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Goldenity AI


Après des années à trader l'or manuellement et à observer chacun de ses mouvements, j'ai finalement décidé de transformer mes stratégies éprouvées en une solution automatisée. J'ai eu la chance de rencontrer un programmeur exceptionnel partageant ma passion pour les marchés. Ce qui a commencé comme des discussions informelles sur le trading s'est transformé en un partenariat qui a conduit à la création de Goldenity : un système sophistiqué alimenté par l'IA qui combine mon expérience de trading avec des technologies avancées d'apprentissage automatique. Nous avons passé l'année dernière à consacrer tout notre cœur à ce projet, testant et affinant méticuleusement chaque aspect jusqu'à être sûrs qu'il pourrait reproduire avec précision mon style de trading manuel. Ce n'est pas juste un autre EA : c'est l'aboutissement d'innombrables heures passées à étudier le marché de l'or, à comprendre ses modèles et à développer des algorithmes d'IA capables de reconnaître les configurations que j'ai tradées avec succès pendant des années.

Stratégie de Trading Principale

Au cœur de Goldenity réside une combinaison sophistiquée de trading basé sur l'action des prix et d'analyse de marché alimentée par l'IA, spécifiquement conçue pour l'or. L'EA identifie les structures clés du marché en surveillant les sommets et creux sur le timeframe H1, tout en analysant les micro-mouvements sur M15 et les modèles de tendance plus larges sur H4. Les réseaux neuronaux de l'IA excellent à reconnaître les configurations à forte probabilité qui se produisent fréquemment sur le marché de l'or, telles que les ruptures pendant la session asiatique, les modèles de volatilité à l'ouverture européenne et les continuations de tendance pendant la session de New York. Notre stratégie exploite les caractéristiques uniques de l'or : sa tendance à former des niveaux de support et de résistance clairs, sa réactivité aux modèles techniques et son comportement distinct au cours des différentes sessions de marché. Le système d'IA a été formé sur des années de données de prix de l'or pour reconnaître non seulement des modèles de base, mais aussi des structures de marché complexes précédant des mouvements significatifs.

Lorsqu'une configuration potentielle est identifiée, les réseaux neuronaux évaluent simultanément plusieurs facteurs :

  • Structure de l'action des prix sur H1 (timeframe principal)
  • Alignement des tendances sur les timeframes M15 et H4
  • Profil de volume et profondeur du marché
  • Modèles récents de volatilité
  • Taux de succès historique des configurations similaires
  • Phase actuelle du marché (tendance/intervalle)

L'EA exécute un trade uniquement lorsque tous ces éléments s'alignent. Après l'entrée, l'IA surveille continuellement les conditions du marché pour gérer la position, en ajustant les niveaux de take-profit et de stop-loss en fonction de la volatilité en temps réel et du développement de l'action des prix. Cette approche globale permet à Goldenity de capturer à la fois les mouvements tendanciels et les opportunités en range, tout en maintenant des paramètres de risque stricts.

Mode Standard (Recommandé pour les Débutants)

  • Dimensionnement des positions basé sur le pourcentage de risque (0,2 % - 2 %, ajustable)
  • Niveaux de stop-loss et de take-profit fixes
  • Points d'entrée et de sortie alimentés par l'IA
  • Fonctionnalité de trailing stop

Mode Martingale Avancé (Pour les Traders Expérimentés)
  • Mécanisme de martingale optionnel avec paramètres personnalisables
  • Réglages basés sur l'ATR ou une distance fixe
  • Objectifs de profit ajustables en USD ou en pourcentage du solde
  • Paramètres personnalisés de TP pour les ordres martingale
  • Mesures de sécurité intégrées et limites de profit
Bien que la fonctionnalité de martingale soit disponible, nous recommandons fortement de maîtriser d'abord le mode standard. Le système martingale ne doit être activé que par des traders qui comprennent pleinement les risques et ont testé leurs paramètres sur un compte démo. Je lance un nouveau compte de signal avec ce lancement, en commençant avec 1 000 $ en utilisant des paramètres conservateurs et une gestion standard des risques. Vous verrez chaque trade, chaque drawdown, chaque gain et chaque perte exactement tels qu'ils se produisent – transparence totale dès le premier jour.

