
MetaTrader 4のための新しいエキスパートアドバイザーとインディケータ - 181

icon 自動売買ロボットは市場取引を自動的に実行しますが、インジケータを使用すると、相場をより適切に分析し、価格行動を予測できます。 これらのアプリケーションを使用すると、より多くの機会を獲得しながら、より多くの情報に基づいた方法でMetaTrader4で取引を実行できるようになります。
KL scalping is a trading robot  for the trading on forex. This is a complete system with 2 Strategies in 1 EA .   Best offer ONE days from  $ 79   => $65  ,10  Activations Important Information Revealed By  purchasing  this Expert Advisor you are entitled  to receive a free copy  of  KL scalping ! (All future updates included) -> To Receive it, Any Question Contact me by mql5 or email !  Please   This Expert advisor not use velocity or breakout, then we see an high resistance to slippage. K
Positon index is the cyclical index of market trend movement, and Positon's value ranges from 0 to 100. When Positon value is below 10, it means that the market is in extreme decline, the market atmosphere is extremely pessimistic, and the market is about to hit bottom and turn around. When Positon value is above 80, it means that the market is in extreme excitement, the market atmosphere is extremely bullish, the market is about to peak and there is a sharp decline.
How to use this indicator is simple. Please look on pictures. Please use Pending Limit order only. Set Pending order according line, with Take Profit and Stop Loss base on line. example1: Put pending order Sell Limit 1 on the line of Sell Limit 1 and Take Profit on Take Profit 1 line, Stop Loss on Stop Loss line...skip... example2: Put pending order Sell Limit 5 on the line of Sell Limit 5 and Take Profit on Take Profit 3,4,5 line, Stop Loss on Stop Loss line. and do to opposite buy limit
This is indicator for checking your trades. Please see the pictures attachment, the indicator show info about: - Breakeven Level; - Margin Call Level; - Two volume info, past and current (With color exchange base on the past volume); - Spreads; - Swap Long and Swap Short (With color change, positive and negative swap); - Running Price; -Today High Low Pips; - Today Open to Current Running Price pips. This indicator not for trading entry, only to assist your trade management Regards
Индикатор изначально предназначался для торгового робота который в дальнейшем опубликуется. Рисует на графике флет. То-есть покой тренда. Очень отчетливо выражает флет по параметрам по умолчанию. flateWigth - допустимая ширина или разница между барами по которому индикатор будет засчитывать  флет. Индикатор работает в реальном времени. Для наглядного просмотра работы можно запустить в тестере.  
Индикатор рисует на графике фрактал, и в чем отличие между обычным фракталом? спросите вы. Ответ таково,_ после формирования второго бара фрактал рисуется и не удаляется в отличие от обычного. Данный индикатор создан в целях расширения Торгового робота. Она составляет одним из важнейших частью робота. Таким как выход из торгов. У индикатора нет входных параметров.
This is a combination of 3 customized indicators, to make chart clean, we only showing up or down arrows. This gives good result in 1 hour and above time frames. In one hour chart, please set sl around 50 pips. Once price moves into your direction, it would be good to trail your sl by 30 to 50 pips  to get more profit as this indicator kinda trend follower. In four hour chart, set ls around 100 pips. Works in all major pairs and winning ration is around 70 % based on back test in mt4.
