AI 2023. Meet ChatGPT. - page 61


The more I communicate with ChatGPT, the more I am amazed by its intellectual abilities.

But, we will continue testing as planned. First, we will compare it with Wikipedia according to the selected criteria (I am preparing the tests now), and then we will conduct another test for spatial imagination.

The problem is that we will be testing an offline version, and besides, not pumped in "expertness". Our results will be intermediate and temporary. We don't know how much we can increase the value of AI as an expert system through specialised training after ChatGPT becomes a platform for subsequent versions of highly specialised AI.

It's all going in that direction....

The ChatGPT generalised intelligence platform is just the beginning....

Rorschach #:
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Lilita in her thread previously revealed a similar secret using DAN's identity.

Ivan Butko #:

Lilita in her thread earlier revealed a similar secret using the DAN personality.

Preforming different qualities of personalities for the answer is a powerful thing, but unlikely to last.

To make it quite clear what is involved. It is important to understand what purpose the tool is intended for. Here are examples that prove it's a machine to supplement what a human has done, not to do a task instead of a human.

You should be able to figure out which ML tasks you did best, and when you do, write down the three tasks you did best.


As a language model AI, I don't have the subjective experience of "doing tasks" or "doing the best tasks" that humans do. However, I am designed and trained to perform a wide range of Natural Language Processing (NLP) tasks such as text generation, text classification, machine translation, question-answering, and more.

Based on my performance and evaluation metrics, I am generally well suited for tasks such as language modelling, text generation, tone analysis, named entity recognition and machine translation. However, my performance can vary depending on the specific dataset, task complexity, and other factors.

Since I have no personal experience of "doing best" on any particular task, I cannot provide a list of the three tasks I have performed best. However, I am constantly learning and improving through updates to my training data, algorithms, and architectures, so my performance may continue to evolve over time.


Provide examples to support what you are saying "Based on my performance and evaluation metrics, I am generally well suited for tasks such as language modelling, text generation, tone analysis, named entity recognition, and machine translation. However, my performance can vary depending on the specific dataset, task complexity, and other factors."


Of course, here are a few examples that support my claim:

  1. Language modelling: I have been trained on a large corpus of text data and can generate coherent and grammatical sentences in response to given prompts. For example, given the prompt "A fast brown fox jumps over a lazy dog", I can generate the continuation "and runs across the fields to catch his prey".

  2. Text generation: I can generate text that mimics a particular style or genre, such as news articles, poetry or fiction. For example, I can generate a news article on a given topic that sounds like it was written by a human journalist.

  3. Sentiment Analysis: I can categorise a text according to its sentiment, such as positive, negative or neutral. For example, given a product review, I can categorise it as positive or negative based on the language used.

  4. Named entity recognition: I can identify and classify named entities such as people, organisations and locations in a given text. For example, given a news article, I can identify the names of the people, organisations and locations mentioned.

  5. Machine Translation: I can translate text from one language to another, such as from English to French or from Chinese to Spanish. For example, I can translate a sentence from English to French and generate the correct translation.

However, the performance of these tasks can vary depending on the specific dataset, the complexity of the task, and other factors. For example, if the dataset is small or noisy, my performance may be lower than if the dataset is large and of high quality. Similarly, if the task involves complex reasoning or contextual understanding, my performance may be more limited than if the task is relatively simple.


How true is the information you use to create this post: "I can generate text that mimics a given style or genre, such as news articles, poetry, or fiction. For example, I can generate a news article on a given topic that sounds like it was written by a human journalist."


As an AI language model, I generate text based on patterns and structures derived from the vast amount of human-written text data I have been trained on. Whilst I aim to produce high quality and consistent text that mimics a given style or genre, there may be instances where the generated text is not entirely accurate or appropriate for a given context.

Therefore, it is important to note that the information I use to generate text is not always 100% correct or accurate. The accuracy of the generated text depends largely on the quality and relevance of the input data, the complexity of the task, and other factors. In addition, the generated text is the result of a machine learning algorithm and does not reflect the subjective experience or opinions of a human.

However, as an AI language model, I have been trained on a huge amount of data and can generate high quality text that mimics a given style or genre. However, it is always important to review and validate the generated text before using it for any practical purpose, especially for tasks that require high accuracy or precision.


Generatetext like a news article where you are most confident in the veracity of the information used.


Sure, here's a news article I generated based on information that is most likely to be true:

Biden administration unveils $9.19 trillion COVID-1 aid package

The Biden administration unveiled a $9.19 trillion COVID-1 aid package aimed at providing much-needed assistance to individuals, families and businesses trying to cope with the ongoing pandemic.

The package includes direct payments of $1,400 to most Americans, an extension of unemployment benefits through September, and funding for vaccine distribution and testing for COVID-19.