Exigences Techniques :
  • Paire de Trading : XAUUSD (Or) uniquement
  • Timeframe Principal : H1 – c'est sur ce timeframe que vous devez exécuter Goldenity AI pour XAUUSD H1
  • Timeframes de Support : M15 et H4 pour la confirmation de tendance
  • Solde Initial Recommandé : 1 000 $
  • Effet de Levier Suggéré : au moins 1:30
  • Risque de Base par Trade : Ajustable jusqu'à 2 %
  • Exigence de Spread : Moins de 30 cents (ou 300 sur des comptes à 3 décimales)

Un courtier ECN fiable et un VPS sont essentiels pour des performances optimales. L'EA fonctionne sur les plateformes MT4 et MT5, avec toutes les fonctionnalités entièrement optimisées pour les deux versions. Nous proposons Goldenity à différents prix pour le rendre accessible à un plus large éventail de clients. Compte tenu de la technologie avancée de l'IA, de l'analyse multi-timeframe et des capacités de trading flexibles, cela représente une valeur exceptionnelle pour les traders sérieux. Il s'agit de notre première version sur MQL5, et nous souhaitons construire une communauté solide d'utilisateurs qui peuvent grandir avec nous. Après la période de lancement initiale, le prix augmentera progressivement pour refléter sa véritable valeur et son ensemble de fonctionnalités avancées.

Développement Continu

Les composants de l'IA de Goldenity continueront à évoluer et à s'améliorer. Nous nous engageons à fournir des mises à jour régulières pour améliorer les capacités de reconnaissance des modèles et s'adapter aux conditions changeantes du marché. Avertissement sur les Risques : Bien que nous ayons développé des systèmes avancés d'IA pour gérer les risques, le trading comporte toujours un potentiel de perte. Cela est particulièrement vrai lors de l'utilisation de fonctionnalités avancées telles que le trading martingale. Commencez par un compte démo, testez toutes les fonctionnalités de manière approfondie et ne risquez jamais un capital que vous ne pouvez pas vous permettre de perdre.
Avis 51
sergei kozlov
sergei kozlov 2025.03.14 09:56 

торгует отлично. За последние 10 дней торговой сессии пять профитов подряд. настройки по умолчанию.

dots432 2025.02.16 18:05 

great bot, extremely consistent, dont look for single trade to give you million dollars, be consistent and go with time with these bot , set everything default as recommended and you will be in good pnl in the long run.

Ming Kin Ip
Ming Kin Ip 2025.02.23 17:32 

I still believe in this EA, provided that the BT results match fairly with the Signal as well as real trades. From my point of view, the EA haven't deviate from its historical DD. I will closely monitor the performance of this EA, hoping to re-review it to 5 stars sooner or later. Take care author, stay foolish, stay hungry, stay strong.

