moving Average (MA), Moving Average Cross (MAX), MACD, Momentum (MOM), OsMA, RSI, Parabolic SAR, William's Percentage Range (WPR). Use
LevelUP is a fully automated Expert Advisor trading robot. It applies cutting edge "Key level Break Out" strategy. Slippage and trade execution delay can’t be avoided for breakout trading system. However, LevelUP applies pending orders instead of market orders to improve those issues. Also, LevelUP implements algorithms for limiting its trading hours and you may specify the most effective trading hours based on your optimization. And there is trailing stop system to secure accumulated profits. W
Grid Expert Advisor with floating step. The strategy of this EA is based on the main idea of trading - "Buy Low & Sell High". Pending orders "slip" behind the price in order to open a buy or sell order at an optimal price. The EA has several tactical techniques to reduce the loss.
Features Grid Expert Advisors have a serious drawback. It consists in the fact that there is a high risk of the deposit drawdown as a result of imbalance in a large number of BUY or SELL orders. This EA contains prot
STO Currency Strength Meter uses Stochastic Oscillator to monitor how strong a currency is, or in other words, if it's being bought or sold by the majority compared to the other currencies. It displays the strength-lines of the currencies of the pair (base and counter currencies of the chart) with changeable solid lines. Also, you can add up to five additional currencies to the "comparison pool". If you want to look and compare, for example, EUR, USD and JPY, it will only look at the EURUSD, USD
Better Scrollは、スクロール時にMT4のAutoScroll機能を有効または無効にし、機能をより直感的で便利に感じさせます。 オートスクロールを手動で有効または無効にしたり、バックテストや過去の価格データを確認しているときにオフにするのを忘れたためにチャートの最後に移動する必要がなくなりました。 概要
マウスクリック+左ドラッグ(現在開いているキャンドルを過ぎた) マウスホイールを左にスクロール(現在開いているキャンドルを過ぎた) PageUpキーが押されました ホームキーが押されました 左矢印キーが押されました(現在開いているキャンドルを過ぎて) 市場は閉鎖されています
AutoScrollは、次の場合に有効になります。 マウスクリック+右ドラッグ(現在キャンドルを開くには) マウスホイール右にスクロール(現在キャンドルを開く) ページダウンキーが押されました(現在キャンドルを開くため) エンドキーが押されました 右矢印キーが押されました(現在キャンドルを開くため) Metatrader 4の生活の質を向上させる
The Elize Expert Advisor has been designed to work with the EURCHF currency pair. It considers the peculiarities of this trading instrument, its behavior and dependence on the behavior of other currencies. In particular, when the currencies of the European countries (EURUSD, GBPUSD, EURNOK, EURCHF) move in the same direction, the EA starts its operation and opens a deal in the trend direction of the European currencies. In the event of price rollbacks, the EA uses a unique method for making the
Quantina Multi Indicator Reader can analyse up to 12 most popular and commonly used together indicators in seconds on any timeframe, on any currency pair, stocks or indices. On the chart panel you can easily read each indicators default meanings and also there is an Indicators Summary on panel.
Features 1 file only: Quantina Multi Indicator Reader is 1 file only. No need to install other indicators to work. It is using the built-in indicators from MetaTrader 4 terminal. Detailed Alert Message:
Early Morning Scalper ATR ( 以下 EMS ATR) は、いわゆる朝スキャタイプの Expert Adviser (EA) です。システムトレード用のプログラムとして組まれており、月曜日から金曜日までの特定の時間帯でのみ動作するように設計されています。 EMS ATR には複雑なアルゴリズムと内部搭載のインジケーターを用いて市場の状況を分析します。プライスレンジを計算してその動きの強さを分析し、その結果最適なタイミングであると判断した場合にポジションを持ちます。 Stop Loss と Take Profit を持っていますのでユーザーのアカウントバランスを保護しながらトレードをしかけます。他にも EMS ATR にはアドバンスド・トレーリングや内部アルゴリズムを備えているので、マーケットの動向を賢く判断しながらベストな「逃げ時」をうかがいます。マーケットが好ましくない状況になれば、開いているポジションを閉じて設けを確保したり、損失をおさえます。 Spread と slippage フィルターを備えているので、ボラティリティが高くて不利な状況でのエントリーを
Attention! Friends, since there have been many scammers on the Internet recently selling indicators called ForexGump, we decided to warn you that only on our page is the LICENSE AUTHOR'S VERSION of the INDICATOR sold! We do not sell this indicator on other sites at a price lower than this! All indicators are sold cheaper - fakes! And even more often sold demo versions that stop working in a week! Therefore, in order not to risk your money, buy this indicator only on this site!
