Gallery of UIs written in MQL - page 22


The windows above are written in markup language and do not have specific lines in MQL. If someone is curious to look at them, or even change them a little (experiment) go to the following path:

Include\(1) KIB 1.0\(1) BASE\(2) STATE KIB-CODE

for English speakers this path will be by number:

Include\(1) KIB 1.0\(1) ...\(2) ...

Inside the KIB-CODE folder there are files including:

  • "Frames manager .mqh ",
  • "Color Picker.mqh",
  • "Fonts menu . mqh",
  • Main context menu.mqh,
  • "Taskbar",
  • "Sounds menu.mqh"

and others.

hini #:
Great GUI library, I think it's the best, complete GUI library I've ever seen for the MT platform. It's just a pity that the code is written in Russian, which is almost impossible to understand for those who don't know Russian.

Thank you very much. Unfortunately you are right. I had to write in Russian because I would never be able to do a work of such a scale in a foreign language. That's the way the brain works - it is most effective in its native language.

Реter Konow #:

Here's the file.

I still need feedback from users to see what they think of the final product. Real public testing hasn't taken place yet. Now the opportunity is here and it's worth starting.

That's why I released the open source generator.

A few brief suggestions: 1. the minimise and close buttons of the window are not the same size, it would be better to change them to the same size, I don't know if this is set by the user code, or by KIB.

2. right-click problem, the display is still MT's right-click menu, I hope to display the customised right-click menu, but I know it may be a hard task to accomplish.

3. the current icons only support images, I don't know if it can support web fonts icons, it's not very important. 4.

4. there is also the issue of the source code, personally I would like to convert the Russian source code to English variable names, function names, etc. to make it easier to understand. I would like to convert the source code from Russian to English so that I can understand it. Of course, this may take a lot of time, the author can take time to consider.

hini #:

A few brief sentences: 1. The minimise and close window buttons are not the same size, it would be better to change them to the same size, I don't know if this is set by custom code, or KIB.

2. right-click problem, still displaying the MT right-click menu, I'm hoping to display a customised right-click menu, but I know this may be a difficult task.

3. current icons only support images, I don't know if it can support web font icons, it's not very important. 4.

4. There is also a source code issue, personally I would like to convert the Russian source code into English variable names, function names etc to make it easier to understand. I would like to translate the source code from Russian to English so I can understand it. Of course, it may take a lot of time, the author can take time to consider.

1. The minimise and close buttons are completely copied from Windows. This can be changed in the platform files. It's not difficult, but you need to show where. If you really need to, I'll show you.

2. To call the context menu of the designer make a double click on the chart or on a free window space.

3. You can integrate your own icons and pictures and display them. But I will do it later.

4. I leave this question to the discretion of those who want to do it. I hardly have enough time and opportunities for such work. Unfortunately.

Now the main task is to launch the constructor on the new build of MT5 so that those who want could write the necessary interface. Then I will hand over the engine and we can consider that the goal has been achieved.
Реter Konow #:

1. The minimise and close buttons are copied exactly from Windows. this can be changed in the platform. It's not difficult, but you need to explain where to change it.

2. To invoke the context menu of the designer, double-click on an idle position of a chart or window.

3. you can integrate your own icons and images and display them. I'll do that later though.

4. I leave it up to those who want to do so to decide. I hardly have enough time and opportunity to do this. It's a pity.

OK, you get some early rest, your health is important!

Реter Konow #:
The main task now is to launch the constructor in a new version of MT5 so that those who need it can write the necessary interfaces. Then I will hand over the engine and we can consider the goal achieved.

Which constructor are you talking about that is not among the files given above?

Реter Konow #:

1. The minimise and close buttons are copied exactly from Windows. this can be changed in the platform file. It's not hard, but you need to specify where. If you really need it, I can tell you.

2. to invoke the designer's right-click menu, double-click on the chart or free window space.

3. you can integrate your own icons and images and display them. But I'll do that later.

4 . I leave it up to those who want to do so to decide. I hardly have enough time and opportunity to do this. It's a pity.

@Nikolai Semko Although it's presumptuous to ask, would you be interested in improving point 4 of the task?

Nikolai Semko - BeeXXI Corporation
Nikolai Semko - BeeXXI Corporation
  • 2023.07.15
hini #:

@Nikolai Semko Though it's presumptuous to ask, would you be interested in improving point 4 of the assignment?

My motivation for being here is only one - respect and curiosity for Peter as a creative person. I don't need someone else's GUI, as I use my own development.
You can do it yourself and easily translate all Russian text and variables using, for example, the free Reverso programme, or even better and faster using ChatGPT.

Nikolai Semko #:

I came here with one motivation, and that was respect and curiosity for Peter as a creative person.
I don't need someone else's GUI because I use software I developed myself. You can do it yourself, e.g. with the free Reverso programme, or use ChatGPT for better and faster translation of all Russian texts and variables.

OK, thanks for your reply!