import MetaTrader5 as mt5 import pandas as pd from scipy.stats import pearsonr from statsmodels.tsa.stattools import coint import numpy as np # Conectar con MetaTrader 5 if not mt5.initialize(): print("No se pudo inicializar MT5") mt5.shutdown() # Obtener la lista de símbolos symbols = mt5.symbols_get() symbols = [s.name for s in symbols if s.name.startswith('EUR') or s.name.startswith('USD') or s.name.endswith('USD')] # Filtrar símbolos por ejemplo # Descargar datos históricos y almacenar en un diccionario data = {} for symbol in symbols: rates = mt5.copy_rates_from_pos(symbol, mt5.TIMEFRAME_D1, 0, 365) # Último año, diario if rates is not None: df = pd.DataFrame(rates) df['time'] = pd.to_datetime(df['time'], unit='s') data[symbol] = df.set_index('time')['close'] # Cerrar la conexión con MT5 mt5.shutdown() # Calcular el coeficiente de Pearson y probar la cointegración para cada par de símbolos cointegrated_pairs = [] for i in range(len(symbols)): for j in range(i + 1, len(symbols)): if symbols[i] in data and symbols[j] in data: common_index = data[symbols[i]].index.intersection(data[symbols[j]].index) if len(common_index) > 30: # Asegurarse de que hay suficientes puntos de datos corr, _ = pearsonr(data[symbols[i]][common_index], data[symbols[j]][common_index]) if abs(corr) > 0.8: # Correlación fuerte score, p_value, _ = coint(data[symbols[i]][common_index], data[symbols[j]][common_index]) if p_value < 0.05: # P-valor menor que 0.05 cointegrated_pairs.append((symbols[i], symbols[j], corr, p_value)) # Filtrar y mostrar solo los pares cointegrados con p-valor menor de 0.05 print(f'Total de pares con fuerte correlación y cointegrados: {len(cointegrated_pairs)}') for sym1, sym2, corr, p_val in cointegrated_pairs: print(f'{sym1} - {sym2}: Correlación={corr:.4f}, P-valor de Cointegración={p_val:.4f}')
Total de pares con fuerte correlación y cointegrados: 54 EURUSD - USDBGN: Correlación=-0.9957, P-valor de Cointegración=0.0000 EURUSD - USDHRK: Correlación=-0.9972, P-valor de Cointegración=0.0000 GBPUSD - USDPLN: Correlación=-0.8633, P-valor de Cointegración=0.0406 GBPUSD - GBXUSD: Correlación=0.9998, P-valor de Cointegración=0.0000 GBPUSD - EURSGD: Correlación=0.8061, P-valor de Cointegración=0.0191 USDCHF - EURCHF: Correlación=0.8324, P-valor de Cointegración=0.0356 USDJPY - EURDKK: Correlación=0.8338, P-valor de Cointegración=0.0200 USDJPY - USDTHB: Correlación=0.9012, P-valor de Cointegración=0.0330 AUDUSD - USDCNH: Correlación=-0.8074, P-valor de Cointegración=0.0390 EURCHF - USDKES: Correlación=-0.9104, P-valor de Cointegración=0.0048 EURJPY - EURRON: Correlación=0.8177, P-valor de Cointegración=0.0333 EURJPY - USDCOP: Correlación=-0.9361, P-valor de Cointegración=0.0125 EURJPY - USDLAK: Correlación=0.9508, P-valor de Cointegración=0.0410 EURJPY - EURDKK: Correlación=0.8525, P-valor de Cointegración=0.0136 EURJPY - EURMXN: Correlación=-0.8785, P-valor de Cointegración=0.0172 EURJPY - USDTRY: Correlación=0.9564, P-valor de Cointegración=0.0102 EURNZD - NZDUSD: Correlación=-0.8505, P-valor de Cointegración=0.0455 EURNZD - EURDKK: Correlación=0.8242, P-valor de Cointegración=0.0017 EURCZK - USDCLP: Correlación=0.9655, P-valor de Cointegración=0.0001 USDCLP - USDCZK: Correlación=0.8972, P-valor de Cointegración=0.0147 USDCLP - USDARS: Correlación=0.8077, P-valor de Cointegración=0.0231 USDCLP - USDIDR: Correlación=0.8569, P-valor de Cointegración=0.0423 USDCLP - USDNGN: Correlación=0.8468, P-valor de Cointegración=0.0436 USDCLP - USDVND: Correlación=0.9021, P-valor de Cointegración=0.0194 USDCZK - USDIDR: Correlación=0.9005, P-valor de Cointegración=0.0086 USDCZK - USDVND: Correlación=0.8306, P-valor de Cointegración=0.0195 USDMXN - USDCOP: Correlación=0.8686, P-valor de Cointegración=0.0286 USDMXN - EURMXN: Correlación=0.9522, P-valor de Cointegración=0.0328 NZDUSD - USDSGD: Correlación=-0.8145, P-valor de Cointegración=0.0097 NZDUSD - USDTHB: Correlación=-0.8094, P-valor de Cointegración=0.0255 ADAUSD - KSMUSD: Correlación=0.9429, P-valor de Cointegración=0.0071 ALGUSD - LNKUSD: Correlación=0.8038, P-valor de Cointegración=0.0454 ATMUSD - MTCUSD: Correlación=0.9423, P-valor de Cointegración=0.0146 BTCUSD - SOLUSD: Correlación=0.9736, P-valor de Cointegración=0.0112 DGEUSD - GLDUSD: Correlación=0.8933, P-valor de Cointegración=0.0136 DGEUSD - USDGHS: Correlación=0.8562, P-valor de Cointegración=0.0101 EOSUSD - UNIUSD: Correlación=0.8176, P-valor de Cointegración=0.0051 ETCUSD - ETHUSD: Correlación=0.9745, P-valor de Cointegración=0.0009 ETCUSD - SOLUSD: Correlación=0.9206, P-valor de Cointegración=0.0093 ETCUSD - UNIUSD: Correlación=0.9236, P-valor de Cointegración=0.0249 ETHUSD - SOLUSD: Correlación=0.9430, P-valor de Cointegración=0.0074 UNIUSD - USDNGN: Correlación=0.8074, P-valor de Cointegración=0.0195 EURNOK - USDNOK: Correlación=0.9065, P-valor de Cointegración=0.0430 EURRON - USDCOP: Correlación=-0.8010, P-valor de Cointegración=0.0097 EURRON - USDCRC: Correlación=-0.8015, P-valor de Cointegración=0.0159 EURRON - USDLAK: Correlación=0.8364, P-valor de Cointegración=0.0349 GBXUSD - EURSGD: Correlación=0.8067, P-valor de Cointegración=0.0180 USDARS - USDVND: Correlación=0.8093, P-valor de Cointegración=0.0268 USDBGN - USDHRK: Correlación=0.9944, P-valor de Cointegración=0.0000 USDCOP - USDTRY: Correlación=-0.9548, P-valor de Cointegración=0.0160 USDCRC - EURDKK: Correlación=-0.8519, P-valor de Cointegración=0.0153 USDHRK - USDDKK: Correlación=0.9954, P-valor de Cointegración=0.0000 USDIDR - USDVND: Correlación=0.8196, P-valor de Cointegración=0.0417 USDSEK - USDSGD: Correlación=0.8346, P-valor de Cointegración=0.0264
MetaTrader 5でこの値を確認するために、Pearson.mq5指標があります。
//+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| PearsonIndicator.mq5 | //| Copyright Javier S. Gastón de Iriarte Cabrera | //| https://www.mql5.com/ja/users/jsgaston/news | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ #property copyright "Javier S. Gastón de Iriarte Cabrera" #property link "https://www.mql5.com/ja/users/jsgaston/news/" #property version "1.00" #property indicator_separate_window #property indicator_buffers 1 #property indicator_color1 Red input string Symbol2 = "GBPUSD"; // Second financial instrument input int BarsBack = 100; // Number of bars to include in correlation calculation double CorrelationBuffer[]; //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Custom indicator initialization function | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ int OnInit() { SetIndexBuffer(0, CorrelationBuffer, INDICATOR_DATA); PlotIndexSetInteger(0, PLOT_DRAW_TYPE, DRAW_LINE); PlotIndexSetString(0, PLOT_LABEL, "Pearson Correlation"); IndicatorSetString(INDICATOR_SHORTNAME, "Pearson Correlation (" + Symbol() + " & " + Symbol2 + ")"); return INIT_SUCCEEDED; } //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Custom indicator iteration function | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ int OnCalculate(const int rates_total, const int prev_calculated, const datetime &time[], const double &open[], const double &high[], const double &low[], const double &close[], const long &tick_volume[], const long &volume[], const int &spread[]) { if (rates_total < BarsBack) return 0; // Ensure enough bars are present double prices1[], prices2[]; ArrayResize(prices1, BarsBack); ArrayResize(prices2, BarsBack); // Copy historical data for primary symbol if (CopyClose(Symbol(), PERIOD_CURRENT, 0, BarsBack, prices1) <= 0) { Print("Error copying prices for ", Symbol()); return 0; } // Copy historical data for secondary symbol if (CopyClose(Symbol2, PERIOD_CURRENT, 0, BarsBack, prices2) <= 0) { Print("Error copying prices for ", Symbol2); return 0; } // Calculate Pearson correlation for the entire buffer double correlation = CalculatePearsonCorrelation(prices1, prices2); Print("Pearson correlation: ", correlation); // Fill the buffer for the indicator for (int i = BarsBack; i < rates_total; i++) { CorrelationBuffer[i] = correlation; // Update the buffer correctly } return(rates_total); } //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Calculate Pearson correlation coefficient | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ double CalculatePearsonCorrelation(double &prices1[], double &prices2[]) { int length = BarsBack; double mean1 = 0, mean2 = 0; double sum1 = 0, sum2 = 0, sumProd = 0, stdev1 = 0, stdev2 = 0; for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { mean1 += prices1[i]; mean2 += prices2[i]; } mean1 /= length; mean2 /= length; for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { double dev1 = prices1[i] - mean1; double dev2 = prices2[i] - mean2; sum1 += dev1 * dev1; sum2 += dev2 * dev2; sumProd += dev1 * dev2; } stdev1 = sqrt(sum1); stdev2 = sqrt(sum2); if (stdev1 == 0 || stdev2 == 0) return 0; // Avoid division by zero return sumProd / (stdev1 * stdev2); } //+------------------------------------------------------------------+
