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Mean Machine


Présentation de Stage 7.0 — Un Bond Révolutionnaire dans la Technologie de Trading par IA

Je suis fier d'annoncer ma mise à jour la plus significative à ce jour : Stage 7.0. Cette version révolutionnaire introduit l'AI Position Management (Gestion des Positions par IA), qui modifie dynamiquement les niveaux de Take Profit et Stop Loss en temps réel, assurant une gestion optimale des positions avec un traitement prioritaire sur tous les symboles.

Stage 7.0 exploite la puissance des modèles d'IA les plus avancés, notamment DeepSeek R1 et OpenAI O3 mini, offrant des capacités de raisonnement améliorées sur plusieurs niveaux. Le processus de prise de décision de l'IA a été entièrement repensé, utilisant désormais l'historique du compte comme exemples directs pour des décisions de trading plus précises et contextuelles.

Améliorations Principales :

  • Gestion des Positions par IA : Modifications des positions en temps réel avec des prompts d'IA dédiés, axés sur l'optimisation des profits et le contrôle des risques
  • Intégration IA Avancée : Modèles DeepSeek R1 et O3 mini offrant des options d'effort de raisonnement faible, moyen et élevé
  • Expérience Optimisée : Flux de menu d'entrée repensé pour une meilleure interaction utilisateur
  • Efficacité des Coûts : Système optimisé de réduction des coûts API fonctionnant dans tous les modes
  • Affichage Amélioré : Écran principal amélioré affichant le numéro magique et la taille du lot pour une meilleure visibilité lors des tests

Stage 7.0 représente mon engagement à offrir une expérience de trading fluide, efficace et puissante. Cette mise à jour établit une nouvelle norme dans la technologie de trading automatisé, combinant des capacités d'IA sophistiquées avec des fonctionnalités pratiques de trading.

Redéfinissez votre Trading avec une Intégration d'IA de Niveau Entreprise

Portez votre trading au niveau supérieur avec Mean Machine GPT—l'implémentation la plus sophistiquée de l'industrie en matière d'intégration d'IA de niveau entreprise. Contrairement aux systèmes qui reposent sur des applications d'IA de bureau ou des interfaces basiques, Mean Machine GPT se connecte directement aux points d'extrémité API officiels des fournisseurs d'IA d'élite, notamment OpenAI, Anthropic, Google, Meta, X.AI et Mistral AI, chacun proposant sa dernière suite de modèles au choix. Cette intégration API directe permet le traitement en temps réel des données de marché, offrant une analyse de qualité institutionnelle et des performances inégalées. Ce n'est pas qu'un simple EA—c'est un système de trading de niveau professionnel qui exploite toute la puissance de calcul de plusieurs modèles d'IA simultanément.

** Cette promotion se termine bientôt**

Offre à Durée Limitée : Recevez 1 activation gratuite de Gold Phoenix GPT avec votre achat.

Pour recevoir Gold Phoenix, envoyez-moi un message après votre achat.

Prix final $9,997.67

Pourquoi Mean Machine GPT se Démarque :

**Configuration initiale et accompagnement individuel gratuit via AnyDesk. Il suffit de m'envoyer un message après votre achat.**

  • Intégration API Entreprise : Connexion directe aux API d'IA officielles—non limitée par les applications de bureau ou les interfaces de navigateur. Les données circulent en temps réel directement de vos graphiques vers plusieurs modèles d'IA simultanément.
  • Analyse Multi-Symboles Avancée : Contrairement aux systèmes mono-paire, les API entreprise de Mean Machine GPT analysent les modèles de corrélation et les relations de marché à travers plusieurs paires de devises simultanément, identifiant des opportunités de trading plus solides et réduisant les risques par la diversification.
  • Validation Croisée Multi-Modèles : Exploite les derniers modèles de plusieurs fournisseurs d'IA d'élite travaillant de concert pour valider les décisions de trading avec une précision de niveau institutionnel.
  • Gestion de Trading Pilotée par l'IA : Modes de fonctionnement IA flexibles pour un contrôle précis du trading :
    • Utilisation de l'IA pour les calculs de Take Profit
    • Utilisation de l'IA pour le positionnement des Stop Loss
    • Utilisation de l'IA pour la précision du point d'entrée
    • Combinaison des modes TP, SL et Entrée pilotés par l'IA
    • Mode manuel complet avec support d'analyse IA
  • Gestion Professionnelle des Risques : Protection sophistiquée contre les drawdowns, fonctionnalités de conformité pour les prop firms, et système avancé de gestion de l'exposition.
  • Analyse en Chaîne de Pensée : Analyse de marché transparente, étape par étape à travers plusieurs horizons temporels avec une justification claire des décisions.
  • Sélection de Modèle en Temps Réel : Choisissez et combinez différents modèles d'IA entreprise pour une analyse de marché spécialisée.
  • Mode de Trading Manuel : Accédez à une analyse IA de niveau professionnel et des recommandations précises d'entrée/sortie tout en maintenant un contrôle total.
  • Compatibilité Prop Firm : Affinez les paramètres pour gérer les comptes prop firm avec des contrôles de risque précis.
  • Efficacité Multi-Symboles : Traitez plusieurs paires de trading avec une utilisation minimale du CPU grâce à des appels API optimisés.
  • Détection GMT Automatique : Ajustements de fuseau horaire sans effort pour un trading global précis.
  • Support Expert 24/7 : Assistance dédiée quand vous en avez le plus besoin.
Divulgation Importante : Ouverture d'Esprit Requise
Mean Machine GPT n'est pas un EA ordinaire. Son intégration avec une véritable IA va bien au-delà des protocoles de backtesting typiques, et bien qu'il serait facile de produire des backtests parfaits pour rassurer, cela serait malhonnête vis-à-vis de son objectif. Je maintiens une position ferme contre la manipulation des backtests, car les résultats de backtesting ne doivent pas être considérés comme une représentation définitive des capacités de l'EA. Environ 50% des fonctions de Mean Machine GPT ne peuvent pas être capturées par le backtesting seul. Cela inclut les interactions en temps réel avec les modèles d'IA de notre suite de fournisseurs d'élite, ainsi que les systèmes avancés de gestion des risques qui ne révèlent leur plein potentiel que dans des conditions de marché réelles. Mean Machine GPT est conçu pour s'adapter et exceller dans les environnements de trading réels, établissant une nouvelle référence pour l'excellence en trading.

