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Utilità di trading per MetaTrader 4 - 4

icon Di seguito sono riportati i programmi di trading che semplificano il trading in MetaTrader 4. Passa il mouse su un'utilità nella lista qui sotto per leggerne la descrizione e la sua funzione.
Bar Replay MT4 DEM0
Hoang The Manh
5 (1)
NOTE: THIS IS DEMO VERSION  Yoy can only replay in 1 week ago and replay for 20 bars. BUY FULL VERSION :  https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/73798 __________________________________________________ This EA  - Tool allow you replay bar in Meta Trader 4 for back test. This Tool can back test in multi timeframe in only one chart. This Tool is very useful for Price action trader. It can work with Indicators,  some indicators cannot works. Main feature:  Candlestick forward and backward to Backte
Pending Grid LIMIT Manual
Nantakan Leungonnam
5 (3)
Hola Traders. Lot - lot size for pending orders. Martingale - double lot size of pending orders. *(No Martingale = 1.00) TotalGridEachSide - unit each side of pending orders. SpaceOfFirstOrder - distance for the first order in points. Take Profit - profit in points. Stop Loss - loss in points. The entire positioning uses POINTS only. (10 point = 1 pip) and you can open order BUYLIMIT, SELLLIMIT, ALLBUYANDSELL you can Close Pending, Close orders Profit and Loss and Close All ***  ideas for usin
Partial Closure EA MT4
Juvenille Emperor Limited
5 (3)
Chiusura Parziale EA MT4 può chiudere parzialmente qualsiasi operazione sul tuo conto di trading, manualmente di una certa percentuale % della dimensione del lotto e/o del ticket di scambio o automaticamente in percentuale % del livello TP/SL per una percentuale % della dimensione iniziale del lotto in 10 livelli di take profit e 10 di stop loss. Può gestire tutte o alcune delle operazioni del tuo account, specificando o escludendo determinate operazioni con numeri magici o simboli. Suggerimen
Il Pyramiding è un metodo per aumentare la dimensione di una posizione utilizzando i profitti non realizzati da operazioni di successo come margine per quelle nuove. Questo Expert Advisor farà le tue operazioni a piramide senza il tuo intervento. [ Guida all'installazione | Guida all'aggiornamento | Risoluzione dei problemi | FAQ | Tutti i prodotti ] Piramide facilmente le tue operazioni di successo Ottieni il massimo dalle tue operazioni vincenti Comportamento piramidale completamente configur
Introducing the Zone Recovery EA, a powerful tool for traders who seek precise control over their Zone Recovery strategies. This manual version operates similarly to the Zone Recovery mode in ManHedger but some distinctive features – the Stop Loss (SL) cannot be modified during the strategy execution, and no pending orders are opened, when the StartPrice is reached. The only 2 input parameters are the leverage for the current symbol and a check of wether the Account allows hedging.  Zone Recover
TradeMirror is a trade copier EA for MT4/MT5 platform. Why TradeMirror We understand the importance of security, stability and privacy for financial software, so we've gone the extra mile to harden these three elements in detail: Provides a user-friendly graphical interface that is easy to operate Focus on privacy and security, suitable for various financial scenarios with privacy requirements for order distribution Precise replication of orders, millisecond distribution Support full platform, M
Roman Zhitnik
5 (3)
The Expert Advisor is a risk manager helping users to control their trading. In the settings, it is possible to specify the parameters at which the risk manager force closes the opened trades and closes the terminal as well, if it is needed to prevent opening trades on emotions, which do not correspond to the trading strategy. Risk Manager settings Check limit to close   - check the equity limit Limit to close (account currency)   - equity limit that is checked when  Check limit to close is act
Display rectangles and trendlines list from  Trading box  Technical analysis tool. Objects are ordered in the list by pip distance that is difference between object price and Bid price. With this tool you will know which chart to look for next trading opportunity. No more switching between charts and searching for trades where price is close to rectangle zone or trendline support resistance level. Sorted Rectangles and Trendlines by pip distance -  If you are trading on multiple charts, then th
Easy Reward to Risk RRR Indicator for MetaTrader 4   The Easy Reward-to-risk (RRR) Indicator is a trading assistant designed to evaluate reward-to-risk ratios. This tool helps traders identify ideal entry and exit points by comparing potential profits with associated risks, streamlining decision-making processes. Easy Reward to Risk RRR Specification Table Here are the key features of the indicator: Category Category Platform Platform Skill Level Skill Level Indicator Type Indicator Type Timefr
