US inflation. Good growth prospects.

US inflation. Good growth prospects.

15 December 2022, 18:52
Andrey Niroba

Inflation in the US will rise.


In accordance with the established fractal structure in the non-linear dynamic system “US Consumer Price Index”, a 3-segment of the fractal is being formed, which is marked in blue on the chart.

As part of the formation of the blue fractal, the value of inflation in the US may rise to double-digit values.

The rise in inflation in the US is caused by the completion in 2015 of the F32 fractal from the Alphabet of Attractors Niro, which is indicated on the chart in pink.

The 1st segment of the pink fractal is the F32 fractal, marked in orange.

The 2nd segment of the pink fractal is the F23 fractal, marked in purple.

The 3rd segment of the pink fractal is the F23 fractal, marked in green.

You can see the forecast for the future dynamics of US macroeconomic indicators in the article “When will Dow be Low?”.