Forex Gump Pro i
Mr. Fibonacci は、チャート上でフィボナッチレベルを描画および調整するプロセスを簡素化するように設計された素晴らしいインジケーターです。このインジケーターはプロのトレーダーに優れたカスタマイズ オプションを提供し、あらゆるフィボナッチ レベルを正確に描画できるようにします。さらに、価格がフィボナッチレベルに入ったときにモバイル通知、電子メールアラート、ポップアップアラートを提供し、潜在的な取引機会を決して逃さないようにします。 このインジケーターを使用すると、フィボナッチレベルに達するまで価格変動を常に監視する必要がなくなります。代わりに、モバイル通知や電子メール アラートを利用して最新情報を入手できます。これにより貴重な時間が節約され、取引戦略の他の側面に集中できるようになります。さらに、フィボナッチ氏は、フィボナッチ レベルがポイントツーポイントで正しく描画されることを保証します。これは、正確な分析と意思決定にとって非常に重要です。 ユーザーフレンドリーなインターフェイスとクイックアクセスボタンにより、Mr. Fibonacci は使いやすく、ナビゲートしやすくなります
This long-term trading system works on 12 pairs and 4 timeframes . The Expert Advisor uses various trading systems, such as trend trading, counter-trend trading and others. This increases the chances of sustained growth and reduces exposure to a single pair or individual operations. The risk is tightly controlled.
The EA has the built-in smart adaptive profit taking filter. The robot has been optimized for each currency and timeframe simultaneously. It does not need arrival of every tick a
Overview It only needs a small initial deposit. Suitable for multi-currency trading. Immunity to the large delay and the size of the spread. Monitoring of my accounts :
How it works After launching the EA on a chart, the EA remembers the first order's Open level. The EA sets a Sell order grid above it. A Buy order grid is set below it. If the total profit of Buy and Sell orders exceeds the value of the Profit parameter, the EA closes the order
The Expert Advisor is based on a breakout strategy. Market entry signals are generated when the price crosses the border of a certain price range. We created the strategy using historical data with the 99.9% quality data over the past 15 years. We have selected highest-quality signals and eliminated low-quality ones. The EA performs technical analysis and takes into account only those breakdowns that show the best result. The EA uses filtration of false signals. It uses an adaptive trailing stop
Features: Generates BUY / SELL Signals for easy to use: You do not need to read or understand market trend lines on indicators. Quantina Bitcoin Indicator shows a little Red Arrow for SELL and a little Green Arrow for the BUY entry points above- and under - the actual bars. (Green = Bullish Trend , Red = Bearish Trend). Measured Signal Strength also has written on the chart for advanced traders. Working on every known currency pairs: It's working on major-, minor-, and cross - pairs too. Also, Q
IMA Recover Loss is the expert advisor based on moving average and some technical indicators. This concept uses statistical tools that help in price analysis. By creating a trend line to find trading signals. This expert advisor has developed and improved the moving average to work well with current data and reduce delays. Long and Short Trade Signals: The method for using the Multiple Moving Average indicator is to trade a basic moving average crossover system using all of the MAs. This system
Do you need detailed info from different magic numbers trading on the same account? This is your product. Detailed Magics, allows you to know profit, profit factor... of each magic number, so you will know which strategy is working best. Here are the specific information provided for each magic number: Profit. Number of trades. Profit factor. Expectancy (average pip per trade). Recovery factor (profit/drawdown). Max drawdown. Days that this magic number is trading on the account. Number of trade
Requirement for the EA use: the EA needs a low spread (recommended spread value is 2) and minimum slippage! Systems that operate based on Bollinger waves signals are considered to be among the most popular well performing systems. This Expert Advisor belongs to such systems. In addition to Bollinger waves, the Expert Advisor uses the following indicators: Stochastic, RSI and Moving Average. Recommended Expert Advisor operation time is from 00:05 to 08:00 (the interval between the close of the A
Bollinger Bands are volatility bands plotted two standard deviations away from a simple moving average. Volatility is based on the standard deviation, which changes as volatility increases and decreases. The bands expand when volatility increases and narrow when volatility capturing 85%-90% of price action between the upper and lower bands.