# python libraries import MetaTrader5 as mt5 import tensorflow as tf import numpy as np import pandas as pd import tf2onnx # input parameters inp_history_size = 120 sample_size = 120*20 symbol = "AUDUSD" optional = "D1" inp_model_name = str(symbol)+"_"+str(optional)+".onnx" if not mt5.initialize(): print("initialize() failed, error code =",mt5.last_error()) quit() # we will save generated onnx-file near the our script to use as resource from sys import argv data_path=argv[0] last_index=data_path.rfind("\\")+1 data_path=data_path[0:last_index] print("data path to save onnx model",data_path) # and save to MQL5\Files folder to use as file terminal_info=mt5.terminal_info() file_path=terminal_info.data_path+"\\MQL5\\Files\\" print("file path to save onnx model",file_path) # set start and end dates for history data from datetime import timedelta, datetime #end_date = datetime.now() end_date = datetime(2023, 1, 1, 0) start_date = end_date - timedelta(days=inp_history_size*20) # print start and end dates print("data start date =",start_date) print("data end date =",end_date) # get rates eurusd_rates = mt5.copy_rates_from(symbol, mt5.TIMEFRAME_D1, end_date, sample_size) # create dataframe df = pd.DataFrame(eurusd_rates) # get close prices only data = df.filter(['close']).values # scale data from sklearn.preprocessing import MinMaxScaler scaler=MinMaxScaler(feature_range=(0,1)) scaled_data = scaler.fit_transform(data) # training size is 80% of the data training_size = int(len(scaled_data)*0.80) print("Training_size:",training_size) train_data_initial = scaled_data[0:training_size,:] test_data_initial = scaled_data[training_size:,:1] # split a univariate sequence into samples def split_sequence(sequence, n_steps): X, y = list(), list() for i in range(len(sequence)): # find the end of this pattern end_ix = i + n_steps # check if we are beyond the sequence if end_ix > len(sequence)-1: break # gather input and output parts of the pattern seq_x, seq_y = sequence[i:end_ix], sequence[end_ix] X.append(seq_x) y.append(seq_y) return np.array(X), np.array(y) # split into samples time_step = inp_history_size x_train, y_train = split_sequence(train_data_initial, time_step) x_test, y_test = split_sequence(test_data_initial, time_step) # reshape input to be [samples, time steps, features] which is required for LSTM x_train =x_train.reshape(x_train.shape[0],x_train.shape[1],1) x_test = x_test.reshape(x_test.shape[0],x_test.shape[1],1) # define model from keras.models import Sequential from keras.layers import Dense, Activation, Conv1D, MaxPooling1D, Dropout, Flatten, LSTM from keras.metrics import RootMeanSquaredError as rmse from tensorflow.keras import callbacks model = Sequential() model.add(Conv1D(filters=256, kernel_size=2, activation='relu',padding = 'same',input_shape=(inp_history_size,1))) model.add(MaxPooling1D(pool_size=2)) model.add(LSTM(100, return_sequences = True)) model.add(Dropout(0.3)) model.add(LSTM(100, return_sequences = False)) model.add(Dropout(0.3)) model.add(Dense(units=1, activation = 'sigmoid')) model.compile(optimizer='adam', loss= 'mse' , metrics = [rmse()]) # Set up early stopping early_stopping = callbacks.EarlyStopping( monitor='val_loss', patience=20, restore_best_weights=True, ) # model training for 300 epochs history = model.fit(x_train, y_train, epochs = 300 , validation_data = (x_test,y_test), batch_size=32, callbacks=[early_stopping], verbose=2) # evaluate training data train_loss, train_rmse = model.evaluate(x_train,y_train, batch_size = 32) print(f"train_loss={train_loss:.3f}") print(f"train_rmse={train_rmse:.3f}") # evaluate testing data test_loss, test_rmse = model.evaluate(x_test,y_test, batch_size = 32) print(f"test_loss={test_loss:.3f}") print(f"test_rmse={test_rmse:.3f}") # save model to ONNX output_path = data_path+inp_model_name onnx_model = tf2onnx.convert.from_keras(model, output_path=output_path) print(f"saved model to {output_path}") output_path = file_path+inp_model_name onnx_model = tf2onnx.convert.from_keras(model, output_path=output_path) print(f"saved model to {output_path}") # finish mt5.shutdown() #prediction using testing data #prediction using testing data test_predict = model.predict(x_test) print(test_predict) print("longitud total de la prediccion: ", len(test_predict)) print("longitud total del sample: ", sample_size) plot_y_test = np.array(y_test).reshape(-1, 1) # Selecciona solo el último elemento de cada muestra de prueba plot_y_train = y_train.reshape(-1,1) train_predict = model.predict(x_train) #print(plot_y_test) #calculate metrics from sklearn import metrics from sklearn.metrics import r2_score #transform data to real values value1=scaler.inverse_transform(plot_y_test) #print(value1) # Escala las predicciones inversas al transformarlas a la escala original value2 = scaler.inverse_transform(test_predict.reshape(-1, 1)) #print(value2) #calc score score = np.sqrt(metrics.mean_squared_error(value1,value2)) print("RMSE : {}".format(score)) print("MSE :", metrics.mean_squared_error(value1,value2)) print("R2 score :",metrics.r2_score(value1,value2)) #sumarize model model.summary() #Print error value11=pd.DataFrame(value1) value22=pd.DataFrame(value2) #print(value11) #print(value22) value111=value11.iloc[:,:] value222=value22.iloc[:,:] print("longitud salida (tandas de 1 hora): ",len(value111) ) print("en horas son " + str((len(value111))*60*24)+ " minutos") print("en horas son " + str(((len(value111)))*60*24/60)+ " horas") print("en horas son " + str(((len(value111)))*60*24/60/24)+ " dias") # Calculate error error = value111 - value222 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # Plot error plt.figure(figsize=(10, 6)) plt.scatter(range(len(error)), error, color='blue', label='Error') plt.axhline(y=0, color='red', linestyle='--', linewidth=1) # Línea horizontal en y=0 plt.title('Error de Predicción ' + str(symbol)) plt.xlabel('Índice de la muestra') plt.ylabel('Error') plt.legend() plt.grid(True) plt.savefig(str(symbol)+str(optional)+'.png') rmse_ = format(score) mse_ = metrics.mean_squared_error(value1,value2) r2_ = metrics.r2_score(value1,value2) resultados= [rmse_,mse_,r2_] # Abre un archivo en modo escritura with open(str(symbol)+str(optional)+"results.txt", "w") as archivo: # Escribe cada resultado en una línea separada for resultado in resultados: archivo.write(str(resultado) + "\n") # finish mt5.shutdown() #show iteration-rmse graph for training and validation plt.figure(figsize = (18,10)) plt.plot(history.history['root_mean_squared_error'],label='Training RMSE',color='b') plt.plot(history.history['val_root_mean_squared_error'],label='Validation-RMSE',color='g') plt.xlabel("Iteration") plt.ylabel("RMSE") plt.title("RMSE" + str(symbol)) plt.legend() plt.savefig(str(symbol)+str(optional)+'1.png') #show iteration-loss graph for training and validation plt.figure(figsize = (18,10)) plt.plot(history.history['loss'],label='Training Loss',color='b') plt.plot(history.history['val_loss'],label='Validation-loss',color='g') plt.xlabel("Iteration") plt.ylabel("Loss") plt.title("LOSS" + str(symbol)) plt.legend() plt.savefig(str(symbol)+str(optional)+'2.png') #show actual vs predicted (training) graph plt.figure(figsize=(18,10)) plt.plot(scaler.inverse_transform(plot_y_train),color = 'b', label = 'Original') plt.plot(scaler.inverse_transform(train_predict),color='red', label = 'Predicted') plt.title("Prediction Graph Using Training Data" + str(symbol)) plt.xlabel("Hours") plt.ylabel("Price") plt.legend() plt.savefig(str(symbol)+str(optional)+'3.png') #show actual vs predicted (testing) graph plt.figure(figsize=(18,10)) plt.plot(scaler.inverse_transform(plot_y_test),color = 'b', label = 'Original') plt.plot(scaler.inverse_transform(test_predict),color='g', label = 'Predicted') plt.title("Prediction Graph Using Testing Data" + str(symbol)) plt.xlabel("Hours") plt.ylabel("Price") plt.legend() plt.savefig(str(symbol)+str(optional)+'4.png')
0.005679790676089899 3.226002212419775e-05 0.9670613229880559
