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prodotto condiviso per venditore Apex Software Ltd
Recensioni: 11
299.99 USD

DashPlus è uno strumento avanzato di gestione delle operazioni progettato per migliorare l'efficienza e l'efficacia del trading sulla piattaforma MetaTrader 5. Offre una suite completa di funzionalità, tra cui calcolo del rischio, gestione degli ordini, sistemi di griglia avanzati, strumenti basati su grafici e analisi delle prestazioni. Caratteristiche Principali 1. Griglia di Recupero Implementa un sistema di griglia flessibile e di media per gestire le operazioni in condizioni di mercato

prodotto condiviso per venditore Apex Software Ltd
Recensioni: 1
59.00 USD

Migliora il tuo trading con le intuizioni sugli eventi di notizie Nel mondo frenetico del trading, gli eventi di notizie possono influenzare significativamente i prezzi di mercato. Comprendere come questi eventi influenzano i movimenti dei prezzi è fondamentale per gestire le tue operazioni durante periodi volatili. Il News Tool EA è progettato per fornire approfondimenti sugli eventi di notizie sia storici che futuri, aiutandoti a prendere decisioni di trading informate. Questo EA non può

prodotto condiviso per venditore Apex Software Ltd
Recensioni: 11

Panoramica Utilizza il Pannello Statistiche per monitorare, analizzare e migliorare le tue prestazioni di trading. Visualizza una selezione di statistiche chiave su vari periodi, inclusi giornaliero, settimanale, mensile e personalizzato. Identifica facilmente i tuoi strumenti con le migliori e peggiori prestazioni utilizzando il grafico a linee interattivo. EA non funziona nel tester di strategia. Contattaci per una prova gratuita. Statistiche Visualizzate: Profitto - % di profitto e profitto

Anatoli Kazharski
Articolo pubblicato Magic of time trading intervals with Frames Analyzer tool
Magic of time trading intervals with Frames Analyzer tool

What is Frames Analyzer? This is a plug-in module for any Expert Advisor for analyzing optimization frames during parameter optimization in the strategy tester, as well as outside the tester, by reading an MQD file or a database that is created immediately after parameter optimization. You will be able to share these optimization results with other users who have the Frames Analyzer tool to discuss the results together.

Osmel 2023.07.27
Hola. Esta es el mejor complemento para optimizar. Cómo puedo adquirir Frames Analyzer? Saludos
Anatoli Kazharski
Anatoli Kazharski 2023.08.03
Unfortunately, this program is no longer for sale.
Anatoli Kazharski
Articolo pubblicato Веб-проекты (Часть III): Система авторизации Laravel/MetaTrader 5
Веб-проекты (Часть III): Система авторизации Laravel/MetaTrader 5

В этот раз создадим систему авторизации в торговом терминале MetaTrader 5 на чистом MQL5. Пользователи приложения смогут зарегистрироваться в системе, предоставив свои учётные данные, чтобы впоследствии можно было авторизоваться и получить доступ, к каким-нибудь данным, которые хранятся в серверной части приложения.

Anatoli Kazharski
Articolo pubblicato Веб-проекты (Часть II): Система авторизации Laravel/Nuxt
Веб-проекты (Часть II): Система авторизации Laravel/Nuxt

В этой статье создадим систему авторизации через браузерное приложение и через торговый терминал MetaTrader 5. Можно будет зарегистрироваться в системе, указав свои учётные данные.

Anatoli Kazharski
Articolo pubblicato Веб-проекты (Часть I): Создание веб-приложения в схеме Laravel/Nuxt/MetaTrader 5
Веб-проекты (Часть I): Создание веб-приложения в схеме Laravel/Nuxt/MetaTrader 5

Разработчики MetaTrader 5 предоставили MQL-сообществу множество технологических решений, что даёт возможность реализовывать сложные программные комплексы, схемы которых могут выходить даже за рамки «песочницы» локального компьютера.

Anatoli Kazharski
Articolo pubblicato The power of ZigZag (part II). Examples of receiving, processing and displaying data
The power of ZigZag (part II). Examples of receiving, processing and displaying data

In the first part of the article, I have described a modified ZigZag indicator and a class for receiving data of that type of indicators. Here, I will show how to develop indicators based on these tools and write an EA for tests that features making deals according to signals formed by ZigZag indicator. As an addition, the article will introduce a new version of the EasyAndFast library for developing graphical user interfaces.

Anatoli Kazharski
Articolo pubblicato The power of ZigZag (part I). Developing the base class of the indicator
The power of ZigZag (part I). Developing the base class of the indicator

Many researchers do not pay enough attention to determining the price behavior. At the same time, complex methods are used, which very often are simply “black boxes”, such as machine learning or neural networks. The most important question arising in that case is what data to submit for training a particular model.