ATTENZIONE   l'expert non funziona in strategy tester, per una versione di prova visita il mio profilo. ATTENZIONE   l'expert deve restare con lo storico operazioni in " STORICO COMPLETO " Manuale per il Download del journal automatico visita il mio profilo RiskGuard Management – Il trading professionale, senza compromessi RiskGuard Management è l’alleato definitivo per ogni trader che desidera massimizzare i profitti e minimizzare le perdite con una gestione del rischio evoluta. Non è solo un
Manuale utente di TD Trading Info Introduzione: TD Trading Info è un sofisticato indicatore MT4 progettato per fornire ai trader informazioni complete sulle proprie prestazioni di trading. Fornisce informazioni in tempo reale sul conto, statistiche di trading dettagliate, dati riepilogativi sui profitti e perdite (giornalieri, settimanali, mensili, trimestrali e annuali), grafici delle variazioni del saldo e promemoria di trading personalizzabili. Il pannello dell'indicatore offre funzionalità
Auto BE break even EA
Calvin Andile Mahlangu
5 (1)
The AUTO BE Expert Advisor by KALIFX The AUTO BE is an expert advisor (EA) for MT4, developed by KALIFX. This powerful tool automatically moves the stop-loss level to breakeven as the market price approaches your take-profit target, helping you lock in profits while protecting against potential reversals. Key Features: - Automatic Breakeven: Moves the stop-loss to breakeven as trades move towards take profit, ensuring profits are secured. - Automatic Stop-Loss & Take-Profit: Automatically se
Wicks Trade Panel  It's a Trade Panel include Order Management & Risk Management for serious trader. Especially for those traders who pay attention to important events like the CPI, NFP, and ADP. A one-of-a-kind faster technique to fix the Entry Price by simply pointing the mouse pointer at it. This is what I enjoy about it. Automatically closing 50% order size lots when setting TRUE on Breakeven Status. It's especially useful when trading on significant economic events like the CPI, NFP, and A
Trade Assistant Expert TF MT4   The Trade Management Assistant is a specialized trading tool designed to enhance capital allocation and mitigate risks within the MetaTrader 4 (MT4) environment. This expert advisor features an intuitive control panel that facilitates seamless trade execution, risk oversight, and fund distribution. It also incorporates key functionalities such as automatic breakeven adjustments and a Trailing Stop system for optimized trade security.   Key Features of the Trade Ma
Once you purchase product please drop the review in order to receive invitation to the new community. Flexible trade manager is a simple and effective trading tool for setting new order by pressing B as Buy or S as Sell on keyboard. All with ability to  see additional characteristics before opening with predefined risk and observation of the risk and potential profit. Set and manipulate order levels straight from the charts or or place them right as pending orders Additional buttons helps to
NAS100 Auto Sl And TP
Moustapha Boulouz
5 (1)
Vi presentiamo NAS100 Auto SL e TP Maker per MT4: Non perdete mai più l'impostazione di StopLoss e TakeProfit con il nostro NAS100 Auto SL e TP Maker, un assistente indispensabile per i trader che navigano sul mercato del Nasdaq 100 su MetaTrader 4. Questo strumento è stato progettato per coloro che cercano una soluzione perfetta per automatizzare la gestione dei livelli di StopLoss e TakeProfit. Questo strumento è stato progettato per coloro che cercano una soluzione perfetta per automatizzare
Exp4 Close Minus by Plus
Vladislav Andruschenko
4.93 (14)
EA può chiudere posizioni non redditizie cercando e chiudendo posizioni redditizie   . Questo assistente   cerca   , tra tutte le posizioni, quella meno   redditizia   nel terminale. Inoltre, ricercando le restanti posizioni redditizie, calcola una serie di posizioni che possono coprire la perdita quando il   profitto   di una o più posizioni è maggiore della perdita di un'altra posizione. Se viene trovata una serie di tali posizioni, il consulente le chiude. Una serie di posizioni può essere c
MACD Color Script
Adrian Hernandez Castellanos
4 (1)
Un script (drag-and-drop) che colora lo sfondo dell'indicatore MACD in base alla tendenza di acquisto o di vendita. I parametri che è possibile modificare sono gli stessi forniti dall'indicatore MACD di MetaTrader e, in aggiunta, quelli necessari per modificare i colori che si ritengono più appropriati in base alle proprie preferenze. I parametri che è possibile modificare sono i seguenti:     Fast EMA     Slow EMA     MACD SMA     Apply To     Color Positive Trend     Color Negative Trend    
Close All Orders Assistant program sends orders to: Close All Profit, Close All Loss, Close All Buy, Close All Sell Positions. Depending on pressed button.   You can apply buttons to the current charts or for all charts. Enjoy using ! Attention ! The shutdown process may take a longer. Pay attention to this especially when you have more positions and the market is about to close.
