MQL4 and MetaTrader 4 - page 713

When I try to change either my master password or investor password, the change fails and I get a Cannot change password [not enough rights] message in the Journal tab of the terminal.  What is causing this. I know the current master password is correct because if I key in anything else for it the...
Hi,  I'm trying to open a BUYSTOP order but get  error 130 even though I follow the StopLevel Minimum Distance Limitation.   Print("ask price=",DoubleToStr(Ask, print_digits));Print("bid price=",DoubleToStr(Bid, print_digits));double stop_level_points = MarketInfo(Symbol()...
Dear All, I am looking for a free program with which I can convert .hst files into .csv fast and easily. Can somebody help me? Thank you very much! Kind regards, Martin
I have a native library built with Visual Studio 2012. Required project configuration properties: General / Platform Toolset  =  Visual Studio 2012 - Windows XP (v110_xp)C/C++ / Code Generation / Runtime Library  =  Multi-threaded (/MT)ExpertSample.cpp: #define...
  iCustom BUG!!!  (10)
We experienced strange indicator calling problems. Our indicator call was with the same parameters , from within a OnTimer event set at one second. To us it seemed that, only we changed a certain parameter, the indicator started to get initialized again and again, even faster than the timer delay
When backtesting if you have a FXT file in tester/history i.e.    GBPUSD1_0.fxt and GBPUSD5_0.fxt How can you be sure it is used rather than another being generated? How can you be sure it is not updated? How can you be sure it is not overwritten? Is there a way to start MT4 , via command prompt,...
Hi everyone, I'm french and I apologize for my english. I dont' know the correct word for my research in google. So I need your help pls. I'm looking for a mt4 script that would allow to me to open several chart windows of the same currency pair in one click. I explained me (I'm going try ^^): I...
Dears, When testing my EA, many orders sometimes were repeatedly opened at a same position. Finally I found the issue came from this sentence, "if(int(Time[0]-OrderOpenTime())>CandleInterval*PeriodSeconds(0)) nearPosition=false;".Below is the program with more details, which to prevent order opened...
  Auto Trade Lines  (1)
I trade using horzontal lines that when crossed, reverse an existing position. Are there any EA's that can automate this?
MetaTrader 4 Build 574 with Updated MQL4 Language and Market of Applications Released Over the past six months since the release of the public build 509, we put in a lot of effort to improve all the components of MetaTrader 4 online trading system. MQL4 programming language for developing...
 Please write here, if you have an 403 error accessing and/or blank signal tab in MT4. For example like this one by user roogoot. Temporary solution is change your IP address, and on your profile, disable control session by IP.  
I usually do no have problems with this but recently MY EA's testing will not go back far enough in history. Any idea why EA's randomly seem to disregard the EA date use settings ?
Hi, I recently sign up with IC Markets and downloaded their MT4 platform. However, the MT4 will often crash/freeze when I try to apply my own templates. There should not be any problem/issuess with my templates because I have been using them perfectly for my other 2 separate MT4 platform with other...
Hello, does somebody know, if isthere a possibility to use a two-dimensional array in the StringSplit function.If I use it like bellow, than I get always an error:']' - expression expected, 'TradeValues' - array required I want towrite the split strings in the second dimension of the array...
Good Morning evereyone,    Iám a Newbie in Coding at All, but i learn very fast =D and it´s really fun to create and modify EA´s.  Well here is my problem, whitch i try to solve.    I´ve made a EA based on one Moving Average, witch Buys and sells when the prev candle[2] was closed  over/under the MA...
  can't get swap values  (14   1 2)
//----double    swaplong,swapshort;int spread;//+------------------------------------------------------------------+//|                                                                  |//+------------------------------------------------------------------+  int init()  {...
Hi there Being new to mt4 and j was very curious why does mt4 on ANDROID does not support drawing trendlines, fibonachi etc.  On my ipad its working like a charm but i recently update to samsung note and i cannot work with mt4. i am really dissapointed to be honest and i am more as i cannot find a...
Hi,   Sorry if this has already been asked before.    If I apply different EA to the same currency pair, using separate chart windows, are the EA segregated (or protected) from each other? In other words, will EA1's decision affect EA2's decision? If they do affect each other, how can I separate...
Who can help tell how to get the time period during marketing close ? e.g. market close during weekend and holiday, how to detect and calculate the time period? Thanks for help
Hi ;-) Once upon a time there was a boy, who wanted to (...) substract two double's... The result didn't satisfy him, so he went on a jurney to resolve his problem. After he became very old, he still couldn't find what he was looking for, but he entered land of MQL forum where he presented his...
Hi, I've never been particularly good at coding indicators, I'm getting an "array out of range" message with my current one. I've tried several things to fix this issue but none of them work, doesn't help that the internet is full of pre and post 600 information and examples which confuses me. Here...
Hi guys, I have question: Is possible any automatic definition new name of object which made on graph after select old object, press CTRL and duplicate object. Example: I have objects OBJ_ARROW_RIGHT_PRICE, name "ABC", I make duplicate this object press CTRL... new name this object is "ARROW...
Hello, I'm new to this great community of traders and just starting with Metatrader4. I'm mainly playing with its iPad app. Somehow I really hate that Limit order can't be placed with price equal or higher (in case of buy) than current Ask price. The reason is that the market I'm on is really...
Hi Guys, I am new to Meta Editor and now experienced a small problem. You know that you can highlight a keyword ( data type, constants, function name ) in the editor and press F1, the document on that keyword will be shown on the bottom pane. But recently the feature disappeared, I can not see...
Could anyone give me some guidance please? I want to build the indicator that import the symbol from excel spreadsheet. For example, 4 July will be marked as circle symbol. Thank you
How can I disable trading if spread is too wide?
Hello This keeps happening:  1. Program opens with my default AUDUSD chart, no issues 2. Whenever I try to open any chart subsequently, this error message appears:    3. I have re-installed MT4 3 times since last week, problem keeps recurring   4. My broker, OANDA, doesn't seem to know how to fix...
Using wave and Fibo shopping channel. yield 25% per month tuition free. the only condition is to register through my referral link who are interested to write. 
Hi all I have a custom indicator, the base I had coded by a programmer and I paid him for the code. Then I edited most parts as I went along fixing the strategy. Can you help me fix it? 1.) I set the price that it must end over or under the bollinger band, but I'm still getting alerts when they are...
I am attaching the spectra of the quotation ranges for H1. Two sequential in time and then a common one for them. Nothing in common. And that's on a short time frame