The fractal structure of the chart with a time frame of 1 year. You can see the forecast of the dynamics of the ruble quotes made a year ago here...
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17 March 2023, 15:56
The fractal structure of the chart with a time frame of 1 Week...
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21 February 2023, 20:14 #Dow Jones
The post by Dmitry Medvedev in the telegram channel dated December 26, 2022 is not a futuristic hypothesis. In my opinion, this post is a real vector of future developments, especially regarding 8, 9 and 10 points. The implementation of the 8th paragraph, for example, can be like this...
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27 December 2022, 15:53 #Dow Jones
In this video, a definition of a time interval in a fractal structure is given and the principles on which the completion of time intervals occurs...
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25 December 2022, 22:14
This video describes the bifurcation points in the fractal structure of the graph and the number of degrees of freedom in a nonlinear dynamic system, which depends on the location of the bifurcation points in the fractal structure...
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20 December 2022, 15:30
The unrestrained growth of the US public debt was caused by a natural cause - the weakening of the main geopolitical enemy - the Russian State. Orthodox Christianity is the basis for the existence of the Russian World...
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15 December 2022, 19:54
This video describes the views and types of fractals, their cost and time parameters, and the alphabet of Niro attractors for describing fractal chart structures...
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15 December 2022, 19:16
Inflation in the US will rise. In accordance with the established fractal structure in the non-linear dynamic system “US Consumer Price Index”, a 3-segment of the fractal is being formed, which is marked in blue on the chart...
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15 December 2022, 18:52 #inflation
This video shows the formation of extreme points on the chart from the point of view of the fractal structure...
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12 December 2022, 19:40
The future dynamics of quotes of absolutely any financial instrument can be modeled using the approaches of chaos theory using fractal geometry tools. The main aspects of the modeling method are described in the article “To know what to buy, what to sell, you need to read charts.”...
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12 December 2022, 19:29 #gold