How it Works Knowing that the majority of price action is contained within the two bands we wait for price to break out of either the upper or lower band a
If you want to add a pattern indicator to confirm the market movement you are in the right place, this indicator permit to detect some famous candle patterns Hammer, Inverted Hammer, Shooting Star, Hanging Man and Engulfing patter that can be highlighted on your chart once the patters occurs. Up, Down arrows are traced at the beginning of the new bar each time a pattern is detected.
Parameters Body to Bar Fraction (%) : the body size / the candle size (20% by default) Max Little Tail Fraction
The Expert Advisor is easy to use. The EA operating principle is to start active trading, to open several orders in different directions and to close them by averaging.
Advantages Easy to use. Reasonable price. Customer support. Works with any signal delay and any spread value. Trades using pending BuyStop and SellStop orders.
Recommendations It is recommended to stop the Expert Advisor operation during important news releases. The EA is recommended for use on one of the major currency pairs
This indicator analyzes in parallel price charts for multiple currency pairs on all timeframes and notifies you as soon as a double tops or double bottoms pattern has been identified.
Definition Double Top / Double Bottom pattern Double Top is a trend reversal pattern which are made up of two consecutive peaks that are more and less equal with a trough in-between. This pattern is a clear illustration of a battle between buyers and sellers. The buyers are attempting to push the security but are
MMM ADX & Bollinger Bands strategy: This EA's strategy combines 2 built-in indicators to enhance its signals and decide to open a new order at the right time, there is an ADX indicator and you may choose its signal's strength and a Bollinger Bands indicator confirms the trends and a MA to check if the prices are deviating from its pattern. By joining both indicators' data and the moving average, it is possible to calculate quality signals, avoiding sudden market movements against your trading op
ReviewCandleChart is a unique product that can verify past price fluctuations using candlestick charts. This indicator accurately reproduces market price fluctuations in the past and can make trading decisions (entries, profits, loss cut) many times so that you can learn the trading faster. ReviewCandleCahrt is the best indicator to improve trading skills. ReviewCandleCahrt caters to both beginners and advanced traders. Advantages of the indicator This Indicator for verifying price fluctuation u
The EA is based on price crossing the High or Low of a Moving Average. Advance Fractal profit taking method. Advance stop management option based on explosive candles (Big Candles). Loss recovery system making recovery of losses easier. Configured the EA to match your trading style. Scalping, Swing Trading or Trend Trading. Three custom trailing stop options. Explosive candle stop management with partial closure. Advance fractal partial close profit taking Two indicator filters Time filter wit
Three MA Alert インジケーターは 、移動平均クロスオーバー戦略 に依存するトレーダーにとって不可欠なツールです。モバイル デバイスや電子メールに通知を送信し、3 つの移動平均が交差するたびに音付きのポップアップ アラートを表示することで、取引生活を簡素化します。この広く使用されているテクニックに従うことで、常にトレンドの正しい側にいることを保証し、一般的な市場の方向に逆らった取引を避けることができます。 Three MA Alert インジケーターを使用すると、移動平均のクロスオーバーを座って待つ必要はもうありません。モバイル デバイスに通知が到着してアラート音が鳴るのを待っている間、家族と有意義な時間を過ごしたり、他のアクティビティに参加したりできます。このインジケーターのデフォルト設定は、30 分以上の時間枠、特に EUR/USD 通貨ペアに完全に適しています。 このインジケーターの驚くべき価値ある機能は、各ローソク足の実際の出来高情報を取得できることです。買い手と売り手の争いを総取引高に対するパーセンテージとして計算し、チャートに表示します。この情報は、取引に入る前
CCI Currency Strength Meter uses CCI (Commodity Channel Index) to monitor how strong a currency is, or in other words, if it's being bought or sold by the majority compared to the other currencies. If you load this indicator on a chart, it will first display the strength-lines of the currencies (base and counter currency of the chart) with changeable solid lines. Also, you can add up to five additional currencies to the "comparison pool," that already has the base and the profit (counter) curren
This Expert Advisor is designed for use on all currency pairs on any timeframes. Candlestick analysis from different timeframes is used for opening positions. Positions are closed using the automated trailing system or by an opposite signal. The EA does not have input parameters affecting the trading algorithm. Timeframe: any (candlesticks from M15 to H4 are used) Currency pair: any (it is recommended to simultaneously use at least 4 major currency pairs).