Smart Trend Tool
Smaylle Rafael Coelho Mariano
5 (1)
Strumento Smart Trend Filter per MetaTrader 4 (MT4) Questo strumento è progettato per garantire che qualsiasi Expert Advisor (EA) che opera all'interno di MetaTrader 4 (MT4) apra solo posizioni che si allineano con il trend di mercato prevalente. Funziona analizzando il trend su uno o più grafici, scrivendo le informazioni sul trend in un file e applicando specifici modelli (SMARTLONG.tpl per un trend lungo e SMARTSHORT.tpl per un trend corto). Lo strumento opera in un loop continuo in backgro
My Trade History PRO
Bernhard Schweigert
5 (3)
ATTUALMENTE SCONTATO DEL 20%!! La soluzione migliore per ogni principiante o trader esperto! Rivedere le proprie operazioni è il primo passo per diventare un trader di successo. I trader di successo hanno l'abitudine di rivedere regolarmente le proprie performance di trading. Questo strumento vi aiuterà a farlo. Il processo di revisione sarà più efficace con questo strumento per tracciare il vostro trading. Analizzate le vostre operazioni manuali o quelle del vostro EA. Utilizzate le 3 vis
This adds an easy to use trading panel to your MetaTrader4 chart, enabling you to enter the market at lightning speed with your risk automatically calculated. Plus, it will help you automate your trade management with automatic & one click partial profits, stop loss to breakeven and more. Click here for the full Trade Buddy user guide If you want to test Trade Buddy before you purchase, please message us by visiting our profile and we will provide you with a 7 day free trial. Best of all, it’s c
This is a simple utility which will put Automatic Stop Loss and Take Profit. It also has Trailing Stop Loss and Break Even features. The input value of the Stop Loss and Take Profit is in Pips. Whenever you open a trade it will put stop loss and take profit in pips automatically. *If you need a more practical stop loss and take profit for your trades then you may like this ATR based stop loss utility,  Here! Inputs: 1. SL and Trailing SL - This is the Stop Loss value in Pips. Also used as Traili
A "simple design" trading panel, which is characterized by small byte size, low CPU usage, simple steps, and quick operation, 1 to 2 clicks to complete a functional operation, saving time and increasing efficiency . The panel is easy to use, and it is not complicated to set parameters, which is in line with traders' habits. At the same time, its compact- design, clear at a glance, and comprehensive functions are a powerful tool for manual trading! Key features of the panel:   Click "Bid Price
VR Watch list and Linker
Vladimir Pastushak
4.63 (8)
Elenco di controllo VR e Linker - applicazione di screening per il terminale Meta Trader . Rende più facile trovare gli strumenti finanziari più interessanti e tecnici. Questo screener viene utilizzato dai trader per fare trading su borse come Bybit, Borsa di Mosca, American Exchange, mercato dei cambi e delle criptovalute, mercato dei metalli e viene utilizzato per il trading in società di prop. La selezione degli strumenti finanziari viene effettuata manualmente. Lo screener collega i grafici
Click and Go Trade Manager
Victor Christiaanse
5 (8)
Click and Go Trade Manager, the ultimate solution for seamless trading execution. With a simple click on the chart, you can effortlessly define your stop loss, entry price, and target levels. No more hassle of inputting values manually - it's made incredibly intuitive and easy. Embedded risk management is a key feature of our Trade Manager. We understand the importance of protecting your investments, which is why the Click and Go Trade Manager incorporates risk management. When placing orders,
Smart Key Trade Manager
Stephen Sanjeeve Sahayam
La maggior parte dei trader al dettaglio non è in grado di gestire il rischio e fa saltare i conti rischiando eccessivamente o facendo trading eccessivo. Questo strumento automatizza completamente il drawdown e la gestione del rischio, lasciando che un trader si concentri solo sui propri inserimenti. È il primo e unico gestore commerciale che utilizza l'azione dei prezzi con la sua funzione Aggressive Risk Control per chiudere automaticamente le posizioni parziali quando il prezzo va contro il
Easy Order PRO MT4