AW Gold Trend Trading EA
AW Trading Software Limited
3.4 (5)
アクティブな戦略と高度な平均化システムを備えた完全に自動化されたトレンドEA。注文は、信号のセキュリティを強化するためにオシレーターを使用するトレンドフィルターに従って開かれます。シンプルで明確なセットアップがあります。 EAはあらゆる機器や時間枠での使用に適しています 利点: 手動注文を追加する機能を備えた自動システム 調整可能なオーバーラップ回復アルゴリズム 一方向または両方向に取引する能力 反対方向に移動するときに平均化を使用します プラグ可能な自動ボリューム計算 トレンドインジケーターの時間枠を調整する すべてのタイプの通知を送信する組み込み機能 MT5 version ->  HERE  / Problem solving ->   HERE 入力変数: MAIN SETTING Size of the first order - Volume of orders to open Enable Autolot calculation - Use automatic lot calculation. Autolot allows you to save risk settin
損益分岐点レベルを自動的に設定するためのユーティリティで、指定された距離を通過するときに取引を損益分岐点に転送します。リスクを最小限に抑えることができます。トレーダーのためにプロのトレーダーによって作成されました。ユーティリティは、トレーダーが手動で、またはアドバイザーを使用して開いたすべての成行注文で機能します。魔法数で取引をフィルタリングできます。ユーティリティは、同時に任意の数の注文を処理できます。 MT5バージョン ユーティリティでできること: 1ピップから仮想ブレークイーブンレベルを設定 損益分岐点の実際のレベルを設定する 各注文を個別に処理します(ブレークイーブンレベルは注文ごとに個別に設定されます) 一方向注文のバスケットで作業します(損益分岐レベルはすべての注文に共通に設定され、購入と販売は別々に設定されます) 双方向注文のバスケットを操作します(ブレークイーブンレベルはすべての注文に共通に設定されており、一緒に購入と販売を行います) テストと作業には、チャートのボタ
Luma EA 5D
Marco Antonio Lago De Jesus Pereira
Luma EA 5D このEAを使用すると、構成の可能性が多くなります。 このEAは一度に1つの操作しか開かないため、小規模なアカウントや注文をより細かく制御したい場合に最適です。つまり、現在の操作が終了した後にのみ別の操作を開きます。 5つのカスタマイズ可能なパラメーターがあり、多くの複雑さはありません。 このEAは、これが何であるか、各パラメーターが何をするかを正確に把握し、一貫した歩留まりを達成するために、良好な歩留まりを達成するための理想的な構成を見つけるためのより単純なものを探している人にとって理想的です。 私はいくつかの通貨でテストしました、そしてそれらのすべてで彼は利益を上げることができます。 戦略アナライザーを自由に使用して、戦略と初期投資に応じて、使用する通貨に最適な設定を見つけてください。 パラメーター: StartHour  - パターンを探す時間帯。 TakeProfit  - ピップで利益を取る距離。 StopLoss  - ピップ単位のストップロス距離。 Lots  - EAトランザクションの量。 貪欲にならないでください。 MA_Period  -
Luma EA 4D
Marco Antonio Lago De Jesus Pereira
Luma EA 4D このEAを使用すると、構成の可能性が多くなります。 このEAは一度に1つの操作しか開かないため、小規模なアカウントや注文をより細かく制御したい場合に最適です。つまり、現在の操作が終了した後にのみ別の操作を開きます。 5つのカスタマイズ可能なパラメーターがあり、多くの複雑さはありません。 このEAは、これが何であるか、各パラメーターが何をするかを正確に把握し、一貫した歩留まりを達成するために、良好な歩留まりを達成するための理想的な構成を見つけるためのより単純なものを探している人にとって理想的です。 私はいくつかの通貨でテストしました、そしてそれらのすべてで彼は利益を上げることができます。 戦略アナライザーを自由に使用して、戦略と初期投資に応じて、使用する通貨に最適な設定を見つけてください。 パラメーター: StartHour  - パターンを探す時間帯。 TakeProfit  - ピップで利益を取る距離。 StopLoss  - ピップ単位のストップロス距離。 Lots  - EAトランザクションの量。 貪欲にならないでください。 MA_Period   Expert Advisorを使用すると、トップPAMMアカウントに移動できます。 5つの指標に基づく著者の取引システム。 さらに、グリッドは収益性を高めるために使用されます。 EAは、ロットとテイクに応じて取引します保守的な(月額10-20%)から積極的なモード(月額+200%)までの設定を適しています。 それは週あたり40-60%の成長を示しています。 月額200-240%! 10通貨ペアで取引します。 2000年から30組でテストされ、実際のアカウント監視のトップ10を参照してください。 ロットサイズ0.01ドルあたり100。 加速。 月収200-240%! ロット0.01のために$300. アクティブな成長、預金の約20%のドローダウン。 月収は50-60%! ロットサイズは0.01ドルあたり1000です。 成長、預金のドローダウン5-7%。 月収10-20%! 注:expert Advisorは平均化を使用し、デポジットが失われる可能性がありま
NewFx EA
Marco Antonio Lago De Jesus Pereira
NewFx EA このEAを使用すると、構成の可能性が多くなります。 小規模なアカウントや、注文をより細かく管理したい人に最適です。 12のカスタマイズ可能なパラメーターがあり、多くの複雑さはありません。 私はいくつかの通貨でテストしました、そしてそれらのすべてで彼は利益を上げることができます。 戦略アナライザーを自由に使用して、戦略と初期投資に応じて、使用する通貨に最適な設定を見つけてください。 パラメーター: StartHour  - パターンを探す時間帯。 MinPipLimit  - 取引シグナルをトリガーするために、その日の開始以降に価格が移動しなければならないピップ単位の最小距離。 TakeProfit - ピップ単位のtakeprofit距離。 StopLoss - ピップ単位のストップロスの距離。 ロット - EAトランザクションの量。貪欲にならないでください。 UseMAFilter - はい/いいえEAに移動平均フィルターを使用する/使用しないように指示するフラグ。 MA_Period - NewFxEAによって使用される移動平均の期間。 Magic - 同