Parameters LotSize - lot value parame
FX Master Expert Advisor opens positions at breakthroughs of support and resistance levels.
The EA trades during both trend and flat movements with no need to adjust parameters.
The EA uses the minimum stop loss (250 points) allowing the efficient use of funds and risk management.
Working timeframe: 1H
Recomended params for trading - all default values, excluding Filtration: AUDUSD=8, EURUSD, GBPUSD, USDCAD =12, USDCHF = 28
Note! Use "Every tick" mode when testing the EA!
The Expert Advisor generates trading signals based on the values of the FractalDivergence_Patterns indicator. A Buy signal is generated when the indicator detects a support level, and a Sell signal is generated when the resistance level is found (see Fig. 1: blue arrows show buying, red arrows show selling). The Expert Advisor does not require the indicator to be additionally used, and can display the appropriate support and resistance levels.
Parameters The "Fractal divergence parameters" blo
Trading Trend Line エキスパートアドバイザーは、確立されたトレンドラインに関連して取引します。これを行うには、名前を変更せずに価格チャートにトレンドラインを描画する必要があります。トレンドラインの名前は、常に「トレンドライン」のスペースと数字の形式である必要があります。この名前は、回線をインストールするときにデフォルトで常に使用され、編集する必要はありません。 EAのトレンドラインに沿った取引は、改行での取引とラインからのリバウンドでの取引の2つの方法で表示されます。取引のシグナルは、始値がトレンドラインを下回っている/上回っており、終値がトレンドラインを上回っている/下回っている場合の最後から2番目のバー(固定)です。オープンポジションの標準のトレーリングも使用されます。
設定の説明 Type_Strategy-ブレイクアウトまたはリターンのための取引戦略の選択 MagicNumber-注文のマジックナンバー StopLoss-ポイント単位の損失レベル TakeProfit-ポイント単位の利益レベル トラル-オープンポジションのトレーリングを有効または無効に
This indicator draws Fibonacci level automatically from higher high to lower low or from lower low to higher high combinate with Pyramid Trading Strategy for better risk reward ratio. With adjustable Fibonacci range and has an alert function.
What is Pyramid Trading Strategy? The basic concept of pyramiding into a position is that you add to the position as the market moves in your favor. Your stop loss moves up or down (depending on trade direction of course) to lock in positions. This is how
This indicator is a proof of concept of pyramid trading strategy. It draws fibonacci level automatically from higher high to lower low or from lower low to higher high combinate with Pyramid Trading Strategy for better risk reward ratio. What is Pyramid Trading Strategy? The pyramid forex trading strategy is a something every forex trader should know about because it makes the difference between making some pips with some risk in only one trade or some pips with less the risk by applying the pyr
The indicator shows buy or sell on the screen when it catches a signal with its own algorithm. The arrows warn the user to buy or sell. Pairs: USDCHF, AUDUSD, USDJPY, GBPJPY, EURUSD, GBPUSD, EURCHF, NZDUSD, EURCHF and EURJPY. You can test the indicator and choose the appropriate symbols. The best results are on M30.
Parameters AlertsOn - send alerts AlertsMessage - send a message AlertsSound - sound alert
AlertsEmail - email alert Buy color - buy color
Sell color - sell color
The RightTrend indicator shows the direction of trend and reversal points (market entry and exit points). It is very easy to use: open BUY deal when the up arrow appears and open SELL deal when the down arrow appears. The indicator generates accurate and timely signals for entering and exiting the market, which appear on the current candle while it is forming. In spite of apparent simplicity of the indicator, it has complex analytic algorithms which determine trend reversal points.