Yoshiki Takeuchi
3.86 (7)
Questo è per MT4. Fare riferimento al seguente sito per le versioni MT5. ・MT5    https://www.mql5.com/ja/market/product/72114 Panoramica Basta spostare le linee, il lotto viene calcolato automaticamente compilando l'importo del taglio delle perdite. È possibile calcolare le seguenti otto valute (USD, EUR, GBP, JPY, AUD, NZD, CHF, NZD) È possibile selezionare un importo fisso o un rapporto di saldo. Calcola i premi di rischio. L'ordine di mercato, l'ordine limite e l'ordine stop vengono applicat
Auto Trade Driver
Vu Trung Kien
4.87 (15)
Auto Trade Driver is an automatic powerful tool (run as Expert Advisor) that helps you to manage risk and control orders and maximize your profit in multi-protect/trailing-stop rules. This tool is very useful for both scalpers and trend followers. It not only calculates the trade risk exactly, but also protects and maximizes your profits in real-time. With this tool, the only thing you have to do is to enter trade by your own strategy, then it will auto-drive your position with exit strategy you
See my other products here. One Click Order This product helps you to send your order as quickly and easily as possible. Send your order as fast as possible: Just set your position parameter values(Price, TP, SL, Ex Date) with just a few simple mouse drags. On the other hand, the calculation of the losses and profits value before ordering is always a big challenge for traders; This expert is very useful in taking a position and calculating the amount of the stop loss/the take profit(in the curr
MQLTA One Click Trade Pro
MQL4 Trading Automation
4.56 (9)
One Click Trade Pro is a tool that allows you to open orders with just one click, choosing all the parameters, including the Magic Number! Useful if you want to quickly submit trades specifying also their Magic Number. Other than submitting new orders you can also see the list of orders (with their Magic Number) and change their Stop Loss and Take Profit. The PRO version also allows you to: Open opposite pending orders Setup and submit orders using lines, for a better visualization How does it
Lot Calculator FJD
Narges Kavaktoo
5 (2)
The Lot Calculation FJD is an expert for risk management for Meta Trader 4. This expert calculates the value of lot size for every position based on Trader’s given balance, Risk, and Stop loss. This expert is really user friendly, and calculates lot size with just a few clicks which helps traders specially the scalpers to open a position as quick as possible with respect to the Risk management. The following inputs can be changed by the user: 1. Percentage of Risk per Trade (RPT %) 2. Balance
LT Watermark MT4
Thiago Duarte
5 (4)
This indicator draw a watermark on the chart, with the timeframe and symbol name. You can change everything, including add a aditional watermark. Functions: Symbol watermark: Size -  text size. Font -  text font. Color -  text color. Background text -  watermark at foreground or background mode. Horizontal correction -  x correction in pixels. Vertical correction -  y correction in pixels. Separator period X symbol -  what will separate the period from symbol. Aditional watermark: Enable custom
1. Questo sistema documentario è un sistema documentario locale, cioè il trasmettitore e il ricevitore devono funzionare sullo stesso computer. Poiché il conto MT4 / 5 può essere registrato contemporaneamente su più computer, è necessario solo inviare la password di conto in sola lettura al cliente. La merchandising locale è molto veloce e stabile perché non coinvolge la rete. 2. Attualmente è l'estremità di ricezione. Quando si carica il grafico, è necessario cambiare il "trasmettitore" nel p
Candlestick Pattern Scanner is a multi-timeframe and multi-symbol dashboard and alert system that checks all timeframes and currency pairs for different candlestick patterns that are formed in them. Scanner is integrated with support and resistance zones so you can check the candlestick patterns in the most important areas of the chart to find breakout and reversal patterns in the price chart. Download demo version   (works on M30,D1,W1 timeframes and 20 symbols of Market Watch window) Read the
OneClick V1
Kusuma Nungki S