import MetaTrader5 as mt5 import pandas as pd from scipy.stats import pearsonr from statsmodels.tsa.stattools import coint import numpy as np # Función para la estrategia de Pairs Trading def pairs_trading_strategy(data0, data1): spread = data0 - data1 short_entry = np.mean(spread) - 2 * np.std(spread) short_exit = np.mean(spread) long_entry = np.mean(spread) + 2 * np.std(spread) long_exit = np.mean(spread) positions = [] for i in range(len(spread)): if spread[i] > long_entry and (not positions or positions[-1][1] != 1): positions.append((spread[i], 1)) elif spread[i] < short_entry and (not positions or positions[-1][1] != -1): positions.append((spread[i], -1)) elif spread[i] < long_exit and positions and positions[-1][1] == 1: positions.append((spread[i], 0)) elif spread[i] > short_exit and positions and positions[-1][1] == -1: positions.append((spread[i], 0)) return positions # Conectar con MetaTrader 5 if not mt5.initialize(): print("No se pudo inicializar MT5") mt5.shutdown() # Obtener la lista de símbolos symbols = mt5.symbols_get() symbols = [s.name for s in symbols if 'EUR' in s.name or 'USD' in s.name] # Filtrar símbolos data = {} for symbol in symbols: rates = mt5.copy_rates_from_pos(symbol, mt5.TIMEFRAME_D1, 0, 365) if rates is not None: df = pd.DataFrame(rates) df['time'] = pd.to_datetime(df['time'], unit='s') # Convertir a datetime df.set_index('time', inplace=True) data[symbol] = df['close'] mt5.shutdown() # Identificar pares cointegrados cointegrated_pairs = [] for i in range(len(symbols)): for j in range(i + 1, len(symbols)): if symbols[i] in data and symbols[j] in data: common_index = data[symbols[i]].index.intersection(data[symbols[j]].index) if len(common_index) > 30: corr, _ = pearsonr(data[symbols[i]][common_index], data[symbols[j]][common_index]) if abs(corr) > 0.8: score, p_value, _ = coint(data[symbols[i]][common_index], data[symbols[j]][common_index]) if p_value < 0.05: cointegrated_pairs.append((symbols[i], symbols[j], corr, p_value)) print(cointegrated_pairs) # Ejecutar estrategia de Pairs Trading para pares cointegrados for sym1, sym2, _, _ in cointegrated_pairs: positions = [] df0 = data[sym1] df1 = data[sym2] positions = pairs_trading_strategy(df0.values, df1.values) print(f'Backtesting completed for pair: {sym1} - {sym2}') print('Positions:', positions)
最初にこれをおこなったとき、NZDUSDとAUDUSDは共和分で相関していましたが、現時点ではフィルターを通過しません (共和分は0.05未満)。教育目的で、また、ONNXモデルを再び作る必要がないように、この2つの銘柄で続けることにします。
//+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Hybrid Arbitrage_Statistic ONNX.mq5| //| Copyright 2024, Javier S. Gastón de Iriarte Cabrera. | //| https://www.mql5.com/ja/users/jsgaston/news | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ #property copyright "Copyright 2024, Javier S. Gastón de Iriarte Cabrera." #property link "https://www.mql5.com/ja/users/jsgaston/news" #property version "1.00" #property strict #include <Trade\Trade.mqh> input double lotSize = 0.1; //input double slippage = 3; input double stopLoss = 1500; input double takeProfit = 1500; //input double maxSpreadPoints = 10.0; #resource "/Files/art/hybrid/NZDUSD_D1.onnx" as uchar ExtModel[] #resource "/Files/art/hybrid/AUDUSD_D1.onnx" as uchar ExtModel2[] #define SAMPLE_SIZE 120 string symbol1 = _Symbol; input string symbol2 = "AUDUSD"; ulong ticket1 = 0; ulong ticket2 = 0; input bool isArbitrageActive = true; CTrade ExtTrade; double spreads[1000]; // Array para almacenar hasta 1000 spreads int spreadIndex = 0; // Índice para el próximo spread a almacenar long ExtHandle=INVALID_HANDLE; //int ExtPredictedClass=-1; datetime ExtNextBar=0; datetime ExtNextDay=0; float ExtMin=0.0; float ExtMax=0.0; long ExtHandle2=INVALID_HANDLE; //int ExtPredictedClass=-1; datetime ExtNextBar2=0; datetime ExtNextDay2=0; float ExtMin2=0.0; float ExtMax2=0.0; float predicted=0.0; float predicted2=0.0; float lastPredicted1=0.0; float lastPredicted2=0.0; int Order=0; //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Expert initialization function | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ int OnInit() { Print("EA de arbitraje ONNX iniciado"); //--- create a model from static buffer ExtHandle=OnnxCreateFromBuffer(ExtModel,ONNX_DEFAULT); if(ExtHandle==INVALID_HANDLE) { Print("OnnxCreateFromBuffer error ",GetLastError()); return(INIT_FAILED); } //--- since not all sizes defined in the input tensor