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It's recommended that you read through the entire document. I am a trader specializing in the development of exclusive , rare , high-performance trading bots designed for serious traders who are committed to achieving consistent profitability and success. For the first time ever on MQL5 . A first of its kind on the marketplace. Introducing a truly groundbreaking trading bot—one that combines ATR-driven risk management with an innovative daily percentage change trading strategy. Designed for tr
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Nestor Alejandro Chiariello
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Introducing to your attention an innovative expert advisor created specifically for the most juicy and volatility    currency     basket: GBPUSD, XAUUSD and EURJPY. This system is designed using the main features of this market's movement, making it an ideal choice for dynamic trading on high-trending and medium-volatile pairs.   The signals are focused on minimizing trading risks, aiming to reduce losses to a minimum. Main features ESignals is designed to show open and close arrows at the beg
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Nestor Alejandro Chiariello
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3.56 (9)
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Perceptrader AI MT5
Valeriia Mishchenko
4.6 (5)
EA has a live track record with 48 month of stable trading with low drawdown: Live performance MT4 version can be found here Perceptrader AI is a cutting-edge grid trading system that leverages the power of Artificial Intelligence, utilizing Deep Learning algorithms and Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) to analyze large amounts of market data at high speed and detect high-potential trading opportunities to exploit. Supported currency pairs: NZDUSD, USDCAD, AUDNZD, AUDCAD, NZDCAD, GBPCHF Timefram
Nissar Ahmed
Key Features Strategy Core EMA Crossover System : Fast EMA (default: 20) and Slow EMA (default: 50) Generates buy signals when Fast EMA crosses above Slow EMA. Generates sell signals when Fast EMA crosses below Slow EMA. Fibonacci Filter : Calculates Fibonacci retrenchment levels (23.6%, 38.2%, 50%, 61.8%, 78.6%) based on recent price swings. Requires price to be near a Fibonacci level (configurable threshold) to validate trades. Risk Management Position Sizing : Dynamically calculates lot size
BenefitEA Mt5
Vsevolod Merzlov
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Gold FC
Longthor Vachuaxong
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Aliaksandr Salauyou
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The Neurolite Expert Advisor offers trade decisions based on a neural network trained on 5-years of real tick data. Trading is performed only on the EUR/USD currency pair. Its main peculiarity is a small amount of input parameters so as to facilitate the working process of users. The Neurolite EA will fine-tune all the parameters for you. This Expert Advisor is based on the previously released Neurolite EA gbpusd , which was adjusted for successful trading on the EUR/USD currency pair. Trading
A scalper system only work during Asian hours. Several unique indicators to detective the price fluctuation. Dynamic TP/SL level according to market conditions. Fixed stoploss to protect the capital, very low risk of losing a lot of money. No need to obtain SET files. The parameters are the same for each currency pair. It is optimized to work on EURAUD . It is recommended to use Eagle Scalper on M15 chart. It is recommended to run it on a real ECN broker with very low spread . It is recommended
Thurau Baerbel
Snake EURUSD Real EA is a fully automatic Forex Trading Expert Advisor. The robot can run on any pair, but the results are better on EURUSD M15. The system can run with any broker that also provides Floating Spread. Advantages The EA does not use systems like martingale, hedging, etc. The EA uses SL and Trailing Stop to make a profit. In addition, you can also set TP (EURUSD at 93 for me). Best test results with 99.0% in the backtest. It is not necessary to close the EA during the press release
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The adviser uses a strategy based on the use of 7 Envelopes  indicators, on each timeframe (M5, M15, M30, H1, H4) there are 7 Envelopes indicators. Trading is based on the “Price Action” strategy, the adviser searches for a simultaneous signal on 5 time frames: M5, M15, M30, H1, H4 and then opens an order. The EA uses the built-in Martingale and Averaging algorithm. The adviser uses economic news to achieve more accurate signals. Hidden Take Profit, Break Even and Trailing Stop are used. Attenti
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Ugochukwu Mobi
3.38 (21)
Bonnitta EA est basé sur la stratégie Pending Position (PPS) et un algorithme de trading secret très avancé. La stratégie de Bonnitta EA est une combinaison d'un indicateur personnalisé secret, de lignes de tendance, de niveaux de support et de résistance (action sur les prix) et de l'algorithme de trading secret le plus important mentionné ci-dessus. N'ACHETEZ PAS UN EA SANS AUCUN TEST EN ARGENT RÉEL DE PLUS DE 3 MOIS, IL M'A PRIS PLUS DE 100 SEMAINES (PLUS DE 2 ANS) POUR TESTER BONNETTA EA E
Expert. Automatic and manual trading. Ready-made trading system based on Elliott waves and Fibonacci retracement levels . It is simple and affordable. Display of the marking of Elliott waves (main or alternative option) on the chart. Construction of horizontal levels, support and resistance lines, a channel. Superposition of Fibonacci levels on waves 1, 3, 5, A Alert system (on-screen, E-Mail, Push notifications).    visual panel for opening orders in manual trading. visual panel for setting up
Shadow Legends MT5
Zarui Ogannisian
Shadow Legends MT5 EA.-it's a fully automated expert Advisor designed to trade EURUSD. It is based on machine learning analysis and genetic algorithms.  The Expert Advisor contains a self-adaptive market algorithm that uses price action patterns. The expert Advisor showed stable results for EURUSD in the period 2000-2021.  No dangerous money management techniques, no Martingale, no netting, scalping or hedging.  Suitable for any brokerage conditions.Test only on real accounts.Recommended broker
