FXFisherman's Frequent Answers and Questions



Should you have any question, you can reply directly in this thread or in a new dedicated thread, or you may PM me for confidential message.

What is FXFisherman anyway?

Being developed and tested since 2004, FXFisherman is a computer software which is used to automate online forex trading. The truth is that FXFisherman, optimized for forex, should be able to win 30 to 40 pips daily depending on market and economic condition. 30-40 pips profit per day is enough to generate large sum of money in just a week or two, or even doubling the balance in less than a month!

What are the purposes of developing FXFisherman?

As it can generate large sum of money, its profit can be used for donation to charities, reseach groups, schools, hospitals, poor people, and people with disabilities. All in all, FXFisherman will give hope to hopeless people.

How do FXFisherman Server and Client work?

See details in FXFisherman Server and Client Design thread.

Who can obtain FXFisherman Client?

The one who deserves the reward must meet ALL of the following requirements:

  • Helpful.
  • Active in forums.
  • Honest.
  • Generous.
  • Willing to share time, profit, and effort to charities.
  • Able to take financial risk.
  • Not a big gambler (of course forex/stock is not gambling).
  • No relation with any extreme religious group. (e.g. suicide)
  • No relation with any terrorists group.
  • No relation with military.
  • No relation with governmental politics.
  • Not willing to make illegal activities.
  • Not resides in banned countries: Afghanistan, Myanmar, Cuba, Iran, Iraq, Libya, North Korea, Sudan, Syria, Angola, and Western Balkans.

Should you have any idea, you may PM me or reply directly in this thread.

Where can I purchase or lease FXFisherman?

No where; FXFisherman is not for sale or licensed.

Is it a scam or a joke?

No, it is not. We have spent a great deal of time, capital, effort and blood to make this bot reality. We are strongly determined to achieve this project.

Why does this project take such a long time?

I admit this project takes very long time, because the size of this project is relatively large; however, many things have been done already. Now we're in the final testing stage anyway.

Good luck to all,


How will I share the profit to charities?

I'm thinking of creating a master account (IB account or Fund Manager account) and run the bot for this account. If allowed to, you can open a sub-account under the master. Then certain profit percentage will deducted automatically for Primary Fund Raising purpose, and you should at your own generousity donate another small percentage to your chosen charity or people.

What is Primary Fund Raising anyway?

We would keep all shared profit in this fund-raising program. Regularly, I would donate some funds to various charities and reliable NGOs such as Care and Red Cross. The fund left are kept for emergency occasions such as Tsunami, Flood, Earth Quake, etc. This is my rough idea anyway; any debate is welcomed.

How many percentage of profit will I need to share to Primary Fund Raising?

We have not agreed to impose any amount yet. We will get back to this question again when the live testing stage is finished. We must calculate the percentage carefully in order to keep sub-accounts survived and wealthier.


I don't have real problems with the 13 points; but some I find a bit strange.

Why point 10? Military also do good things. Like protecting people in countries with civil war.

Point 13. My collegue is a Iraqi refugee. I can tell you it's impossible to be more against the saddam/religious regimes that are/where there. So why would he be banned from your server if he returned to his home country.

I understand you what your reasoning is but most of it is impossible to check.

I say I'm no military but I'm typing this message from my secrect service PC.

I say I donate lots of money but in reality I spit on beggars. etc.

I say I don't commit illegal activity but I steal.

For the people that receive the donations it doesn't really matter where it comes from I guess....

I donated quite a bit in my life. For teh tsunami disasrer I donated 555 euro (555 is the disaster bankaccount number here)

It pisses me off that only 55 euro of my money really got to the people.

Futhermore I'm a strong supporter of the old Chinese saying: "Give a man a fish and he can eat for a day, teach him how to fish and he can eat every day"

People in Africa are not short of medicine, water or food. They are short of education.

Sounds weird but think about it....

So the kind of charity I would like on the list is funding of shools or teaching 'them' how to build waterpumps for example.

About the percentage. (All numbers for illustation)

First 20 pips profit should be free to allow building capital that generates more lateron. Next 20 pips 5% charity pips. Next 40 pips 7.5% charity pips. Thereafter 10% charity pips.


do we choose our preferred org.? what country? what percent and how do we find it's going there. could be important for tax purposes.

anyway it's still good idea as long as someone benefits .


Why point 10? Military also do good things. Like protecting people in countries with civil war.

