Technical Indicators - page 102

Dear Coders This is MQL4 questions and not MQL5 questions. My observation is that this simple code line always enable Ray to the right property. ObjectCreate    (0, name, OBJ_FIBO, 0, time1, price1, time2, price2); ObjectSetInteger(0, name, OBJPROP_RAY, false); ObjectSetInteger(0, name,...
Hi it's me again, I am almost done with my indicator I only have 2 problem left. So the indicator turn RED when it's a downtrend and is Green when it s an UPTREND. It update automatically when there is a new high or low. My problem is that when the trend change in the middle of the day that fib...
  Renko Charts.  (4)
Does anybody know where i can get a Renko Charts Indicator with access to Source Code or that supports EA development...Free would be better.
Hi there I've done my first indicator and have some probleme. The fib high to low of the day work perfectly but the fib low to high of the day doesnt shot the right level. Can someone help me please thank you Whoseen     
I'm looking for an ADR indicator which looks like the one on the attached file below. Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks! Ben
Hello. I've been working with some code that does simple things to get a hang of the language and make sure I understand the basic concepts. For instance, I use the following to iterate over the entire bar history to the most current bar for calculations (see code below). My question is how to...
Is there an easy way to place indicator on top of another indicator. For example I would like to smooth out the momentum indicator and would like to do that by calculating moving average of momentum. How do I achieve this
Hi , I have limited my MT5 to 5000 candles. now there are more candles available on the chart than this limit . and at random times the whole chart refreshes and counter bars goes back. please see the attached pic and tell me if there is a solution to this jump backs ? 2016.12.12 19:00:01.539
hi , I am writing an indicator in MQL5, but whatever I write as string name ObejectDelete returns true ! even on an empty chart with no objects! int ObjCount = ObjectsTotal(ChartID(),/*0=main subwindow*/0,/*all objectTypes*/-1); bool deleteResult=ObjectDelete(ChartID(),"non existing object");
Hi guys   I want to code an alarm which i can drag from the navigator menu and drop it right on the chart. This "indicator" should place a horizontal line at exactly the price where i dropped it on the chart, giving me an alarm when price rises above (or falls below) that very price.   So this is my...
Hello fellow traders, I'm a junior member so I can't make a new thread, so I'm going to add my question to this thread. I'm completely newb with coding and programming, and I need to be able to add an alarm to the black band you see on this indicator. Does somebody know how I have to do this please?...
can someone please send me buy and sell arrow unicross indicator <deleted>
Hi All  I am having a small problem  and I am pretty new at this #property indicator_chart_window extern color TTT_PH_Color = LawnGreen; extern color TTT_BdL_Color = Red; extern color TTT_PL_Color = Tomato; extern color TTT_p_Color = Orange; extern color TTT_Color = Orange; extern color TTT_v_Color...
Hello. I am trying to transition from MT4 to MT5 and in order to do that, i need help with an indicator. Can you guys please help me out? I need an indicator that Makes two horizontal lines across the range of the first two 4Hour candlesticks on the  H4 Timeframe Chart. I have screenshotted what...
Hello. I am trying to transition from MT4 to MT5. Do you guys think that you can tell me how i can make the indicator show "YH" and "YL" on the most recent period like in this pic?         Here is the code: #property indicator_chart_window #property indicator_buffers 2 #property indicator_plots   2...
Hello, i would like to start transitioning to MT5 but i use a few indicators that have not been ported to MT5 yet, so is there any chance one of you could help me out please?  It's a Daily HiLo indicator.    
hello, when i compil this code i have an error that i don t understand : 'Low' - arrays are passed by reference only    void minimum(double Low [], int count) {     double min = Low[0];     for (int i = 1; i < count; i++)   {           if (min > Low[i])       min = Low[i];   } thanks for your...
Hey all, I created a very simple indicator similar to a MACD which calculates the distance in pips from MA50 to MA100 and I have used it for opening trades in M15 and has been useful. Hope you enjoy it as well
  bug with copylow  (1)
hello, when a write int CopyLow   (string Low,ENUM_TIMEFRAMES PERIOD_M15,int 0,int Bars ,double low_array[]); the compilation send me an error : '0' comma expected i don t understand why thanks for you help
Hi guys I'm trying to add a moving average to an adaptive macd code but I'm having some troubles. In particular the MA is showing but not like if I add it with navigator function (I need to implement a moving average in the MACD code to do another edit). I post a pic to show you the difference...
Hi  Below is simple indicator. can some one correct me undelcared identifier of <i>,< LowerWick >& <UpperWick>. I have no idea how to correct it. Thanks //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //|                                      Jaya Fractals(all)(4x4).mq4 |...
Hi all, I'm relatively new to metatradted. I'm trying to create an indicator in MQL5 with 5 multicolored plots but only one is showing up when I run it. Can anyone show me how to do this or share an indicator that has multiple multi-colored plots? Thanks!...
Is there any indicator can show highest, lowest on subwindow ?
Hello i was looking to have a round number Line chart but i cant find one anywhere. Ive seem round number candlestick chart but never on Line chart. I wanna know if it is possible or if it has another name and im just not searching properly. Thank you Vincent
Hi guys, I've the mq4 of this Adaptive MACD (thanks to eevviill6). Now i'm using this indicator with green and red colors (and a yellow SMA that i add from navigator), green if macd is above 0, red if macd is under 0. Now.. I tried to recode this indicator as follow with no success, so i ask you to...
Hi, How can I combine two 'if' Operators? My purpose 'Special sets...' will apply two 'if' Operators. Best // Main Operator if( a == b && c == 0 )     ObjectCreate( str name, int type=OBJ_VLINE, int window, dtt time1, dbl price1 ); else // Special sets which one I want to set all my Object Vertical...
Hi,  I use below code for #1 screenshot. int _objfnd = ObjectFind( name ); if ( _objfnd == -1 ) {     ObjectCreate ( _vlineName, OBJ_VLINE, 0, Time[i], 0 );     ... } and I use below code for #2 screenshot. int _objfnd = ObjectFind( name ); if ( _objfnd == -1 ) {     datetime    _dayTime =...
HI i'm a new user. I created an EA that use a iStochastic indicator. When I get the value of signal with copybuffer, this is different to graph. Anyone hep me?