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Os bancos gregos estão a ser atacados por "hackers", que exigem um pagamento de sete milhões de euros em bitcoins para pararem, de acordo com a polícia grega e o banco central, citados pelo Financial Times...
Un grupo de hackers irrumpió en los sistemas operativos de tres bancos griegos, incluido el Banco Nacional, yexigió un rescate en bitcoin (moneda virtual), a cambio de no dañar sus transacciones bancarias, denunció la policía griega...
El oro subía por segundo día consecutivo hoy, recuperándose de un mínimo de cinco años y medio registrado la semana pasada, en momentos en que una caída del dólar llevaba a los inversores a cubrir posiciones cortas antes de una reunión del Banco Central Europeo y un esperado dato de empleo en Est...
A moeda chinesa, o renminbi, também conhecido como yuan, entrou no cabaz do Fundo Monetário Internacional (FMI), passados cinco anos da última decisão...
November was complex and full of surprises for the hedge funds - global stocks started and ended the month off poorly forcing many to load up on short positions. Many prominent asset managers suffered greatly (for example, David Einhorn lost 5.2% in the month and is down 20% for the year...
Oil prices stay on the flat line on Tuesday while USD is slightly down. But it is expected that OPEC will not change production targets during a meeting scheduled on Friday this week. So, traders focus on concerns about global oversupply. By this moment, Brent is around $44.59; WTI is $41.73...
Во вторник цена на Brent поднималась до $45,17 на фоне небольшого снижения доллара, однако к 16.30 мск снова снизилась, и сейчас баррель с поставкой в январе стоит $44,38...
The worst year for the euro can be even sadder: International Monetary Fund has included the Chinese yuan in the basket of reserve currencies. Now euro zone currency’s weighting in the IMF’s SDR basket will drop to 30.93 percent from 37.4 percent, the organization said yesterday...
Согласно свежим отчетам от Eurostat, уровень безработицы в странах еврозоны в октябре 2015 года снизился до минимума 2012 года - показатель упал до отметки 10,7% против 10,8% в сентябре...
Oil price falls from 54.00 to a little above 43.50 since the beginning of October this year, and it has a negative impact on economy and the currency. Further easing not priced and the CAD may weaken if Bank of Canada will take more dovish tone...
Азиатские рынки закрылись преимущественно в плюсе, а японский индекс Nikkei впервые за три месяца перешел за психологически важную отметку 20 000 пунктов. Инвесторы в Азиатско-Тихоокеанском регионе, казалось бы, проигнорировали снижение индексов Уолл-стрит минувшей ночью...
Goldman Sachs analysts considered that there will not be any big movement for the market in 2016, and they started the forecast from S&P 500 index predicted the weak market with a little growth. The price will be stuck to be around 2,100 level for the ranging market condition...
Во вторник на азиатской сессии спотовое золото вырастало на 1% до 1 074,94 долларов за унцию, но затем снизилось. Сейчас, к 11.30 мск, спотовое золото стоит 1 070,20 доллара за тройскую унцию (это +0,58% к началу суток), февральский фьючерс подорожал на 0,38% до $1 069,40 за унцию...
В течение азиатских торгов нефть немного выросла, но фьючерсы на Brent все равно остаются слабыми. К 10.53 мск Brent с поставкой в январе стоит $44,99, прибавив 0,94%. WTI подорожала на 0,85% до $42...
Dovish tone from the Bank of England (BOE) is moving GBP to be down keeping selling pressure. Brexit debate could also support more bearish, and inflation rising is not enough to support for GBP...
Вчера основные американские фондовые индексы снизились. S&P 500 потерял 0,46%; Nasdaq Composite снизился на 0,37%; Dow Jones Industrial Average опустился на 0,44...
There are two major meetings are coming in December: the Federal Reserve meeting and the European Central Bank meetings which will strongly affected on the direction of the currency movement...
AUD has proven to be stable one during the last 3 months because of constructive outlook from the Reserve Bank of Australia and expected easing. Chinese data respond to fiscal/monetary policy so we should expect AUD to continue outperformance against NZD, USD and CAD...
Morgan Stanley estimated for EUR to be in more bearish condition because of some expectation related to some main high impatected news events which will be happened in this week: 2015-12-03 12:45 GMT | [EUR - Minimum Bid Rate] 2015-12-03 13:30 GMT | [EUR - ECB News Conference] 2015-12-03 15:30 GM...
O centro financeiro de Nova Iorque abriu com o segmento acionista de Wall Street a apontar valorização, segunda-feira, após um fim de semana prolongado devido ao feriado de Ação de Graças...