Discussing the article: "Role of random number generator quality in the efficiency of optimization algorithms" - page 2

fxsaber #:

Yes, optimising the trading system.

Please suggest a variant of such a test function, we can make tests here and see the results. Interesting.
Based on the results, if any peculiarities are revealed, I can include them in the mandatory test set of functions.

I'm looking at the code and don't understand how to find its article.

"MQL5\Scripts\#AO Articles\#32 The world of AO - Evolution of Social Groups (ESG)\variant2\AO_ESG.mqh"

Please add a link to the appropriate description in the source code.
fxsaber #:

I'm looking at the code and don't understand how to find its article.

Please add a link to the appropriate description in the source code.

Ok, I will add a link to the article in the source.

Andrey Dik #:

Ok, I'll add a link to the article in the source.

With the sources themselves is a problem, because they are scattered in different articles, and even the versions change imperceptibly.

    // https://www.mql5.com/ru/articles/14162
    MACROS_AO(RND)       // #include <..\Scripts\#AO Articles\#1 The world of AO\AO_RND.mqh>
    MACROS_AO(PSO)       // #include <..\Scripts\#AO Articles\#2 The world of AO - Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO)\AO_PSO.mqh>
    MACROS_AO(ACOm)      // #include <..\Scripts\#AO Articles\#3 The world of AO - Ant Colony (ACO)\AO_ACOm.mqh>
    MACROS_AO(ABC)       // #include <..\Scripts\#AO Articles\#4 The world of AO - Artificial Bee Colony (ABC)\AO_ABC.mqh>
    MACROS_AO(GWO)       // #include <..\Scripts\#AO Articles\#5 The world of AO - Grey Wolf Optimizer (GWO)\AO_GWO.mqh>
    MACROS_AO(COAm)      // #include <..\Scripts\#AO Articles\#6 The world of AO - Cuckoo Optimization Algorithm (COA)\AO_COAm.mqh>
    MACROS_AO(FSS)       // #include <..\Scripts\#AO Articles\#7 The world of AO - Fish School Search (FSS)\AO_FSS.mqh>
    MACROS_AO(FAm)       // #include <..\Scripts\#AO Articles\#8 The world of AO - Firefly Algorithm (FA)\AO_FAm.mqh>
    MACROS_AO(BA)        // #include <..\Scripts\#AO Articles\#9 The world of AO - Bat algorithm (BA)\AO_BA.mqh>
    MACROS_AO(IWO)       // #include <..\Scripts\#AO Articles\#10 The world of AO - Invasive Weed Optimization (IWO)\AO_IWO.mqh>
    MACROS_AO(BFO)       // #include <..\Scripts\#AO Articles\#30 The world of AO - Bacterial Foraging Optimization GA (BFO-GA)\AO_BFO_GA.mqh>
//    MACROS_AO(GSA_Stars) // #include <..\Scripts\#AO Articles\#12 The world of AO - Gravitational Search Algorithm (GSA)\AO_GSA_Stars.mqh>
    MACROS_AO(GSA)       // #include <..\Scripts\#AO Articles\#12 The world of AO - Gravitational Search Algorithm (GSA)\AO_GSA.mqh>
    MACROS_AO(HS)        // #include <..\Scripts\#AO Articles\#13 The world of AO - Harmony Search (HS)\AO_HS.mqh>
    MACROS_AO(MA)        // #include <..\Scripts\#AO Articles\#14 The world of AO - Monkey algorithm (MA)\AO_MA.mqh>
    MACROS_AO(SSG)       // #include <..\Scripts\#AO Articles\#15 The world of AO - Saplings Sowing and Growing (SSG)\AO_SSG.mqh>
    MACROS_AO(EM)        // #include <..\Scripts\#AO Articles\#16 The world of AO - ElectroMagnetism-like algorithm (ЕМ)\AO_EM.mqh>
    MACROS_AO(SFL)       // #include <..\Scripts\#AO Articles\#17 The world of AO - Shuffled Frog-Leaping (SFL)\AO_SFL.mqh>
    MACROS_AO(MEC)       // #include <..\Scripts\#AO Articles\#18 The world of AO - Mind Evolutionary Computation (MEC)\AO_MEC.mqh>
    MACROS_AO(SDSm)      // #include <..\Scripts\#AO Articles\#19 The world of AO - Stochastic Diffusion Search (SDS)\AO_SDSm.mqh>
    MACROS_AO(SDS)       // #include <..\Scripts\#AO Articles\#19 The world of AO - Stochastic Diffusion Search (SDS)\AO_SDS.mqh>
    MACROS_AO(CSS)       // #include <..\Scripts\#AO Articles\#20 The world of AO - Charged System Search (CSS)\AO_CSS.mqh>
    MACROS_AO(IWDm)      // #include <..\Scripts\#AO Articles\#21 The world of AO - Intelligent Water Drops (IWD)\AO_IWDm.mqh>
    MACROS_AO(SDOm)      // #include <..\Scripts\#AO Articles\#22 The world of AO - Spiral Dynamics Optimization (SDO)\AO_SDOm.mqh>
    MACROS_AO(DE)        // #include <..\Scripts\#AO Articles\#23 The world of AO - Differential Evolution (DE)\AO_DE.mqh>
    MACROS_AO(NMm)       // #include <..\Scripts\#AO Articles\#24 The world of AO - Nelder-Mead method (NM)\AO_NMm.mqh>
    MACROS_AO(SA)        // #include <..\Scripts\#AO Articles\#25 The world of AO - Simulated Annealing (SA)\AO_SA.mqh>
    MACROS_AO(SIA)       // #include <..\Scripts\#AO Articles\#26 The world of AO - Simulated Isotropic Annealing (SIA)\AO_SIA.mqh>
    MACROS_AO(SC)        // #include <..\Scripts\#AO Articles\#27 The world of AO - Smart Cephalopod (SC)\AO_SC.mqh>
    MACROS_AO(P_O_ES)    // #include <..\Scripts\#AO Articles\#28 The world of AO - Evolution Strategies (ES)\AO_(P_O)ES.mqh>
    MACROS_AO(POES)      // #include <..\Scripts\#AO Articles\#28 The world of AO - Evolution Strategies (ES)\AO_(PO)ES.mqh>
    MACROS_AO(Micro_AIS) // #include <..\Scripts\#AO Articles\#29 The world of AO - Artificial Immune System (Micro-AIS)\AO_Micro_AIS.mqh>
    MACROS_AO(BFO_GA)    // #include <..\Scripts\#AO Articles\#30 The world of AO - Bacterial Foraging Optimization GA (BFO-GA)\AO_BFO_GA.mqh>
    MACROS_AO(BGA)       // #include <..\Scripts\#AO Articles\#31 The world of AO - Binary Genetic Algorithm (BGA)\AO_BGA.mqh>
    MACROS_AO(BGA2)      // #include <..\Scripts\#AO Articles\#31 The world of AO - Binary Genetic Algorithm (BGA)\AO_BGA2.mqh>
    MACROS_AO(ESG)       // #include <..\Scripts\#AO Articles\#32 The world of AO - Evolution of Social Groups (ESG)\AO_ESG.mqh>
    MACROS_AO(ESG2)      // #include <..\Scripts\#AO Articles\#32 The world of AO - Evolution of Social Groups (ESG)\variant2\AO_ESG.mqh>
    MACROS_AO(MSO)       // #include <..\Scripts\#AO Articles\#33 The world of AO - MSO\AO_MSO.mqh>