Anatoli Kazharski
Articolo pubblicato Universal RSI indicator for working in two directions simultaneously
Universal RSI indicator for working in two directions simultaneously

When developing trading algorithms, we often encounter a problem: how to determine where a trend/flat begins and ends? In this article, we try to create a universal indicator, in which we try to combine signals for different types of strategies. We will try to simplify the process of obtaining trade signals in an expert as much as possible. An example of combining several indicators in one will be given.

Anatoli Kazharski
Articolo pubblicato Expert Advisor featuring GUI: Adding functionality (part II)
Expert Advisor featuring GUI: Adding functionality (part II)

This is the second part of the article showing the development of a multi-symbol signal Expert Advisor for manual trading. We have already created the graphical interface. It is now time to connect it with the program's functionality.

Haili Lv
Haili Lv 2020.04.23
can't open "C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Roaming\MetaQuotes\Terminal\EE3DEB007198AC71AB65746525A7EDD2\MQL5\Include\EasyAndFastGUI\WndEvents.mqh" include file Program.mqh
tiagops 2021.05.20
Only after the first click on the form does it activate the elements for user interaction. How to solve this?
And the ON_END_CREATE_GUI event is not being triggered, could you give your latest version of EasyAndFastGUI? Thanks!
Anatoli Kazharski
Articolo pubblicato Expert Advisor featuring GUI: Creating the panel (part I)
Expert Advisor featuring GUI: Creating the panel (part I)

Despite the fact that many traders still prefer manual trading, it is hardly possible to completely avoid the automation of routine operations. The article shows an example of developing a multi-symbol signal Expert Advisor for manual trading.

Anatoli Kazharski
Articolo pubblicato Visualizing optimization results using a selected criterion
Visualizing optimization results using a selected criterion

In the article, we continue to develop the MQL application for working with optimization results. This time, we will show how to form the table of the best results after optimizing the parameters by specifying another criterion via the graphical interface.

Andrey Vorobiev
Andrey Vorobiev 2024.02.29
Добрый день. Хотел у вас заказать этот скрипт с адаптацией под мои нужды.
Anatoli Kazharski
Articolo pubblicato Processing optimization results using the graphical interface
Processing optimization results using the graphical interface

This is a continuation of the idea of processing and analysis of optimization results. This time, our purpose is to select the 100 best optimization results and display them in a GUI table. The user will be able to select a row in the optimization results table and receive a multi-symbol balance and drawdown graph on separate charts.

Anatoli Kazharski
Articolo pubblicato Multi-symbol balance graph in MetaTrader 5
Multi-symbol balance graph in MetaTrader 5

The article provides an example of an MQL application with its graphical interface featuring multi-symbol balance and deposit drawdown graphs based on the last test results.

Anatoli Kazharski
Table of contents Introduction Tester settings Expert settings for parameter optimization Which symbols should be selected for trading...
Anatoli Kazharski
Articolo pubblicato Visualizing trading strategy optimization in MetaTrader 5
Visualizing trading strategy optimization in MetaTrader 5

The article implements an MQL application with a graphical interface for extended visualization of the optimization process. The graphical interface applies the last version of EasyAndFast library. Many users may ask why they need graphical interfaces in MQL applications. This article demonstrates one of multiple cases where they can be useful for traders.

Anatoli Kazharski
Содержание Введение Настройки тестера Настройки эксперта для оптимизации параметров...
Anatoli Kazharski
Articolo pubblicato Graphical Interfaces XI: Integrating the Standard Graphics Library (build 16)
Graphical Interfaces XI: Integrating the Standard Graphics Library (build 16)

A new version of the graphics library for creating scientific charts (the CGraphic class) has been presented recently. This update of the developed library for creating graphical interfaces will introduce a version with a new control for creating charts. Now it is even easier to visualize data of different types.

Cid Ougaske
Cid Ougaske 2017.11.11
Great work, again... congrat´s
wujunnihao 2018.01.05
Thanks for sharing, can you write all the files in the library.
haily27 2018.06.06
Anatoli Kazharski
Articolo pubblicato Graphical Interfaces XI: Text edit boxes and Combo boxes in table cells (build 15)
Graphical Interfaces XI: Text edit boxes and Combo boxes in table cells (build 15)

In this update of the library, the Table control (the CTable class) will be supplemented with new options. The lineup of controls in the table cells is expanded, this time adding text edit boxes and combo boxes. As an addition, this update also introduces the ability to resize the window of an MQL application during its runtime.