EAは、計算されたロットで取引をすばやく開閉する必要があるダフ屋やトレーダーのために作成されました。 Expert Advisorを使用して、ストラテジーテスターで履歴に関するスキルを訓練することもできます。 ボタンおよび情報提供者は図表の少しスペースをとり、8つの図表が開いていても、干渉しない。 Expert Advisorは、指定されたStopLossからロットを預金の%として計算し、"買い"と"売り"ボタンを使用して対応する注文を開きます。 未決注文のTakeProfitおよびStopLossを変更します。 StopLossを損失無しに変換します。 "閉じる"ボタンは、シンボル(_Symbol)によってすべての注文を閉じます。 右上隅には、スプレッドインフォーマー。 左上隅には、情報提供者が示しています:セットStopLoss、%と預金通貨でのリスク、計算されたまたは最小ロット。 設定では、変更することができます: mmをオフにしたときのTakeProfit、StopLoss、BU(損失なし)、Magic、Slipage、Lotの値。 M
パラメータなし リスク指数: 収益指数: この製品はマーティンのようなシステムに属しています。ランダム因子を加えて、毎日のプログラムで1ポイントの収益を見積もっています。 次の日の手の数はそれなりに大きくなります。テスト中に1000ドルを使ってベースとして走り始めました。効果は2ヶ月で倍になります。 成長は明らかで、撤退はしばらく安定しています。全体の概念ではリスクと利益は同じ大きさです。 しかし、そのため、収益の安定性が高いです。 実盤口座は近いうちにオンラインします。その時にはこの紹介の中で発表します。 暖かいヒント: 1,本製品の現在のバージョンはアカウント全体の操作にしか適合していません。使用可能保証金の概念が設定されていません。使用する時はまず本を読んで紹介してください。また状況に合わせて使用します。 2,この制品は一部のランダム因子を添加していますので、大体の確率が狂っています。 注文書を見たら何回も繰り返し測定して出したのと違って、正常な現象です。 ありがとうございます。 以上のご意見をいただき、より良いアップグレード商品の更新をお手伝いします。
Vladimir Khlystov
The main task of the expert Advisor is to reduce the drawdown and close all orders that are opened by other expert advisors or manually. But it also added the functions of regular trading, so now the expert Advisor can be used as the main tool for earning money. The principle behind its strategy: All the actions performed by the Expert Advisor are controlled by built-in trend indicators, but, as practice has shown, many users disable these indicators to accelerate a process of “settlement” (
Unexpected Decision is a trend indicator that uses an original calculation algorithm. This is a new product that allows you to identify the current market phase (uptrend, downtrend or flat). The indicator is applicable for any data and periods. The middle of the trend wave, as well as the edges, are places of special heat and market behavior; when writing the indicator, an attempt was made to implement precisely finding the middle. This indicator paints arrows in different colors depending on th
Description SuperCCI is an indicator based on the standard CCI indicator. It identifies and displays convergences/divergences in the market and forms the corresponding entry points. Also, using the trading channel index, it determines the direction of the trend and displays the levels of support and resistance . Features Not repaint. Shows entry points. Shows the direction of the current trend and support/resistance levels. Has notifications. Recommendations Use convergence/divergence to
Ea with indicators M A C D (Moving Averages Convergence/Divergence).  ONLY 1 COPIES OUT OF 5 LEFT AT $ 499! After that, the price will be raised to $ 999. LIVE SIGNAL and EA STRATEGY ⤵⤵⤵   PARAMETER SETTING EA ⤵⤵⤵ The advantages of Ea MACD VERSION are:  =>. With Ea MACD VERSION, even if you float hundreds of PIPs, you can still profit if Target_lock_Profit is reached and will close
Ea with RSI and CCI Indicators. ONLY 2 COPIES OUT OF 5 LEFT AT $ 499! After that, the price will be raised to $ 999. If your download EA Please reviews or comment for improvement,Thank's. LIVE SIGNAL and EA STRATEGY ⤵⤵⤵   PARAMETER SETTING EA ⤵⤵⤵ The advantages of Ea RSI and CCI VERSION are:   :+:. You can use the Martingale strategy (set 1 = Off).   :+:. With Ea RSI and CCI, even if
Ea with Indicators CCI (Commodity Channel Index). ONLY 1 COPIES OUT OF 5 LEFT AT $ 499! After that, the price will be raised to $ 999. -  If your download EA Please reviews or comment for improvement,Thank's. -  You can backtest it on a demo, if you want, please order the paid version. LIVE SIGNAL and EA STRATEGY ⤵⤵⤵   PARAMETER SETTING EA ⤵⤵⤵ The advantages of Ea CCI VERSION are: 