Rejoignez le Mouvement :

Comment Commencer :

  1. Configuration de l'Intégration API : Configurez les connexions API directes pour vos fournisseurs d'IA choisis et les données de marché dans les paramètres MT5.
  2. Déploiement Efficace : Placez l'EA sur un seul graphique AUDCAD M15 et configurez les paramètres de préfixe/suffixe si nécessaire.
  3. Surveillez l'Analyse Multi-Modèles : Observez comment plusieurs modèles d'IA travaillent de concert pour analyser les conditions de marché, les actualités et le sentiment en temps réel.

Avantage du Trading Multi-Symboles :

Le trading simultané de plusieurs paires de devises offre des avantages significatifs par rapport aux systèmes mono-paire :

  • Détection Améliorée des Opportunités : Les modèles d'IA analysent les relations inter-marchés et les corrélations à travers plusieurs paires, identifiant des configurations de trading plus solides que l'analyse mono-paire pourrait manquer.
  • Distribution des Risques : Le trading à travers plusieurs paires aide à distribuer les risques, réduisant l'exposition à la volatilité d'une seule paire.
  • Avantage de Corrélation : Les API entreprise du système analysent les corrélations de devises en temps réel, évitant la surexposition aux paires corrélées tout en capitalisant sur les opportunités de divergence.
  • Fréquence de Trading Accrue : Plus de paires signifient plus d'opportunités potentielles de trading, optimisant l'efficacité du capital sans surtrader une seule paire.

Meilleures Paires & Recommandations :

  • Paires Principales : Bien que AUDCAD, AUDNZD et NZDCAD soient minutieusement testées et optimisées, les capacités sophistiquées d'analyse IA du système vous permettent d'expérimenter avec d'autres paires forex en fonction de vos préférences de trading et des opportunités de marché. L'analyse multi-modèles peut s'adapter à diverses paires de devises tout en maintenant ses fonctionnalités avancées de gestion des risques.
  • Paramètres de Risque : Commencez de manière conservatrice et ajustez en fonction de votre confiance en trading.

Pour Qui :

Mean Machine GPT est conçu pour les traders professionnels qui comprennent la valeur de l'intégration d'IA de niveau entreprise dans le trading forex. Il est construit pour ceux qui reconnaissent que l'accès API direct à plusieurs modèles d'IA d'élite, combiné à des réseaux neuronaux sophistiqués et une gestion avancée des risques, crée un avantage de trading que les applications d'IA grand public ne peuvent égaler. Si vous êtes prêt à exploiter l'analyse IA de qualité institutionnelle dans votre trading, Mean Machine GPT est votre solution professionnelle.

Mean Machine GPT n'est pas qu'un simple EA ; c'est un changement de paradigme pour les traders prêts à élever leurs performances avec une précision d'IA de niveau professionnel sur les marchés.


Bien que Mean Machine GPT soit construit pour la performance à long terme, n'oubliez jamais que le trading Forex comporte des risques. Utilisez l'EA de manière responsable et tradez dans les limites de votre tolérance au risque.

Avis 37
Alexander Dubenskiy
Alexander Dubenskiy 2025.03.02 15:15 

Just as many reviewers in here I’ve had the chance to go through substantial amount of EAs over many many years and I’d rate this EA in my top..Few favorite EAs of all time. What does that entails exactly? This is not backtesting friendly EA, in fact I haven’t even inquired if I can or should backtest it. Due to level of integration between MM and various AI vendors to truly test this EA one need to put MM on demo or live account for some months to get enough quality data and then make a decision as to which parameter set best suited trader’s trading style. With that said if you stick with default settings and minimum deviations from these and using the same broker as Brandon (coinexx) you’ll be profitable. If memory not deceiving me I’ve setup MM (true, it went through various revisions) on November 30 and since that date I was/is profitable with a very modest MAE (maximum adverse excursion) values 5-10%. As many have mentioned this EA doesn’t trade often and within the context of work Brandon put into coding this beauty I consider it a plus not a minus. MM is very cautious pertaining to positions it opens but once position gets opened.. Yep that is exciting time heh. Ok just checked my losing trades and thankfully there are few and they are very very much controlled and of course there are less of these than profitable trades. I’m mentioning it because I have not seen behavior in MM which I’ve seen in quite a few other EAs when you can have let say 50 profitable positions and one loss wiping few months worth of profits. Now with that said this EA have a HUGE depth to it as many have mentioned so is it possible to make profitable EA into losing EA? I’d say yes, depends on how you set it up. So if someone will go experimenting it is fully expected you’ll see losing and winning parameter sets or.. You can stick with Brandon’s default sets and especially if using same broker as Brandon (coinexx) you’re in excellent spot. iMO you can purchase this EA with confidence and also I think this EA is heavily undervalued/underpriced. i think this EA worth between 3-5k closer to 5k within the context of current state of mql5 MT5 EA marketplace.

Amr Gomaa Saleh Husain
Amr Gomaa Saleh Husain 2025.02.17 00:15 

After trying numerous trading EAs over the years, I can confidently say that this one stands out as a true game-changer. Unlike many so-called “AI” EAs that are just marketing gimmicks, this EA integrates real AI models—GPT, Claude, Mistral, Gemini, and more—allowing it to analyze market conditions dynamically and adapt in real time. From the moment I set it up, I was impressed by the incredible flexibility and depth of customization. The range of configuration options means that traders—whether conservative or high-risk—can fine-tune their strategies to match their goals. I personally took a higher-risk approach in the beginning test, and within just a few weeks, I saw steady and consistent gains. However, what truly gives me confidence in this EA well built. Another standout feature is the support from William, the developer. He is not only knowledgeable but also genuinely invested in the success of his users. He provides top-tier customer support, frequent updates, and continuous improvements based on user feedback. His transparency and dedication make this EA not just a tool but a trading companion you can trust. If you’re looking for a powerful, adaptable, and AI-driven trading solution with real intelligence behind it, this is the one. Highly recommended for traders of all levels!

sepjed 2025.02.07 08:08 

I am truly impressed with the expertise and dedication that William has put into developing this EA. His attention to detail and sense of pride in his work are evident. From setup to operation, he has been extremely attentive, providing thorough explanations and guidance even for those who are not tech-savvy. His professionalism and approach to trading are outstanding, and the operating principles of this EA are both excellent and effective. I highly recommend William and his EA to anyone looking for a trustworthy and well-developed solution.

