Qf - page 6


...and on and on we go... this looks an awful like intervention or the threat of...


The big bad bear is back (me). Long weekend helped with all the hard core blows I had at the beginning of this month. Feed good and fresh and have brushed all those losses right off.

I took a biiig step back and reviewed the fundamental situation. To summarize what I believe is going to happen fundamentally with two words: Double Dip.

This second dip can pull us into a depression.

Positions: Long USD; Short Futures.


Another losing day. I reduced my long USD exposure, but I have not changed my USD bullish view. Same goes for my index positions.

Overnight market reaction to interest rate statements will tell me alot about whether or not the trend has changed. If we don't see a reversal soon, I will have to throw in the towel on the USD.


Lack of posting is due to trying to stay alive. I am making very few trades recently since I am on a losing streak.

I don't like the current risk on market direction. I believe we are in for a double dip and am waiting for the downtrend to resume before I load up on positions.


I am down around 4% this month and even more since all time equity highs. At least for the last week the equity curve has somewhat stabilized that that level.

I am long Gold and EURUSD. I am going to be shorting USDJPY if it goes up.

The market in July has been absolutely nuts. The only explanation I have been able to find (which I consider very unsatisfactory) is that as soon as hedge funds closed their quarter (Last day of June), a bunch of funds (Paulson being the biggest) have been liquidating positions as clients have been withdrawing funds at record levels.

Fundamentals are looking as gloomy as always. I am long risk, but I am ready to short at the first sight of technicals aligning with fundamentals.

I have not posted my account balances recently, so here is a snapshot:

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Keeping the trading volume light.

The only pair who's movement I agree with is USDJPY so I will be shorting it. I am still attempting to buy USD and sell european currencies granted USD weakens just a bit more.

I am down around 4% this month and even more since all time equity highs. At least for the last week the equity curve has somewhat stabilized that that level.

I am long Gold and EURUSD. I am going to be shorting USDJPY if it goes up.

The market in July has been absolutely nuts. The only explanation I have been able to find (which I consider very unsatisfactory) is that as soon as hedge funds closed their quarter (Last day of June), a bunch of funds (Paulson being the biggest) have been liquidating positions as clients have been withdrawing funds at record levels.

Fundamentals are looking as gloomy as always. I am long risk, but I am ready to short at the first sight of technicals aligning with fundamentals.

I have not posted my account balances recently, so here is a snapshot:

Hi Jet,

When I look to your results between the start of this topic ( 21st May 2010) and now (2months later) is it correct that you did not make any profit ?...

Friendly regards ...iGoR

PS. Kenny Rogers when I look to the results on your REAL account over that exact same period I see that you made 41.46% profit on intitial balance. Well done my friend

PS2. K.R. Don't give us an aswer that shows a blushing smiley because as I said false modesty is also a sin.


That is correct. July has been the worst month I have had since I started trading this strategy at the beginning of the year (Jan 1, 2010).

Where do you see Kenny's account info? I haven't found a link from this thread to any myfxbook.com or mt4i.com or any other site like that.

Kenny, you around?

Hi Jet,

When I look to your results between the start of this topic ( 21st May 2010) and now (2months later) is it correct that you did not make any profit ?...

Friendly regards ...iGoR

PS. Kenny Rogers when I look to the results on your REAL account over that exact same period I see that you made 41.46% profit on intitial balance. Well done my friend PS2. K.R. Don't give us an aswer that shows a blushing smiley because as I said false modesty is also a sin.
That is correct. July has been the worst month I have had since I started trading this strategy at the beginning of the year (Jan 1, 2010).

Where do you see Kenny's account info? I haven't found a link from this thread to any myfxbook.com or mt4i.com or any other site like that.

Kenny, you around?

And when I check out the results of his account for the whole year 2010 he is up +82.04%.

Mr Kenny Rogers does move in misterious ways. Or as they also say: looks can be deseaving......( meaning, most people pretend to make money but don't make any real money at all and very occasionaly there is that individual that pretends that he hardly makes any money but is in real making some very nice profits).....

Mr. Kenny Rogers sure knows when to hold them and when to fold them and has the real pokerface

Friendly regards...iGoR

PS. And when I look to his reward/risk ratio for his total result then that is even more amazing a staggering 6.7


I am back

iGor, I hope you are not trying to advertise your sh!t here. Your services are a scam. You probably make more money out of subscriptions than trading your own money. You provide no content, only useless riddle style 'advice', if you can call it that.