General - page 1954

Unfortunately, some traders absolutely do not think about real trading. Using experts they expose hundreds orders, delete them, and execute completely wild trading operations. For example, users of the strategy based on grids (Grid). Naturally, on real accounts it at all will not pass. And...
  Strategy tester  (2)
Is it possible to use a 10 minute time frame for the strategy tester, since this is the basis of my strategy.
Hello, This is mostly direct to MetaQuotes' CEO. I'd like to make a request for MT4 Client API. Please make this API free and for all like you did with MetaTrader 3 Client API. The API is very important for developers and traders like me, as it is the backbone of many trading robots. If you unable
The "Use date" feature on the backtester isn't working. When I try to backtest only the previous week or month, it uses my entire dataset. - Vooch
Is there an existing script or could someone please write me one that does the following: At the press of one button (or optionally, upon log in), create CSV files for 5 minute, 30 minute and Daily data for EUR/USD, USD/CHF, GBP/USD, USD/CAD, AUD/USD, EUR/JPY and USD/JPY. Presently, if I want to...
MetaQuotes, The trendlines in MT4 cause yet further pain. I plot a master trendline and clone from this as a working set. The master I keep unmoved but visualised on a H4 chart with the working line used and moved on the H1 and then switched to a M5 chart for monitoring trade entry. I've logged...
  MQL4 Trendline  (2)
Is this possible to check if the price or L[i] is above or under the drawn trendline? Rafael
I have to make lots of pictures and insert them into Word but I don't need that feature when Metatrader opens every saved picture - has to be the way to turn it off. Thank you.
Hey, As I have learned a lesson about the drop of MT4 Client API from MetaQuotes recently, I feel we had better develop the API by ourself. Just in case broker drop the api support, there would be no impact on our trading robots. I have been trying to analyse the communication protocol by sniffing
FXFisherman Server is designed to efficiently handle clients from different brokers. In order to do so, it must use multiple feeds as rates input and then run dedicated collections of systems for each users group. This requires a more complex design of the bot as you can see the process below: Live
Here is the mail i have received : The new verion of our NEUIMEX TRADING TERMINAL is just released. It is a tremendous major release with many new features to make trader's life easier. You will get more comfort, easier to use functions and a huge number of embedded indicators. With the ability of...
Hello, Should you have any question, you can reply directly in this thread or in a new dedicated thread, or you may PM me for confidential message. What is FXFisherman anyway? Being developed and tested since 2004, FXFisherman is a computer software which is used to automate...
Can you expalin to me what are the MODEL function on the strategy tester.
I can't get the Strategy Tester to work reliably. I'll run through this and my Journal shows that not every order is being touched. For example, it'll loop through 0-91 of 243 orders. int cnt; TotalTrades = OrdersTotal(); for(cnt=0;cnt<TotalTrades;cnt++) { Print(cnt," of...
Hello all Well done Scorpian on a great site and with ZeroCode to help non progammers with no idea like my self. Was wondering if anyone could point me in the right direction as to where to start to learn programming so i can become a better backtester/trader? Thanks in advance PIPD p.s what is api...
  Not Working  (6)
First of all, i really would like to thank you for this great and state of art software. It is really a piece that traders need. I downloaded ZeroCode and made my code. When i compiled it to experts folder for MT(III), there were more than 133 errors. I do not know what the problem is. I was trying...
In the dictionary it says int FileOpen( string filename, int mode, int delimiter=';') The question is - where is the cross point between int and ; as delimiter? the function return error either with ";" as delimiter or with 59 as ascii code or without 3rd parameter. Furthur more I tried to...
I run a test... while running it, I'm working on my script and making modifications, then I compile it. When I press Stop, and press Start, the program continues using the old compiled version. Slawa, You should load the newest compiled version into memory as soon as the person presses the Start...
I just had another issue with a CI. This is similar to a prob I had before. I was glancing over some charts that I am running EA's on and I noticed that one of the CI's hadn't painted the last few bar of the indicator line. I hit refresh and it magically appeared. I had a problem like this in...
If I have missed this function. please tell me. I would like to have the ability to plot a currency pair against another one in the same window. Perhaps even three pairs in the same window. Also, the ability to plot the inverse of the pair would be helpful. Seeing how pairs cross in realtime would...
I've been having some weirdness with reading Bar[0] of custom indicators in EA's. IOW, when I try to get the current value of a custom indicator from within an EA I sometimes get numbers that are slightly off. If no one else experiences this, then is my fault. -Tony
Hi! It's wonderful MT4 was officially released! I love MT4! So I personally translate the MT4's manual into Japanese, and distribute MQL-Scripts of making by oneself. recommend MT4 for people in Japan. By the way, I have one question. Can the Time-Zone of MT4's terminal be changed to...
Hello everyone :) I'd like to repeat the question asked by Keris2112, that is : how to create an array of indicator values inside an experadvisor. I'm new to mt4 and i've made only few rather simple experts. Now i'd like to employ functions like iMAOnArray but i simply don't know how to create...
MetaTrader 4. Build 175. 1. Added Strategy Tester. More detailed information in built-in help file of terminal; 2. You can open in offline mode the chart with generated testing data containing bar ticks; 3. Added sorting of orders in "Terminal" window; 4. Unused tabs of the terminal...
  Period Converter  (1)
When using the period converter, the current price is not displayed on the vertical scale of the new chart. How do I make the black price box appear? Cheers, Pete.
  Bugs - Build 175  (4)
I think I may have found a bug with the latest version of MetaTrader. If the variables &quot;Ask&quot; or &quot;Bid&quot; are used in the &quot;init&quot; section of an Expert, they return &quot;0&quot;
Thanks for great tool in MT4. One of the strategies I wrote uses detetime functions (like CurDate()), eg. I want to open new positions only between noon and 2 PM. Unfortunately it seems it does not work fine during backtesting. As I can see in Journal, CurDate() function returns real current...
  mt4 api  (25   1 2 3)
it is very disappointing to hear about the lack of client api for mt4. This puts a big dent into my overall development. However, i was wondering if any of you guys can help me out. I've downloaded the mt4 setup file many times and installed ont oa few different computers. I'm pretty sure that one
any havin a script or sommething to make diferent horisontal trendlines with deafault values i would bee glad if you wanted to share it or help me write on cheers :-)