General government gross debt. Reasons for growth.

General government gross debt. Reasons for growth.

15 December 2022, 19:54
Andrey Niroba

The unrestrained growth of the US public debt was caused by a natural cause - the weakening of the main geopolitical enemy - the Russian State.

Orthodox Christianity is the basis for the existence of the Russian World. The state of a Russian person outside of Orthodoxy is his unnatural state, which makes him weak in all respects.

All unnatural states are unstable and always come to an end, being replaced by natural states that are stable.

The development of the Russian World within the framework of an atheistic state with a communist ideology could not be sustainable due to its unnaturalness. The collapse of such a state was a matter of time. And that time has come. One leader began the collapse of his state, and the other completed it. The state in which society exists is always accompanied by a leader who corresponds to this state.

One leader, driven by vanity and greedy for the praise of flattering enemies, by his actions where it was not necessary and by his inaction where necessary, in every possible way contributed to the collapse of the state entrusted to him to manage.

The head of state, who is proud and enjoys the title of honorary citizen of another state, who committed genocide against his people, who destroyed more than 27,000,000 compatriots, causes nothing but disgust. The lack of apologies and repentance for the harm done to their homeland and shifting responsibility to others shows all the vileness of this person and the disgust of his criminal deeds.

Another leader, obsessed with power and ready to do anything to get it, did the worst thing - he destroyed his state in order to maintain his power. Contrary to the will of the people to preserve his state, he committed a crime by signing documents that did not comply with the law on the collapse of the state, which resulted in the loss of territories, the impoverishment of society and immersion in the chaos of civil war.

Shameful cry in the American Congress "God bless America!" showed a desire and readiness to commit a betrayal of the interests of his people and was perceived by the United States as a call for more active actions to destroy the Russian World.

The United States, taking advantage of the moment of weakening of its geopolitical enemy, begins processes to destabilize the economic and political situation in the entire space previously controlled by the Russians, in order to devalue all their assets and buy them at the price of green paper.

This action plan required the issuance of dollars on a cosmic scale, and by 1990 the US national debt had already exceeded three trillion and amounted to $3,206,290,000,000. USA.

So that the printed material does not come out sideways, and in order not to choke on a fat piece, the United States decided to prepare well before the large-scale issue of dollars and work out all the processes to increase the public debt on the processes to increase the money supply within the country, taking 10 years for this.

The growth rate of the money supply in a stable developing economy must strictly correspond to the growth rate of the mass of commodities. Until 1991, the United States strictly observed this principle in regulating its economy.

In 1991, the United States began to develop processes to increase debt, stopping the increase in the money supply for 3 years with a growing GDP.

In 1991, 1992, 1993 and 1994, the broad money supply remained unchanged at $4.3 trillion. USA. In 1995, the United States began to increase the money supply at a rate that outstripped that of GDP growth.

In the absence of negative effects on the US economy, the actions successfully worked out from 1991 to 1999 to increase the money supply at a rate outstripping the rate of economic growth began to be applied to an increase in public debt at a rate exceeding all reasonable limits.

In strict accordance with well-established procedures, the United States in 1999 suspended the build-up of public debt for two years (apparently they were in a great hurry, since the stop period was three years when increasing the money supply), in order to then begin to build it up with renewed vigor.

In 2002, the planned explosive growth of the US government debt began. They printed a lot of green papers for buying up the assets of their geopolitical enemy, but they only managed to bite off a fat piece and, in order not to be left without teeth, quickly dumped the salty slurp.

The planned actions of the United States are shown in the graphs of the dynamics of the public debt and the dynamics of the broad money supply.