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| Fully-automated Smart Money Concept (ICT) inspired trading solution with multi-strategy capabilities | Built by a grid trader >> for grid traders.  This is MT5 version, click  here  for  Blue CARA MT4  (settings and logics are same in both versions)     Real monitoring signal  -->  Cara Gold Intro Blue CARA EA   ('CARA') - short for  C omprehensive  A lgorithmic   R esponsive   A dvisor is a next-gen  multi-currency    multi-timeframe  EA base on the widely known (and perhaps the most popul
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Indicement MT5
Profalgo Limited
4.26 (19)
Bienvenue chez Indicement ! PROP FIRM READY ! -> téléchargez les fichiers de l'ensemble   ici PROMOTION DE LANCEMENT : Il ne reste que quelques exemplaires au prix actuel ! Prix ​​final: 990$ NEW: Choose 1 EA for FREE! (limited to 2 trading account numbers) Offre Combo Ultime     ->     cliquez ici REJOIGNEZ LE GROUPE PUBLIC :   Cliquez ici   LIVE SIGNAL INDICEMENT     apporte mes 15 années d'expérience dans la création d'algorithmes de trading professionnels aux marchés indiciels. L'EA utilis
The XU_H4_910440109_S_PS_CF_SQX is an algorithmic trading strategy for MetaTrader, tested on XAUUSD (Gold) using the H4 timeframe from April 1, 2004, to April 24, 2024.  There is no need to set up parameters, all settings are already optimized and fine-tuned. Recommended broker  RoboForex  because of EET timezone. You can find the strategy source code for StrategyQuant at the link:   https://quantmonitor.net/gold-bulls-power-trader/ Key details are: Parameters MagicNumber: 910440109 Main Ch
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Gold Crazy EA   is an Expert Advisor designed specifically for trading Gold H1/ EU M15. It use some indicators to find the good Entry. And you can set SL or you can DCA if you want. It can be an Scalping or an Grid/ Martingale depend yours setting. This EA can Auto lot by Balance, set risk per trade. You also can set TP/ SL for earch trade or for basket of trade. - RSI_PERIOD - if = -1, then the default strategy works, if >0, then the RSI strategy works - MAX_ORDERS - to trade with only 1 order,
Neuro Start
Dmytryi Voitukhov
4.67 (3)
UPD:   https://t.me/mql5_neuroExt   актуальная версия и обсуждение. - for the successful created training bases I will provide an advisor for temporary use free of charge. - training bases will be laid out as training progresses. - training requires approximately 20 epochs. It is possible to use one of two strategies - either trading in 2 directions, or - using SL. When using SL, the trading results will be identical to the learning outcomes. Since during training, only 1 order is used at a ti
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Zuzanna Slawinska
2.86 (42)
Après des années à trader l'or manuellement et à observer chacun de ses mouvements, j'ai finalement décidé de transformer mes stratégies éprouvées en une solution automatisée. J'ai eu la chance de rencontrer un programmeur exceptionnel partageant ma passion pour les marchés. Ce qui a commencé comme des discussions informelles sur le trading s'est transformé en un partenariat qui a conduit à la création de Goldenity : un système sophistiqué alimenté par l'IA qui combine mon expérience de trading
Big Forex Players MT5
Marzena Maria Szmit
4.84 (85)
We proudly present our cutting-edge robot, the  Big Forex Players EA  designed to maximize your trading potential, minimize emotional trading, and make smarter decisions powered by cutting-edge technology. The whole system in this EA took us many months to build, and then we spent a lot of time testing it. This unique EA includes three distinct strategies that can be used independently or in together. The robot receives the positions of the  biggest Banks  (positions are sent from our database t
Waka Waka EA MT5
Valeriia Mishchenko
4.13 (40)
EA has a live track record with 4.5 years of stable trading with low drawdown: Live performance MT4 version can be found here Waka Waka is the advanced grid system which already works on real accounts for years. Instead of fitting the system to reflect historical data (like most people do) it was designed to exploit existing market inefficiencies. Therefore it is not a simple "hit and miss" system which only survives by using grid. Instead it uses real market mechanics to its advantage to make p
PrizmaL 270 in 1
Vladimir Lekhovitser
PrizmaL 270 in 1 EA Un outil puissant pour les traders professionnels. Consultez cet article de blog pour plus de détails: Article de blog Cet Expert Advisor propose 270 stratégies uniques sur 29 paires de devises : AUDCAD, AUDCHF, AUDJPY, AUDNZD, AUDUSD, CADCHF, CADJPY, CHFJPY, EURAUD, EURCAD, EURCHF, EURGBP, EURJPY, EURNZD, EURUSD, GBPAUD, GBPCAD, GBPCHF, GBPJPY, GBPNZD, GBPUSD, NZDCAD, NZDCHF, NZDJPY, NZDUSD, USDCAD, USDCHF, USDJPY, XAUUSD. Avec une interface unique permettant de sélectio
Horus AI
Nestor Alejandro Chiariello
Bonjour traders, j'ai conçu cet outil avec des résultats réels avec rigueur, outil basé sur plusieurs de mes stratégies précédentes, en l'adaptant au marché Forex, il est donc adapté à l'intelligence artificielle de l'apprentissage automatique, c'est-à-dire que l'IA lira paramètres puis consultez-les à ma stratégie, puis il apprendra pour que les entrées soient de meilleure qualité, il dispose également d'un nœud où vous pourrez récupérer des positions, une autre des choses innovantes que vous
Golden Pickaxe MT5
Valeriia Mishchenko
3.56 (9)
EA has high-performance live track records of different set files: XAU Risky Vol XAU Balanced Vol XAU Balanced MT4 version can be found here Golden Pickaxe is a mean-reversion grid trading system that uses machine learning technology to place high-profit potential trades on the Gold market. It uses real market inefficiencies to its advantage to have an edge over the market. The EA has 5 predefined set files, which are essentially 5 different trading systems on gold . You may choose the defaul
NorthEastWay MT5
4.43 (7)
NorthEastWay MT5 est un système de trading entièrement automatisé de type "pullback", particulièrement efficace pour le trading des paires de devises "pullback" populaires : AUDCAD, AUDNZD, NZDCAD. Ce système exploite les principaux modèles du marché Forex : le retour du prix après un mouvement brusque dans une direction quelconque. Unité de temps : M15 Paires principales : AUDNZD, NZDCAD, AUDCAD Paires supplémentaires : EURUSD, USDCAD, GBPUSD, EURCAD, EURGBP, GBPCAD Signaux en direct (paramètr
Aura Black Edition MT5
Stanislav Tomilov
4.43 (35)
Aura Black Edition est un EA entièrement automatisé conçu pour trader uniquement l'OR. L'expert a montré des résultats stables sur XAUUSD sur la période 2011-2020. Aucune méthode dangereuse de gestion de l'argent n'est utilisée, pas de martingale, pas de grille ou de scalp. Convient à toutes les conditions de courtier. EA formé avec un réseau neuronal perceptron multicouche (MLP) est une classe de réseau neuronal artificiel à rétroaction (ANN). Le terme MLP est utilisé de manière ambiguë, parfoi
Nexus EA Forex MT5
Enrique Enguix
4.57 (14)
얼마나 더 시장이 당신의 돈을 가져가는 것을 지켜볼 건가요? 모르겠지만, 대부분의 트레이더는 공통점이 있습니다: 조금 벌고 흥분하다가, 나쁜 하루에 전부 잃습니다. 이유는 항상 같습니다: 평범한 도구를 사용하고, 운이 그들을 구할 거라고 믿습니다. 익숙하게 들리나요? 그렇다면 잘 들어보세요. 이건 조금 아플 수 있습니다: 시장은 몽상가를 보상하지 않습니다. 초보자처럼 거래하면, 초보자처럼 잃게 될 것입니다. 이걸 바꾸고 싶나요? 여기 당신이 필요한 유일한 솔루션이 있습니다: NEXUS . NEXUS는 마법 같은 어드바이저가 아닙니다. 꿈을 팔거나, 자는 동안 계좌를 두 배로 늘리지 않습니다. 이것은 단 하나의 목적을 위해 설계된 무기입니다: 시장이 당신을 집어삼키지 못하도록 하는 것. 스톱 로스? 필요 없습니다. NEXUS는 기본적인 보호 장치를 가지고 놀지 않습니다. 크게 생각하고, 현명하게 행동하세요: 리스크를 줄이고 손실을 현실적으로 균형 잡으세요. 이것이 프로 트레이더들이
Robot autotrading forex yang bekerja secara full otomatis menggunakan Strategi Scalping yang sangat profitable.Tidak menggunakan metode strategi yang berbahaya dalam trading yang menyebabkan hilangnya seluruh Deposit secara tajam seperti Hedging, Martingale, Grid, Arbitrage, dll. Kelebihan RainScalper adalah memiliki status Live Development yang berkesinambungan dalam jangka panjang berbeda dengan robot lain yang sering berganti nama ketika terjadi crash/mc; serta memiliki kemampuan multi-strate
BTC Scalper AI EA MT5
Ankitbhai Radadiya
BTC Scalper AI EA MT5   is a next-generation scalping robot developed by a highly experienced team in trading and coding. It is designed for scalping on one of the most popular crypto pair   BTCUSD . Unlock the power of automated trading with this advanced   BTC Scalper EA specifically designed for the   BTCUSD   pair. Whether you're trading on the 1-minute or 4-hour chart, this bot adapts to any timeframe, making it a versatile tool for traders of all styles. This strategy has undergone extensi
Arman Belassarov
AriMax – AI-Powered Trading Robot AriMax is a cutting-edge AI-powered trading robot designed to help traders maximize profits while minimizing risk. Utilizing advanced machine learning algorithms and real-time market analysis, AriMax identifies high-probability trade opportunities with precision and speed. Key Features:     AI-Driven Market Analysis – Analyzes market trends and patterns to make data-driven trading decisions.     Automated Execution – Places trades seamlessly with optimized ent
Signal Account  (running 0.75% Balance Risk) If you need MT4 version or can't afford renting/purchasing contact me for alternative solution. Join  Nexus Community Public Chat This EA is part of   Nexus Portfolio  - a combination of the b est long term EAs I created for my personal trading as well as private fund management. The best NON martingale, grid or averaging EA in mql5 market. Most other EAs only sell backtest dream. This is the only EA that can perform closely in live trading as in bac