Simple button panel of trade on your chart with OneClick V1 Trial version. This trade panel will make it easier for you. Equipped with several functions that make it very easy for you. More tools on OneClick VZ version, see here. This version includes: Open Order Buy Open Order Sell Open Pending Order [Buy Limit - Buy Stop - Sell Limit-Sell Stop] Close ALL orders Close Order Buy Close Order Sell Delete Pending Order [Buy Limit - Buy Stop - Sell Limit-Sell Stop] ENJOY IT!!! ONE CLICK V1 [TRIAL
Display Order box list from  Trading box  Order Management tool. Find contacts and  manual   links on my   profile . This dashboard gives you an edge in forex trading because in few seconds you can decide which pair and timeframe is worth to watch more closely. This is how you will not be distracted by all other forex pairs that you trade, and you will not miss great opportunities to trade the best price. Trading Dashboard  (order box overview panel and Trading box Order management extension)
TPS Auto Tp Sl Tsl
Gopal Goswami
5 (1)
#forex  #sharemarket #trading   Disclaimer :- My videos, presentations, and writings are strictly for educational purposes and should not be considered investment advice. I cannot guarantee the accuracy of any information provided. It is essential to conduct your own research and consult a qualified financial advisor before making any investment decisions. I bear no responsibility for any financial losses or negative outcomes resulting from the use of my content. Please exercise caution and seek
Enhance Your Trading with the Support and Resistance Alert! Ready to take your trading to the next level? Introducing the Support and Resistance Alert—the ultimate tool to precisely identify market turning points! Key Features: Dynamic Support and Resistance Lines: The indicator automatically draws support and resistance levels based on local lows and highs, giving you clear guidance on where the market is likely to reverse. Real-Time Alerts: Stay ahead of the market with customizable alerts. Ge
Trade Report
Stanislav Shtiliyanov
5 (3)
Very good tool for statistics, shows the moment and history, you can observe instant profit, profit - loss in pips, money, etc. I still have a lot of useful indicators for free, if anyone wishes you can write to me. You can keep your records by magic number, also only for a specific hour or year or day. For more information, welcome to our Telegram Group.  https://t.me/InfinXx
NEW :    integration with Ofir Signals to send personalized alerts Ofir Notify is a tool which send alerts on trades to Telegram Alert on any event concerning a position : Opening, Closing, modification (SL, TP) Send alerts to Chats, Groups and Channel Alert on Equity change Display Risk, Reward and progress of profit/lost for each position Customization of alerts Sending charts screenshots with alerts Send signals from your indicators or experts Daily, weekly and monthly summaries Reply mode:
OHLC Magnet
Alexander Martinez
5 (4)
OHLC Magnet adds the missing magnet points for Horizontal Lines, Rectangles, and Price Labels. Instructions: Simply drag one of the aforementioned objects to the desired Open, High, Low, or Close , within the Pixel Proximity, and OHLC Magnet will automatically attach the object to the exact price point you chose. Parameters: Proximity (Pixels): The proximity, in pixels, to how close your mouse cursor must be to the Open/High/Low/Close for the utility to attach to that specific price point. Defau
Per favore lascia una valutazione di 5 stelle se ti piace questo strumento gratuito! Grazie mille :) La collezione Expert Advisor "Risk Management Assistant" è una suite completa di strumenti progettati per migliorare le strategie di trading gestendo efficacemente il rischio in varie condizioni di mercato. Questa raccolta comprende tre componenti chiave: consulenti esperti di media, commutazione e copertura, ciascuno dei quali offre vantaggi distinti su misura per diversi scenari di trading. Q
Order History
Brian Lillard
5 (2)
A more advanced trade plotter indicator that also includes some additional information. Fully customizable to fit the desired look of the chart as well as the historical orders. Be sure that all the order history needed to view has been shown in the Account History tab Ensure that the order history is for example 1 week or 1 month when trading on live account Key Features The indicator has lots of preferences of how you like to see orders on the chart. Each order type has been made customizable