Ea with indicators stochastic. *** NEW VERSION WITH INDICATOR SETTING TO ON or OFF and MULTI TIMEFRAME ***   ATTENTION !!! - In the backtest, you cannot use multi time frames because there is only one time frame available. - For accurate results it is better to use a cent account with a 1 month rental period. ONLY 2 COPIES OUT OF 5 LEFT AT $ 499! After that, the price will be raised to $ 999. ==>   that every forex broker has different spreads and each currency has a different character, so w
Ea with Indicators ICHIMOKU ONLY 1 COPIES OUT OF 5 LEFT AT $ 499! After that, the price will be raised to $ 999. LIVE SIGNAL and EA STRATEGY ⤵⤵⤵   PARAMETER SETTING EA ⤵⤵⤵ SETTING EA ICHIMOKU VERSION: ##>, Setting_ICHIMOKU VERSION= "--- ( Setting Strategy Ichimoku ) ---";             ##>, Tenkan_sen=9;             ##>, Kijun_sen=26;             ##>, Senkou_span=52; ##>, EA_Indica
This Robot Ea with indicators ADX. ONLY 1 COPIES OUT OF 5 LEFT AT $ 499! After that, the price will be raised to $ 999. LIVE SIGNAL and EA STRATEGY ⤵⤵⤵    PARAMETER SETTING EA ⤵⤵⤵ SETTING EA ADX VERSION: ++>, Setting_ADX VERSION= "------- ( Setting Strategy ADX ) -------";         >>period_ADX=28; ++>, EA_Indicators=1. ADX VERSION ++>,  Setting Martingale="------- ( MARTINGALE [open 1=disable]
The Robot Ea with Indicators ALLIGATOR. ONLY 2 COPIES OUT OF 5 LEFT AT $ 499! After that, the price will be raised to $ 999. LIVE SIGNAL and EA STRATEGY ⤵⤵⤵   PARAMETER SETTING EA ⤵⤵⤵ PARAMETERS SETTING EA ALLIGATOR VERSION: (::), AlliggatorMODE  = 2; // 0=SMA,1=EMA,2=SSMA,3=LWMA      --> jaw_period=13;      --> jaw_shift=8;      --> teeth_period=8;      --> teeth_shift=5;      --> l
The Expert Advisor is designed to protect the account, fix profit (loss) and display current information about the account. Trading account protection is carried out by closing all open orders in the terminal and/or closing all charts. When running the Expert Advisor with default parameters, it will only display your account information and will be reduced in size. Next, you can set the conditions under which your trading account will be protected. Profit and loss limits can be set for daily pro
Trend PRO Expert Advisor  is developed base on the PipFinite Trend PRO Indicator, the best indicators on the market so far. PipFinite  Trend Pro's smart algorithm detects the trend, filters out market noise and gives entry signals with exit levels.  This EA open order when the indicator has buy/sell signals and set SL/TP follow the indicator rules. You can read more information about PipFinite Trend PRO indicator  here . Important Information   This EA will only work if you purchased  PipFin
Space X    it is a Secure Automated Software for trade Forex market and indices. The architecture is a Fully Automatic Autonomous Robot Expert capable of independently analyzing the market and making trading decisions        Space X   It is an advanced and professional trading system. This is a FULL configurable system.     Space X       is a professional system, Ready to personalized your profile.                                         You can download the demo and test it yourself.