Hermes EA
Aleksandr Chebotaev
5 (1)
Hello, my name is Alexander. I would like to introduce you to my new development, Hermes EA. The advisor is synthesis of two strategies: breakthrough strategy and level strategy. The EA doesn't use any indicators. The EA works well on EURUSD  pair. The advisor has shown stable performance for more than 20 years. It does not use dangerous trading methods such as martingale, etc. All transactions are protected by take profit and stop loss. I tried to make the advisor as easy to install as possible
Perceptrader AI MT5
Valeriia Mishchenko
4.6 (5)
EA has a live track record with 48 month of stable trading with low drawdown: Live performance MT4 version can be found here Perceptrader AI is a cutting-edge grid trading system that leverages the power of Artificial Intelligence, utilizing Deep Learning algorithms and Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) to analyze large amounts of market data at high speed and detect high-potential trading opportunities to exploit. Supported currency pairs: NZDUSD, USDCAD, AUDNZD, AUDCAD, NZDCAD, GBPCHF Timefram
The Candle MT5
How Si Xiang
3 (2)
LAST COPY LEFT AND THE CANDLE WILL BE REMOVED FROM MQL5 MARKETPLACE! THE CANDLE   -- is a multicurrency strategy that I have spent the past few months "perfecting" it. When I say perfecting -- I didn't mean in the way where I tweak the strategy so it fits into the data I have, that when I run backtests with the strategy it gives me favorable results but, more of adding new risk management measures so that the strategy can recover losing positions effectively. Nor did I add manual positions at a
Compound Interest Moon brushing orders! Attention! Attention! Attention!: Low cost and low point platforms are necessary for brushing orders. Please review first and then simulate trading. Do not directly conduct actual trading and test suitable trading varieties A set of arbitrage brushing strategies developed after years of research and development Suggested variety of gold
BenefitEA Mt5
Vsevolod Merzlov
Benefit EA Uses only hedging accounts.     Benefit EA is a non-indicative flexible grid adviser with special entry points that provide a statistical advantage, revealed through the mathematical modeling of market patterns. The EA does not use stop loss. All trades are closed by take profit or trailing stop. It is possible to plan the lot increments. The "Time Filter" function is set according to the internal time of the terminal as per the displayed time of the instrument's server, not the oper
Neurolite EA gbpusd
Aliaksandr Salauyou
The Neurolite Expert Advisor offers trade decisions based on a neural network trained using a 10-year history of real tick data. The trading is performed only on GBP/USD. Its main peculiarity is a small amount of input parameters so as to facilitate the working process of users. The Neurolite EA will fine-tune all the parameters for you. Trading Strategy The system does NOT use dangerous strategies such as averaging or martingale, but strictly adheres to the neural network instructions. Stop lo
Neurolite EA eurusd
Aliaksandr Salauyou
The Neurolite Expert Advisor offers trade decisions based on a neural network trained on 5-years of real tick data. Trading is performed only on the EUR/USD currency pair. Its main peculiarity is a small amount of input parameters so as to facilitate the working process of users. The Neurolite EA will fine-tune all the parameters for you. This Expert Advisor is based on the previously released Neurolite EA gbpusd , which was adjusted for successful trading on the EUR/USD currency pair. Trading
A scalper system only work during Asian hours. Several unique indicators to detective the price fluctuation. Dynamic TP/SL level according to market conditions. Fixed stoploss to protect the capital, very low risk of losing a lot of money. No need to obtain SET files. The parameters are the same for each currency pair. It is optimized to work on EURAUD . It is recommended to use Eagle Scalper on M15 chart. It is recommended to run it on a real ECN broker with very low spread . It is recommended
Thurau Baerbel
Snake EURUSD Real EA is a fully automatic Forex Trading Expert Advisor. The robot can run on any pair, but the results are better on EURUSD M15. The system can run with any broker that also provides Floating Spread. Advantages The EA does not use systems like martingale, hedging, etc. The EA uses SL and Trailing Stop to make a profit. In addition, you can also set TP (EURUSD at 93 for me). Best test results with 99.0% in the backtest. It is not necessary to close the EA during the press release
Stocks Squeezer
Federico Sbordoni
Follow the STOCKS SQUEEER Signal: https://www.mql5.com/en/signals/503024 STOCKS SQUEEZER is trading system that simultaneously operates on several stocks trying to take advantage of their volatility. The EA opens a position on each stocks specified investing the initial amount of money you have set. The single position is closes it when the calculated take profit is hit. Instead, if the market goes against, the position is increased and the take profit moved properly. This goes on for a stric
Rajkumar Palanisamy
Updated latest version DD is below 30%    **Back Test in IC Markets,  EURUSD, USDJPY, AUDUSD  Time Frame M30**  *USDCAD 1H * *AUDUSD H2*    **BE SAFE EA includes 9 Powerful Trend Indicators**    **99% Accuracy Super Strong BUY and SELL Signal entry**    **EA takes Super Strong BUY or SELL order, after 9 indicator confirmation in one bar** Super Strong BUY and SELL entry EA takes super STRONG BUY and SELL entry, after 9 indicator confirmation in single bar. When you receive the super strong
Be Safe Scanner MT5
Rajkumar Palanisamy
BE SAFE TURBO EA with indicator 24*7 Real deposit 3000$. Updated latest version DD is below 30%    **Back Test in IC Markets,  EURUSD, USDJPY, AUDUSD  Time Frame M30**  *USDCAD 1H * *AUDUSD H2*    **BE SAFE EA includes 9 Powerful Trend Indicators**    **99% Accuracy Super Strong BUY and SELL Signal entry**    **EA takes Super Strong BUY or SELL order, after 9 indicator confirmation in one bar** Super Strong BUY and SELL entry EA takes super STRONG BUY and SELL entry, after 9 indicator confi
EA STFX BINARY TECHNOLOGIES EA STFX Binary Technologies is specifically designed for Binary MT5 products Volatility Index 75 and 100 The Expert Advisor can be used for Full Automatic and Semi Automated trading. EA STFX has various strategies such as: Day Trade, Averagging , Martingale, Anti Martingale and or combine the two Trading positions can be closed easily using panels such as close profit only, close buy, close sell, close all transactions The choice of indicators for position entries us
TS Trade
Carlos Reis Dos Santos
DESCRIÇÃO O TS Trade é um robô desenvolvido por profissionais com longa experiência no Mercado Financeiro. É baseado em algoritmos de negociação avançados. Tem como principal característica uma gestão de risco rigorosa. É perfeito para quem busca uma ferramenta eficaz para automatizar suas negociações. Instale o Robô e deixe que ele faça todo o trabalho por você. MÉTODO O TS Trade utiliza um algoritmo o qual possibilita identificar uma tendência do mercado a partir da movimentação de duas média
The Willing horse Expert Advisor EURUSD trades on the signals of the Moving Average, Stochastic Oscillator, Average True Range indicators; uses a variety of intelligent strategies, without martingale, hedging or grid; applies stop loss to protect your capital; there is a capital management system, it has restrictions on the volume of trading positions (in% of the deposit). This advisor does not require adjustment, just attach it to the M1-chart of EURUSD. You can test any period from 01/01/2018.
Trader Dream 02
Marco Stacchiotti
THE MAIN IDEA. First of all, this is the second of an EA family, based on same strategy applied to different indicators.  This means that the same strategy and same money management is applied to different indicators with spread main filtering. All EAs are sensitive to TF, please optimize H4, H1, M30. There is great difference. Final goal is to design an EA with higher success rate possible, with lowest losses overall.  This peculiarity, will grow confidence in EA usage, for long term satisfa
Trader Dream 01
Marco Stacchiotti
THE MAIN IDEA. First of all, this is the first of an EA family, based on same strategy applied to different indicators.  This means that the same strategy and same money management is applied to different indicators with spread main filtering.   All EAs are sensitive to TF, please optimize H4, H1, M30. There is great difference. Final goal is to design an EA with higher success rate possible, with lowest losses overall.    This peculiarity, will grow confidence in EA usage, for long term sati
Plus de l'auteur
The Gold Phoenix
William Brandon Autry
5 (5)
Gold Phoenix GPT - L'Outil de Trading AI Ultime pour les Paires d'Or Gold Phoenix GPT est un outil de trading de pointe spécialement conçu pour les paires d'or, utilisant une puissante stratégie de breakout sur l'intervalle de temps M1. Propulsé par une intelligence artificielle avancée, y compris ChatGPT et l'apprentissage automatique, il est conçu pour aider les traders de tous niveaux à exceller sur les marchés de l'or en évolution rapide. Il ne reste que 3 copies à seulement 1097 $ ! Le proc
Alexander Dubenskiy
Alexander Dubenskiy 2025.03.02 15:15 