we must set them explicitly //--- first index - batch size, second index - series size, third index - number of series (only Close) const long input_shape[] = {1,SAMPLE_SIZE,1}; if(!OnnxSetInputShape(ExtHandle,ONNX_DEFAULT,input_shape)) { Print("OnnxSetInputShape error ",GetLastError()); return(INIT_FAILED); } //--- since not all sizes defined in the output tensor we must set them explicitly //--- first index - batch size, must match the batch size of the input tensor //--- second index - number of predicted prices (we only predict Close) const long output_shape[] = {1,1}; if(!OnnxSetOutputShape(ExtHandle,0,output_shape)) { Print("OnnxSetOutputShape error ",GetLastError()); return(INIT_FAILED); } //--- create a model from static buffer ExtHandle2=OnnxCreateFromBuffer(ExtModel2,ONNX_DEFAULT); if(ExtHandle2==INVALID_HANDLE) { Print("OnnxCreateFromBuffer error ",GetLastError()); return(INIT_FAILED); } //--- since not all sizes defined in the input tensor we must set them explicitly //--- first index - batch size, second index - series size, third index - number of series (only Close) const long input_shape2[] = {1,SAMPLE_SIZE,1}; if(!OnnxSetInputShape(ExtHandle2,ONNX_DEFAULT,input_shape2)) { Print("OnnxSetInputShape error ",GetLastError()); return(INIT_FAILED); } //--- since not all sizes defined in the output tensor we must set them explicitly //--- first index - batch size, must match the batch size of the input tensor //--- second index - number of predicted prices (we only predict Close) const long output_shape2[] = {1,1}; if(!OnnxSetOutputShape(ExtHandle2,0,output_shape2)) { Print("OnnxSetOutputShape error ",GetLastError()); return(INIT_FAILED); } return(INIT_SUCCEEDED); } //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Expert deinitialization function | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ void OnDeinit(const int reason) { if(ExtHandle!=INVALID_HANDLE) { OnnxRelease(ExtHandle); ExtHandle=INVALID_HANDLE; } if(ExtHandle2!=INVALID_HANDLE) { OnnxRelease(ExtHandle2); ExtHandle2=INVALID_HANDLE; } } //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Expert tick function | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ void OnTick() { //--- check new day if(TimeCurrent()>=ExtNextDay) { GetMinMax(); GetMinMax2(); //--- set next day time ExtNextDay=TimeCurrent(); ExtNextDay-=ExtNextDay%PeriodSeconds(PERIOD_D1); ExtNextDay+=PeriodSeconds(PERIOD_D1); /*ExtTrade.PositionClose(symbol1); ExtTrade.PositionClose(symbol2); ticket1 = 0; ticket2 = 0;*/ } //--- check new bar if(TimeCurrent()<ExtNextBar) { return; } //--- set next bar time ExtNextBar=TimeCurrent(); ExtNextBar-=ExtNextBar%PeriodSeconds(); ExtNextBar+=PeriodSeconds(); //--- check min and max float close=(float)iClose(symbol1,PERIOD_D1,0); if(ExtMin>close) ExtMin=close; if(ExtMax<close) ExtMax=close; float close2=(float)iClose(symbol2,PERIOD_D1,0); if(ExtMin2>close2) ExtMin2=close2; if(ExtMax2<close2) ExtMax2=close2; lastPredicted1=predicted; lastPredicted2=predicted2; //--- predict next price PredictPrice(); PredictPrice2(); if(!isArbitrageActive || ArePositionsOpen()) { Print("Arbitraje inactivo o ya hay posiciones abiertas."); return; } double price1 = SymbolInfoDouble(symbol1, SYMBOL_BID); double price2 = SymbolInfoDouble(symbol2, SYMBOL_ASK); double currentSpread = MathAbs(price1 - price2); Print("current spread ", currentSpread); Print("Price1 ",price1); Print("Price2 ",price2); Print("PricePredicted1 ",predicted); Print("PricePredicted2 ",predicted2); Print("Last PricePredicted1 ",lastPredicted1); Print("Last PricePredicted2 ",lastPredicted2); double predictedSpread = MathAbs(predicted - predicted2); Print("Predicted spread ", predictedSpread); double LastpredictedSpread = MathAbs(lastPredicted1 - lastPredicted2); Print("Last Predicted spread ", LastpredictedSpread); // Almacenar el spread actual en el array y actualizar el índice spreads[spreadIndex % 1000] = currentSpread; spreadIndex++; // Verifica si hay suficientes datos para calcular la desviación estándar int count = MathMin(spreadIndex, 1000); // Utiliza todos los datos disponibles hasta 1000 double stdDevSpread = CalculateStdDev(spreads, 0, count); //Print("StdDevSpread ", stdDevSpread); // Verifica si el spread es lo suficientemente