Fibonacci theft   is an ultrascalping system that uses Fibonacci levels to launch a scalping system that allows   theft     a few pips from the market. This system allows the use of fibonacci levels, predetermined levels or a level chosen by the user. It also presents the option of using or not volume and impulse filters. Being a very aggressive scalping system, it should only be used in pairs with a low spread and low commissions. This system is suitable for small accounts and can be used wi
Nothing not even the market can escape a black hole and its event horizon. This system detects the event horizon of the market and bets that the black hole will prevent the price from crossing it. The system is not interested in what is inside or outside the black hole, only in its event horizon, where price cannot escape the dictatorship of the gravity of its black hole. Being a very aggressive scalping system, it should only be used in pairs with a low spread and low commissions. This s
Pattern Trader No Repaint Indicator MT5 Version of the indicator: Advanced Chart Patterns Tracker MT4: I ndicator searches for 123 Pattern, 1234 Pattern, Double Top, Double Bottom Patterns , Head and Shoulders, Inverse Head and Shoulders and ZigZag 1.618 Pattern. Pattern Trader indicator uses Zig Zag Indicator and Improved Fractals to determine the patterns. Targets and Stop Loss Levels are defined
Hello Traders! Version 3.0 of the script has been released!  What's new?  Thanks to your suggestions I have inserted these changes to the tool: 1 - Data input are now date picker, it will be easier and faster to set the data export period; 2 - A message box will check that there is not a file with the same name in your folder; 3 - Error message to check that data insert are correct. If you like this product, take a look to the FULL INTERFACE!   MT4 To Excel Interface This script is a very use
The FixatorEF expert system works with ticks, on any type of account, both netting and hedging. For the internal algorithm, the elementary unit of analysis is a tick, not a bar. Works with 5-digit quotes. Requotes are critical; you need a broker with minimal execution delays. Settings Magic - Sets the magic number. Lot - Sets the lot size for entering the market (priority is higher than that of the Risk field). Risk - Calculates a lot depending on the deposit. Spread - Limits the spread (at w
Milch Cow Scalping-5M EA "is a tool designed to put in your hands the technical analysis tools for most indicators and  5 strategies for 28 pairs of currencies in one chart for  scalp trading  at 5 minute frame  It is also designed to enable you to trade manually and automatically The chart shows the following :- All the immediate changes of 28 pairs of currencies for all time periods (M1, M5, M15, M30, H1, H4, D1, W1 ) , Number of points and colors  , The green color for up and red color fo
Time your Entry and Exits with Average True Range (ATR) Trailing Stops ATR Trailing Stops are primarily used to protect capital and lock in profits on individual trades but they can also be used, in conjunction with a trend filter, to signal entries. The indicator will help make your calculation of stop loss easier as it will be visually aiding you in choosing where to put your stoploss level on the chart by calculating the current value of ATR indicator. For those who are unfamiliar with ATR, i
The Your Chance indicator studies price action as a collection of price and time vectors, and uses the average vector to determine the direction and strength of the market. It also estimates the market trend based on rough measurements of price movement. This indicator is confirming and can be especially useful for traders looking for price movements. This indicator highlights the direction and strength of the market and can be used to trade price fluctuations.
EA "MA Line" with martingale feature To see how EA works, please watch the video below.  In the video, I perform parameter optimization and do a backtest. The parameters that are optimized are: - MA Period - Stop Loss - Take Profit For the future, I will try to optimize and test EA, especially the expert advisors in the mql5 community. hopefully it can be useful for colleagues in the mql5 community.