Just as many reviewers in here I’ve had the chance to go through substantial amount of EAs over many many years and I’d rate this EA in my top..Few favorite EAs of all time. What does that entails exactly? This is not backtesting friendly EA, in fact I haven’t even inquired if I can or should backtest it. Due to level of integration between MM and various AI vendors to truly test this EA one need to put MM on demo or live account for some months to get enough quality data and then make a decision as to which parameter set best suited trader’s trading style. With that said if you stick with default settings and minimum deviations from these and using the same broker as Brandon (coinexx) you’ll be profitable. If memory not deceiving me I’ve setup MM (true, it went through various revisions) on November 30 and since that date I was/is profitable with a very modest MAE (maximum adverse excursion) values 5-10%. As many have mentioned this EA doesn’t trade often and within the context of work Brandon put into coding this beauty I consider it a plus not a minus. MM is very cautious pertaining to positions it opens but once position gets opened.. Yep that is exciting time heh. Ok just checked my losing trades and thankfully there are few and they are very very much controlled and of course there are less of these than profitable trades. I’m mentioning it because I have not seen behavior in MM which I’ve seen in quite a few other EAs when you can have let say 50 profitable positions and one loss wiping few months worth of profits. Now with that said this EA have a HUGE depth to it as many have mentioned so is it possible to make profitable EA into losing EA? I’d say yes, depends on how you set it up. So if someone will go experimenting it is fully expected you’ll see losing and winning parameter sets or.. You can stick with Brandon’s default sets and especially if using same broker as Brandon (coinexx) you’re in excellent spot. iMO you can purchase this EA with confidence and also I think this EA is heavily undervalued/underpriced. i think this EA worth between 3-5k closer to 5k within the context of current state of mql5 MT5 EA marketplace.

