General - page 1599

There are very few people in the stock trading and investment industry that are able to make money with little to no formal financial education. Jesse Livermore was one of those few. Before his death he had gained and lost millions of dollars, speculating and trading for more than 50 years. He also...
Benjamin Graham is considered a legend in the stock trading and investing industry. He was an excellent financial educator, investment manager and author. Even today, thirty-three years after his death, two of Graham’s investment books are still used at the university level in financial investing...
Psychologist Van K. Tharp is an internationally acclaimed trading coach and author, focusing on helping traders who want to understand the psychology behind position sizing, systems development and general trader psyche. He is the only trader to ever write book that covers positions trading as a...
Most people recognize Jim Cramer as a highly opinionated infotainer and host of CNBC’s ‘Mad Money’. But Cramer is more than just this. He is also a best-selling author and former successful hedge fund manager. Continue to Full Article - Infotainer Jim Cramer
Most people recognize Jim Cramer as a highly opinionated infotainer and host of CNBC’s ‘Mad Money’. But Cramer is more than just this. He is also a best-selling author and former successful hedge fund manag Biography Cramer was born in Wyndmoor, Pennsylvania in 1955. He attended Harvard College and...
We are glad to announce that on the 1st of February our company releases a new product — the TeamWox GroupWare. The development of this product has taken almost two years, and now all companies interested can purchase it. TeamWox is a web server application designedfor the organization of group...
Psychologist Van K. Tharp is an internationally acclaimed trading coach and author, focusing on helping traders who want to understand the psychology behind position sizing, systems development and general trader psyche. He is the only trader to ever write book that covers positions trading as a...
Benjamin Graham is considered a legend in the stock trading and investing industry. He was an excellent financial educator, investment manager and author. Even today, thirty-three years after his death, two of Graham’s investment books are still used at the university level in financial investing...
There are very few people in the stock trading and investment industry that are able to make money with little to no formal financial education. Jesse Livermore was one of those few. Before his death he had gained and lost millions of dollars, speculating and trading for more than 50 years. He also...
Richard Donchian is one of the many stock investors and traders that lived through the Great Depression and stock market crash of 1929. Many of his ideas in trading are still viewed as important today and he was the father of the many trend following trading principles still in use today. Biography...
"Rule No.1 is never lose money. Rule No.2 is never forget rule number one." The simple rule has been Warren Buffett’s mantra ever since he started out in the investment and trading business. As a student of the great Benjamin Graham, Buffett has taken that mantra to a new level Biography Born in...
Dr Alexander Elder has made his money through a very unique method: he learned how to get inside the head of stock traders. His background as a successful psychiatrist helped him become well known in the stock trading and investing industry, especially since the only stock he ever purchased when he...
Known as ‘the man that broke the Bank of England’ George Soros has been trading and stock investing since 1952. He is recognized as the man that brought the Quantum Fund to life and is considered one of the wealthiest men in the world today. He is very active today in philanthropic endeavors as well...
Richard Dennis, a onetime follower of Richard Donchian’s trend following technique, used to shoot from the hip when it came from buying and trading stocks and commodities. After taking a huge hit during the 1987 stock market crash, he stopped trading. At least, for a few years Biography Born in 1949
If you are not into financial investing then Michael Bloomberg is simply the current mayor of New York City. However, many others will recognize him as the founder of Bloomberg Media and a financial investor who helped others with a simple computer database. Biography Born in 1942 in Medford...
O.K. first of all let me say hello, I have a question about a live account. I am using a STP broker And I placed a couple of trades the other day that Meta trader popped up and said "not enough money " then I adjusted the lot size and tried again (started at 2 then 1.8 ) first one a 13:13 then 13...
hello , im looking for somekind of possition managment EA mt4 cant deal good with possition managment automatecly, i mean like closing half possition @ X price or after Y pips , or close @ X price and open a oposite trade with Z lots . i use EA called managetpV34 , but it miss some things there ,...
  Free on Twitter  (7)
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  New  (1)
Hi I am Warren and I have been trading for five months now and so am very new to the forex market, I hope that I will be able to gain lots of knoowledge from everyone and in turn hope to be able to contribute to the forum as well. Hope to have a long and fruitfull stay with FXFISHERMAN
Forex market is the world largest financial market which has no physical location .It operates through electronic network. Investor determines the trend of currency rate and buy or sell currencies depends upon appreciating or depreciating in the value of currency respectively. Following are the main...
You will find the reason why I started this private journal from the following link: More stuff to be added later.
One of the best ways to get started in Forex trading is to begin by investing in a Forex mini account. You can open a mini account with as little as $250, and even $100 with some services. In contrast, a normal Forex account usually requires a minimum of $2,500 to open an investment in. And with...
pls can somebody make me believe that this site is notlike other sites i bin to that bark but don't bite-i have the same question as richie499 about pending orders and it goes: "I find typing with my arthritic fingers a problem! Would it be possible, when placing pending orders in meta4, to have...
  Back testing  (1)
We are currently rewriting our automated trading system using MetaTrader. Our trading system has already been written and extensively back tested using aother platform and language. We are now aiming to compare our detailed back test datas (period covered is January 2005 to July 2007 for EurUSD -
We experienced a little bounce in the USD and if Bernanke doesn't shock us, we may be pippin' later on today when the NY session is is full gear. As much as I like charting/technical analysis - I'm never opposed to making a buck, jappy, cable, etc. off of these policy wonks and their diatribes....
NEW YORK — The owners of a company that managed hundreds of millions of dollars for universities and charities were arrested Wednesday on charges of looting their investment funds for over a decade to buy horses, collectibles and other personal items. Paul Greenwood, 61, and Stephen Walsh, 64,...
Dear Traders, Here are the 5 Golden Rules of Trading. Which one is the most important in the success of the traders? 1. Invest in the direction of the Trend! 2. Cut Losses Quickly. 3. Let Profits Grow 4. Diversify. 5. Manage Risk. Regards mark04
I am a forex beginner. I've been trying different indicators to help me profit from forex trading , but most are complicated and difficult to understand. I am glad if someone out there can help me with something easy and reliable
hi all, i am needing some codes to display text on the charts ... so that i see the value and what is happening to the chart immediately. i used to have the script but lost it due to my PC crash. could someone help me on this? just need the commands to do display will do. thanks.
  Forex assistant  (1)
Hello, I have found a very nice free tool and added alarms in forex crucial times. London open Frankfurt open Dow open Daily candle H4 candles Each hour you will have an announcement concerning the H1 candle. Ofcourse you can tailor made your needs Forex Sharing- Share your templates, systems and...