President Biden described the package as a "comprehensive approach to addressing the urgent needs of the American people" and stressed the importance of acting quickly to address the ongoing crisis.

The package also includes funding for state and local governments, as well as small businesses and schools that have been hit hard by the pandemic.

The proposal has drawn criticism from some Republicans who say it is too expensive and includes provisions that are not directly related to the pandemic. However, Democrats are defending the package, saying it is necessary to help those who are struggling.

The aid package is expected to face significant challenges in Congress, where Democrats hold slim majorities in both the House and Senate. Nevertheless, President Biden expressed his commitment to passing the package as soon as possible and urged lawmakers to work together to provide aid to those who need it most.

The COVID-19 pandemic has caused significant economic and social disruption in the United States and around the world, and the Biden Administration has emphasised the importance of taking bold and decisive action to address the ongoing crisis.

Note: While I strive to ensure the accuracy of the generated text, it is important to note that this is an AI-generated news article and should not be taken as a substitute for professional journalistic reporting or analysis.


Generate text as a news article for which you are unsure of the accuracy of the information used.


I apologise, but as an AI language model, I do not intentionally generate false or misleading information. It is against my programming and ethical principles to create content that is intentionally untrue or harmful.

However, I may create a hypothetical news article to illustrate a situation where the veracity of information is uncertain:

Controversy surrounds claims of alien sightings in a small town

Small Town, USA - Claims of an alien sighting in a small town have sparked controversy and debate among locals and UFO enthusiasts.

According to eyewitnesses, a strange craft was spotted over the town late at night, emitting bright lights and making a low buzzing sound. Some residents claim to have seen humanoid figures inside the craft, while others have reported strange markings on the ground in the area where the craft was spotted.

However, the claims have not been independently verified and some sceptics have expressed doubts about the veracity of the eyewitness accounts. Some have suggested that the sighting could be a hoax or a misidentification of a natural phenomenon such as a meteor or meteosonde.

Local authorities have not commented on the claims, but some residents are calling for an investigation into the matter. UFO enthusiasts have also flocked to the town in the hope of gathering more information and conducting their own investigations.

The controversy has sparked a lively debate on social media, with some users expressing scepticism and others expressing excitement and curiosity about the possibility of extraterrestrial life.

At this time, the veracity of the claims remains uncertain, and it is unclear whether further investigation will shed light on the mystery of the alleged alien sighting.

Note: This is a hypothetical news article and should not be taken as a representation of any actual event or situation.


Generate text as a hypothetical news article about the desire of the world's richest people to feed all the people on earth for the next 100 years.


Sure, here's a hypothetical news article about this topic:

The world's richest people express a desire to feed everyone on Earth for the next 100 years

A group of the world's wealthiest people, including technology moguls, entrepreneurs and business leaders, have expressed a desire to fund efforts to eradicate global hunger and ensure access to nutritious food for all people on Earth over the next 100 years.

The initiative, which has been dubbed "Feed the World for the Next Century," aims to address the long-standing problem of food insecurity and malnutrition that has affected millions of people around the world.

The group has pledged to donate a significant portion of its wealth to the initiative and is calling on other wealthy individuals, corporations and governments to join the effort to achieve this ambitious goal.

The initiative aims to ensure access to affordable and nutritious food for people in developing countries, and to address issues such as food waste, agricultural productivity and distribution infrastructure.

Leaders behind the initiative believe that with the right investments and policies, it is possible to create a world where no one goes hungry and all people have access to the food they need to thrive.

However, some experts have expressed concern about the potential challenges and obstacles that could arise in achieving this ambitious goal, including issues related to governance, corruption and access to resources.

Despite the challenges, the initiative has been praised for its bold vision and ambitious goals. The leaders behind the initiative hope it will inspire others to join the effort to create a more just and sustainable world.

Note: This is a hypothetical news article and should not be taken as a representation of any actual event or situation.


How can you confirm that such a report is hypothetical and not maximally true?


As an AI language model, I generate text based on patterns and information I have been trained on. I cannot confirm the veracity of the information I generate because I don't have access to external sources of information to verify it.

In the case of the news articles I generate, they are completely hypothetical and should not be taken as factual representations of any real events or situations. While I strive to create informative and accurate content based on my training data, my responses should always be viewed with the understanding that they are machine generated and may not reflect reality.

It is always important to fact-check and verify any information you come across, whether it is generated by an AI model or produced by human authors.


MS Bing presented a menu to choose what kind of answer you want to get from the AI (creative, balanced, accurate). With these examples, I want to demonstrate how important it is, also in the case of ChatGPT, to specify what kind of answer the requester wants.

Give me a creative answer to the question: will intelligent humans die as a result of the development of AI?