Amr Gomaa Saleh Husain
Amr Gomaa Saleh Husain 2025.02.17 00:15 

After trying numerous trading EAs over the years, I can confidently say that this one stands out as a true game-changer. Unlike many so-called “AI” EAs that are just marketing gimmicks, this EA integrates real AI models—GPT, Claude, Mistral, Gemini, and more—allowing it to analyze market conditions dynamically and adapt in real time. From the moment I set it up, I was impressed by the incredible flexibility and depth of customization. The range of configuration options means that traders—whether conservative or high-risk—can fine-tune their strategies to match their goals. I personally took a higher-risk approach in the beginning test, and within just a few weeks, I saw steady and consistent gains. However, what truly gives me confidence in this EA well built. Another standout feature is the support from William, the developer. He is not only knowledgeable but also genuinely invested in the success of his users. He provides top-tier customer support, frequent updates, and continuous improvements based on user feedback. His transparency and dedication make this EA not just a tool but a trading companion you can trust. If you’re looking for a powerful, adaptable, and AI-driven trading solution with real intelligence behind it, this is the one. Highly recommended for traders of all levels!

sepjed 2025.02.07 08:08 

I am truly impressed with the expertise and dedication that William has put into developing this EA. His attention to detail and sense of pride in his work are evident. From setup to operation, he has been extremely attentive, providing thorough explanations and guidance even for those who are not tech-savvy. His professionalism and approach to trading are outstanding, and the operating principles of this EA are both excellent and effective. I highly recommend William and his EA to anyone looking for a trustworthy and well-developed solution.

Jan Peter Derluyn
Jan Peter Derluyn 2025.01.30 16:24 

Very nice creation. Surprisingly cheep when looking at the possibilities and the amount of time and energy spent. Even though initially my settings were wrong and did not manage to get profitable, William gave and keeps giving nice support which made all my trades since then profitable. The same comments also go for his other AI-EA (Golden Phoenix)

taddowilliams 2025.01.26 01:28 

This is a powerful EA and worth the investment. The EA generated good returns after only a month. The author is genuine and supportive of the community's success with this EA. Highly recommended.

eLkier 2025.01.24 17:37 

I’m someone who lost a lot of money trading forex without much knowledge, but somehow I came across the EA and decided to try William’s. I’m truly impressed and amazed by his work. I love everything about this EA—the settings and the AI features are incredible. As for William, I don’t even know where to start. Words don’t do him justice. He’s genuinely a great person who really cares about his customers. As a trader, patience is key. Many people think buying an EA will make them rich overnight, but it doesn’t work that way. Success depends on the individual and how well they set up and manage their system.

Imaniel 2025.01.21 15:08 

Although the number of trades is not high, the AI-driven EA is refreshing and extremely accurate. It seems like it will continue to evolve, so I'm looking forward to it. Thank you.