The indicator is designed for trading binary options on small timeframes up to 15 m Easy to use does not need additional settings and can be used without additional filters Recommendations for trading When a signal appears (blue arrows pointing up), you need to consider the buy direction When a signal appears (the red line indicates the bottom), you need to consider the direction to sell To conclude a deal is on the candle where the signal for one candle came, if the signal turned out to be unpr
Hedge Edit sfrutta la tecnica dell’hedging gestendo simultaneamente posizioni Buy e Sell, grazie alla elaborazione del lotto impostato nell’input Lots multiplier applica una strategia di recupero alle successive posizioni che verranno aperte in base al valore impostato nell’input Step Grid Points e mantiene il take profit impostato nell’input Take Profit Points di entrambi sempre raggiungibili dal prezzo prezzo attuale di mercato. La ricezione del segnale di entrata è elaborata dalla chiusura d
The USDIndex is the USD dollar index, which is integrated for the seven currencies of AUDUSD, EURUSD, GBPUSD, NZDUSD, USDCAD, USDCHF and USDJPY.  Through this index, the direction of USD overall trend can be intuitively understood.  The USDIndex works better with other indexes in combination. For example, the combination of USDIndex and AUDIndex can directly reflect the trend of currency AUDUSD.  It is easy to understand that the currency AUDUSD is split into two indices, one is the USDIndex and
The CHFIndex is the Swiss franc index, which is integrated for the seven currencies of AUDCHF, CADCHF, EURCHF, GBPCHF, NZDCHF, USDCHF and CHFJPY.  Through this index, the direction of CHF overall trend can be intuitively understood.  The CHFIndex works better with other indexes in combination. For example, the combination of CHFIndex and JPYIndex can directly reflect the trend of currency CHFJPY.  It is easy to understand that the currency CHFJPY is split into two indices, one is the CHFIndex an
The CADIndex is the Canadian dollar index, which is integrated for the seven currencies of AUDCAD, EURCAD, GBPCAD, NZDCAD, USDCAD, CADCHF and CADJPY.  Through this index, the direction of CAD overall trend can be intuitively understood.  The CADIndex works better with other indexes in combination. For example, the combination of CADIndex and EURIndex can directly reflect the trend of currency EURCAD.  It is easy to understand that the currency EURCAD is split into two indices, one is the CADInde
The EURIndex is the Europe dollar index, which is integrated for the seven currencies of EURAUD, EURCAD, EURCHF, EURGBP, EURJPY, EURNZD and EURUSD.  Through this index, the direction of EUR overall trend can be intuitively understood.  The EURIndex works better with other indexes in combination. For example, the combination of EURIndex and CHFIndex can directly reflect the trend of currency EURCHF.  It is easy to understand that the currency EURCHF is split into two indices, one is the EURIndex
The GBPIndex is the Pound index, which is integrated for the seven currencies of GBPAUD, GBPCAD, GBPCHF, GBPJPY, GBPNZD, GBPUSD and EURGBP.  Through this index, the direction of USD overall trend can be intuitively understood.  The GBPIndex works better with other indexes in combination. For example, the combination of GBPIndex and NZDIndex can directly reflect the trend of currency GBPNZD.  It is easy to understand that the currency GBPNZD is split into two indices, one is the GBPIndex and the
The NZDIndex is the Pound index, which is integrated for the seven currencies of AUDNZD, EURNZD, GBPNZD, NZDCAD, NZDCHF, NZDJPY and NZDUSD.  Through this index, the direction of USD overall trend can be intuitively understood.  The NZDIndex works better with other indexes in combination. For example, the combination of NZDIndex and GBPIndex can directly reflect the trend of currency GBPNZD.  It is easy to understand that the currency GBPNZD is split into two indices, one is the NZDIndex and the
The EA opens trades using the indicator's graphical arrows. If the indicator needle does not have a binding buffers, it is possible to test this indicator with the help of dagnogo adviser. Specify the arrow codes in the parameters and the EA will trade on them. You can find out the arrow codes by opening the arrow properties. following values are set by default: 225; //Up arrow code 226; //Down arrow code
Do you want to see the future lines of the ZigZag indicator? This indicator will help you do that because the indicator model is based on two indicators:   Historical Memory   and ZigZag. So it can forecast the ZigZag lines. Very useful as an assistant, acts as a key point to forecast the future price movement. The forecast is made using the method of searching the most similar part in the history (pattern)   to the current one.  The indicator is drawn as a line that shows the result of change o
Vladislav Filippov
HyperLook is a completely automated trading advisor that works primarily on a 30 minute timeframe. The Expert Advisor has a special scalping algorithm based on the synthesis of fast and slow stochastic oscillators, wave chart structuring using MACD and a special neurosystem macro that allows the Expert Advisor to learn precedently. The advisor's settings are based on a safe trading strategy, the essence of which is to close a deal, upon reaching a positive dynamism of profitability of several po
