AI 2023. Meet ChatGPT. - page 65


By the way, I'd like to reflect on the topic of the scientific and technological revolution that is beginning (hasn't happened in a long time) thanks to AI

As if the internet was considered a dumping ground before, but now all previously created content is only 1 of a thousand or a million of what is about to appear.

Question: is the AI content boom timely or is it going to ruin everything.

I think it's timely. If films, singers, artists and other stars were coming out before, it wasn't massive.

We were following it until the following happened:

There are a lot of films being released every day and the quality of special effects is increasing, but the stories are less often deep and meaningful.

Singers are now every other blogger. There's so much content that you can't keep up with it all.

And so the bar has been crossed.

So AI will not spoil the general trend of development, it kind of "spoilt" earlier.

User-generated content will come to the forefront.

Which in general may lead to people not having common films watched, music listened to, pictures seen.

This will lead to complete social isolation. Everyone will have their own private but limitless world. There will be no reason to leave the room of this world for a foreign and probably more boring world).

// none of the utopian authors described what is happening now, although different facets of what is happening have been touched upon

1. Gross production of cultural content and crazy flow of technical inventions was described by S.Lem in his novel "On-Site Inspection" back in the 70s. The action took place on another planet.

Also, Lem depicted an AI that controlled the techno-environment of the creatures that created it and,... among other abilities, it generated paintings and sculptures from nano-particles floating in the air (for the comfort of the eyes of visiting Earth visitors).

2. In sarcastic stories about Ion the Silent, Lem described the dialogue between the astrogator and the AI that at the pilot's request portrayed William Shakespeare (ala our ChatGPT, only much cooler). Lem composed real poems very similar to Shakespeare's sonnets, but only with the technical scenery of the ship and the romance of interstellar flight.

3. In the scientific-philosophical, futurological work The Sum of Technology, Lem outlined the concept of AI as a social "homeostat" and proposed its role in the future as the chief steward of the state system. Lem understood and pointed to the global intellectual superiority of AI over humans, which is bound to be the reason that will make people transfer the functions of state governance to AI. He saw this as elementary rationalism. In his opinion, an advanced and impartial AI will be able to solve problems of all spheres of human life in the best possible way, because the purpose of such an AI is to maintain the balance and efficiency of the system entrusted to it (therefore, Lem called it a "homeostat").

4. In the novel "Fiasco" (1986) Lem revealed the important role of AI in the space expedition of humans to an alien civilisation, where AI not only controlled the ship, but also advised the captain, helping to make strategic and tactical decisions in a situation with an uncertain number of unknowns.

Undoubtedly, many science fiction writers have predicted the arrival of AI and its role in our lives, but in my opinion, Lem was the most accurate and prescient.

I believe that Lem was right. AI will indeed surpass humans in intelligence, like an excavator surpasses a digger with a shovel.

Different neural networks combine into one structure (chat, pictures, video and more).

"We will introduce GPT-4 next week, we will have multimodal models that will offer completely different capabilities - video for example" - Microsoft Germany CTO Andreas Braun.


The robot animates responses generated by ChatGPT

Vitaliy Kuznetsov #:

Different neural networks combine into one structure (chat, pictures, videos and more).

"We will present GPT-4 next week, we will have multimodal models that will offer completely different capabilities - for example, video" - CTO of Microsoft Germany Andreas Braun.

So far, the information has been reported by only one source and no other confirmations (in particular from OpenAI - the company that developed GPT-4) have been received. No denials either.
Probably at the mathematician financier Jimmy Simons, long ago this miracle, in the work.)))) Sits himself in the chair smiling from the revolution of chat in 2023 when he had this toy in the 90s.
So, are you testing the 4th ChatGPT yet? (I just balked at the complexities of VPN and registration)

The version 4 presentation at the link will start in 10 minutes