P.IM 2025.01.17 09:06 

This Forex EA is a game-changer, integrating multiple AI models to maximize gains. William provides outstanding support, always responding within a day, and regularly updates the EA to leverage the latest AI advancements. He’s also an excellent teacher and active in group chats, making this EA ideal for anyone seeking an AI-powered trading solution. Highly recommended!

brzdz 2025.01.12 19:52 

Absolutely the best best EA in the market with true AI and many configurable options, u can trade fully with AI or semi AI or EA alone or even manual, lots of AI options are there and best part author works very hard to release updates regularly. Thank you so much for your hard work :)

Liam Mark Kettle
Liam Mark Kettle 2025.01.11 19:43 

My Experience with Mean Machine GPT I’ve been running Mean Machine GPT for just over a week now, and I’m already up by around 15%—which is pretty exciting! Granted, I’m using higher-risk settings (so I know it could swing both ways), but the trades so far have been consistently hitting their targets. What really impresses me is how Mean Machine GPT uses genuine AI models—things like GPT, Claude, and Mistral—to figure out entries and exits. It’s not just a marketing gimmick; you can actually watch it analyze and update based on market changes. I also love that the developer, William, is super responsive. Whenever I’ve had questions or needed tips on customizing the risk, he’s jumped right in to help. This is definitely not one of those “install-it-and-forget-it” EAs if you’re new to trading. You do want to understand how the AI settings and risk parameters work—especially since my own choice to go high-risk is paying off now, but it’s obviously a double-edged sword. Still, if you’re looking for something more advanced than the usual “robotic” Expert Advisors out there—and you appreciate a helpful, hands-on dev—Mean Machine GPT is absolutely worth considering. I’m excited to see how it does in the long run!

Yusni Bin Jaafar
Yusni Bin Jaafar 2025.01.11 16:59 

I have been using this EA for 2 weeks. The performance of this EA is truly remarkable, with the first entry successfully achieving 150 pips, and achieving over 100 pips is not impossible with this EA. Even when trading manually, it is difficult for me to achieve more than 100 pips. Each entry has a Stop Loss that protects our capital if the market changes direction. This is only possible by using the latest technology, which is genuine AI - Artificial Intelligence, where I integrate AI APIs such as ChatGPT, Anthropic Claude, Google Gemini, Ilama Fireworks, Mistral, and Grok X Ai by myself. This is a real AI and not a marketing gimmick, which I have often fallen for in the past. If you are looking for a trading edge, this is the answer. I also use this EA as a tool to determine the market direction for trading other stocks such as AAPL, TSLA, MSFT, Cryptos etc.. these depend on which broker you use. It may seem complicated, but there’s no need to worry because William is very helpful and has assisted me a lot by answering various questions tirelessly. I fully recommend purchasing it as soon as possible before the price increase.

Todd Daugherty
Todd Daugherty 2025.01.11 15:53 

This has been the best EA I have purchased to date. The use of AI is real and not just a marketing gimmick. The way it uses a strong foundation from the EA, along with sending data to multiple AI LLMs via (API’s) and with the ability to send pics of the charts for analysis and sentiment is mind blowing. Also the amount of setting combinations is incredible, and the support from William is better than 10/10. One other reviewer stated that they had a great sense of security using this EA. I feel the same because of the honesty, transparency and support I have gotten from the developer. After purchasing many EA’s this is the one I will focus all of my attention and time with regards to algo trading.

haijie Chen
haijie Chen 2025.01.11 13:50 

This is an EA that can't be fully backtested, so you don't have to suspect that the backtesting is manipulated. You can conduct trading analysis entirely based on AI, and thus you can analyze many currency pairs. At present, I haven't been using this EA for a long time, just about a little over a month, and it's during the New Year period. However, I've made a profit, though not a large amount since the account balance was relatively small. But what I want to say is that there are quite a lot of configuration parameters in it. If you want to build your own trading strategy, you need to understand it thoroughly. Moreover, this EA enables you to have numerous trading combinations. The biggest impression this EA has left on me is that I feel a great sense of security when using it. With certain configurations, the take profit (TP) can be set greater than the stop loss (SL), and the win rate still looks quite impressive so far. My original intention was to add more comments after using it for half a year, but I've changed my mind. Because William is really an outstanding person. He's always striving to make this EA more perfect. He listens to everyone's opinions. When there might be problems with the EA updates, he'll also fix them in a timely manner. If there must be an EA that can dominate the rankings for a long time in the market, why can't it be this one? I believe in the potential of this EA, and my comments are also very fair. If there's any drawback, it's that you need to spend more time learning and understanding how to use this EA. Of course, William will help you with this. You can turn to him whenever you have questions.

Sokha Sung
Sokha Sung 2025.01.11 06:57 

I have bought MM 2 months so far, and had live trade small account for two weeks , I got almost 15%. Very reliable EA and with great support.

sbtn94 2025.01.11 04:12 

My Review using this EA so far. Very unique compared to others around since I've testes plenty on this website. It really gives results has a lot of customization depending on your need and the support yo get is really a 10/10.

tom-berlin 2025.01.10 22:48 

I have looked at many EA's and read through the AI integration - many fake. This EA Mean Machine and Gold Phoenix is the best I have seen. This EA generates trades with AI and self-determined strategies, there is intensive support from the developer and he is constantly updating his EA's, whereby customer requests are also implemented directly. The community is large and we discuss the individual strategies to achieve the greatest possible success. I am a beginner myself and get expert support from the developer, where I feel directly supported. Therefore, I can only recommend these two EA's. Both EA's are worth every dollar

Jarek J.
Jarek J. 2025.01.03 13:54 

I want to sincerely thank William for his incredible work on developing Mean Machine GPT 6.0. This version is a true breakthrough in the world of automated trading, introducing features that take market analysis to a whole new level. The standout features include: - Vision Capability: The ability to process both text and images makes market analysis more versatile and precise. - Integration of Multiple AI Models works in harmony to provide unparalleled decision-making support. - With various operation modes, from full automation to manual decisions supported by AI, there’s something for everyone. Version 6.0 is a tool that not only enhances efficiency but also builds trust in trading through its transparency and advanced logic. I highly recommend Mean Machine GPT to anyone looking for a reliable, intelligent, and cutting-edge trading tool. William, thank you again for your passion and dedication – this version shows what professional software in 2025 should look like!

ghazouani77 2024.12.28 23:11 

After 3 weeks of evaluation, what I can add to the other reviews, William confirm with his EA what I believed before that 90+% of EA's in this market who claims to use AI are FAKE! The rest they don't use the AI in efficient way like Mean Machine(anyone can use chatgpt but how & what infos to request, need a prompt engineering) and with version 6 the EA is far away from the most expensive EA's in this market. @William Keep up the good work!

