AI 2023. Meet ChatGPT. - page 187

He pushed as hard as he could....
Реter Konow #:
Okay, I'm too lazy to deal with trolls. Let's do without long texts, contexts, hints and other things. No need to philosophise in a pigsty. Let's get straight to the point.

Right, be above it. The dog barks - the caravan goes.

The beginning is very interesting, we look forward to the continuation.


In the first chapter, we will briefly run through the history of the emergence of AI. How did we come to it?

Inaccurately and in general terms:

First there were tools, millennia later people mastered mechanics, centuries later they discovered electricity, and decades later they learned how to control it. So first came electricity, then electronics. When electricity, electronics and mechanics began to be combined in innovative technologies, a fundamentally new technology emerged, bringing us numerous household appliances. Then the concept of the computer was developed and the first software was created. Time passed, computers became more powerful, faster, and pulled more and more complex software. In parallel, decades were spent developing neural networks and machine learning. And now, naturally, we have come to another breakthrough - conversational AI.

It should be noted that the driver of such rapid development of technologies has always been the Market. That is, the needs of people who demanded new solutions.

That is, the market drives the development of AI and all other technologies.

And the Market, as we all know, is supply and demand. Buyers and sellers. Ordinary people like us. Some want to sell, others want to buy. And therein lies the big catch.

The market can't stop working because it's the system of our lives. Everybody wants to eat. So we have to trade. Sell. Advertise. To advertise is to inspire.

Do you see what I'm getting at? Compel means to control the human consciousness on a subconscious level. Subtly and imperceptibly penetrate there... It's a whole science. technology.

Anyway, in the age of social media and the internet, it's never been easier than it is now.

And so, hint for ending number two: Advertising + Compulsion = Selling.


The channels through which the subconscious mind is influenced are numerous. The more a person is open to external information - TV, YouTube, Netflix, X, etc., the more his consciousness is exposed to structured influence from the outside, and the less strength he has to resist. Critical thinking must be developed, and it cannot develop normally under the pressure of attacks on the subconscious from all sides. Does a person's defence not work? - The defence is removed by broadcasting some kind of moral pleasure. His subconscious gets used to it and remains always open.

But back to the AI.


And so, AI.

But first, a question: how does a mature person differ from an immature person (in the social sense)? A mature person clearly understands what he does, why, why and for what. He understands what he is doing and what result it brings him. He knows he is in a socially competitive environment and cannot waste his time on useless fantasies. Right? So, he must weigh the benefits of his activity and calculate everything. After all, time is an irreplaceable resource.

So, why should a mature person, a mature personality, waste his precious time on discussing the question of whether AI will ever rise or not? What will the answer to this question bring to his life? An advantage in social competition? In career advancement? In business? No. From a practical point of view, it's a completely meaningless topic. Will the AI rise or not rise? Who cares?

Реter Konow #:

Wait! The question is, what's in it for me? How can I use it to make my life better? Not just a little better, but REALLY better? That's a problem because everyone has this technology. Where is my personal advantage?

Don't you think the scenarios for using AI are described by Pelevin in "S.N.U.F.F."?

The question itself suggests that our heads are full of nonsense.
Реter Konow #:
The question itself suggests that we have our heads full of nonsense.
Are you referring to my question or your question about personal advantage?
Sergey Gridnev #:
Are you talking about my question or your question about personal advantage?

No, I was talking about mine. And I haven't read Pelevin. Unfortunately. Although after all this, it's probably fortunate.)))

Реter Konow #:

And so, hint to ending number two: Advertising + Compulsion = Selling.

And this, if I'm not mistaken, is in iPhuck 10.