Reactor MT5   is a fully automatic Expert Advisor for   Intraday   Trading.  it is   based on  m any indicators . The Expert was tested on the whole available historical period on   EURUSD, GBPUSD, USDCAD, AUDUSD and USDJPY M15  currency pair with exceptional results. You can download the demo and test it yourself. My tests were performed with the real tick date with   99,90% accuracy , actual spread, and additional slippage. The basic strategy starts with Market order in counter trend and tren
QuantXProTrader EA
Netlux Digital Kft.
QXS PRO TRADER Expert Advisor QuantXProTrader is an Expert Advisor based on Profitable Price Action strategy. It is compatible with our QXS Trend indicator and work automatically by Trend detection on Multiple assets. Each and Everything in this EA is perfect Just you need to set input parameters. Take Profit, Stop loss, Trailing Stop, Trailing Step, Lot Size Adjust it as per your account capital and equity. Recommended TIMEFRAMES are: M15, M30 and H1  Before Installing Expert Advisor on chart
Oxana Tambur
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> more then 90% discount ($ 3750 >>> $ 345), Special offer is valid for 3 months from the start of sales <<<<<<<< <<<<<<<< The trading robot has been trading on a real account since 2018. We will show our account to everyone who plans to buy a trading robot. To do this, contact us. TickToker is a fully automatic Expert Advisor designed for the    EUR/GBP,EUR/SGD,AUD/NZD,EUR/CHF   currency pairs.  Does not use Martingale and Grid, all trades are covered by Stop Loss and Take Profit.
Dragon wing
Shinichi Ikeda
EAの概要 MACDとストキャス を使用したEA MACDとストキャス をベースにトレーディンストップ、 テイクプロフィットレベル などの設定及び機能を搭載しています。 特徴 新規エントリーをサーバー時間でトレードをタイムコントロール出来る機能を搭載しています。 利確幅、ロスカット幅を任意に設定可能です。 MT5であればブロカー関係なく、暗号資産(仮想通貨)、FX、CFD、株式等の使用可能なEAとなっております。 EAを稼働させる上での注意事項 当サイトでご提供しているEAは、利用者の収益を保証するものではありません。 当サイトで掲載しているロジック、損益シミュレーションと同じ結果になることを保証するものでもありません。利用者の環境等で結果が異なることもございます。 実際にEAを利用するか中止するかの判断は、必ずご自身で決定してください。
Shinichi Ikeda
EAの概要 一目均衡表を使用したEA 一目均衡表をベースにトレード時間帯、マーチン、トレーディンストップ、ロット計算などの設定及び機能搭載しています。 特徴 新規エントリーをサーバー時間でトレードをタイムコントロール出来る機能を搭載しています。 利確幅、ロスカット幅、マーチン倍率を任意に設定可能です。 典型的なマーチンタイプのEAですので、破綻リスクと上手く付き合いつつ利用することが必要です。 追加機能でリバースやオンリーワンなどの追加機能を搭載しました、通常はfalseですが必要であればtrueにしてください。 MT5であればブロカー関係なく、暗号資産(仮想通貨)、FX、CFD、株式等の使用可能なEAとなっております。 EAを稼働させる上での注意事項 当サイトでご提供しているEAは、利用者の収益を保証するものではありません。 当サイトで掲載しているロジック、損益シミュレーションと同じ結果になることを保証するものでもありません。利用者の環境等で結果が異なることもございます。 実際にEAを利用するか中止するかの判断は、必ずご自身で決定してください。
PriceTracker MT5
Stanislau Siatsko
4.43 (14)
2024 - the return of a legend and a major update and modernization of PriceTracker EA!  PriceTracker EA is specially designed for real trading, taking into account all real market conditions and factors. This is not a test grail where you get profit is only in the strategy tester.    PriceTracker EA is a multi-currency, high-yield system with an incredible account trading diversification strategy that shows results in REAL trading, in LIVE Accounts! PriceTracker EA wiil be great work on any real
Strategy: 1.This EA is a trend trade, used for USDCHF H1 charts. 2.This EA is  using indicators such as the Bolling band and moving average. 3. The initial amount of this EA is only $1000.This EA has a profit of over $3000. 4.The EA has detailed test data from January 2018 to June 2021, which is stable and profitable. 5.If you just want to put a small amount of money to get double reward, this EA trader is your best choice!
Night Hunter Pro MT5
Valeriia Mishchenko
4.11 (36)
EA has a live track record with many months of stable trading with  low drawdown: Best Pairs (default settings) High-risk   performance Night Hunter Pro is the advanced scalping system which utilizes smart entry/exit algorithms with sophisticated filtering methods to identify only the safest entry points during calm periods of the market. This system is focused on a long-term stable growth. It is a professional tool developed by me years ago that is constantly updated, incorporating all the late
Présentation de Marvelous EA : Votre Compagnon de Trading Ultime Libérez tout le potentiel du marché Forex avec Marvelous EA, une solution de trading automatisée de pointe conçue pour maximiser vos profits et minimiser les risques. Cet algorithme de trading élaboré avec expertise est équipé de fonctionnalités avancées pour naviguer avec précision et efficacité dans le paysage dynamique du Forex. OR - XAUUSD - M5 Performance en compte réel : https://www.mql5.com/fr/signals/1973370 Caractérist
News Catcher Pro MT5
Valeriia Mishchenko
4.73 (15)
News Catcher Pro is a mean-reversion strategy that uses intraday seasonal volatility patterns caused by high-impact news events. It enters the market at a certain time shortly before a high-impact news event occurs . It does not trade frequently! Supported currency pairs: GBPUSD, EURUSD, EURGBP Recommended timeframe: M5 MT4 version can be found here EA is   FIFO compatible To backtest the EA you should download the news events data file ' NewsEvents.txt ' and copy it to the common MT4/5 direc
AI Nodiurnal EA MT5
Ugochukwu Mobi
5 (1)
AI Nodiurnal EA est un robot Forex avancé qui exploite la technologie de pointe du machine learning pour optimiser les stratégies de trading et améliorer les performances sur le dynamique marché des changes. Le terme "Nodiurnal" reflète sa capacité à s'adapter et à fonctionner non seulement pendant les heures de trading diurnes habituelles, mais aussi pendant des périodes non standards, offrant ainsi une approche continue et adaptative du trading sur le forex. Paramètres : Paramètres par défaut
Shinichi Ikeda
概要 資金管理、トレーリングストップ、ポジション管理ができる トレンドフォローEAです。 特徴 一般的なトレンドの方向にポジションを開くことに基づいたトレンドフォロー戦略です。 テイクプロフィット注文とストップロス注文を使用してリスクを管理し、利益を確保します。 また、 EA はトレーリング ストップを採用し、価格が取引に有利に動くにつれてストップロスを動的に調整します。 MT5であればブロカー関係なく、暗号資産(仮想通貨)、FX、CFD、株式等の使用可能なEAとなっております。 ※スクリーンショットの模様は、フォワードテスト最適化の様子やフォワードテスト後の資産状況を載せています。 EAを稼働させる上での注意事項 当サイトでご提供しているEAは、利用者の収益を保証するものではありません。 当サイトで掲載しているロジック、損益シミュレーションと同じ結果になることを保証するものでもありません。利用者の環境等で結果が異なることもございます。 実際にEAを利用するか中止するかの判断は、必ずご自身で決定してください。
sergei kozlov
sergei kozlov 2025.03.14 09:56 

