MQL4 and MetaTrader 4 - page 1200

I already added that pair in the History Center, yet I can't figure out how to add it to the Symbol list in the Strategy Tester so I can select it. I really appreciate your feedback. Thanks.
Anyone know how to get account details such as open trades, free margin, etc. without having to attach or open or double click some file? Is there a way to execute a script on startup? Basically I need to have access to these details upon startup of the MT4 platform. The only way I can see to do
I have one EA placing trades and another closing the trade. They just dont seem to work properly. is there any way around this, that I can have them work properly ?
Hi Everyone Please someone try to help me!! before anyone advises me, I know i can just start a new demo account but its not that, its the 2 months work i put into this particular strategy, i thought i had the password stored but obviously not, luckily all live accounts and others are fine its just...
HI if i have more than one order in a moment and i modify one of them how can i find new ticket of that order instantly? i don't know any think a bout magic number for each order,can i use it for my purpose? thanks
Before everyone starts jumping on me, I know that I posted this before. But since then I completely lost all of my windows installation and everything else along with it including my Book Marks. I have not been able to find this listing again nor some of the Private messages that I got in regards...
//+------------------------------------------------------------------+//|                                               HedgeHog_10_v1.mq4 |//|                                                 Matthew Williams...
I have an EA that places a buy and a sell stop order at the start of the test. It does this successfully - I can see them in the Results and on the Chart and there are no errors in the Journal. But when the relevant prices are hit, nothing happens. No buy or sell takes place. Does anyone have any...
Hi I experience something that I think is strange. In my Journal of my MT4 my EA has tried to place an order like 10:41:00 and got confirmation like 3 seconds later 10:41:03, this i find "normal". But in my trade log the trade time is shown as 10:40:00. YES a minute earlier. I have checked this...
All, anyone ever experience connecting to an Oracle database from MQL4 or MQL5? The basic operations I'd like to be able to do is simple operations: -insert into a table -read from a table (SELECT) -and possibly also call PL/SQL functions on the database. Any help is appreciated. Neil Airdon
Can anyone help e please???? FAP has customer service from H E L L !!!! My download won't work. Here is what I sent to FAP, and I', sure they will come back with some computer genated response. I have tried to do this t least 10 times, everytime with the exact same result. I download metatrader...
I try to make my own EA. I want it to run on every tick. Hov do I set that parameter ? Tio Oso
Hi, unfortunately I have a acer notebook with vista ( I hope MS is heavily hit by this crisis!!) on which mt4 is running. Now I wanted to save MT4 with my files (in order to update to mt4 220) but I cant't find MY files by vista? Neither me nor me as root can see my EAs in the expert folder - all...
Please help me with this script... every things I do MT4 give me alert taht EA initiated with invalid inputs. In raports i have such communications: ordersend error 131 or error opening SELL order: invalid trade volume please help me
Hello, I want to copy data, which was exported by a CSV file, and paste it in the EA. Then automatically re-arrange the data (one element at the time) in an new array. In such way that colums become rows and rows become colums. Then sort the data in het new array automatically. I wrote the following...
Hi all, I wrote a simple EA on the MA example provide by Metaquote. The problem is that it works fine in backtesting, but when I put it on a char don't open any trade. I'm sure that all settings, like "Allow trade", or something else is checked. Can someone help me? Thanks. The core of the code is...
我想要让它弄成微型账户的EA,能够自动下单、自动平仓,这个代码我是从网上下载下来的,自己不会编,没有学过这个,所以想请教一下高手要什么修改与设置这些编码呢?或者帮我休息一下发到我QQ邮箱上来吧 邮箱 在此我万分感谢
Hello, I need a program for MQL4 EA which is certainly not difficult, but which may complicate when it comes to the relationship between 2 platform, a demo account and live account. A summary of the EA I'm looking to program: Platform demo account: Open trades one by one in this order:...
I am trying to create a rectangle as a sort of meter that displays how much of the daily range the pair has moved. For example, if the pair has moved 75 pips today out of its daily 14 ATR of 100, then the rectangle would be 75% coloured in. Any ideas how to do that? Do I need to create 2 rectangles...
New article Filtering Signals Based on Statistical Data of Price Correlation is published at Is there any correlation between the past price behavior and its future trends? Why does the price repeat today the character of its previous day movement? Can the statistics be used to forecast...
Hello,I would like to send orders ( entry and exit signals ) from an external software application I am developing in C# .NET.Could anyone help me understand how I can accomplish this?Thanks!!!
lately when i search the forum i don't get any results in the documentation when i know i should.
All, I have been going through forums with no luck so far. My problem is quite simple: has anybody been able to easily connect to an Oracle DB from MQL4/5 What I am looking at doing is: - write to the DB (INSERT) - read from the DB (SELECT) - ... and also possibly execute procedures/functions on...
Hi everyone, this is my first post. I've begun learning mql for a short time. Today i've tried to make my firs EA and with a big help from this site. i wrote one but it didn't run so i tried to fix copying from the tutorial but it still doesn't work. Symb=Symbol(); //...
  { }  (4)
Can someone explain to me what these symbols do in the program? { } Or tell me where to go to read about them...? can't find anything by just searching. I'm just a newbie trying to teach myself to program in MQL4.
hi, does anyone know if I use the iATR on a daily bases: How does iATR handle the Sunday data. As Separate day, simple ignores Sunday, or adds the data to Monday? Thanks MJ
New article Implementation of Indicators as Classes by Examples of Zigzag and ATR is published at Debate about an optimal way of calculating indicators is endless. Where should we calculate the indicator values - in the indicator itself or embed the entire logic in a Expert Advisor that...
Hi I have modified an EA to suit my needs. This EA has to buy /sell at a specified price (in this case 134.42), the problem is I cant seem to get it to buy or sell t the specified price or even at all. Please note I am a novice coder, I have tired commenting out all other conditions to the buy sell...
MetaTrader 4 Client Terminal Build 387 Terminal: Fixed operation of the client terminal via a proxy server. Terminal: Fixed calculation of the quote counter when calculating custom indicators. Terminal: Fixed display of income in currency of instrument profit. Terminal: Fixed accounting of a credit
Hi guys couple of questions from a new to mq4 guy: 1. About this forum, should i open a new topic every time i have a questions?! is there any partition to subjects? 2. About the iCustom function: how do i know what parameters the indicator needs? are these the "extern" parameters in the...