Sure, military sometimes helps people, but most of the time they use the money to create B2s and bombs people. For example: US bombed Cambodia and Vietnam during 1970s killing millions of many innocent people. Thus, giving an really bad effect to today: poor and uneducated people. Forget about miliary, because it is backed by trillions of dollar from governments. We should donate money to security agents or peace organazation instead.

Point 13. My collegue is a Iraqi refugee. I can tell you it's impossible to be more against the saddam/religious regimes that are/where there. So why would he be banned from your server if he returned to his home country.

It's the laws that sits on us. People in those countries cannot even open a forex account from most brokers. But, if they returned to their home country (other than the banned), they can join with us.

People in Africa are not short of medicine, water or food. They are short of education. Sounds weird but think about it.... So the kind of charity I would like on the list is funding of shools or teaching 'them' how to build waterpumps for example.

Sure, I strongly agree with ya, but along with education, we should provide them foods and shelter. As in Phychology 101 lesson, the first thing people needed is foods and shelter.

I understand you what your reasoning is but most of it is impossible to check. I say I'm no military but I'm typing this message from my secrect service PC. I say I donate lots of money but in reality I spit on beggars. etc. I say I don't commit illegal activity but I steal. For the people that receive the donations it doesn't really matter where it comes from I guess....

Yes, it's very difficult to know who are the users and what is their real identity, but to know a bit more, will you guys agree to give me a background check? Users can lies, but if I knew they did so, I would kick them out from the server. You have any idea on this?

do we choose our preferred org.? what country? what percent and how do we find it's going there. could be important for tax purposes. anyway it's still good idea as long as someone benefits . George

George, check the answers of these question: How will I share the profit to charities? What is Primary Fund Raising anyway? How many percentage of profit will I need to share to Primary Fund Raising?



Just a few additional points on where profits are distributed and directed and these areas need careful consideration as this project needs to continue and prosper for the sake of all.

1. Monies also need to be set aside for infrastructure upgrades

- Not sure of current specs but future redundancies to NIC Teaming, Layer-4 infrastructure, RAID-enabled drives all count towards making the solution robust.

- Further API purchases. Some of these are likely to cost real $$$ and the costs need to be factored in

2. It's advisable to also provide those who are donating to charities some form of reciepts for taxation purposes

- given sc0rpi0n's suggestion on a 1 or 2 part split (Master and Sub Accounts), there'll be some paperwork req'd here

- taxation relief is an important part of financial success and helps build the base which dominoes to helping the charities/causes

3. I tend to believe the charity donations should be divided into 2 areas

- a master fund where there is a majority agreement on a list of charities. Donations are made to these through a rotation basis, of sorts

- a component of the individual traders profits where they nominate the charity of their choice. It's only fair the trader themselves has a say in who they feel strongly in supporting. This one, I agree, is a little harder to track and manage but worthwhile pursuing.


About the percentage. (All numbers for illustation) First 20 pips profit should be free to allow building capital that generates more lateron. Next 20 pips 5% charity pips. Next 40 pips 7.5% charity pips. Thereafter 10% charity pips.

This is good idea to build a strong base for sub-accounts. I think first 50 pips should be free, then 5% on the next 50 pips, and 10% or more later on.

Yes, it's very difficult to know who are the users and what is their real identity, but to know a bit more, will you guys agree to give me a background check? Users can lies, but if I knew they did so, I would kick them out from the server. You have any idea on this?

I don't have any issue with you knowing who I am. In fact, I'd like to know who you are as well

Basic stuff such as:






Maritial Status

No. of Dependants

Copy of Photo Identification such as Drivers License or Passport

Confirmation of points 8 - 13

Most/All of this stuff you need to open a FX Account anyway so shouldn't be a big deal. The photo ID thing I think is also a good thing. Knowing who you are dealing with tends to form a much stronger bond in people and that's definitely a driver here, in my view.

Comments/Flames/Abuse ?


I don't like handing out personal info...

It has no use at all.

My passport doesn't state that I work for CIA. In fact it doesn't prove anything from point 1 to 13. Just my nationality. But even then I could live in a banned country.

My guess is that you can't open an account with a broker if you are in a banned country. So the fact that you actually have an account is proof of your nationality.

"1. Monies also need to be set aside for infrastructure upgrades"

Surely it's needed but it gives me an itch.

It sound like the many charity organisations that need 90% of donations for the 'infrastructure' on their new yacht and 3rd house on Hawaii