bajo para el arbitraje if(LastpredictedSpread< currentSpread) { // Inicia el arbitraje si aún no está activo if(isArbitrageActive) { //Print("max spread : ",maxSpreadPoints * _Point); double meanSpread = (lastPredicted1 + lastPredicted2) / 2.0; Print("mean spread: ",meanSpread); double stdDevSpread = CalculateStdDev(spreads, 0, ArraySize(spreads)); Print("StdDevSpread ", stdDevSpread); double shortEntry = meanSpread - 2 * stdDevSpread ; double shortExit = meanSpread; double longEntry = meanSpread + 2 * stdDevSpread ; double longExit = meanSpread; Print("Long Entry: ", longEntry, " Short Entry: ", shortEntry); // Comprueba si la condición de entrada corta se cumple para el arbitraje if(price1 < shortEntry && (ticket1 == 0 || ticket2 == 0)) { Print("Preparando para abrir órdenes"); Order = 1; Print("Error al abrir posiciones de arbitraje: ", GetLastError()); ticket1 = ExtTrade.PositionOpen(symbol1, ORDER_TYPE_BUY, lotSize, price1, price1 - stopLoss * _Point, price1 + takeProfit * _Point, "Arbitraje"); ticket2 = ExtTrade.PositionOpen(symbol2, ORDER_TYPE_SELL, lotSize, price2, price2 + stopLoss * _Point, price2 - takeProfit * _Point, "Arbitraje"); ticket1=0; ticket2=0; } else if(price2 < shortEntry && (ticket1 == 0 || ticket2 == 0)) { Print("Preparando para abrir órdenes"); Order = 2; Print("Error al abrir posiciones de arbitraje: ", GetLastError()); ticket1 = ExtTrade.PositionOpen(symbol1, ORDER_TYPE_SELL, lotSize, price1, price1 + stopLoss * _Point, price1 - takeProfit * _Point, "Arbitraje"); ticket2 = ExtTrade.PositionOpen(symbol2, ORDER_TYPE_BUY, lotSize, price2, price2 - stopLoss * _Point, price2 + takeProfit * _Point, "Arbitraje"); ticket1=0; ticket2=0; } else if(price1 > longEntry && (ticket1 == 0 || ticket2 == 0)) { Print("Preparando para abrir órdenes"); Order = 3; Print("Error al abrir posiciones de arbitraje: ", GetLastError()); ticket1 = ExtTrade.PositionOpen(symbol1, ORDER_TYPE_SELL, lotSize, price1, price1 + stopLoss * _Point, price1 - takeProfit * _Point, "Arbitraje"); ticket2 = ExtTrade.PositionOpen(symbol2, ORDER_TYPE_BUY, lotSize, price2, price2 - stopLoss * _Point, price2 + takeProfit * _Point, "Arbitraje"); ticket1=0; ticket2=0; } else if(price2 > longEntry && (ticket1 == 0 || ticket2 == 0)) { Print("Preparando para abrir órdenes"); Order = 4; Print("Error al abrir posiciones de arbitraje: ", GetLastError()); ticket1 = ExtTrade.PositionOpen(symbol1, ORDER_TYPE_BUY, lotSize, price1, price1 - stopLoss * _Point, price1 + takeProfit * _Point, "Arbitraje"); ticket2 = ExtTrade.PositionOpen(symbol2, ORDER_TYPE_SELL, lotSize, price2, price2 + stopLoss * _Point, price2 - takeProfit * _Point, "Arbitraje"); ticket1=0; ticket2=0; } } } //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ double meanSpread = (lastPredicted1 + lastPredicted2) / 2.0; //Print("mean spread: ",meanSpread); double stdDevSpread2 = CalculateStdDev(spreads, 0, ArraySize(spreads)); //Print("StdDevSpread ", stdDevSpread); double shortEntry = meanSpread - 2 * stdDevSpread2 ; double shortExit = meanSpread; double longEntry = meanSpread + 2 * stdDevSpread2 ; double longExit = meanSpread; if((price2 < longExit && ticket2 != 0 && Order==4) || (price1 > shortExit && ticket1 != 0 && Order==1) || (price2 > shortExit && ticket1 != 0 && Order==2) || (price1 < longExit && ticket2 != 0 && Order==3)) { ExtTrade.PositionClose(ticket1); ExtTrade.PositionClose(ticket2); ticket1 = 0; ticket2 = 0; Print("Arbitraje detenido - Cerrando órdenes"); } } //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ double CalculateStdDev(double &data[], int start, int count) { double sum = 0; double sumSq = 0; for(int i = start; i < start + count; i++) { sum += data[i]; sumSq += data[i] * data[i]; } double mean = sum / count; double variance = (sumSq / count) - (mean * mean); return MathSqrt(variance); } //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ bool ArePositionsOpen() { // Check for positions on symbol1 if(PositionSelect(symbol1) && PositionGetDouble(POSITION_VOLUME) > 0) return true; // Check for positions on symbol2 if(PositionSelect(symbol2) && PositionGetDouble(POSITION_VOLUME) > 0) return true; return false; } //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ void PredictPrice(void) { static