Attached these files.

3AO_Articles.zip  597 kb
fxsaber #:

The sources themselves are a problem, because they are scattered in different articles, and even the versions change imperceptibly.

I have attached these files.

Yes, there is such a thing. How to do it properly to be convenient and in one place.

The latest algorithms, WOA, BSA are made as successors of the updated class (codes in this article too).

Andrey Dik #:

Yes, there is. How to do it properly so that it would be convenient and in one place.


The last algorithms, WOA, BSA are already made as inheritors of the updated class (codes in this article too).

Ported only the ones above. New format - still problems with motivation for learning.

ZY mqh is 883 Kb, but compiles quite fast - 14 MACD.

fxsaber #:

1. Codobase.

2. Ported only the ones above. New format - still problems with motivation to learn.

1. How often can codes in the codebase be updated?

2. In the new format of the base class you don't need to port anything, completely uniformly done.

Andrey Dik #:
You can call it anything you want, the properties of generators will not change. It is important to understand that software oscillators are not truly random, abbreviated as GSCs.
There are real GSCs, based on quantum effects.
Andrey Dik #:

1. How often can codes in the codebase be updated?

There are no restrictions. Everything is automated.
fxsaber #:

ZY mqh is 883 Kb and compiles quite fast - 14 MACD.

Which algorithm? I don't quite understand what high compilation speed means, does it mean that the compiler has nothing to cut or vice versa?

ZЫ Ah, got it, all mqh together.