Grid Manager
Himma Youssef
4.75 (8)
This is a  demo version . Download the  full version   from this link   https://www.mql5.com/fr/market/product/84850 Full version Allows you to :  Set the number of levels (trades). Lot size and you can do Martingale to raise the lot size for each level. Set distance between levels, and you can manage the distance for each level using Distance Q. Static TP and SL for each level. You can open : BUY STOP / BUY LIMIT / SELL STOP / SELL LIMIT (levels in one click). Close all buy orders. Close all s
Shows you the time of the server you're on as well as the current time of the time zone you're in. 12-hour clock format (12:00:00 am to 11:59:59 pm) Charts from 1-5 mins are in hour:min:sec format Charts from 15 mins to 1 month are in hour:min format" You can also change the color of the clock to any color MT4 offers. If there is anything you would like me to add ask. As long as it isn't extensive, I might add it.
IceFX ProfitInfo
Norbert Mereg
4.56 (9)
The goal of this indicator is to give you a quick & comprehensive view of your current profit. IceFX’s ProfitInfo is a utility indicator which displays the profit which is calculated from the actual trades on the chart(s). The indicator displays on a daily / weekly / monthly and yearly breakdown and shows the profit in pips / currency and percentage. Main features: You can easily adjust IceFX’s ProfitInfo to display profit on the current open chart / current trade or even the profit of the enti
!!! New faeture sending Signals as VIP EMAILS MT4 Telegram Signal is tool, which sends selected trades via magicno to telegram channel , sms and email to user. Tool sends trades when open and close with chart to telegram chanel. It also sends every modification from trades to telegram. Tool can send multiple charts and magicno and pairs from a single chart. For this you have to fill in on the chart corresponding magic number to be sent by the chart. You must add the URL “ https://api.telegram.
Tipu Panel
Kaleem Haider
4.88 (8)
Tipu Panel series is set of innovative indicators created to consolidate indicators in form of a panel. As a trader, indicators can easily create a cluster on the chart and distract you from the bigger picture. It can also be overwhelming and visually exhausting. Tipu Panel simplifies this by displaying each indicator in a beautifully boxed panel. You can customize the panel to display indicator signals for multiple time frames and also to quickly switch time frames. There are two types of indic
Exp TralPartionClose
Vladislav Andruschenko
5 (8)
Chiusura parziale e traccia - assistente EA. Chiude una parte di una posizione (Chiude parte del lotto) durante il rollback. EA chiude una posizione redditizia in chiusure parziali quando il prezzo si muove prima nella direzione dei profitti, e poi torna indietro. Descrizione completa +PDF Come comprare Come installare     Come ottenere i file di registro     Come testare e ottimizzare     Tutti i prodotti di Expforex EA monitora la posizione. Se il prezzo si muove nella direzione dei profitt
DMI Drawdown Watcher: Track your Drawdowns in Real Time 100% free, functional and without limitations! The DMI Drawdown Watcher is an essential tool for traders, designed to monitor your drawdowns in real time. Ideal for optimizing your risk management, this indicator tracks your current and maximum losses, helping you meet the strict criteria of prop firms and protect your capital. Key Features: Max DrawDown Value Alert: Triggers an alert when the maximum drawdown threshold is reached. (Def
This Tool Allow you close all open Orders automatics when Equity reach to specific value:  - When Equity is less than  specific value - When Equity is greater than  specific value - And Allow you close all open orders in manual - It will notification to MT4 Mobile app when it execute close all orders. __________________________________________ It very helpful for you when you trade with prop funds. Avoid reach daily drawdown and automatics close all orders when you get target.