Inputs stre
Key Features This application is designed to quickly place a pending order or open a position at market. The position volume will be calculated automatically according to the risk settings. This application also manages orders and positions. Everything is simple, you only need to specify the price of the order (or position by market) and stop loss. The type of the pending order is selected automatically depending on the logic of the relative location of the current price, pending order price and
The Commodity Channel Index (CCI) is an oscillator that is often used by forex traders to identify oversold and over bought conditions much in the same way as the RSI or Stochastics.
How it Works The idea behind this indicator is simple, we wait for price to reach an extreme (overbought or oversold) and then trade when price appears to change direction in the hope of catching a move out of the area. Buy signals - The indicator waits for the CCI to become oversold (a value below -100). The indi
With My Fx STATISTICS you will be able to see your account´s performance directly on the chart of Metatrader 4, and refresh the data even every minute. No need of external analyzer webpages. Information provided: DAILY, WEEKLY AND MONTHLY PROFIT. PROFIT FACTOR % OF PROFITABLE TRADES AVERAGE PROFIT / LOSS TRADE (MONEY AND PIPS) BEST PROFIT / LOSS (MONEY AND PIPS) EXPECTANCY (AVERAGE PIPS PER TRADE) AND ALSO YOU WILL SEE THE ACTUAL PROFIT OF EACH CURRENCY PAIR
Input parameters
The indicator shows when every market session starts and finishes in colored frame box. It includes the Stop Hunt Boxes which shows pockets of liquidity, found at places where traders put their stop losses on existing positions. Contains EMA crossover alert on 50 EMA , 200 EMA and 800 EMA . It can be used in many Forex strategies and for easier observe of the chart.
Indicator parameters NumberOfDays - period of drawing the frames, default is 50 days; Draw_asian_box - draw the box of Asian ses
White Scalper is a fully automated Expert Advisor that uses a highly accurate scalping strategy. It works on all symbols and timeframes.
White Scalper advantages Flexible settings allow you to use the EA on virtually any instrument. No long stagnation period. Good testing results since 2000. No outstaying the losses. All trades are closed within a few hours. The Expert Advisor does not use hedging, martingale, grid strategies, arbitrage, etc. A stop loss is always set.
About Extreme settings
Fix M15 is a fully automated short-term trading robot. The EA does not use hedging, martingale, grid strategies, arbitrage, etc. Fix M15 opens a trade during the Asian session in a narrow channel defined by MA and RSI indicators. Only one trade per one pair can be opened on the market at each given time. It can be closed by a certain TP, SL or after a certain time (set in the EA settings). Basic EA settings are configured for trading GBPUSD М5 for the terminal set to GMT+3 (summer time). The EA
Overview It only needs a small initial deposit. Suitable for multi-currency trading. Immunity to the large delay and the size of the spread. Monitoring of my accounts :
How it works The EA opens orders based on a built-in indicator. The EA determines the order with the greatest negative profit each tick. Then it determines the total profit of Buy and Sell orders on each currency pair. If the total profit of Buy or Sell orders on each currency p
This is a fully multi-timeframe version of the Commodity Channel Index standard indicator, which works for any combination of timeframes. The indicator preserves the correct time scale for all charts at any intervals. When switching to a higher or lower timeframe, the time scale is not distorted. For example, one value of М15 will occupy 15 bars on М1 and 3 bars on М5 . The indicator allows you to see the real dynamics and the overall ratio for all selected periods, as well as accurately evaluat
This is a fully multi-timeframe version of the DeMarker standard indicator, which works for any combination of timeframes. Like my other multi-timeframe indicators, it implements the idea of saving the right time scale for all charts on any intervals. When switching to the higher or lower timeframe, the time scale is not distorted. For example, one value of М15 will occupy 15 bars on М1 and 3 bars on М5 . The indicator allows you to see the real dynamics and the overall ratio for all selected pe
This indicator shows the main trend on the current chart.
Features This indicator includes two bands, one is the inner white bands, another is the outer blue bands. If the white dotted line crosses down the white solid line, this means that the trend has changed to be bearish. If the white dotted line crosses up the white solid line, this means that the trend has changed to be bullish. Once the crossing happened, it will not repaint.
