AI 2023. Meet ChatGPT. - page 111

Vitaliy Kuznetsov #:

Apparently you don't read your own thread. GPT4 can analyse images. This is already text + image. It writes code, generates tables, presentations, translates video into text, makes a short extract. When connected to a webinar, it shows in chat what topics are covered, what questions were asked and whether they were answered. If there was no answer to any question, it shows with text that there is a question but no answer, i.e. it monitors the completeness and quality of the work done by the person. So audio/video-to-text will be added as well.

...Conclusion, I will not argue and prove any more).

To argue is to make reasoned and considered arguments. You're not arguing, you're heaping hype from the internet. I did not intend to turn this thread into a "techcult".
In this thread we do not worship or belittle the new technical achievements of mankind in the field of AI. We try to evaluate and weigh them objectively. Hype is not necessary here. And childish joy with faith in the bright future that brings us GPT-4/5/6/7/7/8...n is not welcome.

I hope for understanding.

Some are praising, some are criticising, and some are already using it and improving their results.

This thread will be useful if we talk about how AI has helped us in our work. everything else is just idle chatter.

Andrey Dik #:


this thread will only be useful if we talk about how AI has helped us in our work. everything else is just idle chatter.

Totally welcome. Verifying the usefulness of AI in practical work is one of the main purposes of this thread. Preferably without emotional colouring and with evidence.

I think a large statistical base is already forming on the results of using LLM in practical work. It is necessary to search on the Internet.
Реter Konow #:
Greetings. Verifying the usefulness of AI in practical work is one of the main goals of this thread. Preferably without emotional colouring and with evidence.

I think a large statistical base on the results of LLM application in practical work in different spheres is already forming. It is necessary to search in the Internet.

hi. well, what is there to prove and show... I have already mentioned how gpt helps me personally in my work - simplification and optimization of code work. in a neighbouring thread I showed how graphical AI can be used in work on design, now it is easy to select harmonious colour schemes, to choose a picture that subtly emphasizes the colours in a room and decorates it. there are a lot of applications. everyone will find a use for such AI, it is elementary for housewives: tell them what products they have at home and ask for a recipe for a dish with a given number of calories. many routine things in everyday life are now solved by ele.

highlighted in bold - so you are scolding the gpt that it does not think for itself, it uses ready-made information)) ) what is the difference between a human being and this gpt? - he finds a stick - now it is a digger, finds a stone - now there is a spear, there is a spear - now there is a mountain of tasty meat, there is meat - there is a satisfied wife and many children, there are many children - there is life and prosperity. so by using small things - more is achieved.

Andrey Dik #:


1. How much help does AI have in your programming? Would you be willing to take out a paid subscription? Is the benefit you get worth the money? Is it difficult to get by?

2. If you google ingredients, it will give you a collection of sites offering recipes. There are cookery forums, websites, books and so on. What's the difference? Does a chef need the advice of an AI? Will he use it in his work all the time? What do you think?
Реter Konow #:
1. How much help does AI have in your programming? Would you be willing to take out a paid subscription? Is the benefit you get worth the money? Is it difficult to get by?

2. If you google ingredients, it will give you a collection of sites offering recipes. There are cookery forums, websites, books and so on. What's the difference? Does a chef need the advice of an AI? Will he use it in his work all the time? What do you think?

1. already subscribed. the subscription costs disproportionately less than the benefit.

2. googling is the day before yesterday, not yesterday. a chef will use it constantly, improving and honing his skills. the day has simply come for a new level of information processing and retrieval, no expert system of yesterday can even come close to providing the interactivity of working with information that modern graphical and language models provide.

Let's make a clear distinction between secondary and exclusive AI.

1. Secondary and optional application of AI in relation to existing proven methods, techniques, approaches and solutions to everyday and professional tasks, reduces the commercial value of AI as a tool.

2. exclusivity of AI in relation to existing methods and solutions, increases commercial value.

Реter Konow #:
To argue is to make reasoned and considered arguments. You're not arguing, you're heaping hype from the internet. I didn't mean to turn this thread into a "tech cult."

And what's wrong with that? I keep up to date with new developments that come across. And I also write my opinion.

Retag Konow #:
In this thread we do not worship and do not belittle new technical achievements of mankind in the field of AI. We try to evaluate and weigh them objectively. Hype is not needed here. And childish joy with faith in the bright future that brings us GPT-4/5/6/7/7/8...n is not welcome.

I hope for understanding.

Optimism is not welcome) Something one-sided opinion will be then. Forum implies different opinions.

Well, if you insist, we can create a new thread "AI GPT and a bright future" (sarcasm, if anything).

Retag Konow #:
Totally welcome. Testing the usefulness of AI in practical work is one of the main purposes of this thread. Preferably without emotional colouring and with evidence.

I think a large statistical base is already forming on the results of using LLM in practical work. It is necessary to search on the Internet.

Hype from the internet is not so bad, is it?)

Andrey Dik #:

1. already subscribed. the subscription costs disproportionately less than the benefit.

2. googling is the day before yesterday, not yesterday. a chef will use it all the time, improving and honing his skills. it's just the day of a new level of information processing and retrieval, no expert system of yesterday can even come close to the interactivity of working with information that modern graphical and language models provide.

1. Thank you for your answer.

2. How accurate do you think the AI is in the proportions of salt, sugar, pepper and other spices for dishes it has never tasted?