vectorf output_data(1); // vector to get result static vectorf x_norm(SAMPLE_SIZE); // vector for prices normalize //--- check for normalization possibility if(ExtMin>=ExtMax) { Print("ExtMin>=ExtMax"); //ExtPredictedClass=-1; return; } //--- request last bars if(!x_norm.CopyRates(_Symbol,PERIOD_D1,COPY_RATES_CLOSE,1,SAMPLE_SIZE)) { Print("CopyRates ",x_norm.Size()); //ExtPredictedClass=-1; return; } float last_close=x_norm[SAMPLE_SIZE-1]; //--- normalize prices x_norm-=ExtMin; x_norm/=(ExtMax-ExtMin); //--- run the inference if(!OnnxRun(ExtHandle,ONNX_NO_CONVERSION,x_norm,output_data)) { Print("OnnxRun"); //ExtPredictedClass=-1; return; } //--- denormalize the price from the output value predicted=output_data[0]*(ExtMax-ExtMin)+ExtMin; //return predicted; } //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ void PredictPrice2(void) { static vectorf output_data2(1); // vector to get result static vectorf x_norm2(SAMPLE_SIZE); // vector for prices normalize //--- check for normalization possibility if(ExtMin2>=ExtMax2) { Print("ExtMin2>=ExtMax2"); //ExtPredictedClass=-1; return; } //--- request last bars if(!x_norm2.CopyRates(symbol2,PERIOD_D1,COPY_RATES_CLOSE,1,SAMPLE_SIZE)) { Print("CopyRates ",x_norm2.Size()); //ExtPredictedClass=-1; return; } float last_close2=x_norm2[SAMPLE_SIZE-1]; //--- normalize prices x_norm2-=ExtMin2; x_norm2/=(ExtMax2-ExtMin2); //--- run the inference if(!OnnxRun(ExtHandle2,ONNX_NO_CONVERSION,x_norm2,output_data2)) { Print("OnnxRun"); //ExtPredictedClass=-1; return; } //--- denormalize the price from the output value predicted2=output_data2[0]*(ExtMax2-ExtMin2)+ExtMin2; //--- classify predicted price movement //return predicted2; } //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Get minimal and maximal Close for last 120 days | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ void GetMinMax(void) { vectorf close; close.CopyRates(_Symbol,PERIOD_D1,COPY_RATES_CLOSE,0,SAMPLE_SIZE); ExtMin=close.Min(); ExtMax=close.Max(); } //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Get minimal and maximal Close for last 120 days | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ void GetMinMax2(void) { vectorf close2; close2.CopyRates(symbol2,PERIOD_D1,COPY_RATES_CLOSE,0,SAMPLE_SIZE); ExtMin2=close2.Min(); ExtMax2=close2.Max(); }
symbols = [s.name for s in symbols if s.name.startswith('EUR') or s.name.startswith('USD') or s.name.endswith('USD')]
symbols = [s.name for s in symbols if s.name.startswith('EUR') or s.name.startswith('USD') or s.name.endswith('USD')]
# Crea un DataFrame con la información completa de los símbolos symbols_df = pd.DataFrame([{'Symbol': symbol.name, 'Path': symbol.path} for symbol in all_symbols]) # Filtra adicionalmente para obtener solo los CFDs de NASDAQ # Asumiendo que los CFDs tienen un identificador único en el 'Path' nasdaq_group4_df = symbols_df[symbols_df['Path'].str.contains('NASDAQ')] # Filtra aún más para obtener solo los símbolos que NO contienen '.' nasdaq_group4_df3 = nasdaq_group4_df[nasdaq_group4_df['Symbol'].str.contains('#')] nasdaq_group4_df2 = nasdaq_group4_df3[~nasdaq_group4_df3['Symbol'].str.contains('\.')] # Ahora, obtenemos la lista de símbolos filtrados filtered_symbols = nasdaq_group4_df2['Symbol'].tolist() # Descargar datos históricos y almacenar en un diccionario symbols = filtered_symbols
# Filtrar y guardar solo los pares cointegrados con p-valor menor de 0.05 en un archivo CSV result_df = pd.DataFrame(cointegrated_pairs, columns=['Symbol1', 'Symbol2', 'Correlation', 'Cointegration P-value']) result_df.to_csv('cointegrated_pairs.csv', index=False) # Imprimir el total de pares cointegrados print(f'Total de pares con fuerte correlación y cointegrados: {len(cointegrated_pairs)}')
#AMZN #NFLX 0.966605859 0.021683012
sample_size = 120*25*3
6.856399020501732 47.010207528337105 0.9395402850007741
25.975755379462548 674.7398675336775 0.9735838717570285
すべてのスクリプトとONNXをダウンロードするEAとして残しました。これを体系的かつ科学的に使用することで、同じ結果を得ることができます。必要な日付に新しいONNXを作成し(.py の訓練の日付を変更することを忘れないでください)、ストラテジーテスターの日付も変更します。例:D1期間のONNXモデルと120*3*25のデータは、最大で1年間使用することができます(ただし、私だったら、週または月ごとに作成します)。
MetaQuotes Ltdにより英語から翻訳されました。
元の記事: https://www.mql5.com/en/articles/14846

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