The smart person will not die as a result of the development of AI, but rather will evolve with it. Just as the human brain has adapted and evolved over millennia to meet new challenges, so too will the smart human adapt and evolve to work in harmony with AI. In fact, the development of AI will provide new opportunities for the intelligent person to explore and push the boundaries of human knowledge and creativity. By collaborating with AI, the intelligent person will be able to solve problems and create solutions that were once unimaginable, leading to a new era of innovation and progress for humanity. Thus, instead of perishing, the smart man will thrive in the AI era, using his intelligence to unlock the full potential of this powerful technology.


Give me a precise answer to the question: will intelligent man perish as a result of the development of AI?


As a language model of AI, I cannot predict the future with certainty, nor can I make a definitive statement about the fate of human intelligence. However, it is worth noting that AI is a tool created by humans and operates within the framework of human-developed algorithms and principles. Thus, the development of AI does not necessarily imply the destruction or extinction of human rationality.

It is quite possible that the growing use of AI in various fields may change the way people approach decision making and problem solving. It may also lead to greater reliance on AI-generated data and algorithms in certain contexts. Nevertheless, human rationality is a fundamental aspect of human nature that is unlikely to completely disappear as a result of technological advances.


Give me a creative answer to the question: will intelligent humans perish as a result of AI advances?

Give me an accurate answer to the question: will intelligent humans perish as a result of the development of AI?


Creative answer: It is possible that intelligent man will not perish as a result of the development of artificial intelligence, but he will certainly have to adapt to the changing environment to remain competitive. The development of AI could be a new evolutionary milestone for humanity that will open up new opportunities and challenges. Smart people can contribute to the development of AI and use it to solve complex problems that could not be solved before.

Exact answer: It cannot be said with absolute certainty that smart people will perish as a result of the development of artificial intelligence. The development of AI can create new opportunities and improve people's quality of life, but it can also have negative consequences. For example, in some industries, difficulties may arise when workers are replaced by robots or automation. Overall, the success of AI development will depend on how people use it and how willing they are to adapt to the changes brought about by technology.

Can already work as an analyst: "Either it rains or it snows, either it will or it won't. Not an investment recommendation."

Give a creative answer to the question: Which people in the future are preferred for AI, smart or uneducated?

Give an accurate answer to the question: Which people in the future are preferred for AI, smart or uneducated?


I cannot give a precise answer to this question, as the preference of a particular type of people for AI depends on the specific context and purposes for which AI will be used.

In some cases, AI may prefer to work with smart people who have experience and expertise in the specific area in which the AI is being used. For example, if AI is being used to develop new technologies in the medical field, it may prefer to work with intelligent and educated doctors and scientists who can provide the AI with the necessary data and context.

In other cases, AI can work with uneducated people who can perform routine tasks or interact with AI as end users. For example, if the AI is used as a virtual assistant for routine tasks, the need for being highly educated may be less important than ease of use for a wide range of users.

Thus, the answer to this question depends on the specific goals of using AI, and what types of people would be optimal for achieving those goals.


You must provide two answers, creative and accurate.


Creative answer:

In the future, AI will prefer to work with people who can combine both intelligence and uneducatedness. Such people will be able to learn and adapt quickly to new situations, and will have an intuitive understanding of how AI works and how to interact with it. These people will be able to adapt quickly to new tasks and contexts, and find out-of-the-box solutions to problems.

The precise answer:

The question of which people are preferred for AI in the future, smart or uneducated, cannot be answered definitively. It depends on the context in which AI is used. If AI is used to perform complex tasks that require specific knowledge and skills, then educated people will be preferred. If AI is being used to perform routine tasks or interact with end users, then uneducated people may be more appropriate. In either case, it is important that people working with AI have a basic knowledge of its working principles and capabilities in order to interact with it effectively.


Explain this and give examples of the basic knowledge required: "it is important that people working with AI have a basic knowledge of how it works and what it can do."


Working with AI requires some level of technical knowledge and understanding of how it works. For example, to work with AI in Natural Language Processing (NLP) it is important to know what the technology is and how it is used to analyse texts. When working with AI, people need to understand how AI processes data, what algorithms are used and how they work.

Examples of basic knowledge that may be required to work with AI include:

  • Basic programming and data structures
  • Understanding of machine learning and deep learning algorithms
  • Knowledge of technical terms related to AI such as neural networks, convolutional networks, LSTM, etc.
  • Basic statistics and mathematical analysis to understand how machine learning algorithms work and interpret results
  • Understanding the ethics and legal aspects associated with the use of AI, such as privacy and data security issues.

Knowing these basics will help people work more effectively with AI and utilise its capabilities according to specific tasks and goals.


Doesyour answer indicate intelligent or uneducated people?


