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As the library grows, its code must be optimized again in order to reduce its size. The version of the library described in this article has become even more object-oriented. This made the code easier to learn. A detailed description of the latest changes will allow the readers to develop the library independently based on their own needs.

This article will implement the ability to select text using various key combinations and deletion of the selected text, similar to the way it is done in any other text editor. In addition, we will continue to optimize the code and prepare the classes to move on to the final process of the second stage of the library's evolution, where all controls will be rendered as separate images (canvases).

We continue to develop the Multiline Text box control. This time our task is to implement an automatic word wrapping in case a text box width overflow occurs, or a reverse word wrapping of the text to the previous line if the opportunity arises.

We continue to add new features to the rendered table: data sorting, managing the number of columns and rows, setting the table cell types to place controls into them.

We continue to complement the Rendered table (CCanvasTable) with new features. The table will now have: highlighting of the rows when hovered; ability to add an array of icons for each cell and a method for switching them; ability to set or modify the cell text during the runtime, and more.

Until today, the CTable was the most advanced type of tables among all presented in the library. This table is assembled from edit boxes of the OBJ_EDIT type, and its further development becomes problematic. Therefore, in terms of maximum capabilities, it is better to develop rendered tables of the CCanvasTable type even at the current development stage of the library. Its current version is completely lifeless, but starting from this article, we will try to fix the situation.

The Multiline Text box control is discussed. Unlike the graphical objects of the OBJ_EDIT type, the presented version will not have restrictions on the number of input characters. It also adds the mode for turning the text box into a simple text editor, where the cursor can be moved using the mouse or keys.

The library code needs to be optimized: it should be more regularized, which is — more readable and comprehensible for studying. In addition, we will continue to develop the controls created previously: lists, tables and scrollbars.

Development of the library for creating graphical interfaces continues. The Time and List of checkboxes controls will be covered this time. In addition, the CTable class now provides the ability to sort data in ascending or descending order.

This article will consider new controls: Text Edit box, Picture Slider, as well as additional simple controls: Text label and Picture. The library continues to grow, and in addition to introduction of new controls, the previously created ones are also being improved.

This time we will consider the Standard chart control. It will allow to create arrays of subcharts with the ability to synchronize horizontal scrolling. In addition, we will continue to optimize the library code to reduce the CPU load.

The next version of the Easy And Fast library (version 3) is presented in this article. Fixed certain flaws and added new features. More details further in the article.

Since the publication of the previous article in the series, Easy And Fast library has received some new features. The library structure and code have been partially optimized slightly reducing CPU load. Some recurring methods in many control classes have been moved to the CElement base class.

The second chapter of the part nine is dedicated to the progress bar and line chart controls. As always, there will be detailed examples provided to reveal how these controls can be used in custom MQL applications.

With this article we begin chapter nine of series of articles dedicated to creating graphical interfaces in MetaTrader trading terminals. It consists of two chapters where new elements of controls and interface, such as color picker, color button, progress bar and line chart are presented.

In the previous chapters of the eighth part of the series, our library has been reinforced by several classes for developing mouse pointers, calendars and tree views. The current article deals with the file navigator control that can also be used as part of an MQL application graphical interface.

The previous chapter of part VIII on graphical interfaces has focused on the elements of static and drop-down calendar. The second chapter will be dedicated to an equally complex element — a tree view, that is included in every complete library used for creating graphical interfaces. A tree view implemented in this article contains multiple flexible settings and modes, thus allowing to adjust this element of control to your needs.

In the part VIII of the series of articles dedicated to creating graphical interfaces in MetaTrader, we will consider complex composite controls like calendars, tree view, and file navigator. Due to the large amount of information, there are separate articles written for every subject. The first chapter of this part describes the calendar control and its expanded version — a drop down calendar.

The first chapter of seventh part introduced three classes of controls for creating tables: text label table (CLabelsTable), edit box table (CTable) and rendered table (CCanvasTable). In this article (chapter two) we are going to consider the Tabs control.

The seventh part of the series on MetaTrader graphical interfaces deals with three table types: text label, edit box and rendered one. Another important and frequently used controls are tabs allowing you to show/hide groups of other controls and develop space effective interfaces in your MQL applications.