Gallery of UIs written in MQL - page 53

Реter, could you consider changing the directory to English for future releases? Source code files involving catalogue names are done with text replacement.
hini #:
Rether, would you consider changing the catalogue to English in future releases? The source code files containing the catalogue names are replaced with text.

Yes, of course. Already thought about it. I will make a special release version with catalogue names in English.


I'm not checking the files only the comments here. But that 'lag' for me seems to not be related to speed, but with the use of ChartRedraw before completely create the new resource. Because it blincks with a blank canvas an then show the new canvas.

Реter Konow #:

Sure. I've given it some thought. I'll make a special release that includes the English catalogue name.

My suggestion would be not to have a special release with English directories, but only one of these one English release, just changing the directory name to English, and the next step would be to change the filename to English, and the source code you would still write in Russian.
At least the rest of us viewing the code will just have to look at the filename to understand what it probably does.
hini #:
I would suggest not to make a special release with English catalogues, but to make only one such English release, just changing the name of the catalogue to English, and the next step would be to change the file name to English, and you will still write the source code in Russian.
At least the rest of us looking at the code will only need to look at the file name to realise what it probably does.

I agree. I will gradually switch to English names of directories. It will be more rational that way.

Samuel Manoel De Souza #:

I haven't checked the files, just the comments here. But this "lag" for me doesn't seem to be related to speed, but to using ChartRedraw before the new resource is fully created. Because it flashes a blank canvas and then shows the new canvas.

Interesting idea, I'll try to test it out. Thanks.


And so, an update...

This is an interim update. I will release the next version in a few days. There will be new functionality for programme interaction with controls.

I have to say this: I work on two builds - 2470 and the new one. Most of the development is done on the old build. Compilation is faster there - 4 seconds vs. 26-32 seconds. The new build works a bit differently and it is visually noticeable. Sometimes it is faster, sometimes slower. Maybe it just feels that way. It's hard to find a difference, but to me it seems to be there. The interface on the old build flies. On the new one. almost flies. Maybe I think it's because I'm used to it.

However, there are nuances. For example, there is a problem with switching charts, when incorrect values of chart height and width are returned. This makes the taskbar jump. I managed to bypass this problem, but then the taskbar does not react to other events of chart resizing. In the end - decided to leave it as it was. Taskbar will jump on chart switching (as long as there is a problem of returning incorrect values), but it will adapt normally on other events.

But that's not all. It turns out that events of chart resizing do not come instantly and there is a pause of half a second. This delay is superimposed on the time of redrawing the taskbar and you get a decent lag. Here I am powerless.

I'll say this: of course, I have significantly accelerated graphics, but there are still some other unoptimised solutions in the code. I am working hard on them. Mostly it concerns window focus transition and redraw queue. Some unnecessary calls happen. Taskbar lags. I fixed what I had time to fix, though not everything. But the rest is a matter of the next few days. Otherwise, there is nothing much to improve... maybe only to comb and perfume the code to make it fragrant)).

In general, if we debug all the remaining non-optimised solutions - it will fly... well, within the speeds available to an MQL-programme, of course.

Take the release.
