Expert Advisors and Automated Trading - page 208

Hello Is it possible to link several inputs before testing? For example, if I have 1 boolean input and 1 double input, and when the boolean is set to false, I don't want the strategy tester to bother testing all the range of the double input because it will have no effect. Is that even possible
Hi, I am not able to publish my EA for MT5 platform because of automatic validation failure but I am not able to reproduce the error at my end. Can someone please help me understand why the validation script is failing. Thanks very much for your help, -Soumitra Dan (Seller) --- Error:- Automatic
Hello, I had someone in freelance develop an EA for me based on renko bars and several indicators that I had the source files for. QUEsTION: is it compliant with MQL5 to sell the EA with the indicators built in on the MQL5 marketplace? Can you reference rules for me
Hi All, I am trying to include my indicator within my EA but am facing some issues with timeserie arrays. I have created arrays and set them as timeserie but when resizing this is still adding new elements to the end of the array, I was expecting when resizing a timeserie to have new elements added
how use Template in Expert programming? can i use function iCustom? *Please Help Me*
I created a function that will count the number of positions for any symbol you give it. int PositionCounter( string SymName) { int PositionCount = 0 ; for ( int i = PositionsTotal ()- 1 ;i>= 0 ;i--) { string CurrencyPair = PositionGetSymbol (i); if (SymName == CurrencyPair) {
I have been trying to pass a function by reference to another function but i think i must be doing it in the wrong manner . any quick help is well appreciated void OnTick () { double a, b , c ; a = 0.0 ; b = 1 ; c = 0.0 ; // Trying to pass the function f1_func to Function1
I have tried to download a product from the Market to my VPS and it won't download. The product developer also tried but he couldn't get it to download either
Is there a way to put the data from Python script on a chart? E.g I have a Python script, which gets the data, calculates a result and I want to place that result somewhere near the bar, or anywhere on the chart. At the moment, when I run the script, I can only see Python icon on the chart and
Hello to everybody. Please, can someone help me in finding a post in the Forum? I am sure that something exists but i am not able to find what i need. Well, i am searching for an EA, a simple trailing stop that give me the possibility to add the commission paid for the trade. I mean, for example
EA from the market keeps trying to open trades when the market is closed EA is <Deleted> If the EA does not have a time filter will it always do this or is there a way around it ? Zero
I have an expert advisor which works with major currencies but my historical data for mt4 gives only 25% modeling quality accuracy. Does someone here who has 99% modeling quality accuracy (by having TDS for example) want to run my EA so I can see if this EA gets good results in a better modeling
I wanted to use Buffer but they only work with double, not string. Is there another way? Thank you
Hi guys, So I'm a resident doctor who's gotten hooked on trading, 2years so far and dare I say it's profitable. So cus of my schedule I decided to learn how to code my own EA. Here goes.. My plans quite simple, basically 5 and 10 MA cross-over. I've successfully defined all my parameters and how it
Hello everyone , Just an advice please , I am going to request a developer assistant to integrate the EA with excel , either via Microsoft excel online or google sheet , where my entry point & exit are based on excel formula. where I copy data to excel file then formulas give me results. as I am ver
Hello I cannot find in MQL5 an equivalent to "AccountFreeMarginCheck ()" from MQL4. Where should I look ? Ideas ? Thank
Hello , I would like to know if a function that returns true if the postion ( select by ticket) reached the TP or SP exists ? Or check if the position is closed by a reverse transaction. I have researched in the documentation and the forums but I don't know how. Sorry, if there are grammar mistakes
  EA locking  (5)
Hello I'm using the following part of code to lock a certain EA //Date Lockbool use_demo=True;int demo_year=2015;int demo_month=7;int demo_day=30;//Account Number Lockint acc_number=11223344;int start() { //demoif(use_demo){if((Year()&gt;demo_year || (Year()==demo_year &amp;&amp;...
The code below correctly identifies the position type when there is only one trade opened, however if there are more than one position opened, the code does not return the latest position type. How does i modify it to identify the position type of the LATEST opened trade if there are more than one
Hello, Please, I'm using ZeroMQ bind to MT5: But after version MT5 build 2375 31/Mar/2020 I get a compilation error to the same project (compiling and working before build 2375) because the method HandleManager::detroy() can not be decalred/identified. Please
I am newbie about mt5 strategy tester, I want to optimizing some EA , some article in online suggest to use MQL5 cloud Network for fastest optimize i have some question about these 1. normally i use custom symbol from tickstory data ( real tick with Dukascopy data) , I found MQL5 cloud Network do
I am working with one DLL linked to another DLL. For example, inside custom indicator, I am calling first.dll that uses some of functions from second.dll. Now, I import first.dll from custom indicator in MetaTrader. I get an error saying that second.dll is not loaded. Is there any work around for...
Hello guys, this is my first post here, what motivated me was to spend the fourth overnight in a row trying to translate a PVT (price volume trend) indicator to an EA strategy. When the pvt crosses a moving average up or down. The indicator I downloaded to be able to get the calculation base was
I am having problems playing around with one of the sample EA's that comes with MT5, the Moving Average EA. I thought I could teach myself mql5 by hacking around with an existing EA. This is how I have modified the " Check for close position conditions " of the EA by introducing two MAs, where a
In MetaTrader 4 the styles (e.g. arrows or lines) that are used in an indicator are not chart objects. ObjectsTotal() returns 0. Of course I can read this out via iCustom() . But what, if the EA should react to all indicators with such symbols. So without knowing the number of buffers and/or the
Hi everyone. I'm trying to obtain the value of the "modelling" field in the strategy tester settings form shown below: Does anyone know if this is possible and easy in MQl5. I can't find any way to do it. Many thanks, E
i wish to check if a line, ma or any indicator is making higher high, low or lower high, low. What should be the logic to check it ? will it be same for all TF or different ??? perhaps in my logic it just gets caught in lowest time frame
Forgive me if this is a silly question, but whenever I backtest my EA in MT5 the tickets for trades always start from 2. Can someone explain why they do not start from 1
Hi everyone, sorry if my question is not for here. I need some one who is it used ''<Deleted>'' i need impressions for this EA
Hi everyone I've just got a little stuck trying to run this code contiguously. I only want to open 3 positions when in a buy or sell zone but because I'm using HistoryDealsTotal it only works the first time! I'm pretty new to MQL5 and guessing I might need to use a loop but am getting really stuck