MQL4 and MetaTrader 4 - page 715

{      int OSS,OTS;      bool OCS;      OSS=OrderSelect(NULL,SELECT_BY_POS,MODE_TRADES);      OTS=OrderType();      if(CC1>iMA(NULL,0,48,0,MODE_LWMA,PRICE_HIGH,1))      if(OTS==OP_SELL)      {      OCS=OrderClose(OrderTicket(),OrderLots(),Ask,3,clrRed)&&PlaySound ("alert2.wav");      }}{      int...
Topic.., please,  cant find a proper guide for that on google.., thanks.. 
Dear friends, I have built an arbitrage EA that is ran on different Mt4 platforms. These EAs save timestamps and prices into the hard disk, which the other platform reads. Is there a more efficient way to communicate these two platforms that doesn't involve writing files to the hard drive every...
  zero divide problem  (13   1 2)
{BR1=CandleBody1*100/CandleRange1;BodyRange1=MathAbs(BR1);} So im trying to get % of the candle body to candle rande, im getting this error zero divide and the ea stops trading. How can i fix that? Thanks Piero
On build 711, if I compile an EA using the command line compiler mql.exe: 1. The EA will not appear in the experts folder unless the terminal is restarted 2.  Even after the restart, the EA is grayed out can not be attached to a chart.  NOTE:  This is not the normal "gray out" when an EA has not...
Hi,  I am trying to developer anEA by using the following indicators. However, I faced some difficulties andappreciate if anyone can help me. EA Inputs: Lots: 1.00 Takeprofit : 20 Stoploss : 15 TrailingStop : 5   Indicators used 1.      1)  MT4-LevelStop-Reverse-v2 Parameters:       2).  Center of...
Should "Close" be regarded as latest Ask or latest Bid price? or the middle between Ask and Bid? Thanks for help.
i want to make a ea by daily pivot indicator.i have no any knowledge in mql4.if anyone make this ea i will give you money when the ea make me and i will send my strategy.if anyone interested pls email me at
 int Jam_trade() {    bool trade = false;    if(Mulai_Jam > Akhir_Jam){      if (Hour() >= Mulai_Jam || Hour() < Akhir_Jam) trade = true;    } else      if (Hour() >= Mulai_Jam && Hour() < Akhir_Jam) trade = true;       return (trade); }
I cannot believe it's so tough to find a simple previous day/week/month high low indicator that gives the user the ability to determine the color/width/style of the line...number of days back would be a HUGE plus...with line segments only. Not something that draws channels and connects these
I would like to change product . And want to 1 click can effect all time frame [ 15 min , 1hr , 4hr , daily ]. 
Hello my trading logic requires to check if the close of the bar is equal to 25% of the bar's range. Can somebody check if I am doing it right? below is a snippet of my code // For long trade if (iClose( NULL , 0 , 0 ) >= ( 0.25 * ( iHigh( NULL , 0 , 0 ) - iLow( NULL , 0 , 0 ) ) + iLow( NULL , 0
Hello! I have a question I'd like to throw out to there on something I am finding rather tricky in resolving. What I am trying to formulate is a synthetic tick value that is otherwise independent of what is built within MQL4 (being MarketInfo(Symbol(),MODE_TICKVALUE). Reason being is that sometimes...
Hi, I try cu call WebRequest from an indicator an dont work. I try with wininet (dll call) but the indicator dont work. How can i make to call a webpage from an indicator Thanks. 
How long does the EA logic keep working? Does it reset itself at some point? I am asking this as I have an EA that only limits trades to 2 per day or in a given time period like an hour or stops trading when profit reaches XXX dollars. I run it on a VPS so my MT4 does not technically shut down...
Hello Everyone,   I was wondering is it possible to make an EA that runs its deinit function at certain given times. I usually forget to remove my EA :P and that makes me a lot of trouble.   so I thought I have to make an extern DateTime to run the deinit function without removing the EA manually....
Is real trading possible on on conventional time frames ?
I recently started using drag to modify for take profit and one thing I noticed was the red line that marks where it should close the order is off by the amount of spread, so the price has to move past the red line for the amount spread before it closes the order..  I would prefer that the spread...
Look last Code ,why the run ruzult is  ok2    not  ok3?  double a=4.0;      double    b=4.5;      if(a>b)  Alert("ok1");      if(a<b)  Alert("ok2");      if(a==b) Alert("ok3"); double a=4.0;      int b=4;      if(a>b)  Alert("ok1");      if(a<b)  Alert("ok2");      if(a==b) Alert("ok3");...
For UK traders only ... Let me start bysaying I have no financial connection to Alpari, other than my FOREX account iswith them. Alpari started doingSpread betting accounts about a month ago and I opened one which became availableto trade this evening. Their website and staff don’t seem to know...
  MT4 Proffit EA  (4)
Ok so I have looked in your forums and cant find what i need. I am a VB.Net coder and cant get what I did to work.  How do I get an Alert EA that will do the following: extern double  profitToAlert  = 20; If sum of all open trades equals or is more than profitToAlert  then alert me by playing an mp3...
My Price alerts are getting triggered when price is no where near alert price.What is going on? The example below show AUD/USD the orange line shows where alert should be.I have circled the triggered alert.    
Hello, I am currently working on a major hardware update for my working station. I usually have between 10-20 instances of MT4 running so my programmer suggested to choose a processor with a maximum number of hard cores ( like te AMD opteron 6274
Is there code or command for finding how much interest is earned per day on trades and balance? Thanks!
Hi would it be possible to place the search field right beside Topics in the headline, may be with the hint to seek the key words first:
Dears, how to change the period of MT4 strategy tester to others? e.g. to H12, 30S, .... or only can select the options in the breakdown list? No other solution for it? Please help and thanks.
Is Max Buys, Sells and Trades in an EA input the maximum number of trades that can be opened even though there might already be an open position? Thanks. 
Hello, New to mql4 and really coding in general but I have to start some where. Can anyone help me with this? I have a random string of numbers (different character lengths) that end with .gif. how do I remove just the ".gif" from a string? Old: 0248240420428420842.gif New
Hi Guys I am trying to compare my pivot point with a site that has the correct pivot points. First I went to, the to action forex & noticed that & noticed tat all three the pivot as well as support & resistance points differ. http://www...