Vladislav Filippov
For the EA to work correctly, do not forget to upload the files to the terminal directory (... AppData \ Roaming \ MetaQuotes \ Terminal \ Common \ Files) NeuralLink is a new model of a fully automated trading neuro-system using an active neuro-scalping strategy. This system, in the basis of which a specialized neural network is integrated, is capable of continuous learning, transforming the chaotic realities of the market into a specific system, which allows improving the quality of opened t
Vladislav Filippov
Anticorona is a trading Expert Advisor that works on the H1 timeframe. The advisor's settings are based on a safe trading strategy, the essence of which is to close a deal, upon reaching a positive dynamism of profitability of several points, which allows the user to reduce the costs of opening unprofitable deals. The Expert Advisor contains special software functions and macros that help to achieve positive dynamics of transactions. Anticorona does not use the martingale strategy and other ins
Convenient trading panel for quick trading. Suitable for any trading instrument. Capabilities Data entry is possible both in the corresponding fields of the panel and in the properties of the utility; Implemented the ability to enable trailing stop (if 0 - it does not work); Buttons for quickly opening buy or sell trades; Buttons for closing buy and sell separately; Button to close all deals at the current price. Settings: Buy Lot - Trading lot for a buy deal; Sell ​​Lot - Trading lot for a s
Expert Advisor to Automatically Trade Moving Averages price breakouts & retests .  ​ Complete trading solution with automated Entry , Take Profit , partial profit , Stoploss and also auto breakeven where SL is moved to Entry once tp1 / first target is reached , Moving averages are used to identify trends and confirm reversals ,  They are effective in all time frames . from 1 min scalping to 4hr or Daily charts swings ,  ​ With MA Trade Panel EA we can automatically buy / sell when price breaks
The Supertrend indicator available on the MQL5 Market for MetaTrader 4 is an exceptional tool for traders seeking to identify prevailing trends in specific trading instruments. This indicator boasts two built-in indicators, Average True Range and Standard Deviation, allowing traders to choose the most suitable indicator based on their preferred trading strategy. Additionally, users can customize the period of these indicators and select the price (Close, High, Low, Open, Weighted) to which it s
Asa Manual Grid Buy Sell with UI is made for Grid trading when orders are placed above and below a set price, creating a grid of orders at incrementally increasing and decreasing prices. Main Features Ability to set buy grid with 3 maximum orders. (200 in full version) Ability to set sell grid with 3 maximum orders. (200 in full version) Easy to use with simple interface. Have 2 mode of Take Profit and 1 for Stop Loss. Real time information for the current open positions and calculate a
Asa Manual Grid Buy Sell with UI is made for Grid trading when orders are placed above and below a set price, creating a grid of orders at incrementally increasing and decreasing prices. Main Features Ability to set buy grid with 200 maximum orders. Ability to set sell grid with 200 maximum orders. Easy to use with simple interface. Have 2 mode of Take Profit and 1 for Stop Loss. Real time information for the current open positions and calculate average sum of order price. How to use S
The JPYIndex is the YEN index, which is integrated for the seven currencies of AUDJPY, CADJPY, CHFJPY, EURJPY, GBPJPY, NZDJPY and USDJPY.   The JPY Index works better with other indexes in combination. For example, the combination of JPYIndex and AUDIndex can directly reflect the trend of currency AUDJPY.   It is easy to understand that the currency AUDJPY is split into two indices, one is the JPYIndex and the other is the AUDIndex.   Through the analysis, it can be intuitively found that, in a
This EA has been developed, tested and traded live for DAX (DE30) M30 TF. Everything is ready for immediate use on real account. Very SIMPLE STRATEGY with only FEW PARAMETERS.  Strategy is based on  KELTNER CHANNEL  breakout.   It enters if volatility raise after some time of consolidation .  It uses  STOP   pending orders with  ATR STOP LOSS and FIXED TAKE PROFIT.   To catch more profits there is also a  TRAILING PROFIT  function in the strategy.  EA has been backtested on more than 5-year lon
Wolseley Panel MT4 FREE
Walter Wolseley Pessoa Batista De Lima
WOLSELEY's Trading Panel - BASIC - - Feel free to contact me at instagram   @walter_robos  or whatsapp/telegram +5592981173937 View your history in a structured and detailed manner, with efficiency rate and profit rate separated by day, week, month and total, as well as asset details, server time and positions&orders in progress. This panel was created looking on HEDGE-type accounts, but it can be used on NETTING-type accounts without any problems. In the PREMIUM version of this Panel you have
Kouassi Antoine Afflambe