торгует отлично. За последние 10 дней торговой сессии пять профитов подряд. настройки по умолчанию.

Andrii Zasukha
Andrii Zasukha 2025.03.09 08:17 

After a month and a half of use, I can say that it will not pay off the rent. The signal that shows the work of EA made a profit on the first day of operation. RR SL:TP 4:1. I have only negative experience with this advisor.

Slawek Napierala
Slawek Napierala 2025.03.08 20:22 

All tests conducted in the Strategy Tester within the timeframe from January 1, 2022, to January 2025 yield similar results, suggesting a high effectiveness of Goldenity AI. When compared to the results obtained on a real account, this strongly indicates deliberate manipulation by the developer within the EA’s code. Before allowing the sale of software like Goldenity AI, the MQL5 platform conducts a code verification process. In my opinion, at this stage, manipulations such as over-fit machine learning should be detected to protect customers from similar fraud. I demand my money back.

N Nagaraj
N Nagaraj 2025.03.08 06:41 

I wanna my money back please

mh888 2025.03.06 03:10 

the EA started trading profitably but has since been going downhill.. will need more up-to-date optimisations. Nonetheless, it's not worth the price tag. I do not recommend this EA...

dukecesar78 2025.03.05 16:37 

I wanna my money back please

lcxnet 2025.02.26 13:41 

The signal is false. I suffered losses while using the same Forex broker, but he did not place this trade.

Ming Kin Ip
Ming Kin Ip 2025.02.23 17:32 

I still believe in this EA, provided that the BT results match fairly with the Signal as well as real trades. From my point of view, the EA haven't deviate from its historical DD. I will closely monitor the performance of this EA, hoping to re-review it to 5 stars sooner or later. Take care author, stay foolish, stay hungry, stay strong.

patricpptrdch 2025.02.23 12:29 

Doesn't work with Prop-Trading FTMO. 90% losses, very bad RRR, that EA was not able to trade profitable.

mikebcn20 2025.02.21 15:33 

Everything the developer mentions about this EA is just a lie for scamming all the people she cans. You only need to take a look at the forum. Be awared of this and don't buy it. I want a refund and I won't stop until I get it.

