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Firepips - expert pour MetaTrader 4
- Vues:
- 10793
- Note:
- Publié:
- 2010.03.02 08:44
- Mise à jour:
- 2016.11.22 07:32
- Besoin d'un robot ou d'un indicateur basé sur ce code ? Commandez-le sur Freelance Aller sur Freelance
Imports live trades and orders from the firepips twitter page.
The MAD Indicator (Moving Averge Delta)
This indicator shows changes in the direction of a moving average. It works like looking with a microscope at a moving average curve.
Indics Shaker EAThis version use Accelerator Oscilator as main indi to recognize the signal
KoliEr Bands, Bollinger Bands ®
KoliEr Bands give you a step by step view for support and resistant levels. If Bollinger Bands is Batman, KoliEr Bands is Robin. Use them together.
Optimize cross Moving averageOn of my books says about moving average, that there is no "magic settings", this indicator tries out a lot of possible combinations between a long and a short moving average.