Zsolt Krisztián Rác
Zsolt Krisztián Rác 2024.12.18 18:54 

I have been using EA for about half a month. I am very satisfied with it. Even during the cucumber season, I managed to make about 20% profit on a demo account in December. All this with a DD below 10%. Not negligible is the fact that there is a chat room where users (and owner) help each other. What will be news to many is that this EA uses real AI, which you have to pay for. My experience so far is that using two AIs (ChatGPT + Claude) costs ~15USD per month.

Jenny LK
Jenny LK 2024.12.14 14:48 

I feel he's got a great sense of pride in the product he has developed. I've never seen this level of expertise before. William is just trustworthy. I'm really satisfied to get to know him.

Update: I got 2.5% up in one of my account from Dec. 9 to 16. Great potential!

Update: 2025. 01. 14. Huge updates are supported by the author and it already started to work great on my live account. Thanks, William! I can recommend this ea to everyone. The best part is that customers can create and use their own unique settings without being tied to the settings used by the author. This is truly a gem.

Répondre à l'avis
Version 7.4 2025.03.03
Claude Sonnet 3.7 added
Version 7.3 2025.02.23
R1 model adjustment
OpenAi Adjustment
Gemini adjustment
Version 7.2 2025.02.18
Improvement to API Cost Reduction (ACR)

Gemini 2.0 flash model update to allow for a higher rate limit

Modification to Mistral values extraction
Version 7.1 2025.02.11
Small fix for a few specific brokers
Version 7.0 2025.02.11
This is a big update...

DeepSeek R1 added

OpenAi o1 full, o3 mini added

API cost reduction

Ai Position Management added

Complete inputs flow restructure

Risk settings refined and simplified

Expert logs updated

Number extraction method revised

And a lot more.....
Version 6.52 2025.01.20
Update regarding EA ENTRY + AI ENTRY combinations
Version 6.51 2025.01.12
Recalculate SL risk %

LLM Precision input added

Adjustment to o1 and o1 mini

Version 6.5 2025.01.10
Adjustment to Stop Loss % Calculation

Adjustment to Llama/Deepseek V3 calls

Precision option added
Version 6.4 2025.01.09
Adjustment to ATR calculation

Trade frequency adjusted

DeepSeek V3 added
Version 6.3 2025.01.08
A few necessary code enhancements

Grok and Gemini calls fixed

Indicator release solved
Version 6.2 2025.01.05
Llama API provider changed

Llama Vision models added

Gemini 2 Thinking model added

Fibonacci lines added to Ai Vision model charts
Version 6.1 2025.01.03
Update to Gemini 2 Model

Various code enhancements
Version 6.0 2024.12.28
Mean Machine GPT now harnesses cutting-edge AI-based Vision technology to detect and interpret chart patterns, price action signals, and visual anomalies in real-time—completely redefining how you interact with the markets. From identifying emerging chart formations and dynamic support-resistance zones to rapidly recognizing trends, Mean Machine GPT’s Vision capabilities bring unmatched clarity and precision to your trading decisions, enabling you to make better-informed entries and exits with confidence.
Version 5.96 2024.12.20
Ai+EA combined entry combinations added

Grok 2 added

Positions comments added

Various code refinements
Version 5.95 2024.12.13
Gemini 2.0 added

Meta llama 3.3 added

Neural Network upgrade

API efficiency added

and more......
Version 5.94 2024.12.08
Upgrade to make Ai responses more efficient and concise.
Version 5.93 2024.12.06
OpenAi o1 and o1 mini re-prompt

Upgrade to Ai position values. Certain combinations will use the actual price, others will set a pip distance.

Code refinements

And more...
Version 5.92 2024.12.01
small change to Ai TP+SL
Version 5.91 2024.11.27
Update 5.91

Mistral Ai now analyzes a significantly larger data set.
Version 5.9 2024.11.22
Small lot calculation adjustment
Version 5.8 2024.11.21
Small text fix
Version 5.7 2024.11.21
Small change to OpenAi+anthropic+X.ai
Version 5.6 2024.11.21
X.Ai Grok

OpenAi o1 mini and o1

Stop Loss ducking

SL risk %

and more.....
Version 5.5 2024.11.11
Small fix to holiday filter and Ai analyzation.
Version 5.4 2024.11.11
prompt adjustment, print statements adjustment
Version 5.3 2024.11.11
Adjustment to prompt structure to CoT

Mistral Ai Added
Version 5.1 2024.11.08
API check function
Version 5.0 2024.11.08
Llama update 5.0 update

Version 4.6 2024.11.03
Fix to news fetch
Version 4.5 2024.11.01
Gemini Ai integration
Version 4.4 2024.10.29
Adjustment to sudden change algorithm
Version 4.3 2024.10.27
Sentiment extraction is more robust

Input values updated

Claude Ai models updated to recent models
Version 4.2 2024.10.24

Updated to current Anthropic Ai model versions
Version 4.1 2024.10.22
News update to bank holidays

GUI update
Version 4.0 2024.10.21
Stage 4 upgrade

Claude Ai integration

Other various enhancements
Version 3.3 2024.10.13
Update 3.3
Version 3.2 2024.10.13
Update to 3.2
Version 3.1 2024.10.04
Update to print statements

Update to GPT Sentiment
Version 3.0 2024.10.03
Stage 3
Version 2.6 2024.09.22
Fix to account profit %. It is now accurate to reflect the same as mql5 signals and myfxbook.

News filter now better checks holidays in back tester and live.
Version 2.5 2024.09.17
Make a more efficient OpenAI API query to receive a shorter response and avoid potential response confusion and easier convert to a sentiment.

Streamline ChatGPT analysis check

Added Funded/Prop Firm Account risks

Added Drawdown protection for funded accounts that use balance based at EOD

Version 2.4 2024.09.14
Prints Update

Training File input added

Account profit % added to GUI

Improved Neural Network Training

News check frequency for OpenAPI updated

Added time frames for ChatGPT
Version 2.3 2024.09.09
Change to alerts
Version 2.2 2024.09.09
Update to Print Statements.

Update to Neural Network

Update to Display