Expert Advisors and Automated Trading - page 20

I have an EA in MT5 which is designed to convert messages into a trade. The connection works, but I have encountered an issue I don't know how to fix. In telegram, I made a bot which recieves webhooks from tradingview. These messages are correctly recieved and displayed on the chat. However the
  EX5 write error  (1)
I get the above code at compile time and all I have is this line (the zero's are line and column i.e. no help) EX5 write error 0 0 This is an EA I have compiled several times with small changes and no problem previously. Have tried twice and still occurs. Tried to close the IDE and
  Validator  (1)
This Validator is a pain... I already did set account type to hedged, but no success
Hello, I am stuck right now on my script. I can open an order (see first picture attached) but i can not define a Take profit. I tried with a number (like 2000 for exemple), I tried with a variable etc. Everytime my order is opened but the TP is 0.0 So, I tried to open my trade and to modify the TP
Hi, I'm trying a strategy that increases a lot the results when I use shorter stop losses. Since I use OHLC 1 minute, I understand that short stop losses can lead to misleaded results. Is it posssible to consider in the backtests that any trade that open and reach the stop loss in the same candle is
Hello, Could anyone tell me how to limit the profit and loss of this robot (ExpertMAPSarSizeOptimized) mt5 Like make it automatically closed when it reach the limitations of profit or loss. //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| ExpertMAPSARSizeOptimized.mq5 | //|
Hi There I want to improve my MQL5 Skills, but i can only think of as many strategies to code. If you have a strategy you wanted tested out , blurt it out here, i will try to code it and send you a copy for testing. You get a working copy of your strategy, i get to improve my coding skills, win-win
Recently I ran into a problem while optimizing. Individual agents stop working with the "finished" status, but do not complete all tasks. They start working again after turning them off and on, but only for a moment and then they stop again. One or two remain in operation. I don't know how to fix
i'm using this iMA docs and this smoothing on MT5 code as reference to add a simple MA 5: double MA_5simple = iMA ( Symbol (), PERIOD_H4 , 5 , 0 , MODE_SMA , PRICE_CLOSE ); but turns out the output is 10.0 and somehow this iMA is using int instead of double. i look for how to add MA, according
I have tried but it is not working #ifdef __MQL5__ #include <WinAPI\winapi.mqh> #else #define HANDLE int #define PVOID int #import "user32.dll" HANDLE GetAncestor( HANDLE hwnd, uint flags); int PostMessageW( HANDLE hwnd, uint Msg, PVOID param, PVOID param );
Hello fellow traders, i recently bought an EA from a third party, but i am struggling to backtest it, i get no results after i back test it. All other default EAs from MT5 give me results but this particular one has no results at all, 0 trades placed. What could i be doing wrong, or there is
Hello forum, there are some strange occurrences when I call indicators in EAs. In this test I call iMA and iRSI and Copy their buffers. The initialisation throws no error, buf when copying, I get -1 as CopyBuffer return value. The buffers are resized to the data_size that I set but they contain only
Please, where should I write the mq5 code to remove all objects when removing the Expert from the graph
Hi friend, I am running an EA test on EURUSD using my 24 core processor but Strategy Tester using only one core and it telling me the test will finish in 33 hours so I am asking if there is anyway to add the other 23 cores to the process? Regards
hello guys, I'm trying a very simple EA that should close position at the end of the week . it enters long when the price is above the last high and exit on friday at 23 or for a stoploss triggered. same thing for short position. during backtesting it enters and triggers stoplosses but does not...
  Open Files during backtest  (14   1 2)
Hello, when i place a file into folder files i can open this file when running or debug my expert. But when i run the backtest, the file is not found. Ok, after some research, i found the property tester_file. When i add this to my code: #property  tester_file...
I have successfully installed and used the MetaTrader5 package on Ubuntu without any difference on Windows. Here are the instructions. 1. Install Wine with the following command (skip if you already installed) sudo apt install wine 2. Install the MetaTrader 5 platform for Linux according to the
Can the timeframe be the input parameter when it is transmitted to the CExpert class? I try  input ENUM_TIMEFRAMES pPeriod = PERIOD_CURRENT;int OnInit() { pPeriod = iPeriod; if(pPeriod == PERIOD_CURRENT ){pPeriod = Period();} ChartFirstID = ChartFirst(); if(ChartPeriod(ChartFirstID)!=...
Hello everyone, I hope this message finds you well. I am encountering an issue while testing my EA today, and I'm hoping to get some insights. Yesterday, everything was running smoothly, but today I'm receiving the following alert: ``` 2024.03.01 09:46:07.550 Tester EURUSD : no history data from
  Icon  (1)
I did see some EAs with an icon and some not. How can I add an icon
  Info from DOM  (1)
Hello! Is there any function that retrive below info from market? Like how many contracts were sold and how many were bought at a price level
hai all, help me how to make ea for test only and dont display the indicator in test mode, im serach in google not get anything somone can help me.
So I'm pretty new to MQL5 and Metatrader in general but I wanted to build my own EA with simple moving average and stochastic crossover. I feel as though I have the code right but when run in the strategy tester it places no orders, even when the conditions to do so are seemingly met in the data. Is
Hello people, there is a thing that is bugging me out (you know, like "BUG-ging"). I know it probably is a feature. I just wanted to ask why on gods green flat earth (not literally, just a quote) do input groups inhibit the calling of indicators...?!? Here are three test indicators that work pretty
  tester alert  (2)
Hello everyone, I was wondering why I get this alert when testing EA : 2024.03.01 09:46:07.550 Tester EURUSD : no history data from 2019.01.01 00:00 to 2024.02.26 00:00 yesterday everything went well, today i only get this alert. thank you Ner
Greetings, Trying to understand the meaning behind the number in the backtest results for Margin Level %. At what level would it be considered a 'bad thing", ie, being margin called in possible future live trading? For example, some of my backtests show this level at 419%, other times it is 1765%. I
Will the broker allow me to open their account on the MT5 platform and use the EA to trade? Arch Dun
Hello there! My EA has a few inputs, including an input for "price" and another one for "volume". My question is: is it possible to have, inside the input tab itself, a line or variable that can multiply price and volume and give me the full value of the transaction on the same window? Which means
Hi Everyone, I am new to coding and would like to create an EA that would work with scripts that are triggered using hotkeys. These scripts would be placing and closing orders. I am not quite sure how the connections are to be made between the script and the EA to make that happen. Any assistance
Hi everyone, I'm new to MQL5 and don't have much experience. A few months ago, I bought an EA on the market. The EA seems to be working fine, but now I want to downgrade my RAM from 16GB to 8GB while keeping everything else the same on my computer. Do you think my EA activation count will decrease