Trade24 for MT4   Trade24 is arguably the most powerful expert advisor in manual trading.   With our tool, open your orders in record time (50 times faster).   This is why our users call it the "scalper tool".   Key features of the panel It works perfectly on all trading asset Trade24 calculate the exact lot size for your trade according to the stop loss size and your available account equity   Trade24 has the ability to schedule your future trades with the "Scedulled" function   Set Stop Loss
FXC iDeM-DivergencE MT4 Indicator This is an advanced DeMarker indicator that finds trend-turn divergences on the current symbol. The indicator detects divergence between the DeMarker and the price movements as a strong trend-turn pattern. Main features: Advanced divergence settings Price based on Close, Open or High/Low prices Give Buy/Sell open signals PUSH notifications E-mail sending Pop-up alert Customizeable Information panel Input parameters: DeM Period: The Period size of the DeMarke
Systematic is an automated trading system that uses a price action to open and close trades. Could be used for everyday trading. Doesn't use grid, martingale or other dangerous money management methods. Perfect fit for Cryptocurrencies as well. Best fit on 30M timeframe. Recommended Minimum deposit  of 100 usd for each 0.01 lot Settings EA Order_Comment - Order comment Lots- Fixed lot StopLoss TakeProfit TrailingStop Channel Parameter -------------- PM ME AFTER BUYING THE EA TO SEND YOU THE OPT
Magic M2
Tuan Anh Dao
4.5 (8)
------ GOOD LUCK   -----   (Telegram: @MagicBinary) The indicator allows you to trade binary options. T his indicator give high winning ratio with over 20 years of backtesting  The recommended time frame is М1 and the expiration time is 3, 5 minutes. The indicator suitable for Auto and Manual trading. A possible signal is specified as a arrows above/under a candle. You can entry current candle /intrabar or can wait until candle close Arrows are not re-painted Trade sessions: Any/ Re
FXC iCCI-DivergencE MT4 Indicator This is an advanced CCI indicator that finds trend-turn divergences on the current symbol. The indicator detects divergence between the CCI and the price movements as a strong trend-turn pattern. Main features: Advanced divergence settings Price based on Close, Open or High/Low prices Give Buy/Sell open signals PUSH notifications E-mail sending Pop-up alert Customizeable Information panel Input parameters: CCI Period: The Period size of the CCI indicator. C
ITS FREE I Recommend  as a great broker and the one I personally use Asia session 1:00 to 9:00 (6pm est to 2 am est) Eur means London Session 10:00 to 18:00 (3 am est to 11 am est) USA means New York Session 15:00 to 23:00 (8 am est to 4 pm est) Session indicator highlights the start of each trading session. You can show all sessions or edit the settings to only show the hours you want highlighted  (Asia) means Asian Session ,(Eur)  means London Session , (USA) means New
DESCRIPTION 3 Bar Break is based on one of Linda Bradford Raschke's trading methods that I have noticed is good at spotting potential future price volatility. It looks for when the previous bar's High is less than the 3rd bar's High as well as the previous bar's Low to be higher than the 3rd bar's Low. It then predicts the market might breakout to new levels within 2-3 of the next coming bars. Must also be traded during the active hours of the market you want to trade. EG EURUSD 7am - 5pm This
Time to Trade Trading timing indicator is based on market volatility through 2 ATR indicators to determine the timing of a transaction. The indicator determines the times when the market has strong volatility in trend. When histogram is greater than 0 (blue) is a strong market, when histogram is less than 0 (yellow) is a weak market. Should only trade within histograms greater than 0. Based on the histogram chart, the first histogram value is greater than 0 and the second histogram appears, this
EA Fantom
Rahul Kumar Trivedi
1 (1)
EA is based on Parabolic SAR and MACD indicator.  if there are loss EA try to recover loss and fix position by placing another bigger order( factor multipler) after grid gap. if there is profit it waits to optimize profit.    Suitable for Beginners No complex settings Just use EURUSD M5 time frame YOU CAN CONTACT ME FOR OPTIMIZATION Please leave the comment your like or dislike I will be happy to answer all kind of query related to this product... I advise you to please check my ot
Telegram BrealOut Ichimoku Lite The Expert Advisor will help you forward all alert from  MetaTrader 4 to Telegram channel Parameters Channel Name - Name of your channel Token   - create bot on Telegram and get token. AlertonTelegram - true to activate AlertonMobile - true to activate AlertonEmail - true to activate Customize moku Setting (Pro Version) Customize Comment (Pro Version) Add Customizable Signal Name(Pro Version) Important Note - You must allow WebRequest and add the     https
This Expert Advisor Give Us Notification on MT4 Mobile Aplication if CAndle break throught the kumo aka senkou span A/B You can put your ichimoku cloud setting at your desire How to Setup Notification please read this This is an Expert Advisor just put on Experts on your MT4

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