Settings ShowColorCandle: if 'true', it will show the colo
The indicator shows the trend of 3 timeframes: higher timeframe; medium timeframe; smaller (current) timeframe, where the indicator is running. The indicator should be launched on a chart with a timeframe smaller than the higher and medium ones. The idea is to use the trend strength when opening positions. Combination of 3 timeframes (smaller, medium, higher) allows the trend to be followed at all levels of the instrument. The higher timeframes are used for calculations. Therefore, sudden change
The Expert Advisor trades based on levels set by the user or an indicator (three indicators are built into the EA). The EA requires two lines for correct operation: one must be higher than the current price, and the other must be lower. The EA supports two line types: horizontal and trend lines. The two lines may have the same or different types. Lines can be used to draw a channel and set the EA to trade within the channel: buy at the lower line and sell at the upper line. It is also possible t
The indicator displays the key support and resistance levels on the chart. The significance of these levels lies in that the price may reverse or strengthen the movement when passing such levels, since they are formed as a consequence of the natural reaction of market participants to the price movement, depending on which positions they occupied or did not have time to occupy. The psychology of the level occurrence: there always those who bought, sold, hesitated to enter or exited early. If the
The Moving Average Slope (MAS) is calculated by detecting the moving average level n-periods ago and comparing it with the current moving average level. This way, the trend of the moving average can be drawn on the moving average line. This indicator allows to compare the slopes of two moving averages (fast and slow) to cancel out noise and provide better quality entry and exit signals SCANNER is included . Now with Scanner you can find trading opportunities and setups easily and faster.
At last! See the actual, oscillating RSI for multiple pairs & multiple timeframes, all on the one chart!
The Benefits of Multi TimeFrame / Multi Pair Analysis Multiple time frame analysis is one of the most important things you should be doing before you take every trade. The most successful traders rely on monitoring several timeframes at once, from the weekly down to the 1 minute. They do this because using only one timeframe causes most traders to become lost in the "noise" of random price
This long-term trading system works on 20 pairs and 1 timeframes. The Expert Advisor uses various trading systems, such as trend trading, countertrend trading and others. This increases the chances of sustained growth and reduces exposure to a single pair or individual operations. The risk is tightly controlled.
The EA has the built-in smart adaptive profit fixing filter. The robot has been optimized for each currency and timeframe simultaneously. It does not need arrival of every tick and h
Expert Advisor for night scalping. It works at the end of the American and at the beginning of the Asian sessions. Working time frame - M15 and M5. The EA features a news filter, which uses a news indicator. NOTE : The settings in the proposed set files are designed for brokers working according to Eastern European Time and New York trading time. When using with a broker that works according to a different time, it is necessary to manually adjust the EA operation time in the input parameters. ND
MMM ADX & SAR strategy: As requested by some experienced traders, this EA's strategy uses its 2 built-in indicators to enhance its signals and decide to open a new order at the right time, there is an ADX indicator and you may choose its signal's strength, a parabolic SAR to help and confirm the trends and a MA to check if the prices are deviating from its pattern. By joining both indicators' data and the moving average, it is possible to calculate a good and strong trend direction, avoiding sud
Some traders experience difficulties when it comes to limiting risks. This indicator helps traders define a suitable stop loss to limit trading risks. The indicator provides seven levels of risk limitation (recommended values are 1-3). The greater the risk, the greater the stop loss. Accordingly, the lower the risk, the smaller the stop loss, but the greater the probability of false triggering. In addition, the indicator shows trend signals and the current trend strength. This data can be used t
BinaryIndicator is a highly accurate indicator for trading binary options. It shows excellent results in scalping. This indicator is based in multifactor analysis of trend indicators, as well as confirmation oscillators, which in the end gives an increased accuracy of signals.
Advantages of the indicator Increased accuracy of signals. Excellent results when trading binary options with a short expiration time from M30 to M1 . It works on any timeframes. Works with any trade symbols.
This oscillator is smooth as the name implies. It also shows hidden divergence arrows. The indicator also has multi timeframe features to make it very flexible to use. The multi time frame features can be adjusted as follows: 1 or M1, 5 or M5, 15 or M15, 30 or M30, 60 or H1, 240 or H4, 1440 or D1, 10080 or W1.
Indicator parameters Timeframe - When set to 0, works on the current timeframe. Draw Divergence arrows - If set to True allows divergence lines to be drawn. Display Alert - If set to Tru
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