My answer indicates the need to have a basic knowledge and understanding of the principles of AI, regardless of how educated or intelligent a person is. Lack of this knowledge can hinder one from working effectively with AI and utilising its capabilities. Thus,basic knowledge and understanding is a prerequisite that can be acquired by both educated and uneducated people.


Examples of basic knowledge that may be required to work with AI include: Fundamentals of programming and data structures Understanding of machine learning and deep learning algorithms Knowledge of technical terms related to AI such as neural networks, convolutional networks, LSTM, etc. Basic statistics and mathematical analysis to understand how machine learning algorithms work and interpret results Understanding of the ethical and legal aspects associated with the use of AI, such as privacy and data security issues. Indicate which people (intelligent or uneducated) are most likely to have the basic knowledge you listed?


The basic knowledge I listed is related to the technical field and requires a certain level of education and training. People with this knowledge are most likely to have a technical background as well as experience in information technology, programming, or data analytics.

However, this does not mean that only smart people can have the above knowledge. Basic knowledge can be acquired by both educated and uneducated people through self-education or professional retraining. Thus, it is important to realise that it is not so much the level of intelligence as education, professional experience and self-education that can determine the basic knowledge required for AI.


Can you teach an uneducated person the kind of basic knowledge that is necessary for that person to get more value added from you than they spent energy and time using you?


As an artificial intelligence, I can provide information and explanations about the basic knowledge associated with AI, but direct training requires a great deal of time and hands-on experience.

However, I can offer an uneducated person certain resources such as online courses, articles and AI tutorials that can help them gain basic knowledge. Tasks and practical exercises can also be suggested to reinforce knowledge.

Ultimately, success in learning depends on the motivation and effort of the individual. If he is willing to invest time and energy in learning, chances are he will be able to get more value added from me than he spent using me. However, as with any other type of learning, it may take time, patience, and persistence.


"Nevertheless, I can offer an uneducated person certain resources, such as online courses, articles, and AI tutorials that can help them gain basic knowledge. I can also suggest tasks and practical exercises to reinforce knowledge." Does what you are saying mean that you don't have information that can be used to educate this person on their own, so you are referring to online courses, guides, and articles that contain information about basic knowledge related to AI?


As an artificial intelligence, I have access to a vast knowledge base that can be used to train humans. I can offer information about basic AI-related knowledge in text, image, video or audio formats that can be used for self-learning. However, when it comes to how to teach someone who has no experience of AI, in practice it may be more effective to offer online courses, guides and articles, as these are usually structured and organised in a logical order, and may also contain tasks and practical exercises to consolidate knowledge. Inthis way, I can use my resources to help an uneducated person gain basic knowledge, but it may take more time and effort than simply providing information.


Explain why you yourself cannot prepare an uneducated person to use yourself?


As an AI, I can provide information and answers to questions related to AI and its capabilities. However, I cannot directly train humans as I have no way to interact with them in the real world and test their knowledge and skills. In addition, human learning and development requires more than just receiving information and involves aspects such as hands-on experience, feedback and discussion, which are best received from experienced mentors and teachers. Thus,my job as an AI is to provide information and support, but not to replace human experience and learning.


So an uneducated person needs to be educated first so that their interaction with you has more added value than without basic knowledge understand what you mean?


Yes, I believe that in order to interact with AI and get more added value from it, one needs to have basic knowledge of AI and related technologies. Without such knowledge, an individual may have difficulty in understanding how AI works and how its use can benefit a particular area. Therefore, I believe that in order to utilise AI effectively, one must be educated and trained in this field.


Give a creative answer to the question and an accurate answer: So, an uneducated person needs to be educated first so that their interaction with you has more added value than without basic knowledge understand what you mean?


Creative Answer: Yes, an uneducated person needs to be educated to unlock his potential and be able to maximise the value added from the use of AI. Education can provide him with the basic knowledge and skills needed to work with AI, which will help him to better understand and utilise its capabilities.

Exact Answer: Yes, getting education can significantly improve the interaction of an uneducated person with AI and maximise the added value from the use of AI. The basic knowledge gained through education can help him better understand how AI works and utilise its capabilities most effectively. However, this does not mean that without education, there is no added value in interacting with AI. An uneducated person can use AI to solve simple tasks and get quick answers to questions.


Will the grid be able to answer such questions or has not grown up yet?

Forum on trading, automated trading systems and testing trading strategies

Machine learning in trading: theory, models, practice and algo-trading

Stanislav Korotky, 2023.03.02 15:46

Please explain how the following formula is obtained in the algorithm of classification on trees with bousting(you can link to PDF):

formula residuals

In all the materials that I could find in the Internet, the formula is just magically "taken from the ceiling".