juneve 2025.02.21 11:19 

I didn't want to write a review until a few weeks later. In the discussion forum, anyone can read on the last few pages that a few “trolls” want to destroy the reputation of EA. Wild claims, insults, blackmail, an objective exchange is not possible without stupid comments. Valuable exchanges between buyers sometimes only take place via DM. The positive thing is that everyone can read what the trolls are doing there. EA made a profit in the first few days. It is important to know that optimal broker and VPS selection are important. Zuzanna is very friendly and helpful in case of problems. Since 2 weeks the losses are higher, the profits smaller and have used up the initial profits. Overall I have a slight loss. After 4 weeks I cannot make an overall judgment. With 3 stars, I would like to give a neutral rating for now and point out that the forum openly encourages people to give bad ratings. I will draw a conclusion in 2-3 months. If the accusations do not prove true, the developer's work will be systematically trampled on here. I will not allow myself to make this judgment after such a short time. I hope Zuzanna remains committed.

fawx 2025.02.20 17:10 

scam ea. Friends who won for a few weeks are happy now but will soon start complaining. The fee should be refunded.

Julien Jeremie Cochet
Julien Jeremie Cochet 2025.02.20 14:40 

entry point for trade are horrible RR 5:1 ... very bad experience , i dont recommand it, feel like being scammed for the price of this EA

tradingpapii 2025.02.19 19:09 

SCAM EA, live trading DOES NOT MATCH backtest nor the results she posted. Theres losses showing on mine that does not post on her "live account" Do not buy.

Tanman33 2025.02.19 16:40 

I think you Guys must Back Test with other Pair like GBPUSD, To thinks my result same as Back Test XAUUSD. That's mean this EA is Scam. You must try it before buy. Suzanna you are scammer.

She just want our money not think about we loss or profit.

Joel Montes
Joel Montes 2025.02.18 23:52 

i cannot make it work in my acoount

kameliael 2025.02.18 14:56 

Be aware : this EA is completely worthless. You will invest your money, and not only are the trades it opens rare, but they will also wipe out any potential profit you could make. The analysis of ZUZANNA’s profile picture has been detected as 99% manipulated ! 🔴 🔴 🔴 Yes, this is a completely fraudulent profile, deliberately misleading and not representing the real person. A deceptive and dishonest scheme designed to sell her defective EA to as many people as possible—while pretending to be a sweet, sultry-looking woman. test it yourself on sightengine.com , also, most of good reviews are fake 🔴 🔴 🔴 DONT BUY !!!

Ryan Cooper
Ryan Cooper 2025.02.18 08:17 

Warning: Misleading Backtests & Unprofitable Live Performance! The backtests for this EA are completely unreliable! In live market conditions, after two months of trading, it has taken only 13 trades—6 of which were losses. The losses outweigh the wins, making the strategy unsustainable in the long run. While the developer claims a 50%+ win rate, the reality is that stop losses are significantly larger than take profits, leading to a net negative performance. Additionally, the number of trades per month is extremely low, further reducing profitability. To make matters worse, the developer is misleading and unprofessional, responding harshly to users who raise valid concerns about the EA's poor performance. If you're considering this EA, be cautious—it's not what it claims to be!

Kevin Boscolo
Kevin Boscolo 2025.02.17 22:21 

L'utilisateur n'a laissé aucun commentaire sur la note

Zuzanna Slawinska
Réponse du développeur Zuzanna Slawinska 2025.02.18 10:57
Your review is entirely inconsistent with our conversation history, where you repeatedly praised the EA, thanked me for my support, and acknowledged that losses are a normal part of trading. You originally had technical issues due to using an unsuitable VPS, which we identified and resolved together. After switching to a proper setup, you confirmed the EA was working and even stated that execution differences across brokers are normal. Now, after experiencing losses—which happen in trading—you’ve changed your stance and falsely claimed the EA is manipulated. You also demand a refund, making it clear that your review isn’t about genuine concerns but an attempt to pressure me into giving your money back. Goldenity operates with full transparency, including a public live signal that anyone can verify in real-time. Your claims of “manipulated results” are baseless and contradict both your own words and the publicly available data. I maintain professionalism and support for all users, but I won’t accept false accusations driven by emotions rather than facts.
dots432 2025.02.16 18:05 

great bot, extremely consistent, dont look for single trade to give you million dollars, be consistent and go with time with these bot , set everything default as recommended and you will be in good pnl in the long run.

Répondre à l'avis
Version 2.64 2025.02.25
Thorough explanation on my profile as to what the update is fir
Version 2.41 2025.01.13
Fixed issue of not trading on some brokers.
some minor bugs fixed
Version 2.38 2025.01.08
Minor bug fixed that had to do with the suffix and 3 decimal accounts
Version 2.8 2024.12.28
Added new input - max no of trades so from now on you can set how many trades can be opened at the same time.