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KoliEr Bands, Bollinger Bands ® - indicateur pour MetaTrader 4
- Vues:
- 17567
- Note:
- Publié:
- 2010.03.03 08:44
- Mise à jour:
- 2016.11.22 07:32
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KoliEr Li (
KoliEr Bands give you a step by step view for support and resistant levels.
If Bollinger Bands is Batman, KoliEr Bands is Robin.
Use them together.
Red and solid lines is KoliEr Bands.
Blue and dot lines is Bollinger Bands
Use the average value of the highest and lowest price from the period bar to now as Center Line.
Upper and Lower bands are Deviation of close price.
- extern string IndicatorName = "KoliErBands";
- extern int BarsToCount = 0; // Set to 0 to count all bars
- extern int KB_Period = 14; // Peroid of KoliEr Bands
- extern int KB_Deviation = 2; // Deviation Level
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