Qf - page 5



My stocks account have been down this year (a lot of my stops were taken out by that damn stock market freefall/bs glitch last month, and I pulled some stupid trades over the 1st half of this year), so while my forex account is doing very well ...it's all balancing out. Without the forex account, I would be very sad right now. Although I can't take much credit for my forex account's success.


Why can't you take credit for your own forex account? Who is trading it?


Nothing new. Market is dead ... volume is down ... typical for summer months. The bullish wave seems to be running out of steam. I am preparing to short risk (EURUSD, GBPUSD, USDJPY) etc.

No new positions ...


Lol Jet,

That is one depressing post.....Not saying you are incorrect mind you, but it sounds like you need a vacation bro, somewhere sunny with drinks,lol.


I live in Southern California, sunny skies, blue ocean, and mountains all around all year round ... if there is heaven on earth, this is it, but one has to have looots of money because the cost of living here is very high.

Women are high maintenance here too !! Hehehe

Lol Jet, That is one depressing post.....Not saying you are incorrect mind you, but it sounds like you need a vacation bro, somewhere sunny with drinks,lol.

I told you I was selling risk yesterday ... boy was I right !! Stock indices closed down more than 3%. EURUSD plunged.

Risk aversion is back with a vengeance. Numbers out of China disappointed big time. If China is slowing down ... US is not jump starting ... Europe is introducing austerity measures and the PIIGS running big budget deficits with bond prices continuously going higher ...

Where is the recovering going to come from?


Biggest mistake I made this month was to keep my future index long positions for as long as I did. Bad bad boy.

The quarter is now over and for the SP500 this has been the worst quarter since 2008.

Interest rates are near zero, quantitative easing has only made things worse. Unemployment benefits may not be renewed for the first time when the unemployment rate is as high as it currently is. US's economy is looking more and more like Europe's. So much for the US not being affected by the European problems (wrong again Bernanke & gang). Another stimulus package? Mid term elections are coming up...don't see why not... (although it won't help any...protectionism is the answer .. at least no more free trade nonsense).

So if governments are trying to half spending in half by 2013 and private sector is not hiring (look at the stats) and unemployment benefits are no longer available ... what is going to happen?

NFP is this Friday. That should be fun.

Since yesterday, I am shorting the hell out of the EURUSD. Now we just wait and see what happens.

I will post snapshots of my account balances this weekend.


Got hammered today. Good thing I don't do 'Zen' trading and have a stop loss on every trade.

So what the hell is this? What is going on? Why are European currencies rallying when markets are tanking? What happened to the whole USD as a safe heaven thing? Is US debt getting degraded? Anyone know?

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I would say it's not that the Euro is strong, it is that the news coming out of the US is terrible. And the Euro has already had many of the bad news factored into its current price.

1) US new jobless claims beginning to rise again in 2 of last 3 weeks so it's a weak job market.

2) New home sales have fallen off the map after the tax credit has ended, it's at a 13 year low.

3) Dow going below the 10,000 was a big psychological problem.

4) Consumer confidence is taking a nose dive coming in at 50's, so without consumer's buying there is no growth.

5) Public sector layoffs on the state level imminent because of budget and pension issues.

And the Euro and Pound have been smacked around for a long time, and they are sitting on long term technical support at this point. I think it's not like there is good news out there in today's world economy, it's just who has worse news at the moment. And no, US debt is not being degraded because a mere 200 pt movement is nothing...if it was being degraded, it would be more like 2000+ pt movements in a split second. I'm still working the long Pound lately.

But everything changes with time, prices will fluctuate because there really is no "safe" haven.


Everybody realizes this all at once and the EUR runs 300+ pips in less than 24 hours? Why is gold and oil down?

Something doesn't smell right and everywhere I look noone seems to have a good answer to what happened/is happening.