1. Questo sistema documentario è un sistema documentario locale, cioè il trasmettitore e il ricevitore devono funzionare sullo stesso computer. Poiché il conto MT4 / 5 può essere registrato contemporaneamente su più computer, è necessario solo inviare la password di conto in sola lettura al cliente. La merchandising locale è molto veloce e stabile perché non coinvolge la rete. 2. Attualmente è l'estremità di trasmissione e può funzionare normalmente quando caricato nel grafico. Inoltre, è nece
Close by percentage MT4
Konstantin Kulikov
4.88 (8)
Hello friends. I wrote this utility specifically for use in my profile with a large number of Expert Advisors and sets ("Joint_profiles_from_grid_sets" https://www.mql5.com/en/blogs/post/747929 ). Now, in order to limit losses on the account, there is no need to change the "Close_positions_at_percentage_of_loss" parameter on each chart. Just open one additional chart, attach this utility and set the desired percentage for closing all trades on the account. The utility has the following function
News Dashboard MT4
Taras Slobodyanik
4.43 (7)
This dashboard displaying current news from ForexFactory.com (calendar FFC) and from the Investing.com website . You can sort news by impact and by country, and display them on the chart with one click. By holding down the 'Ctrl' key, you can select several different 'currencies' or 'impacts' to sort. Also, this utility shows not only the forecast, but also the actual values ​​after they appear on the site. You can set a separate notification for each news. You can read the news using your EA
Tipu Trader
Kaleem Haider
3 (2)
Tipu Trader is a part of Tipu Panel ecosystem that was developed out of need for quick and simple trading. Tipu Trader is an easy to use trade panel for commonly used trade functions. Create you own signals with Tipu Panel and trade along with Tipu Trader, a simple and easy to use trade panel. Features An easy to use trade panel for most commonly used trade functions. Create your own personal trade signals with Tipu Panel , and trade with Tipu Trader. Customizable Panel. The panel can be moved
POSITION SIZE CALCULATOR EASY As the name suggests it is the most easy-to-use position size calculator available on the market. this indicator calculates the lot size within a fraction of a second and the best part is that it is very flexible and easy to use. you can use money or percentage to calculate the lot size. you can use equity or balance to calculate the lot size.
Smart Forex Lab.
4 (3)
Your own copy system MT4 signal provider via Telegram Telegram isn't just for sending and receiving chat messages. It's also for automating your work flow. The combined use of MetaGram and Telegram bots allows you to send, receive and manage messages and even get your own copying system. Sharing trades with your subscribers is now such a simple process with this easy-to-use MetaGram app for MT4. Once you have connected MetaGram to your trading account and Telegram, your trades are sent immediat
Open multiple trades with 1 click. The EezeOrder Script is designed to make trading easy. All in 1 click, open as many trades as you want, and select the order type from a dropdown list.  No need to change chart just enter the name of the symbol Enter the number of trades you want Select whether it is a buy, sell, buy limit, sell limit, buy stop or sell stop Enter TP(in points) and SL(in points) and click OK, and trades are opened 1. Make sure Auto trading is on 2. Make sure the symbol section
Breakout System EA
5 (1)
Breakout System EA   works based on HFT (high-frequency trading) algorithm and mini bar height. it open trades when bar height meets some indicators mathematical confirmation.  * Forex EA Features – Allow compound interest or Fix lots by Users – Spreads protection, using pending orders (stop order) without any market orders – No grid. No martingale – A small Stoploss for every trade – Combine with RSI, Ichimoku and Awesome Oscillator indicators to balance the price – Primitive Price Action Activ
MT4 Local Trade Copier Pro
Biswarup Banerjee
3.58 (12)
About The Product This is an mt4 expert advisor which will let the end user to copy trades from a source mt4 account to N different mt4/mt5 account in the same pc. It is specially useful when you want to copy your trades from an account to several client account or accounts which will have different parameter for those trades. This product provides options to copy trades with different options as well as copy them in reverse. Note: Download and test the    MT4 Local Trade Copier Pro     demo ve
Trailing and SL TP
Konstantin Kulikov
5 (1)
