ACTIONS news, forecasts, expectations 2022 - page 123

Vitalii Ananev #:

Is our gold stored in the US?

I think so.

At least the part they want to block.

Vitalii Ananev #:

What I don't understand is. How are they going to do that. Is our gold stored in the US or something.

I have read that part of the gold reserves is blocked and is denominated in gold. That is, not physical gold, but a kind of metal account.

GOLD-6.22 seems to have refused to go down but not too keen on going up either
Мосбиржа возобновит торги 33 акциями 24 марта
Мосбиржа возобновит торги 33 акциями 24 марта
  • 2022.03.23
  • Коммерсантъ
Банк России с завтрашнего дня, 24 марта, возобновит торги на Мосбирже. В торгах примут участие 33 компании из индекса Мосбиржи, среди которых «Газпром», Сбербанк, НЛМК, «Роснефть» и другие. Короткие продажи запрещены. Торги на Мосбирже не проводились с 25 февраля. «Торги на срочном рынке контрактами на индекс Московской биржи и отдельные акции...
Vitalii Ananev #:

Well, here we are.

Oh, good news.
What is the forecast for the ruble exchange rate in connection with this news ?

For a dollar.

A 0.64 kopecks
В. 100 rub.
С. 150-399 rub
D. 24 roubles
Yuriy Zaytsev #:
What is the ruble exchange rate forecast in connection with this news ?

For a dollar.

A 0.64 kopecks
В. 100 rub.
С. 150-399 rub
D. 24 roubles

The USDRUB_TOM was snotty up to 95 rubles, then rolled back to somewhere around 100. I think the USD/RUB exchange rate will be around 100 for some time.

Yuriy Zaytsev #:
What is the ruble exchange rate forecast in relation to this news ?

For a dollar.

A 0.64 kopecks
В. 100 rub.
С. 150-399 rub
D. 24 rub.

Target up to 100 I think. There is no point in them rolling back, and too much higher is already critical for many.

Vitalii Ananev #:

The USDRUB_TOM was as low as 95 RUB, then rolled back to about 100. I think the USD/RUB exchange rate will be around 100 for a while.

But it looks like this is a sign of direction. And this has not been a single purchase yet.

In theory, such rules should have been introduced directly from 1991

Yuriy Zaytsev #:

But it seems to be an indication of direction. And this has not yet been a single purchase.

In theory, such rules should have been introduced right from 1991.

They gave a week to prepare, and according to new data it is not only gas that is going to be converted to roubles. The ruble has strengthened most likely due to the actions of speculators, they usually react faster to this kind of news.