Adam Hewison is former floor trader, retired hedge manager and the President of In this video, Adam Hewison shares some very simple, yet powerful, trading rules that would benefit each of us in one way or another. 1. Have a Game Plan...
The Dragonfly Doji is a significant bullish reversal candlestick pattern that mainly occurs at the bottom of downtrends. The Dragonfly Doji is created when the open, high, and close are the same or about the same price (Where the open, high, and close are exactly the same price is quite rare...
Durable Goods Orders Durable Goods Orders (DGO) is an indicator of orders placed for relatively long lasting goods. Durable goods are expected to last more than three years, e.g.: cars, furniture, appliances, etc...
G20 Meetings, Mario Draghi’s speech, German Ifo Business Climate, US New Home Sales, US Durable Goods Orders, US Unemployment Claims are the main highlights this week. Here is an outlook on the major events coming our way...
And Scotland voted to remain part of the United Kingdom, and Treasury yields are near lows, and gold and silver prices are getting bludgeoned in the paper market. While U.S. financial prognosticators are raving over Alibaba and the IPO, the price action in precious metals and in the broader U.S...
Here are 10 reasons why forex investing is an important part of any portfolio. 1. Diversification Despite the low 0.12% rate of return that many money market funds provide, cash has remained the center of the universe for many investors who seek the security of the dollar. 2...
Microsoft has established a new wholly-owned subsidiary in Shanghai named Microsoft Asia-Pacific Technology Limited, which will focus on the global research and development of the Microsoft cloud operating system...
The story in precious metals this week was a stronger US dollar pushing down prices for hedging metals - gold and palladium. Platinum and silver took a hit from the strong dollar, as well. Palladium After drifting 5.4 percent, US palladium bar dropped to $833...
USDJPY traders are showing signs of indecision as denoted by a Doji on the daily. Yet in the absence of clear reversal signals there remains the potential for a journey higher to resume...

Apple Stock Forecast

16 septembre 2014, 12:11
As predicted, the price has bounced off the resistance turned support area near the $97.50/share level, which is also right at the 50 simple moving average support...
What’s moving the market this morning? Which markets are most active? What drivers (or news) might come out to push the market further? The Setup...
Saxo Bank was recently in the news after the exit of its long-serving CEO Torben Kaaber, who was succeeded by Mateo Cassina. Now with the departure of Mr. Elston, who worked for eight years, Saxo has a vacancy to fill in institutional trading desk. Mr...
From time to time, the FX market will create a trending market environment, perhaps as the result of a disparity in interest rates among the two currencies within the pair traded...
Sometimes, I don't understand why a trader could be convinced of not having a Stop Loss while we see almost every month an unexpected uncounted impulse (I would call it Best of the Test for whom with less of the rest) in the market...
Introduction. "Bonds are probably easier to understand than the nuances of most other markets, they are uncomplicated instruments and work in a very basic format. A Bond is nothing more than somebody borrowing money from somebody else that gets captured in writing...
The Role of Central Banks Central banks are at the heart of the financial system of any given country in that they are the authorities controlling the supply of money, and therefore control how a regions economy functions...
EUR/USD is the most widely traded currency pair in the forex trading market accounting for some 50% of trades. This implies the tightest spreads and may hence be one of the better cross pairs to start trading...
The dollar/yen has been very interesting since the start of the financial crisis. When the equity markets fell, the USA embarked on a huge amount of quantitative easing which served to weaken the Dollar...

How to Trade the Silver Price

7 septembre 2014, 12:11
David While and David Jones comment: "The last few years we have seen an increasing interest in silver trading. A couple of years ago the price of silver touched $50 and then it reversed quite quickly and interest has to some extent died down...
iOS developer Michael Sayman discusses how to get started in coding when you're young and lack resources. Sayman began making money off his first iOS app when he was just 13 years old. Now, at age 18, he has one of the most popular apps in the App Store, a photo-guessing game called 4 Snaps...