The utility places trailing stop, breakeven, stop loss and take profit.‌ It is necessary to allow automated trading in the terminal settings. In testing mode, the utility opens Buy or Sell positions on the first ticks, which allows you to visually observe the given logic, changing the utility parameters. In real mode, the utility does not open positions. Parameters magic  - magic number. If less than 0, positions with any magic number are tracked. only_this_symbol  - only chart symbol. If  false
Order Manager MT4
Amir Atif
3.67 (3)
50% off. Original price: $60 Order Manager is a trade assistant and trade copier with a money manager that helps traders open, modify and close manual trades and also copy their trades between multiple accounts in the most simple way to help them focus more on their market analysis and open orders with just a few clicks. Download Demo here  (It only works on demo accounts) Full guide   here MT5 version here Order Manager features: Works on all instruments such as currency pairs, indexes, CFDs
Easy Toolbar MT4
Nguyen Tuan Son
5 (1)
Easy Toolbar is a user-friendly toolkit that provides fundamental tools and utilities which can helps you analyze market , get notifications and calculate trade factors faster, more accurate and much easier. Easy Toolbar is born with the mission to make analysis tools of MT4 really work & provide more useful utilities . If you are not fully depend on EAs and do your own work to analyze market, this tool is for you! Main features New way to use market analysis tools Introduce new important object
Copy Trader MT4
Denis Luchinkin
5 (1)
Copy Trader is a convenient and fast order copier for MetaTrader4. The EA performs the copying of orders from the server terminal to one or several client terminals. It monitors opening/closing, StopLoss and TakeProfit, and also pending orders. It uses a magic number for its orders, which allows to open other orders in the client terminal both manually and using other experts; It has a minimum of settings. Install the Expert Advisor in two terminals: Choose MODE - SERVER on the terminal to copy
Rosy Pro Panel MT4
Theresia Yovitha Herwanda
5 (1)
An ultimate panel you've never seen before.  Compact and nice Trade panel with large Total P/L and it's percentage display. Groups for trades summary available: Ticket, Symbol, Type, Category, and Magic. Average price field helps you know your trading average price and direction. Set magic and comment of your trading in a very easy way. Group closing by symbol, type, category or magic - only by one click. Close All button for a quick action closing all trades. Trade on single chart, no need to o
Simple panel EA
Fedor Arkhipov
4.92 (13)
This is a simple panel EA for one-click trading. Unlike the standard panel, it features the Close all button for closing all orders on the current symbol, as well as the ability to enter the stop loss and take profit values before opening an order. The EA distinguishes its orders from others, therefore, the magic number must be specified in the panel settings. The panel is able to take screenshots when opening and closing deals to allow further analysis of the signals for opening/closing orders.
MultiLimitStop EA
Siti Latifah
5 (1)
This EA is designed for automatic placing of pending orders (sell limit, buy limit, sell stop, buy stop) including Stop Loss & Take Profit levels (editable) with only one button click. This EA can make order multi pending level / pending orders grid. So, with this EA placing pending orders will be faster, more accurate and more efficient. Main Purposes Automation Pending orders grid style trading. Automation of the process of placing the Pending Orders: fast accurate efficient Automation of cl
Auto SLTP Pro for MT4
Tuan Nghia Phan
5 (1)
Auto SLTP Pro can help you setSL & TP automatically for positions & pending orders * 2 modes: - Points - USD * Symbol Filter:  Select All or a specific symbol * For pending orders: Select true to set SLTP for pending orders Note: Only valid for positions (pending orders) without SL&TP! Join my channel   here   for more useful management tools: * Remote Tools via Telegram: Super Assistant, Master Close, Master Control, Master Notify * Free Tools: Tele Notify, Price Alert, Quick Close 
LT Clock MT4
Thiago Duarte
4.89 (9)
Simple indicator that draws the market hours on chart (broker, local and GMT). Functions: Horizontal distance -  from border. Vertical distance -  from border. Color -  text color. Font -  text font. Size -  text size. Corner -  which chart corner will be drawn. Show seconds -  show or hide seconds. Draw as background -  candles front or back. Label local -  text before local time. Label broker -  text before broker time. Label GMT -  text before GMT time. Object ID -  identification from object

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